It's Cloud and I who are on the front line. Clouds lined up side-by-side with me and my shield out of Katana.

Spread out and wait is to keep the enemy from falling out behind.

Salica and Xanastia are magically biased, so go back. Sullivan, by contrast, insisted he wanted to go into an assault that would maintain a mid-range.

"Well, Mr. Xanastia and Mr. Salica attacked from the rear, and Letina..."

"Call me Xanas. Right?"

"Ugh, yeah. Uh, Retina's in support in case. Can you?"

"No problem."


To my words, Michelle let her eyes shine and held her fist. Full of motivation.

You want that bird so bad? I guess you want to eat.

"Let me go!

"I'll end up with a blow, so wait."


Her arms are already in the superior realm.

If she joins the war, it will come with a kata in an instant. Than it's a college challenge. Exactly. That's a bad bat.

"You don't have to make such a pitiful noise to let them get away with it."

"But Nicole, there's something missing."

"Michelle, you haven't forgiven me lately..."

Although I had somehow established the perception that deep window maids desperately work the avant-garde that I'm unfamiliar with in the elementary department, I don't step on dodgy enough to hunt raum pheasants.

That bird is a little tricky to catch, but it wasn't that hard.

"Okay? If you're hunting Raumpheasant, you can either stop him with a single blow, or if you can't do that, you can add an attack weak enough to make him think he can counter it. 'Cause that way they'll get close to us from the other guy."

"Well, isn't it quicker for me to shoot?

"That's why it's not a challenge. Retina would be able to take it down with one blow, but keep it down this time. Attack them when they're about to escape."

"Okay, I get it."

Retina nodded uncontested, but when she heard it, Salica raised her nervous voice.

"Wait! That would make the attacker both of us."

"Yeah, you are. To be clear, Letina and Michelle can take you down at that level of opponent at their leisure. It's the same with me."

"Well, then you'd better defeat Nicole and the others..."

"That won't do you any good, will it?


If they were defeated by "Just Watching," they could raise their voices that they parasitized us and did the assignment.

Each has a role to play, and it is only by doing so that slander from other students is avoided.

"It's okay. There's a cloud, so I don't have to worry about getting hurt, 'cause Retina and Michelle are gonna take it down when they're about to get away with it."

"Yes, what?

"Let it be!

"Retina's skill... you know that, right?

It's been awhile since she moved into this high office. In the meantime, the excellence of her magical arms had come to the knowledge of the whole class.

I, too, have excellent grades in terms of knowledge. There are many mistakes in unfamiliar alchemy, but there is respect.

"So, think about it..."

"To that extent, I'm not going to get into it out of my mind. Mr. Salica's arm would be fine."

She also did quite well in the class.

Interference magic is incomparable with me.

Unfortunately, we don't even know what Xanastia is capable of, but Raumkizi is an enemy enough to defeat even one Salica.

"So long!

With two nervous people on my ass, I picked up some stones a little smaller than my fist, while packing my distance from Raumpheasant.

And throw before the other person notices. Raumkizi flew up from the branch where he remained surprised at first, but when he found out this attack had only a weak stone throw, he came up with a voice of intimidation.

Still, I won't stop throwing stones. You got pissed off about this, Raumphij spread his feathers wide before dropping sharply here.


I jumped back out loud when I raised my voice like that. There's the cloud holding off, shielding him and switching positions.

Raumpheasant, unable to cope with the switched movements, makes a gullible noise and sharpens the surface of the cloud's shield. But the shield maintained by Hastar God had a high degree of defense, even if the surface material was just iron.

You can't even pierce the leather of the evil dragon backed by a shield, Raumpheasant trying to give up and jump up. But then I shouted out loud.

"Mr. Salica, now!


Salica hurries in response to her voice and starts drawing magic formations. But the arrangement was awkward, and it was going to fly away as it was.

So I made a big leap and slashed it at the base of Raumpheasant's wing.

This area is a major starting point for wings for birds, and they can no longer fly properly if they hurt this place.

Me landing on one knee. And the raumpheasant has fallen on top of it.


It was unexpected that it would just fall directly above me, so I rushed to roll straight over to avoid it.

Because if you accidentally underlay it, you might get hurt with those big nails.

Where I have taken my distance, the magic of the Salicas is finally complete.

It was activated by a flame bullet (firebolt) that fires a flame bullet, which continues to hit Raumphyj, who fell to the ground.

But that didn't stop me.

Burns all over the body, screaming, trying to fly again in pain.

There the cloud tried to use its shield to push it to the ground. But this wasn't going to happen in time.

Of course Retina was dealing with this, in a situation where she had already completed the magic formation and all she had to do was activate it.

After that, something unexpected happened where she just stabbed Todome, I thought.

Because a single piece of steel thread was entangled in the wings of a raumpheasant trying to fly and escape.

Michelle and Cloud gaze at me for a moment, but this isn't what I did.

Turning his gaze behind his back, he saw Sullivan manipulating a single thread.

"Oh, yarn man..."

"Grab a gift of yarn. I can only use one bottle, but, well, it's convenient in times like this."

He had no usual hella vibe and rarely returned it seriously.

But where it interferes at an exquisite time, I'm making a pretty good decision.

Raumpheasant is already rolling to the ground without the power to fly. Later all I had to do was stab Todome, but when I saw how the Salicans were, I was afraid of the raumpheasant that kept coming, and I couldn't even unleash the magic of the chase and it was stiff.

"This is what a lady would look like."

I whine small and change katana. As an aristocratic daughter, Retina would probably be more abnormal to be able to stab Todome flat.

He walked over to Raumpheasant, scratching his feet, and shook a katana with him in his backhand and stuck it to his neck.

Raumpheasant, whose throat was damaged, cannot even raise the cry of the amputee, stopping the movement after repeated cramps several times.

Thus the first battle of our squad was closed.

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