The face-to-face meeting between the Pope and one of the six heroes is not a stand-up on the spot.

Maxwell and Ashera moved to the room Maria and the others had rented until the day before, where they were to be welcomed.

Originally, I was about to clean the room and then lend it to the next customer, but he pressed that Maxwell wouldn't mind, so he continued to rent it.

If I did, I would have done something wrong to the receptionist sister I was afraid of.

"Really, I thought the word would be heavy if I were a pope, but it's surprising"

"Yeah, really. Master Maxwell told you he had a good face in the royal palace, too?

"Ha ha, this is tough. I also retired once, so it's not quite what I wanted."

Maxwell and Ashera are greeting each other with tea. But those eyes, they're both not laughing.

Maxwell, who draws the blood of the Royal House of Raum and has the status of six heroes, and Ashera, who is the bishop of the world's largest religion yet holds power by the Cardinals.

It's a situation where both sides, while craving each other's power, are holding back from being taken in.

A little friendly, but advantageous, I can tell that I'm searching my belly to take it.

You felt that sign, the face of Finia, who was serving, was catching on pathetically.

"We must prepare for tomorrow, too."

"Right. Busy stuff."

"I have to go buy out preserved food..."

"Oh no, please don't leave me!?

Finia protests with a crying face against us talking about an excuse to escape the scene.

That's supposed to happen, too, and I don't want to be in a place like this in my last life.

This is Maxwell, Cortina, Maria's territory.

"Dear Ni, Nicole, I'm a newborn."

"No, but... you see, I'm sorry to interrupt your story?

"Don't say that, please in the usual lady mode"

"Forget it -!

As we were rubbing in front of the door, a modest knock broke in there.

Stop moving perfectly and look back at the door.

Because everyone saw a consensus that this knock could be a pretext for leaving this situation.

"Go ahead?"

I didn't even wait for the opinion of the owner of the room, but I invited the knock.

It may have been somewhat defenseless, but there's both Maxwell and Michelle here. Above all, there is Ashera, who has even mastered resuscitation magic.

Even if Kufal raids, he can do whatever he wants.

But it was the receptionist's sister who put her face out of the door gap. It is pathetic to have to face such a training ground.

"I apologize for the welcome. Is there a Lady Nicole here?

"Ah, yes. It's me."

"Well, I don't know if you want to see me. I'm a half demon..."

There was just a riot the day before, so I seem to be quite alert to the half-devil meeting.

Besides, I don't even know anyone who wants to see me.

"What kind of person?

"I'm a human boy and a semidemonic girl. Well, the human race was talking about escorts."

"... humans and half demons?

I still don't get that combination either. No...

"Oh, hey, maybe the kid I helped during yesterday's riot"

"Of the uprising?

"Didn't Mark tell you? I helped a girl."

"Oh, you know"

The cloud heard why I was acting differently from Mark and the others.

If the kid came to see you, there's no reason to say no. Rather, I want to thank God for coming at this time.

The girl was not a guest, but also a half demon at this time, and she was not allowed inside the inn.

Well, it's not even the cold season, so I wouldn't have had a problem outside.

"Hello, you kept me waiting."

"Oh, hey!

"Hey, you..."

It's sad, I'm used to being called that, too. Mostly thanks to Fina.

By the girl, Mr. Barr was leaning in, and it seemed he was escorting her.

And the girl has a bouquet of flowers hidden behind her back. Apparently, I came to thank you.

The bouquet of flowers could be seen in full thanks to the height difference, but it would be a good idea to pretend to be invisible here. If it was me in my previous life, I would have just pointed it out without thinking and disappointed you.

"Were you hurt?

"Yeah, you healed me."

"Heh, you got a good spot, huh?

"Neither do I imitate abandoning an irrelevant, harmless girl."

I have no words of gratitude for keeping that wound healed, just because I was being assaulted quite flashly.

Put Mr. Barr back in a bit of a bluffing attitude to my words, and the girl has reached into my face.


"Did you get hurt, too?

"Oh, this? This is different. I have different colors in my right eye, so I'm just hiding them."

I touch my right eye band and tell them what's going on.

Since it is not necessary to say the most attractive force, the color of the eyes is different, so I kept it to the extent that I hid it.

That said, I'll just shift it a little bit and show her my red eyes.

Only for a moment, the girl seemed to fall in love with my eyes, but soon she went back to how she was. Thank you for the power of this charm, white doesn't seem as weak as I've spoken.

"Oh, you know, honey. Thank you for your help."

"Wop, ah, thank you. But you used to get it like this."

The girl who came back to me gave me a bouquet of flowers she had hidden behind her back.

There was too much momentum and a bouquet of flowers hit me straight in the face, but there's respect.

From what I've seen, it's hard for a girl to be wealthy. These flowers are not blooming on the side of the road there, they are properly organized in shops and such.

I have to think it's just a little hard for this kid to get.

"Yeah. There's someone else who helped me, and they said they were with me. Mine are these flowers."

So I took out the little white flowers, which are in the bouquet.

Only the flowers, unlike other flowers, show no signs of being trimmed. Perhaps she has worked hard to find it.


When it comes to the people I helped yesterday, I can only think of about half a demon who was part of the uprising.

Perhaps a few of them thanked me for sending this.

"But why not bring it directly?

"Well, Nicole, isn't it because you turned your mind that if you took a bouquet of flowers to your opponent, there might be some weird rumors?

"... a thoughtful opinion for the cloud"

The cloud I was coming with told me so.

Sure, my appearance stands out. If some guy came to send flowers to such a girl, he could have been mistaken for a proposal or something.

"My uncle said, 'Thanks to you, the Knights didn't have to kill me. That was really helpful. Tell him you're our hero."

"Did you understand that you saved your life, albeit indirectly"

That makes me feel like yesterday's struggles weren't all that bad either. It was a pleasant thing to act almost like self-satisfaction, but still be appreciated.

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