Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 861: Appointment and Removal of Special Forces

Zhang Jinzhong smiled and patted Lu Yu: "Why, it seems that you are not very happy, I think the army commander is small?"

Lu Yu shook his head: "No, it's just that this incident came too fast, I'm not ready yet! I should have been busy enough now, being this army commander is really exhausting!"

Zhang Jinzhong laughed and said, "Okay, if you get a bargain, you still behave? So, in order to give you full responsibility, you will appoint and dismiss the personnel in the special forces. Who can help you, let whoever is in charge. And you are responsible for some decision-making opinions, and let it run by itself."

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief. If this were the case, He Zhijun could be brought in to help.

Nowadays, the latter manages everything about the special forces, and he is also very experienced in this aspect.

After the special warfare bureau was established, it was still in accordance with this standard. Lu Yu only needed to be appointed as a commander of the army.

Let He Zhijun do the work!

After thinking about it this way, Lu Yu really relaxed: "Minister, what you said is what you said, so you are not allowed to go back! I will appoint and remove all positions myself."

Zhang Jinzhong said in a bad mood: "When did I turn around? Knowing that you are very busy, there are too many things to manage. As long as you find suitable and reliable people, you will be responsible for all appointments and removals."

"Hey, thank you Chief!" Lu Yu saluted with a grin.

"By the way, there is one more thing."

Zhang Jinzhong suddenly thought of something, and his face sank slightly: "Recently, the frontier is not very peaceful. Last time, didn't you say that you want to study the helicopters dedicated to the Army? It's progressing like this now? Can it be put into use?"

Lu Yu was taken aback, shook his head and said: "Not yet, it's just a theoretical research stage, and there is still some time before it is manufactured! But if the leader continues to use it, I will give you overtime recently."

"You better hurry up!" Zhang Jinzhong said: "It seems that South Vietnam has recently purchased a large number of advanced weapons from the United States, constantly showing its muscles, and its behavior is already very arrogant! This time when your helicopter is researched out, I will immediately. Put it into frontier use to have a good deterrent effect."

Lu Yu immediately said: "Okay, I will hurry up on this matter, please don't worry, the chief!"

Zhang Jinzhong's words softened and explained: "Hurry up and go back to work, but you should also pay attention to your body. You should arrange the personnel appointment and removal first, and the helicopter should be arranged as soon as possible within the scope of your ability. Don't break yourself."


Lu Yu saluted vigorously, turned and left the Southeast Military Region.

Back to the special forces division, immediately began to organize a meeting.

At the meeting, Lu Yu went straight to the point and recounted the order to form a special forces army.

"The chiefs of the military regions have agreed that they will send all their personnel in one month! But the time sequence is in order. Within this month, people will arrive one after another. So we have to take advantage of this time and we should hurry. Get things done."

Lu Yu glanced at He Zhijun and said with a smile: "Old leader, we have to continue working together! This time we have become a special forces army, with a larger establishment and number. You must continue to share the worries for me! Believe that we are sincere. Cooperation, Jinshi is open."

He Zhijun immediately agreed: "You are a military commander, can I not listen to your orders?"

Lu Yu smiled: "When I was a special warfare division, I said that the position of deputy commander will always be yours! Now, I still say that, and the position of deputy commander is also reserved for you. I will ask Minister Zhang for this matter. After the notification, he also agreed that I will appoint and remove the internal personnel of the special forces. You are the deputy commander!"

Hearing that, a touch of surprise appeared on He Zhijun's face.

The others also applauded and congratulated each other!

With He Zhijun's status as a major general, even if he was the commander of the army, he was more than enough.

However, special forces are different from ordinary troops, they are of higher rank, similar to the group army.

At the time of the special operations division, the rank of Lu Yu, the division commander, was enough to be on an equal footing with the commanders of other troops, not to mention that he was now upgraded to the military system.

"Master Xie...oh no, thank you for the promotion!" He Zhijun smiled and saluted.

Lu Yu said: "Don't you think this is a good thing? Being promoted also means greater responsibility! With the size of the special forces, the military will be led by you in the future. This position is too heavy!"

He Zhijun said sternly: "Please rest assured, the commander, I will do my best to contribute to the development of the military! It is the glory of my life to see our own special forces become stronger and stronger."

Lu Yu certainly believed the assurance He Zhijun made.

Next, Lu Yu chose three more candidates for division commander and deputy commander.

These few people, who had previously served as the commander and deputy commander of the special forces division, are themselves senior cadres with a wealth of knowledge and experience.

By sitting in this position, they can directly copy the special combat division mode to the newly formed troops.

When the special forces are formed, the entire internal system can operate quickly.

In the end, only Fan Tianlei looked at Lu Yu eagerly.

Everyone was promoted, as if they were the only one who had forgotten him, and there was no job.

At the moment when the meeting was over, Fan Tianlei's little restlessness could no longer be suppressed.

"That... leader, leader, what about me? Is there no transfer from me?"

Fan Tianlei cautiously looked at Lu Yu, and asked with an old face.

Lu Yu laughed and said, "Lao Fan, are you afraid that I will forget you? Don't are my good helper. Forget who will not forget you such an important person."

Fan Tianlei breathed a sigh of relief, with a triumphant smile on his face.

Just say, how could the commander forget me?

Sure enough, outstanding people are left to the finale!

He spent a lot of effort on the construction of special forces at the beginning. Now, the special forces must have him!

Lu Yu pondered for a moment and said, "You are very capable in infrastructure work. I went to the pharmaceutical factory in the city to see the dormitory and the factory yesterday, and it was almost finished. So I decided that after the special forces started here, You are in charge of infrastructure and logistics. The position is equivalent to a deputy commander. You are in charge of all the scheduling.

Fan Tianlei's eyes lit up suddenly.

Without paying attention to the others, he noticed the three words deputy commander!

This is equivalent to two consecutive upgrades on the original basis!

"Commander Xie, thank you for your trust!"

Fan Tianlei stood up and saluted with excitement, and his lips trembled: "I must work hard, and I will never let down the leadership's love and expectations."

After arranging the work here, as soon as the meeting ended, Lu Yu rushed to the military factory without stopping.

Give the task to He Zhijun and the others, and Lu Yu can rest assured.

These people have followed his old cadre, and they have done a good job in various fields.

Especially the building experience is not as good as myself.

Lu Yu also has the greatest advantage in training.

After waiting for all the soldiers to arrive in one month, with a complete training plan, basically there is no need for Lu Yu to worry about it in a year.

The most urgent task now is to get the helicopter research done as soon as possible.

Shock the frontier Xiaoxiao!

I like to read and become stronger since I am a special soldier, please collect it: () Since I am a special soldier, read and become stronger and update the fastest.

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