The next day, a lot happened, but the day came when I was leaving Berito.

Even so, I don't do daunting journey support, etc. Because Maxwell forwards me, so I don't totally need food, etc.

Instead, Mr. Temru has suggested loading Berito's specialties into the empty space of our carriage.

Build up your goods in free space and the profits from the transaction will jump dramatically. It's not fair that Mr. Temru is the only one benefiting, so I asked for additional compensation.

This was a profitable story even for him, so there was some forehead exchange, but he responded comfortably.

Cortina had been abducted by Maria and was back one foot away. Maxwell is in the merchant squad instead, so the number of people is no different.

However, in terms of its visual moisture, it became obnoxiously painful.

"Yeah, I knew Cortina would be better"

"It's weird. No. Still, you finally found out about Miss Finia"

"Grunt... there was a reason why I had to"

The opening of large portals (portal gates) throughout the city is being avoided as much as possible because of the risk of involving unrelated people.

Because we need to go through two carriages, we need to build a gate nearly three times the size of normal.

Therefore, it is only after leaving the city that the transfer takes place.

We were moving to the West Gate to get out of town. Along the way, he reported to Maxwell that Finia had found out who he was.

"That was a time of severe pain and debilitation, and I couldn't sustain a decent thought."

"Tochi, you've gone crazy."

"Shut up!

There's me and Maxwell on the carriage podium right now.

Finia and Michelle are moving to the carrier and the cloud is riding away on horseback.

I interacted with Maxwell in a low voice to such an extent that my surroundings would not hear me.

"Why don't you let Cortina and Lyell know?

"That's all I can do. I'm not particularly willing to let Lyle and Maria know."

"Why not?

"I went to Gaddles too, because I know how much they love 'Nicole'."

The Lyells are putting their free love into 'their own daughter'. Being known for its contents as me makes me feel like betraying their affection.

Me and Nicole are the same, but Nicole and what they think is inside of me is out of place.

It felt like watering down their thoughts and couldn't really cut them out.

While we had that exchange, we arrived at the West Gate.

Mr. Temru takes the lead and presents his Merchant Guild ID and undergoes censorship.

They don't get so rigorous checks because they leave the city, but rarely do some people try to bring out contraband.

In this case, prohibited goods are predominantly dangerous substances such as drugs. Forneus, we don't see much in the Holy Tree Nation, but it's quite a lot of projects in the lush raum.

Then Maxwell, and then it goes on with me.

But the gatekeeper looked at my face and it was stiff.

"Um, what is it?

"Hi, is this Mr. Nicole? Did you save that Pope's crisis?

"No, I did help from the killer..."

"Again! I was rushing to the scene then, too."

There was no guard on that spot. That means he must have accompanied the Knights who rushed then.

That's when I was horseback riding a killer and slapping my fist. Where in the sight was there an inspiring factor?

"Thank you very much for the inconsistency."

"It's outrageous! I was inspired to hear about the Pope's patronage later."

"That's it...?

Well, if you calm down and think about it, this reaction may be natural because it helped the Sovereign of the world's largest religion.

That might make it a little harder to move in the future. Should I have kept my face hidden?

But you wouldn't have been able to get your attention if you hadn't used the power of eye charm then. To use it, you need to expose your face.

"Yes, Mr. Nicole is a - no, world tree hero in this city!

"No, no!?

I wave my hands and show humility to the gatekeeper who walks out on me.

Even that attitude seemed humble to him.

He blushes with excitement, clenches his fist, and forcefully explains my accomplishments. But anyway, we had some time in the early morning, and we were getting queues behind us.

That gaze hurts a little.

"Um, sorry, some people are waiting, so hurry up..."

"Oh, I'm sorry about this! My touching hands have stopped, embarrassing."

He's finally reopened the process, so Michelle and the cloud will also present their ID cards later.

I looked subtle when I was in the cloud, but my people, and also Maxwell's entourage, silently gave me permission.

He still hasn't had a good impression because there was a semidemon uprising in the recent past.

"Yes, I did check. Take care."

"Thank you."

That's how I smile and wave.

I might have a chance to come here in the future just in the cloud, so I thought I'd make some points.

The gatekeeper didn't think the greeting would come back, or he waved back at me in a rigid, doll-like motion.

Thus we left the country safely and returned to Strahl.

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