Priscilla falls and falls in the midst of a tragedy that can be described as an ocean of blood.

I immediately laid her on my back and checked her breath.

During the procedure, I speak loudly to her who leaks a groaning voice.

"Priscilla, you're alive... wait, now, I'm going to have the restorative magic done!

Fortunately, there is a bucket here called Maxwell that covers all magic.

Not as good as Maria, but Maxwell can also use the highest healing magic. It can't be activated as quickly as Maria, and it's less effective, but it still works better than a common healer.

"Ni - Haumea, don't make it impossible"

Mind your eyes, Maxwell calls me by the pseudonym you named Elliot. But the hand was quickly drawing the magic formation and activating the magic.

"Max... well, dear... Eli, dear Otto..."

"You were raided, weren't you?

"Yes. Resistance, I did, but... power, not..."

Interrupted, but that's exactly what I'm telling you.

If you have something aimed at Elliot, such a back road would certainly be a great place to raid.

This is nothing more than Elliot's lapse.

"Damn... but who the hell..."

"That boy has many enemies, too. There must be quite a few of them in this city."

"Grandpa, can't you guess?

"Too many, I can't."

Elliot's enemy. Originally, I'd say an uninvited guest and refuse, but this is Raum. It is not the same as the Union of the three northern countries.

We cannot reject the nobility to be seconded on the vague grounds that it is suspicious.

That's the thing called the political world.

But Priscilla's voice broke in there.

"They're on the run... the carriage..."

"Carriage? Then you might have quite a leg on it?

"That, on the carriage, the yarn... the sleeve of my clothes... connect..."

I didn't realize there were many other places I was losing, but if you ask me, the left sleeve of Priscilla's clothes was torn.

Did you connect the sleeves of your clothes to the carriage? For what?

That's what I've decided. Bleeding enough to cause this tragedy. The clothes I was wearing at that time would contain plenty of blood.

And if you pulled it off and ran away, there must be traces left.

"Here we go, Priscilla. Your lord is a secret from the Raglans."

"I'll take care of the rest. I'll definitely bring him back and show him."

When Priscilla heard my words, she lost consciousness again.

He squeezed the last of his powers and left us information.

There are certain things that cannot be done. But in doing so, she hit every hand she could.

Then - in response, it would be a thing called a hero.

"Are you going, Reid?

"Oh, please say hello to her."

"Elliot has some problems with the succession. A little bit, it could be that tangle. You may be gathering your strength, so be careful."

Maxwell like that is all over Priscilla's treatment.

Maria can heal the wounds while she sees them, but is this the guy with the difference in proficiency?

"I'll take care of it. Who do you think I am?

She's not a toddler.


"Hurry up, we may not have much time. And take this guy."

Maxwell took the little dove out of his nostalgia.

No matter, it can't just be a dove. This is Maxwell's demon.

"If we take him, I can share sight and hearing. I can get to my helpers right away."

"That's comforting."

When you become as master as your grandfather, the quality of the family is also different digits from Cortina's.

This pigeon can act self-consciously, share five senses, utter words, and fight.

Its combat power is somewhat stronger than that of a runaway adventurer, but it becomes sufficiently powerful.

However, it is still dangerous to think of that consciousness as a constant force of war, since Maxwell has the right of initiative.

Still, I can count on you to the extent that you can keep an eye on your back.

When acting alone, it is above all gratifying to have your back alert.

"Then I'm coming!

Now anyway, it's a waste of time.

If Maxwell can't get his hands off me, I'm the only one who can do it.

Fortunately, Maxwell has been on my side this time from the start. As long as we keep Elliot safe, all we have to do is buy time.

With such a reckoning, I jumped out of the alley.

No carriages allowed in narrow alleys. There are many people on the street. Then there's a good chance he parked the carriage on the other side of the alley.

If I thought so and came to the other side of the alley, as you can imagine, there were traces of blood on the corner.

A plundered red as if swept with brush. Without a doubt, it is the fruit of a bloodwet cloth cut planted by Priscilla.

"This way."

Raum cannot follow the tracks of the carriage because there are many places paved with cobblestone.

But the cobblestone was littered with red blood.

If you follow this, you can get to Elliot without getting lost.

That's how I ran through all the alleys, turned the corner...

"You're a long way from it. Maybe it's natural because we're grabbing people..."

It's a basic technique to make a roundabout so that the captured person doesn't know where he is.

But even though Maxwell said he would contend for a moment, he can also be seen as hitting a long hand.

"I'm not going to kill you... there's no way"

You can't kidnap a head of state and just do it.

Then the witness should definitely finish. That means if you leave it alone, Elliot will surely die.

Doing so should result in completing the requirements as soon as possible and ending them would lead to your own peril...... as if it could take time, I was carefully circling around.

"Does this capture Elliot's lack of escort?

And I'm sure I'll get rid of the pursuers, you should see.

That's all I guessed, I got to a mansion.

A luxury residential neighborhood with many aristocrats. Among other things, it is a corner owned by many nobles coming from outside the country.

"This is definitely... Count Talkaseer's mansion"

Count Talkassir is a remote aristocrat of the Gritnil royal family incorporated into the Union of the Three North Nations.

The territory of the Count was located in the south among the kingdoms of Gritnil and adjacent to the Stra territory of the Kingdom of Raum Forest.

It is also possible to say that it was spared the evil dragon disaster because it was in that position.

And since Elliot took sovereignty, he had gone to the Kingdom of Raum Forest as a diplomat.

"I see. Assuming the remoteness of the old royal family, did you think you could sit in Elliot's cauldron?

That's how I shrugged, checked the perimeter of the Talkaseer mansion, and began to work out a calculation for infiltration.

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