Rebirth of the Official Business Route

Chapter 510: Domestic mobile phone

The technical achievements of Texas Instruments in chip integration and power consumption are breathtaking. Zhang Ke immediately stated that if Texas Instruments is a bit outdated in this respect, it is still quite advanced technology compared to the third world countries and regions. Lake can consider paying for it.

After ess formally acquired Kumho, Cheng Hanzhang and Xiao Jincheng joined Kumho. In nearly a month, the two of them understood Kumho’s weak technical foundation. The mp3 prototype developed by Kumho used two A AAA battery can only last for one and a half hours of playing time, which is of course not just a question of battery quality. Fastest update of novel chapters

Even if the lithium battery with no memory effect and the largest capacity-to-volume ratio is used-the cost of using lithium-ion batteries in 1997 will be very high. Anyway, mp3 will be first promoted in the Japanese, Korean and European markets. Satisfactory, of course, the unsatisfactory is much more than that. The prototype technology is still a long way from the mature technology to bring the product to the market.

After Kumho acquires ess, it will regard ess as the main force of technology research. In addition to spending one million US dollars to acquire almost insolvent ess, it will also inject 10 million US dollars into research. Kumho also The technical research team led by chief engineer Ding Chunjian will be merged into ess-this technical research team now almost concentrates the best technical backbones that Kumho has collected since this time-a larger team of technical research teams will be established. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated fastest

However, in half a year, the key technology required for mp3 is to be relatively perfect, and the pressure on Cheng Hanzhang's head is still huge.

Of course, the product of mp3 player must be perfect in the end, and many other aspects of product design are required.

Kumho’s determination is also huge. In addition to ess in Silicon Valley, Kumho will also establish a technology research and experimental base in Tsukuba, Japan, and will also establish three engineering application and industrial design centers in Seoul, South Korea, Tokyo, Japan, and Hong Kong, including In the Kumho Engineering Application and Technology Research Headquarters in Haizhou, the early technological expansion of Kumho included three technology research centers and four engineering application research centers.

The foundation that supports Kumho's technological expansion on such a scale is the high profit of Aida Electronics of nearly 100 million yuan a month. It will also include the part of the monopoly profit that Kumho gets from the third-generation decoder chip market.

When it comes to the power consumption and use time of consumer electronic products, Zhang Ke is also very clear that the issue of standby time is also the issue of domestic mobile phones that will initially make people ridiculous in the future.

Mobile phones produced by overseas manufacturers can stand by for up to one month. Domestic mobile phones have been stuck for less than a day and night, how can consumption not be classified as low-end products? Not only mobile phones, but many other consumer electronics products have related technical problems.

This involves a series of complex technologies such as chip module integration and power consumption management. Zhang Ke is not clear about the specific technical architecture. However, knowing the future direction of electronic products accurately, the specific technical issues will naturally be left to professionals to deal with.

Of course, this is also due to the lack of product research capabilities of domestic manufacturers, not to mention core technologies. The product design is heavily dependent on foreign companies. This situation of almost entirely relying on overseas electronics manufacturers and design companies has caused serious homogeneity of domestic electronic products. Take the future domestic mobile phones for example. The performance of domestic manufacturers’ mobile phones are almost the same, and the level of advertising in the market is almost the same. The final means of competition is to compare prices. As soon as the price war begins, profit margins decline, and domestic manufacturers maintain their livelihoods in order to reduce production costs. They were forced to purchase low-quality and low-priced components, and instead fell into a vicious circle of increasingly low-end domestic electronic products.

Whether Kumho can stand alone among domestic electronics manufacturers and get rid of the strange circle of "domestic products are low-end products", the test is also huge.

In order to achieve this goal, Zhang Ke will not allow Kumho to get involved in too many industries. Will not let the funds be dispersed from the technology investment. At the beginning, half of the shares in Century Restaurant were sold and half given to my uncle, all the properties in Danjing Alley were transferred to Xu Si's name, and they never directly participated. This is the purpose. The vast majority of the funds that can be raised should be concentrated in the electronics industry, and even in the electronics industry strategy, only focus on consumer electronics.

The promotion of mp3 and USB disks involves key market factors that cannot be bypassed, such as the popularization of computers. Therefore, in the early stage, they can only be promoted in countries and regions such as Europe, America, Japan, South Korea, etc., which belong to the responsibility of the overseas operation department, but in the domestic market and Southeast Asia In emerging markets, once the disc player business is packaged and sold to Schwab, Kumho will have a business gap. Although projects such as electronic dictionaries and handheld learning machines will be launched 6 years later, the market for such products is much smaller than that of DVD players, and it will not be the focus of Kumho; Kumho's next focus is cell phone.

At the beginning of 1997, mobile phones were still luxury goods in China. The prices of mobile phones such as Idasson and Motorrot were still high, all above four to five thousand yuan. The most important thing is that the domestic communication costs are even more terribly high. To this extent, the cost of opening a number and applying for a card has just dropped below 2,000 yuan. The monthly rental fee, per-minute call charges, and inter-city roaming charges will keep most domestic consumption out of the threshold of mobile phone consumption.

Since the monopoly of mobile communications cannot be broken in a relatively short period of time, the outside world is not optimistic about the prospects of the domestic mobile phone market, but they do not know that the expansion of the mobile phone market started precisely in 1997, and the situation is quite similar. The number of domestic mobile phones was 10 million in October 1997.

Zhang Ke has a general impression of this data. Compared with the data at the end of 1996, that is to say, from January to October 1997, mobile phone users will drastically expand more than three times. Zhang Ke is not sure if any domestic manufacturers are interested in this market at this time, but one thing is certain, the real actions of domestic manufacturers will be delayed until two years later.

Of course, Kumho launched the domestic mobile phone project two years before the historical process in the name of "Idea", and domestic manufacturers will quickly follow up, which will further change the progress of the domestic mobile phone market.

Texas Instruments is the world’s largest mobile phone chip manufacturer. Zhang Ke’s visit will naturally focus on Texas Instruments’ mobile phone chip department. Although Texas Instruments has not yet regarded China as the most important market in the future—the reality is that Texas Instruments has repeatedly underestimated emerging markets. The potential of the mobile phone chip business-but the mobile phone chip business can develop a customer, naturally will not be turned away.

From mobile phone baseband chips, power management chips and other core components, mobile phone batteries, display screens, chassis molds and other spare parts, as well as complete mobile phone product design, there are international companies that provide professional services. Although Texas Instruments mainly supplies mobile phone baseband chips and power management chips, some other application technologies and product technologies are quite comprehensive. Even though there is a certain gap compared to professional companies such as Ericsson, Nokia, and Motorola, Kumho is going to do a mobile phone project. There must always be a foundation, and Texas Instruments is very happy to package and sell some application technologies to Kumho.

Accompanied by senior staff from Texas Instruments such as Angie Bo, the staff introduced the current most advanced mobile communication technology and the future direction of mobile communication technology to Zhang Ke and his party in great detail.

The future development direction of mobile reading technology Zhang Ke naturally does not need to listen to the chatter of professionals from Texas Instruments. As for the current exhibition of mobile communication technology-Zhang Ke thinks that he will be enrolled. Of course, professional issues must be handed over. When dealing with professionals, Zhang Ke directly disclosed his intention to hire Chen Xinsheng and Texas Instruments after the expiration of his employment agreement.

The rhetoric provided by Zhang Ke is: "Kumho's goal is to be the largest consumer electronics company in Greater China. In this process, Texas Instruments has become more and more important to Kumho." It’s true that Kumho and Texas Instruments will jointly share the video disc player’s decoding chip market and decoding chip In 1996, it contributed 6% of net profit to Texas Instruments, and it is expected to increase to 7% in 1997. This situation will remain for a few years. In addition to the cooperation on the DVD player movement project, it is expected to contribute about 0.5 to Texas Instruments. % Of the net profit, Texas Instruments OEM production chips for disc player system control and other products for Kumho also have millions of dollars in profits every year. The larger the scale of Kumho is, the more benefits Texas Instruments will obtain from Kumho as a supplier of upstream components and application technologies. There is no doubt that “a key person is needed to strengthen the two "The relationship between the companies", Zhang Ke forgot that Ding Lei, the former director engineer of the Technological Institute of Optoelectronics, had actually dug him over. "Especially in the near future Kumho hopes to introduce semiconductor packaging, finished product testing and mobile phones from Texas Instruments. The project requires a familiar person to advance the project as soon as possible, in order to meet the common interests of the two companies."

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