I turned around the corner of the hallway and dropped off Elliot, and I knocked on the door to the chairman's office.

I know there's Maxwell in there, and he usually intrudes without question, but that grandfather would be concerned after the argument. I just decided that and protected my manners.

Then I reacted to the knock and a tired voice returned from inside.

"Who is it?

"Me. Nicole"

I don't know who's listening in the hallway, so I reply in the woman's language for once.

Hearing that, Maxwell has returned a reply that has clearly become brighter.

"Nicole? I'm just here. No. Look, just get in there."

"Just right?

I lean my neck and float a question mark. Ka almost slipped on that clap, but I don't care at this time.

Anyway, he's telling me to go inside, so let's just say we go into a secret conversation.

When I opened the door, Maxwell, with his head, greeted me.

There is one cup on the desk that has been turned upside down. Probably something I behaved like to Elliot.

"What happened, Grandpa? Elliot's guy, he was rarely, seriously mad at you, was he?

"Wipe your Lord's ass. I didn't think you'd be so mad at me. Looks like the pills worked too well."

"My ass wipe?

Returning the question mark, I sit in the chair that was in front of my desk. Probably the chair Elliot sat in until earlier.

Along with that, Maxwell pulled the curtain behind him.

You assumed that I was here and you could see it from the outside.

"That's right. Remember what the Lord did the other day."

"I beat the kidnapper"

"Very terminal. So how about from a legal point of view?

That's it, I'll put my hand on my chin and think about it.

That's the diplomat's mansion, so to speak, disguised me as an unidentified little girl. He got in there, tragically killed a total of six, tied up, pulled down and stepped on the arms of Count Talkaseer, who is also a diplomat.

"Yeah, hey, I suck?

"What the Lord has done is not a mistake. It's about hindsight, too. But legally, there's no problem."

If Maxwell had gotten in right away, there would still have been less of a problem.

But it was the unidentified daughter who got in, and she's hiding herself. There are also testimonies of Elliot himself who was caught, so he won't be pursued as a criminal... but it's definitely dangerous.

"Keep the area in question. Even as a crocodile, they let me use it."


"It's the Lord's treatment. You're not going to be in this city forever like that?

"Oh, or"

If you go out to this city like that, it's going to draw Elliot's admiration.

There is no doubt that you must exit where appropriate.

"So Haumea decided to be one of the detectives that I hired to take responsibility for this case."

"Are you responsible?

"Investigation of suspicious persons. The concomitant deterrence of crime. Deportation from the country for failure to prevent it."


They called me an expulsion, and I was stunned... but if you think about it, that look - a woman named Haumea is a phantom.

Eating deportation is not particularly problematic.

"That didn't seem to bother Elliot. It was rarely eaten."

"Well, I guess so."

From Elliot's point of view, she was the benefactor of her life and threw a woman of thought out of the country. Furious and natural.

But from Maxwell's point of view, having the phantom party take responsibility allowed him to handle the dangerous person without any damage.

And the illusion of Haumea could conveniently be slashed and discarded.

Now for a while Elliot follows a phantom called Haumea, and I'm clear and free.

"Well, Elliot is pathetic, but isn't that where congratulations come from?

"The Lord takes it easy on me, but it's not up to me to point a spear at Elliot's guy... though I deserve it"

"Accept if you're conscious."

"Whose fault is it, if you say so?

Now that the spear's pointed at me, I'm going to let it slip my gaze and mislead me.

It's bad for Maxwell, but it's big that Elliot's love affair turned him elsewhere in this one case.

Maybe you'll agree with me around Lyell for a second.

"Now if Haumea disappears, Elliot will remain one-sided for a while and his interest in me will fade"

"And by the time the wounds of your first love heal, your lord will not be leaving this college."

"Oh, isn't that perfect?"

"If the Lord learns of change (polymorph) by then, he will have the premise."

"Gosh, that's what I expect from God's blessing."

"If you hold a gift and refine it, you won't be able to learn it?

"... good luck with that."

I snorted at Maxwell's whisper in the mood for a snake.

In fact, my witchcraft arm has made extraordinary progress in the last three years. Although still under intermediate, its proficiency was definitely taking off the realm of children.

If we keep this up, we'll have three more years of elementary school, three more years of higher education on top of it, and we'll be sure to master it.

Because if you become a higher ministry, the underground library of the college will also be available, and your witchcraft is supposed to rise exponentially.

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