It was me who broke up with Elliot and went to check the end of the hidden aisle, but it still didn't make a big difference.

The main culprit, Talkaseer, had been held captive, and he secured Elliot's condition, but it would still be a one-handed drop.

But I only have two hands. You can't go after a masked man without holding Talkaseer back.

Talkaseal will crack your mouth anyway, so you shouldn't even have to force it there.

The way out led to the front yard of the mansion, with an exit by the fence.

And part of the fence of the fence was designed so that it could be removed and escaped from there.

"How can the rich people like this...... I guess they like the way out"

If he was also Maxwell's user demon, he would have replied to my soliloquy... but he's attached to Elliot now.

I had to stay because I had to explain the situation to the guards who would have heard the noise and rushed in.

If you look around, unfortunately, the man in the mask is no longer there.

"Have you escaped? Well, there's no choice."

If Elliot hadn't been captured, he wouldn't have hidden and killed one person at a time and let him get away with it...

No, not to mention luxury here.

"Anyway, I just had to get your attention that this is what it looks like. We need to get back to where we were."

Supervised by Maxwell, and perhaps as beautified and grown as I could think of, my appearance is very eye-catching.

If I was wandering around like this, I'd get caught up in some weird numb again.

Damn, what makes you sad and have to be numbed by a man?

Try to avoid the eyes that have begun to gather and return to their original appearance.

My hands and feet returned to their usual length, and puffy feet appeared wrapped in knee-length socks and miniskirts.

... It won't keep me muscled for long.

I'd shy away from skirting if I could, but the coalition of Finia and Cortina is strong and gets their taste checked when they go out.

I wish I could sneak out, but it seems silly to go out of my room on purpose in the daytime.

Besides, I was going to keep haunting my hallucinations for a long time today, so I was breaking it off that I didn't care.

"You've had an unexpected amount of time, you can crush it somewhere... do I have to wash my body before I do"

My upper body is currently bloodstained. If you wander around the city in this state, you won't have to be at the crime scene to get caught.

Fortunately, the capital of Raum is flooded with rivers as a source of water, where citizens can also do laundry and so on. Well, with my abilities, I'd be able to hide enough to get to the river.

That's how I washed the blood off my body and clothes, and once I got home and dressed, I decided to stop by the cafe where Elliot showed me last time.

The sweetness over there was quite good. Even if you enjoy yourself without Elliot, you shouldn't be punished.

The next day, Elliot came to work at the college as if nothing had happened.

Priscilla also existed by her side, so I'm relieved.

I just saw her injuries, but she covered her eyes with bruised fractures all over her rib fractures and lacerations slashed in the hanging.

Still, the next day, around healing to be able to move, that's Maxwell.

Not as fast as Maria, but the effect doesn't take a pull on her.

And after lunch break, it was a long time since I was supposed to have lunch in the courtyard with Michelle and the others.

Along the way, he discovered a rare sight in a window visible from the courtyard.

It's Maxwell's hindsight sitting at the big desk and Elliot's figure stuck to it.

Elliot has always had respect for us six heroes. It's unusual for him to change his blood phase and get stuck like that.

"Sorry, I've got a little errand to run"

"Oh, again?

I haven't been able to grab lunch with them lately, so Retina raises a pity.

Michelle also had a sad look on her face.

But that's not normal. I need to get an idea of the situation right away.

"I'm so sorry. Instead, I'll introduce you to a delicious store next time."

"Mmm!? Well, that's the only way..."

"Really? Yay!

Retina is taking care of the surface, but Michelle's equally anticipatory expression is wasted.

I always thought she wasn't noble, but that makes her an honest charm. If I can, I want it to grow like this, without staining the aristocratic community.

"See you later!

But I don't have time to love Retina like that right now.

The parting greeting was there, too, as he ran into the school building kicking the hem of his skirt.

Ka, arrayed in a fixed position above his head, was making an unsatisfactory squeal, but that appearance was not a matter of urgency.

I can't believe we're friends. Because he admired the Six Heroes as if they were his parents.

Besides, Maxwell is an experienced warrior, albeit a rear guard. I don't even think I can do something about Elliot.

But it can happen in the unlikely event of a surprise. I arrived at the president's office on the ground floor, assuming the worst.

Then it was well timed and Elliot jumped out roughly opening the door.

"Enough, excuse me!

"What the hell, wait, Elliot!

To Maxwell's voice coming back from the inside, I leaked a breath of relief for now.

But I look at Elliot's face and tense for a moment.

Because I've never seen his face so harsh.

Elliot's side also gives me a goofy look when he realizes I'm nearby.

However, the surface was immediately repaired and the usual soft expression was returned. I can still see the depth of his anger around the corner where the stronghold hasn't been taken care of.

"This is Mr. Nicole. I'm sorry, did I surprise you?

"Yes, no..."

He's a gentleman when he gets to his knees in front of me and talks with his gaze at height.

Therefore, the blood vessels on the temples can be seen well.

"Sorry, there's something a little unconvincing and you and Master Maxwell have been arguing... no, I didn't fight"

"Then, okay?

"Haha, I'm under-trained too to worry about you... this is it..."

"What's wrong?

"No... it's nothing."

A moment of sighing, Elliot stood up.

That attitude seems plausible with the intent that the story goes so far.

"Now excuse me. I have a place to go."

"Ugh, yeah. Goodbye."

I couldn't hide my confusion, but I had to drop Elliot off.

But that's fine. Because all you have to do is ask Maxwell.

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