When I broke up with the girl who came to thank me and went back to Maxwell's taken room again, Ashera welcomed us with her.

So Maxwell asked me about my only unusual appearance - that is, my eyelid.

"By the way, Nicole, what's with those eyelids? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Because if you burn down every Kufal in the city, I don't feel like it."

"Please, don't do that"

To Maxwell, who uttered a noisy thing, Ashera stops it with a cold sweat.

If this grandfather cares about it, he'll be able to envelop the city with some sort of unsure heat and burn everything but the world tree down.

Even Maxwell didn't mean it, of course.

"No, no. I had it healed even though it was white, and the strange power was there."

"Weird powers?

"Even the power to attract and attract. This eyelid is white. My husband gave it to me, a magic prop that seals its power."


Maxwell, the magical geek, hears it and rides himself out.

Ashera pulled the collar back.

"If you're approaching a girl, you should think about the atmosphere a little more."

"No, no, I'm sorry about this. I don't have eyes for magic tricks. So it doesn't mean after-effects, does it?

"Well, it's not necessarily a sequelae... but yeah, don't worry there. And Kufal's got a piece on him."


I told Maxwell that Kufal had escaped into the labyrinth.

There are other slimes inside the labyrinth, close to impossible to identify him individually.

But the fact that Mr. Barr was watching the world tree made it impossible for him to come out of the labyrinth. Mr. Barr is a white acquaintance, and I'll also tell him that this is also a kind of out-of-the-way.

As long as he's watching, he can't even come out of the labyrinth. One day, a labyrinth monster will attack you and disappear, or you will likely be defeated by an adventurer.

The lifespan of Mr. Watchful Bar and the Disciplined God is forever near and should be crusaded by them as soon as they come out.

This is no longer close to sealing.

"Doesn't that mean you're no longer likely to be targeted?

"At least it's impossible to come out ahead of our lifespan."

"I'm relieved to hear that."

As far as Kufal is concerned, one more thing could be called settling down.

Maxwell's anger seemed calm and relieved. This grandfather doesn't use manipulation like Cortina does, but he has a hard time choosing the means for the purpose.

I wouldn't imitate burning down every city like I did earlier, but I'm likely to use every other hand.

In that case, this city will be in havoc.

I'm relieved I didn't have to do that.

"No. But I'm really leaving tomorrow, so I need to get ready for that."

"Did you escort the merchants to Strahl?

"Yes, at Mr. Thamr's request"


Listen to me, Maxwell has a mustache.

After conceiving for a few seconds, I looked at this one as if it were to be ordained.

"Hey, what's up?"

"You're hurt pretty bad, though, aren't you?

"Yeah, enough to break my eyeballs"

You were also invaded by Kufal's poison.

"Then I'd rather not. Can't you say no to that request?

"What about that as an adventurer?

Sure, I'm in a situation where I was overburdened.

Big enough injury to be on the verge of death. Immediately after it healed, the battle against the demon gods that were responsible in the previous life.

Immediately after the battle it was a recoil that gave its full strength, and the physical savings were causing pain.

Slept overnight and somewhat subsided, but the damage is sure to remain.

"Sure, it's damaging, but that's why throwing out requests involves selling tickets as adventurers"

"I don't know what that is."

Maxwell is turning his worried gaze to me.

I guess I'm temporarily overprotective when I hear that even Maria is so badly injured that she can't get her hands on it.

"Hmm, here's what we'll do. I want to talk to that merchant named Temul."

"................................. what are you up to?

"Rude. The point is, should we escort the merchant until he gets to Strahl? Then I just thought I'd send them all together at the portal gate."


If this grandfather doesn't have the magic to hammer him, he'll have the spare time to send us all to Strahl again.

And now that Kufal's threat has disappeared, the need to prepare for a sudden raid has also greatly diminished.

There's nothing wrong with using somewhat unscrupulous magic.

That's why I have to tilt my neck wondering what this is.

Certainly not against the request. But I'm a little tempted to mercilessly abuse high-altitude magic just to get me off the hook.

If this was just a companion move, I'd rather welcome it.

"Well, that's... I'll ask Mr. Thamr later"

"Rather go ask now. I'll give you a mouthful."

"That's because it's no different from coercion!?

"I'm sorry, Lord Ashera. That's why I'm supposed to sit in the middle. I'm sorry."

"No, if it's for Maria's daughter, I can't."

"Listen both of you!

"I was fortunate to get acquainted with someone like you on this visit. We want to have a good relationship in the future."

"Yeah, welcome. I also gave Nicole the Holy Seal where she could get in touch with me, and I could get to know you. We had a really good time the last few days. So, Nicole, you can come and see me any time you want?

"I'm going to get caught up in a conspiracy, so something's wrong"

"You don't have to."

"It's not lit!

When I rode out and refused, Maxwell took my root and made me look like a cat child and sat me down in my seat.

She laughs at me like that funny, and then Ashera graces me and leaves the room.

This would be a consideration that if I stayed any longer, it would be an obstacle to my job.

After that, we were traveling to the Gate Maejuku near the gate in a breath with Maxwell's transfer magic.

If you are a trader who doesn't own your own shop, you must have come here because you will be using Daimon Inn.

Negotiations are successful, of course. Instead, he said he could shorten his wasted travel time, and he was welcomed with all his hands up.

At first, I was frightened, Mr. Thamr, but when I was left with Maxwell's metastatic magic, I got more and more excited.

When I couldn't keep up with the sudden developments and Maxwell pulled me around to go back to my room, there was a look at Michelle and Finia who couldn't keep up with the situation as well.

The guy in the cloud was just getting back in his room and ready to go.

Around there, he's trained by heroes, he's nervous. But I need you to come back in time to wrap up the conversation.

Interrupt work, call back the cloud, and then try to unify opinions.

"Finia, Michelle, Cloud. Because that's why they're sending it to Maxwell tomorrow."

"Okay. But is that okay?

"Yeah, in a way, because this request was meant to create a mindset for semidemonic discrimination in the cloud, at the same time as training for a long expedition"

"You mean you've already fulfilled that?"

"All you have to do is take a month to get home. I'm going through this outbound, so I can skip it."

"Well, we were, anyway, and Mark and I seemed pretty tight about the food bill on the way. Will it save?"

This may be a little different, as the Marks should be making quite a bit of money on this expedition.

But if you're going to replace your gear with good stuff, it's true that you should save a little.

"Nicole is also becoming a solid leader. It's like watching Lyell on a young day."

"What, was Master Lyell a dodgy boy?!?

"Michelle. I could talk to you, right?

"Eh, heh..."

She laughs lovingly, but I understand it's not meant to be malicious.

You think her anger at the West Gate was enough to make the cloud squeamish?

It is also thanks to the God of Discipline's help that we can fit each other in this way.

Only in that respect did he offer his gratitude from the bottom of his heart.

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