Ast sighed at me for giving up my past self or my present self or a bitter look at such a choice.

I flaunt my shoulders and bring them to the chair like I was weak.

"Damn, you're the one who can't help it. For now, you want a magic tool that can change (polymorph) to deceive you for the moment?

"Oh, please. I'll give you as much thanks as I want, and I'll do anything."

"Well, what do you say?

"Oh, no. To the point of not being unfaithful?

I'll keep my restraint just in case Ast has a nasty grin.

I'm sorry, but I don't want to be a threat to someone else's family.

No, I don't want to be the one to break a couple or anything like that, not just the home.

"Fair enough. But change (polymorph)... you never used it as a magic trick."

"So you can't do it either?

"No, if you can just put it in a roll (scroll), you can do it right away. Some materials for processing."

"Then do it quickly!

"Oh, okay, okay. But after a cup of tea. Den's tea is delicious. Because I planted it."

At the same time as that word, Deng returned with incense tea (herbal tea) on the tray.

"Thank you for waiting. It's a blend of lemongrass and ginger."

"Heh, that sounds delicious"

This house is only halfway underground, and the air tends to have starved.

Such a refreshing fragrance fills the room. The scent alone is going to bring my appetite to a boil.

"Ginger has a body warming effect, and lemongrass has a sedative effect, which calms you down."


Even though winter has passed, the skin chills still remain at night. I'm honestly happy with this concern.

Is this also the fruit of Ast's deacon education?

"They say other things can help with anaemia or make your milk appear better,"


No, wait, why did you try to make me drink tea that would make my milk come out better?

I still don't get milk in the first place.

"No, I was worried about the anemia. Nicole smelled a little blood."


Speaking of which, there has only recently been another moon object. There is undeniable symptoms of mild anemia.

"And, with all due respect, I had a problem with my chest development."

"Extra help!?

"Six months after that. Considering it's a breeding spree, I'm a little worried."

"Enough! Besides, we have things to do. Look, Ast, just drink it too!

What makes you sad and have to be sexually harassed even by an orga who took care of your life?

I broke up the conversation and poured incense tea into Ast's mouth.

"While! Wait, that's just when!?

"Did Nicole wake up to blame for the hot water these days?"

"Are there other victims?

"About two already"

Wait, the cloud's not hot water, so you're a no-can.

Besides, that summoner guy just burned it with yarn, too. I've never had hot water.

"Don't spread unwarranted rumors. Look, the night is short, hurry up, hurry up."

"So don't pour hot tea in!

With all due respect, we're finally moving to Ast's cave.

Deng insisted he would not follow me to the cave and leave a message because he had a sense of duty to protect my safe house.

We were led to Ast's cave by the three of us.

The expression "whole house behind the cave" is strange, but there was a pile of material in the back room that I had never even seen.

"That's awesome. I've never seen anything like it in my last life."

"It's a collection I've been collecting for years."

"With this, it looks like we can make the best magic scroll."

"Oh, probably for work...... well, can I take like five hours"

"Five hours...... don't be late at night. No, is it close to dawn?

I eat quite a bit of time on the stopover along the way. It's close to midnight in time.

After about five hours, you can say it's dawn already.

"I hope you're resting in your guest room now that we're in the middle of work."

Did you have a guest room?

"This is home for once. I have about a guest room."

"Embed it in the cave, what now?"

"I didn't like it and embed it. I just remodeled an old house in a little eruption."

"Since when, this house..."

I once heard of this mountain erupting. But that should be so old that even the inheritance is at stake.

Anyway, I appreciate having a guest room. I felt drowsy, too, because I was getting up late at night.

He forcefully pulled Maxwell on a tour and dived into the guest room.

That was a comfortable room to say it was an underground cave.

A substrate combining fan-like objects is installed near the ceiling, which sends air out by rotating slowly.

I guess this will circulate indoor air and always take in fresh air.

"Ho ho, keep the wind up by spinning that fan"

"Is it subtly angled? Looks convenient in the summer."

"The chiller did have that mechanism on it, too."

A cold air fan that is turning into a friend in the summer. It has a small ice wall inside, a magic tool that cools the room by sending the wind out of it.

By the way, the developer is said to be that white. It's hard to believe.

But other than that, I noticed one important fact.

"Hey, this guest room... we only have one bed, right?

"Ugh, um?

There was just one slightly smaller single bed in the room.

If you try to sleep over there, you'll feel pretty cramped.

"Well, since I'm small, can't you sleep?"

"That's not the problem. Your Lord is getting old enough to be aware of contact with the opposite sex."

"Ah? Between me and you... no way"

"Oh, that's enough. I sleep on the floor."

"I don't give a shit."

"I don't care!

Well, there's a carpet with long hairy feet on the floor, so it won't get cold.

I lay down on my bed with a robe hanging from my cloth and a gaze at Maxwell lying down.

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