I decided to look around the perimeter of the mansion without undoing the disguise.

Because Maxwell objected when he tried to solve the disguise.

"Reid, this could be a good opportunity."

"This is a good opportunity, right? Elliot's been caught, and she's in a pinch of praise."

"Take advantage of that. Now Elliot is one of the enemies. What would they think if the Lord showed up and reached out for salvation?

"Wouldn't a woman who rips off a man get pulled off?

But I know what Maxwell's trying to say.

I mean, this is a rescue play for the princess and the prince of the white horse. However, men and women are reversed.

"Reid, there's a point in what the Lord says. But think about it. No. Elliot has been helped from an early age by the eagles. I mean, I tend to miss the existence I can rely on."

"That's a nasty tendency, dude"

"I think we should make the most of it here. With the Lord now rescuing, Elliot will undoubtedly begin to rely on Him. That may be an influence of reliance at first, but it shouldn't be unlikely that it will eventually replace love!

"Stop being weird about the power theory. I'm feeling even worse when I'm not riding originally."

That said, the idea of using this one matter effectively was understandable.

Having grasped the incident and the personality, the idea of rolling it in your own flat hands has just dealt with the nobility of Haiqian Mountain Thousand.

Explore around the mansion in consultation with Maxwell.

Regardless of its prominent appearance, during the search, I used the phantom ring to add a hood to hide my face.

I feel like I saw it, there's one gatekeeper at the gate. He has a sword on his hips and is armed.

I don't see any other shadows, so I guess I'm holding them back inside the mansion.

In the front front yard, a carriage was left, and the wheel was wrapped with a chisel.

As you can see in the distance, that red-and-black stained cloth cut would definitely be the stuff that Priscilla set up.

"Apparently this is the destination, no doubt about it."

Next, consider the calculation of the intrusion.

The walls surrounding the mansion are brick-made and about a metre high. If that's all, it's easy to jump over, but there's an iron fence about two meters taller on top of it.

That means a total of three meters of fence. It's a little hard to get over this.

I also thought about jumping over using yarn, but the top of the iron fence even came with a return for anti-intrusion.

If you can't jump over it, you could catch your leg and get seriously injured.

"If you don't have any other hands, you can jump over... it's a hassle"

"Are you going to get in without waiting for the Lord?


To a fat voice I can't hear, I scream unexpectedly.

But soon I knew who the Lord was. It's a demon from Maxwell.

This self-conscious demon can also speak. I mean, we can talk at our will.

I mean, right now, I'm gonna be watched by these two user-demons and Maxwell at the same time.

"That's what you talked about, you"

"He's a great Maxwell user demon. I don't want to be left alone with other elephants."

"I thought pigeons would have a cuter way of talking..."

I'm getting kind of dizzy (dizzy) at the gap in my voice that makes me feel weird and dignified.

When this happens, it's strange because the feather pattern above your eyes also looks like a grappling shaped eyebrow.

"Anyway, Maxwell also said that things might dispute for a moment. I was trying to erase a trace in my mind, so I don't think it will be done immediately, but from what I've seen from leaving Priscilla alone, there's a chance I'll get rid of this mansion today and tomorrow"

I gather my thoughts as I converse with the pigeon.

If Elliot's escort was left unattended, that would undoubtedly be a case into Maxwell's ear.

In that case, Maxwell will be in direct command of the case, and the culprit will be spotted more quickly than he is in this capital.

Still, I left Priscilla alone, maybe because I'm not willing to stay in this capital for long.

Elliot, for sure... will be finished soon. Information went to Maxwell, before we got to this mansion.

Maxwell can use the magic of exploration. This is magic that detects specified objects, such as surrounding life forms and magic powers.

Regardless, means exist to deceive, but it is still nearly impossible to hide for a long time from awesome opponents like Maxwell.

"In other words, what the other person was wary of was being able to escape to Elliot rather than being sniffed by Maxwell. That's why I was running around the city trying not to get Elliot to identify me."

"What if I'm not alert to the Lord's exploration? How invincible."

"I guess you were willing to serve a minimum purpose and escape before you came. From what I've grabbed, is that something Elliot needs to be alive, or what?

"For example?"

That's all they say, and I guess why I need Elliot.

Needless to say, he is the most important figure in the Union of the Three North Nations. It draws the blood of the old royal family, single.

Given my duties as king...

"Right, I can't have kids, or something?


"Oh. A king is above all about blood muscle. If you kill Elliot here, it could develop into civil unrest"

"So you think I'm keeping you alive?

"That's right. But you can't just let Elliot go. So another important point, why don't we push you into a situation where you can't make a successor?

Even if Elliot survives, no other country, and nobles inside, can make any major moves.

But what if that Elliot was made into a body that couldn't make a successor?

Quickly dislodges him and increases the likelihood of letting someone else inherit the throne.

The question of succession is such an important one.

"How easy it is for a man to fail to have children. You can just crush him a little."

"... I'm a little shrunk, no"

Now Maxwell's voice was heard from the demon of use. Apparently, he was listening to my guess.

"Well, it's about Reid, so I guess I'm making the wrong predictions again."

"Hiya, dude!?

"If you just crush it, you can do it at the raid site. Hang the healing magic on it, and it doesn't matter. But there's no mistake in being close to the right answer. Head of the Union of Three Nations with the largest area of the continent. That's what Elliot's worth."

Whatever Maxwell says, it's definitely a situation that doesn't allow for forecasting any more than we have the means to say so.

Let's try to get straight to Elliot without going too far here.

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