My safe house is plainly protected from metastasis.

Even if the country is hiding so much treasure that it could be inclined, that would be natural, too.

By the way, the surgery has asked the passing magician, and he dyed his hands of evil later, so I'm taking care of it. In other words, what we know about the existence of here remains limited.

Besides, I now live in Deng, Auga. If it were a strange situation ahead of me, I might feel bad about the aftertaste.

If anyone suddenly jumps into their room, they should be offended.

That's why we were coming by the safe house.

Why I came here instead of Ast's cave, because I was just wondering how Deng was doing.

I haven't visited this place since then. I mean, I haven't even seen Deng.

I was just wondering how he lived.

Depressed and bustling half-burned abandoned village. In the grass, only one road is formed that has been trampled and consolidated like a beast path.

Probably the path Deng was able to get in and out of.

"From the way you've stepped on the grass, it looks like you've been there until recently."

"Does that mean you're doing fine?

"I asked Ast to do it, and he wouldn't be in a bad situation."

If I were to tell you, it's weirder not to care because I'm letting an orga live at his garden tip... but I also don't think that guy would care.

Anyway, that was a good opportunity because I wanted to talk to that spirited ogre again.

I went down the beast path and visited the safe house.

The exterior is the same, a shattered half-baked house. But if you look closely, you can see signs of a brand new repair.


"What is it, Reid? What's wrong with you?

"There are signs of repair"

Would that orga that was building a pile of raw garbage in his nest do things like repair roofs and walls?

He's like he bragged about not getting sick and not catching a cold. I don't think I care, like some rain leaks or gap winds.

"Hey, is someone else living there or something?

"This is Lord Ast's property. Whatever it takes, it can't be."

"So what's that repair for? You don't need it for Den."

"That's not true..."

Anyway, just from the outside, I don't know what's going on inside.

Sometimes slightly suspicious, he cautiously opened the entrance - although the original use was the window - and stepped inside.

"Zhu's One, Crowd Blue's One, Mountain Blow's Two - Light (Light)"

Maxwell creates a light source and ensures vision. Two of the mountain blows, that is, lights that illuminate for about two hours.

I was stunned to see what was going on indoors illuminated by that magic.

"What, this..."

The interior was nicely organized and even wallpapers were stretched out on the walls.

Sometimes the entrance, the mat is laid down, even so that you can wipe off the dirt on your feet.

More flowers were decorated on the walls or carefully cleaned without dust, a sight that looked more comfortable than Maxwell's mansion.

"Is this... Lord Ast's work?

"No, that bluffy guy said he'd fix the interior (do the remodel) for the orga?

"It's impossible."

Deng is an ogre, albeit weak and intelligent. Honestly, throwing it out there won't kill you.

If he were to die, it would either inadvertently buy Ast's wrath, or starve to death without taking the bait.

Open the door to the room and go down the stairs.

It's been beautifully rebuilt there too, even though it used to be about to decay and risk stepping through if you don't mind the scaffolding.

A solid scaffold doesn't even make a murmuring noise. Lightweight me, of course, was so well rebuilt that even Maxwell wouldn't make a noise that it would hum.

"Damn, it's got a full renovation on it"

"Did Deng do this?

"Whatever it takes. Say it's a mutation, not an orga."


Ridiculous, even if you think so, that suspicion doesn't clear up.

Because the only way to step into a place like this is with Den or Ast.

And due to Ast's character, I don't know if I'm going to set up a habitat for the Auga - I might do that chunk of insanity - but I don't think it's likely.

As soon as I stepped downstairs that way, someone attacked me with the intention of killing me.

From behind the stairs, a heavy-duty blow.

But I was aware of the signs, so I avoided them lightly. No, he was stopping on the brink without having to avoid it.

I slash the dagger without pulling it out just to fight back - and stop suddenly as well.

"All the time, what, Den...... is it?

What was there was a giant three meters tall, dressed in proper butler clothes.

But I recognize that face. Though somewhat thin and neat, there is no mistake in the Den of Auga.

"This is rude. Was it Miss Nicole? I thought I was a trespasser."

Fist it, gracefully - that's enough grace to throw it into the royal palace.

An aug who knows my name and pays tribute. Only Deng could exist like that.

"What's wrong with you...?

When I look closely, the waste hair on my face is also treated, and it is refreshing to see if I wash my face frequently.

Deng stood there, a cleaner orga than the cloud.

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