It's the familiar white figure who's been calling us every time.

Now she looks about the same age as me, a girl who just misses me, and then a girl who drifts her luster.

My ancestors. Discipline God Yuri, the person (?).

Without enlightening this one, I think Maxwell took an alert stance to God who appeared unexpectedly...

I don't know because I can't see him, but there are signs of nervousness. And the noise of garment rubbing that makes you squirm.

I'll spread my hands and control my movements so Grandpa doesn't get ahead of me.

"Wait, Max - Grandpa. She's not the enemy."

I didn't say Maxwell's name because this is the whole populated city.

Even if he can't see himself, he's a former royal, and the prestige of current hero Maxwell deserves attention.

It's not a good idea to get more attention than she showed up in public. It's not that it's an evil god, but it's not a god who has a very good impression in the world.

"It's been a long time. Three years, I guess?

"That's right. Ever since the Carbuncle incident."

"Nicole, do you know him?

Maxwell's voice, still nervous, reaches my ear.

Grandpa, too, has never met this god in person. I've talked about Michelle's bow before, but it's probably the first time Maxwell's seen her outside of us.

"Oh, Lord of Michelle's bow"

"Lord of bows...... no way!?

Find out who it is in my introduction that I dared to blur.

Maxwell's nervousness to stay behind me turned into another.

"So, what do you mean, the wait just now isn't coming?

Earlier, she made it clear that 'Elliot is not coming'.

What can I say, but I don't think Elliot, who seems to be in love with me, is going to soak up his promise.

Then some reason must exist.

"Oh, first of all, thank you for holding me back. I didn't want to stand around the city badly."

Smile with Nicole, God to give me a hand. But the trick strangely leaves much to be desired.

It's as if you're trying to waste your time.

"Uh, the... the truth is that frequent interference in people's lives is a violation of the rules... no, it's not clearly restricted..."

The way you twist your toes and fingers around and say it is honestly adorable.

If this were the scene of a confession, the opponent would fall in Ichikoro.

But now is not the time. Elliot is a key figure, but also a disturbing presence around him.

It's not normal for such a person to soak up a rendezvous without words.

"Did something happen to Elliot?

"That's - is it a violation of the agreement to say it directly or something...... why don't you just go to the alley there and you'll see?

What the white god pointed out was a narrow trail a little further away. It leads to Elliot's boarding house I heard about, and it hits the shortcut.

When I turned my gaze there and looked back at God again, he had already disappeared.

"Also disappeared"

"In an instant... I used magic without chanting"

"No chant? Same ability as Maria?

"Probably better than that. I used magic without showing any signs of using magic. Exactly." Like breathing. "

"Above Maria or something... I don't believe it"

Beginning with Maria, our people could even cross the realm of people, all the masters of transcendence.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Cortina and I are more

Maxwell and Maria's magic, among other things, is just out of the public. Who is the master beyond that Maria......

"You mean the name of God is not Dada"?

"Anyway, I'm gonna go where I was instructed. I'm worried about Elliot."

"Oh, I was!

Maxwell is unusual and hurries with a panicky voice. That should be it, too, and Elliot is now in the hands of the United Kingdom of Three Kingdoms.

In the unlikely event that there is, the kingdom may split into the original three countries and wreak civil war.

But Maxwell, who hastily doesn't unlock the magic of concealment, is fine.

This magic, if you don't control it calmly, there's a difficulty that you'll release right away.

Therefore, no combat action can be carried out while maintaining this magic, and if it is carried out, the procedure is immediately lifted.

Then what about the earlier firepillar...?

"Anyway, let's go."

"Um, yeah."

Call Maxwell and we'll hurry to the alley.

I ran into earlier questions along the way.

"Maxwell, the fire pillar just now, how did you wake me up? You can't use magic while you're running the conceal, can you?

"Mmm, there you go. I kept the magic from your shadow."

Maxwell pointed at the back of the store. They were peeking at this one from there.

But that makes a contradiction.

"It's impossible to use magic from there by my side with a conceal - isn't it? There's too much distance."

"Because magic is not something that activates immediately. I used a delayed activation (delay spelling) thing."

The magic of Delayspell is a magic located in the middle among the magic of the interfering system.

Its magic alone does not work, but if you use another magic while using this, the magic will activate after the set time has elapsed. It is auxiliary magic to magic, so to speak.

If you do not use it after identifying the situation, it is difficult to use magic, but Maxwell can make it useful?

If I maximize interference magic too, I guess I'll be able to use it any day, but I don't think I can use it as well as he does.

"I see... all the time"

Some time after I jumped into the alley, a red sight popped into my eyes.

And a figure in it who falls and falls like a puppet with a broken thread.


It was Elliot's escort, Priscilla, who was falling there.

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