I realized that the giant standing in front of me was Deng, and I stood up without a word.

Previously Deng was in the shape of an orga with long and successful arms in excess of three metres, with plenty of bloated bellies, short legs and inverse proportions.

But now the being standing in front of me felt like the giant had a smooth silhouette as it was and even had long legs stretched out.

Thanks to this, I get the impression that the monster's appearance has eased and that the giant has just gotten even bigger.

Besides, his posture, which was cat-backed, stretched visilily, even growing hair on his bald head.

The huge mouth was even horrible, but now it drifts only rigour out of its posture and atmosphere, making it feel no alien fear.

"Oh man... you... who!?

"What? Dear Nicole, I am Deng, right?

"No, this has changed. What if there's a pulse of ground passing through this land too?

"You can't be!

I've used this place for years in my life as a stash. In such an anomalous zone, there must have been an anomaly in my body, too.

At least, I didn't have a Den-like anomaly in my lifetime. I mean, this place can't be in a ground vein or something.

"This is Master Maxwell. It looks magnificent, more importantly."

"Ooh, this is polite. You look better, too, more importantly."

"Thanks to you for holding it. Thanks, for one thing, to Maxwell and Nicole."

"No, it's not exactly a stunning surge."

"What a pleasant greeting!

I accidentally abhorred my voice to Den, who greets me in a more polite, upbringing tone than I do, and Maxwell, who accepts it as if nothing had happened.

No, for some reason in the first place, I can't get this far. Then there are those who have educated...

"What, if you think it's noisy, it was you guys"

I thought I had educated him and the presence came in through the entrance in various tones.

Needless to say, it's Ast.

"Is that you...?


"You fucked up Deng so much!?

"Oh, that or. Um, because I remember things well besides my thoughts. I got a fever for my education."

"Ha - I also extend an exceptional courtesy and gratitude to Master Ast"

"Uhm, I hope you get the butler's way at that rate"


Deacon and nothing, Deng is an undisputed auga. Which nobleman says he will hire me?

This man, if he's funny, he'll do anything, so it's out of his control.

"No, this was... what I did was inadvertent. I didn't know you left your husband and customer standing at your doorstep. Sorry, I'll bring you some tea right away, please come here."

"No, I'm not, I'm not"

Yeah, I tried putting in a scratch, but Den didn't seem to have ears to listen to.

He was taken as he was relentlessly between the back and sat in his seat.

Then he tells her that he will prepare tea and leaves the room. They carried things so far that I couldn't even afford to pinch my mouth.

I sat in my seat and stared at Ast.

That pure den has been transformed too rapidly. No, I'm the one who recommended I rely on this man.

"How did that happen?

"Um, because it was too wild at first. But the intelligence itself was not bad. So I went on to educate them as I was interested, and it turned out to be."

"I'm getting there. I'm not sure what you think."

"No, it was actually my daughter-in-law who told me to be a butler"

"You're back?

"I left again. It's been a long time, so I think I strained it too much at night."

"Oh, yeah."

Couples seem friendly, more importantly. Fucking explosion.

Anyway, this guy showed up at this time, even this one is quick to talk to.

"Yes, I came here today because I needed you."



I was assisted by Maxwell, and I gave an astonishing explanation of the current situation.

That Cortina is hard to see because I'm hiding who she is. That its patience is about to come to its limits, etc.

A deep crease engraves between Ast's eyebrows as he listens. If you don't have obviously good feelings, you can tell just by looking at them.

"Let's be honest. Destroy who you are. That's the shortest way."

"No, he said if we could do that, we'd talk fast. I was an old buddy in the first place, and I wouldn't if I had to. Besides, I was even born to my sister now. I have a lot of expectations as a sister..."

"Which is more important, my sister or a woman named Cortina?

"I can't answer that question."

My first sister for me and a woman who used to be one of us and thinks of me all the way. I can't put it on the scale.

There's a chance that my sister Nicole will disappear from Fina because of me.

Cortina may be stunned by my actions. I can't help but be scared to think so.

I don't know if Lyle and Maria will forgive me for the fact that I've been deceiving you.

If I'm bad, I could lose everything.

"I'm living my life now...... no, I like my family. I don't want to lose all this at all costs."

"But then the woman will remain unhappy forever."

"I know. But... just a little more..."

My words gradually become butt shriveled. As much as I can't keep up the status quo, I also understand.

I will be forced to choose between going back to Reid and dumping Nicole or Reid as Nicole in the near future.

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