Shortly after I seized Count Talkaseer, Maxwell's demon, who was on perimeter alert, returned.

For once, only this time, this is the one who worked a bystander after breaking and entering, so he was alerted for fear of misidentification arrest. No, is misidentification a little different?

"RE...... Nico, no Haumea. Looks like the neighborhood's getting noisy, huh?

"Did you find the body on the table?

Strangle the gatekeeper and leave it there. If someone sees it, they'll know it's a corpse, and if they do, they'll make a scene.

But this one has a big nickname for Elliot's rescue, as well as Maxwell's rear shield.

I know I won't be criminalized, but I'm still hallucinating.

When circumstances are heard as they are, it is very likely that the facts will be exposed.

"The dove...... say the word?

"Oh, this bird is Maxwell's demon."

"Why did you have a moment there?

Even if I had to call that old man like that, I'd spot my tour and put in some extra scratches.

There can't be any expression on the pigeon, but I felt its face distorted in disgust.

"Hmm? You can call me with more respect and respect, right? There you go."

"Fucking jizzy......"


I'm just teasing Maxwell that I'm here, and he leaked a little bit of what I mean. Elliot, who takes a step toward its power.

Dangerous. I've been experiencing the pleasant character of this grandfather since my last life.

This place is limited to overlapping and ignoring patience.

"No, it's nothing. Ohoho...... more than that, Mr. Elliot, are you hurt?

I'll fix the surface, mislead you with a loving laugh, and check Elliot's condition for now.

If you just can't make a successor, that's all you need in a moment. To make sure they haven't been treated like that.

If I'd been most 'crushed', I wouldn't be able to stay so flat.

"Oh, yes. As much as I got beat up and cut my mouth a little, a lot of injuries... yes, Priscilla!

I pretended to have truncated Priscilla in my position, but I guess I still cared.

Elliot suddenly tries to change his blood phase and pop up on the surface. However, because the shackles are embedded, it is impossible to leave the desk.

"She'll be fine. Maxwell is in therapy now."

"Master Maxwell? Why are you in that place...?

"Apparently, when I heard Mr. Elliot was meeting me, I followed him with amusement"

"To me, is that..."

"No, to me. You're a real jerk."

Keep Maxwell's behavior here and there.

A demon lands by my side like that. You'd want to get on your head and shoulders if you were supposed to, but that behavior is a little more dangerous than haunting hallucinations.

Regardless of Count Talkaseer holding it under his knees, the deviation in stature in the upward direction is quite significant.

"More than that, whatever Elliot would be if people got together, Haumea would have a bit of a problem?

"Right - right. I'm sorry to be here, but may I entrust Mr. Elliot with this occasion?

"To me, is it?

"If it's any excuse, I'll fix it instead. I know you're a crocodile demon, but not anyone who protests."

"I appreciate that...... because shouldn't she be with us?

"I don't have a reason to go either. With the Lord's character."

Only Maxwell and Cortina, and me and Letina, know what Elliott is all about right now at the School of Magic.

Not even a coworker teacher is well known for Elliot being royal.

This is also Maxwell's consideration of Elliot's social studies, but this time, that's my excuse.

"... right. I said I went in deep. I apologize."

"No, never mind"

While I accept Elliot's apology, Maxwell's demon uses his beak to paint a magic formation.

He went straight into the chant and used unlocked (unlocked) magic.

"Even a demon is a wizard..."

Speaking of which, you also used the magic of transfer of goods.

Unexpectedly, I return to vegetarian language. Regardless, considering the extent to which Elliot doesn't sound.

And Elliot was also stunned by the behavior of the user demon in using magic.

"This magic is fine if the object to be hung is within sight. Of course, the magic consumes by distance, but you should remember that there are uses for this, too, right?

"Thank you kindly"

But the truth is, I appreciate this.

It is possible for me to remove Elliot's shackles, but the act of squatting at his feet is also pregnant with the danger of being touched by my body.

Especially since my torso is highly out of shape, I was worried about what to do because I would risk discovering hallucinations when I was touched.

In anticipation of Elliot removing the unlocked shackles, I decided to leave the place.

"So long, Mr. Elliot. I have a lot to hide, so this is the place. I'll leave Count Talkaseer tied, so thank you for the rest."

"Oh, yes."

"And if today's appointment stays the same, it will flow, may I contact you again?

I'll try to get that confirmation while I'm alert to the fact that I'm not being pulled by Tarkashir after I've caught him lightly in front of me.

But Elliot flushed his face and shook his head vertically with a boom.

The childlike attitude leaks a little laughter.

"Now I'm going to find out where the other guy ran off to. Probably not going back..."

"I'm sorry you got caught up in my mess today,"

"No. Work harder on your squire than that. You're a good boy for working very hard, aren't you?

"Of course it is!

Put a sunny smile on your face and answer me, Elliot. When I saw that face, I stepped out at the end of the hidden passage.

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