Reborn as the Hero's Daughter! Time to Become the Hero Once More!

Episode 177: Guessing the Named Army Master (Laughs)

I retreated from the president's office and ate straight in the dining room.

I could have joined Michelle and the others, but there's also a reason I was scared that I was going to make some mistakes in my current state of thought.

In front of Maxwell, he drooled the man's words in full, kneeling in a slightly indelible way on the chair, and set Elliot in a trap.

I was feeling a little dark back there, too.

That's how I finish my meal, and I smash up my club activities and go home. I made an excuse for Retina to be ill.

Finia gave me a surprise look when I came home unusual and early.

"Dear Nicole, are you home yet?

"Yeah. Finia's the usual training?

She is still in touch with the adventurers who escorted her when she came to this city, occasionally accompanied by sword training.

It was worth it, now I had more arms than a little adventurer.

Wear a sword band while in made-up clothes and gently wield a fairly large sword.

That's the sight in front of a really private house, so it's really surreal.

"Yes, because I've been feeling a little dull lately"

"Oh, Finia's got one end of her mouth."

"Hehe, I can't beat Master Nicole anymore!

"I don't think so."

No matter how much I am, I'm not blunt enough to get behind Finia. Finia got a little fuzzy when she heard that.

"Oh, you said it! Then why don't you go with it a little?

"I'm not pointing my sword at Finia, am I? And I'm thirsty, so I'm going in."

"Yes, then, I'll let you in some hot milk!

"What is hot milk in this hot weather...... are you actually angry?

"No way."

Finia smiling at Nicole, but had a little blood vessel floating around her temples.

I took it off from a beginner, and he showered me with cold water, and it seems certain that I felt uncomfortable.

But this is the most dangerous time. It is also a time to feel poorly confident and more prone to reckless behavior.

Maybe it's a good idea to keep that nose snapped for her here... but is there anything I can be proud of only for Finia?

Finia didn't seem so seriously angry either, she was already in a good mood at dinner.

She's in the seat next to me to serve, but at the same time she's eating too.

Although she calls herself our maid of honor, the meal could not go against Cortina's life of being taken by all.

In that seat, I was talking about Elliot.

It's not like I'm going to talk to you. Because my colleague, Cortina, perceived Elliot's anomaly and brought up the subject.

I'm also Maxwell's inner disciple, so it's not strange if you're wondering what's going on.

"Hmm...... no Elliot?

Even for Cortina, Elliot has a sense of being a neighbor's child because he's the one she's been watching since she was a young girl.

I heard that heartbreak story, and, hmm, I did my hand at the tip of my jaw and thought to myself.

He says he's eating, but he's slightly behaving badly.

"Silver-haired, blue-eyed girl... in her late teens... behind Maxwell..."


"... and the ability to kill six adventurers without question... could it be?

"Um, what's wrong?

"Yeah, I get it!

"Hey, what?

Cortina looks up with glitter eyes.

The look was filled with confidence.

"Did you say that woman, Haumea or something?

"Ugh, yeah."

"That kid is Reid!


No, wait a minute. The answer is correct, but not correct.

But you can't point that out. As I stared at Cortina with a subtle face, she confidently began to explain whether she mistook it for an expression seeking explanation.

"Okay? First, twenty years ago, Maria reincarnated the magic of Lee in Carnation into Reid."

"Uh, yeah. Right?

"What made it successful is that Maria grasps it. If he was reincarnated from it, Reid's age would be in his teens by now."


As a ten-year-old, I have to nod to this speculation.

"And he's in Raum. This is also a certainty. An unidentified master showed up there. Besides, the kid is a civilian but has a pipe with Maxwell."

"Don't you have a personal relationship with Maxwell, too?

"But he's a big town in the country, isn't he? There are a limited number of people to approach. Not to mention the fact that we can't have friendships that easily."


"Then she and Maxwell should have known each other from the beginning - no, we should think she had gained an acquaintance. In this country, and in my teens, such a person - and being something I don't know, there's only reincarnated Reid."

"Isn't that early...? Besides, I suspected you when you were a cunt, didn't I?

"No, now it's for sure! And since Reid had been favored by Elliot, I let him out of the country to pull him away. Anything is too forceful. I'm convinced of the punishment."

"Oh, is that it?

Cortina, whose nose is rough and I assure you. Sure, unlimited proximity to the right answer, but subtly off...?

You saved me by not turning to suspicion.

"Besides, I can understand why you didn't show up before me with this. Because I've been reincarnated into a woman!

"Oh, yeah."

"It really stinks of water. Then if you'd told me so, I would have taught you a lot too! And a beautiful girl who looks like she's worth a fortune!

"Something's making my back muzzle"

Ayashii Hand waxing your fingers Cortina. What the hell are you going to tell me?

"Well, I can't do this... I'm going out for a minute"

"To where!?

"It's the Count Talkaseer's residence. Something that might have some evidence left."

"It's dangerous in the middle of the night?

Not to mention Cortina, she is a pretty girl. Cat tribes are also a fairly long-lived species compared to humans.

She's still a teenager, too, on a pedigree basis. It works for human teenagers if it just looks like it.

When that comes to walking out at dinner, there's also a lot of risk of getting tangled up by drunks. That part is the same in every country.

Besides... there is certainly a ton of evidence left in that mansion.

A thread of misrills cut off because of a malfunction or something so clear that you can't escape saying it anymore.

Plus the scratches on the fence that you hooked up to when you knocked down the gatekeeper would be proof.

"Already! This needs to be tightened up later Maxwell..."

"Uh, that much, huh?

"Yeah, come on!

I'm too excited to have a conversation already.

I had to sigh when I saw Cortina pop out of the house there for dinner too.

"I can't help it... Finia, get some tea... is that it?

At the end of my gaze I looked back, there was no Finia either. I see a maid chasing after Cortina.

"Really... what shall we do...?

I decided to visit Maxwell the next day.

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