Elliot's safety should be enhanced by moving flashly here and drawing the attention of the enemy here.

That's what I decided. I headed to the front of the mansion and approached the gatekeeper.

Lyell and Gaddles, who are better at fighting from the front, are better suited for this kind of push and confusion than I am.

The gatekeeper watching the front, the beautiful girl who approached me unexpectedly - unwillingly, it's about me - well, she didn't come at me with a sword, even though she wondered what I looked like.

I'm a phantom now, hiding my arms. I only brought about one piano line and a dagger because my original purpose was to date in the first place.

The gatekeeper looked at me slowly passing by, whistled, and changed his complexion as he did.

Poking through the gatekeeper's gap, which I was completely alarmed about, I shook my arm and wrapped the piano wire around my neck, because I kept it tight.

A gatekeeper who can't even raise his voice and asks him to do his hand around his neck.

I use the iron fence to pull the thread as hard as I can and drag it straight down to the ground. The lookout collapsed into a yarn drawn from a metre high, in a forward leaning position. Pay that leg and pull it down to the ground.

Then he rushed by and pulled out his dagger, sticking it into the medulla prolongation of the fallen gatekeeper.

Bickle and jump like a water-fried fish to cramp your hands and feet. Eventually the movement stopped and the complete death passed on to me over the dagger.

"You haven't. Raise your guard."

The gatekeeper should have been on guard at the point where I was close. Even after that, there must have been a means of informing people inside before they could wrap threads around their necks.

He's armed with a sword, so even if he just slapped the iron fence hard, the humans inside would have been on guard.

"Sounds like a hired person, but isn't it of high quality? No -"

It is quick for him to see the enemy's power alone. At least the opponent should be able to defeat Priscilla.

Even so, we can't leave under the circumstances.

I tried to get straight to the front door - by the way, Maxwell stopped me.

"Wait, Reid. Whatever it is, it's too careful with that weapon, isn't it?

"But I do. I left my usual Katana at home, and Mithril's armor (gauntlet) is your mansion."

"I'll call you. I'm telling you to wait."

That being said, Maxwell cast his magic small.

And my favorite gauntlet is transferred to me.

"Oh, how did you do that?

"It's the magic of goods transfer. It's not even high-ranking magic. It's a little bit above the middle. By the time you graduate from college, you'll be ready to use it."

"Is it interferometric magic..."

"Don't interfere with the location of objects. It's less difficult than metastasis."

It's easy to say, but it can be incredibly difficult, right?

Damn, this is why the six heroes...

I'll put on the gauntlet instantly, even as I say bump.

When my arms are covered in misrillic, nostalgic cold, I feel like I'm back in time.

Pull one out of the thread exit outlet placed on the wrist, check how it is and get it in order.

"I haven't maintained it in a while..."

"If it was just the exterior, I could have serviced it. I can't get inside."

"I can't do that either. It's a handsome blacksmith thing, isn't it?

With more than a hundred meters of misrillic yarn, this gauntlet has been constructed with considerable precision.

Even I used it so much that I couldn't get my hands on it, the fine construction was at the expense of maintenance.

"I'll have to go get it serviced sometime -"

"You're a blacksmith who didn't reveal himself to me in his lifetime?

"Oh. Because of my qualities, I couldn't speak for myself."

In my previous life, I followed my own sense of justice, and even my opponents in power have been fine with the assassination business.

That's why I have so many enemies that I couldn't even name my collaborators.

That's the same even after defeating the Evil Dragon, and I haven't even divulged its name to my people. Because it was also a contract with a blacksmith to 'stay out of trouble'.

Anyway, Elliot is a priority now. I stepped inside the mansion with the gatekeeper's body intact.

I left the body alone because it would be more noisy. I hide myself in a phantom, so there's nothing wrong with being found by a third party.

That god also sent me an item of great convenience.

Gasin, fist and fist slap, I go near the front door.

And with all the momentum I just said to replace the knock, I kicked it open with force.

A strengthened leg wrapped around a thread of misrills kicks through the door and the key and hinged part that couldn't resist its impact bounces off.

And the doors that fell inward scattered a great deal of noise.

Behind it is a wider blowout hall than expected, with a three-way passage. The loosely sloped staircase leads upstairs and there seems to be a passage behind it as well.

I will clear my ears until the noise subsides and try to ascertain as many enemies as possible.

The user demon that was on my shoulder was jumping up to near the chandelier and hitting my guard upstairs.

That's Maxwell. That's very considerate.

Breaking the door sounds like a panic coming from inside. There are three sounds heard.

Behind the front aisle. West side upstairs. And...


chatter and the sound of metal ringing.

I don't know if I'm equipped or anything else, but I'm sure the sound was coming from the basement.

Then, the most suspicious thing is the basement... but I don't know the entrance.

"Well, why don't we ask the guys around?"

A sharply ringing pigeon warning.

And from the front aisle, too, came the enemy.

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