Meng Ming smiled and looked at Lu Yu: "Lao Gao is right, Xiao Lu, you really are a person of love and justice, and you told me not to be polite to you! If that's the case, then I won't go around."

After a pause, he lowered his voice: "I'm looking for you, isn't it because of wolf teeth?"


Lu Yu looked at him in surprise, "What's wrong with Langya? What's wrong with them?"

Meng Ming smiled bitterly: "There is nothing wrong with Spike. It's just that the good soldiers in it have been poached by you. Now the strength has dropped drastically. It was originally ranked in the upper middle and upper reaches of the special forces of the major military regions. It's straight to the bottom!"

"Xiao Lu, you are also a veteran from Langya. You should know that it is the trump card of our Southeast Military Region! Langya represents the face of the Southeast Military Region. You can't ignore this matter..."

Lu Yu suddenly, it was because of this!

"Hehe, this is easy to say!"

Lu Yu faintly smiled and said: "I have known the high school team too, and let him come to me later. Let's discuss what's the matter! Langya will always be my veteran army. I can't ignore it. I personally spoke, I must find a way to improve the overall strength of Langya."

"Okay, okay!"

After getting Lu Yu's assurance, Meng Ming immediately turned from worry to joy, with a smile on his face: "I am relieved if I have you! I will tell the matter to Gao Dazhuang and let him find you... By the way, you can be a thousand Don't be polite to them, as long as you train for the undead, you can fix me to death, and the training is over."


The two were talking, footsteps came from outside the door.

Zhang Jinzhong and Ye Huaishan walked in at the same time.

"stand up!"

Everyone stood up and saluted.

Zhang Jinzhong returned a gift and waved for everyone to sit down.

After looking around the audience, Zhang Jinzhong cleared his throat and said: "Today we are here to gather in the Southeast Military Region. There is an important matter to explain to you. After a high-level vote from the headquarters, and the approval of Elder Long, we decided to give special The current scale of the battle division was expanded, and a special forces army was established on this basis, and Lu Yu was promoted from division commander to army commander!"

As soon as this news came out, the audience was stunned.

It was Gao Shiwei who reacted first and took the lead and clapped.

The commander of the Southeast Military Region Meng Ming led the others and applauded.

As the person involved, Lu Yu had a dumbfounded expression.

Getting promoted again? Or the commander?

Why didn't he get any news beforehand!

And it happened so suddenly...

"Promoting from a special warfare division to a special warfare army is the ultimate path for the development of our troops. After we have discussed together, we believe that the time is now ripe."

Zhang Jinzhong said sternly: "Everyone knows that at the beginning, our ancestors were from the rudimentary team with Xiaomi and rifles, and they have developed to today's informationized troops! The special combat division is our bold attempt and a brand new team. This result is very good."

"The informatization of special operations divisions is carried out to all grassroots levels, and all fighters have almost reached the omnipotent level! It is no exaggeration to say that a special operations division is worth a thousand-armed ordinary troops. "

"Now, I want to strengthen this advantage and turn the special operations division into a larger special operations force, so that the troops can develop faster and stronger! But it requires the help of all of you. After all, the troops belong to all of you."

Speaking of this, Zhang Jinzhong looked at everyone in the audience: "The origin of the special forces soldiers must be selected from the most elite trump cards. They are the best veterans! So, here, you all know that you may not be willing to let go. people!"

"But this is not about your family, but about the future of the country and the army! Here, I hope that you have a big picture and consider the selection of two thousand people from no military area."

"Of course, these two thousand people are not for you to choose randomly. They must be high-quality soldiers ranked high in the whole army. No matter which unit they come from, as long as they are well-trained, loyal and reliable, and willing to work hard for their positions, special forces Will accept it!"

The audience was silent.

Because everyone's faces are not so pretty!

They had already handed in when they formed the special combat division back then, but now they have been brought here and told them to hand in?

And still the best soldier, the best subordinate.

Who can feel this well?

The good soldiers that I have cultivated are all lifebloods, and they give people their hands...

Ahem, you're welcome, let you surrender your life, are you willing?

This is undoubtedly a knife in their hearts!

But the minister personally asks for someone, can they say no?

Seeing no one was speaking, Zhang Jinzhong's face sank slightly: "I'm not discussing with you, this is an order! All of you are leaders. If you disobey the military order, what consequences should you know?"

Everyone looked at each other and sighed.

Now, there is no way to think about it.

No? If the chief takes the lead in disobeying the military order, that is a very serious consequence.

Zhang Jinzhong said again: "But you can rest assured, here, I assure you! After the establishment of the special forces ~ each of your military regions will have an opportunity to send a troop to observe and observe For learning, the members are up to you, both non-commissioned officers and military officers."

"Enter the special forces and learn their advanced concepts. As long as you can learn what you can learn, it belongs to you. In addition, the special forces will develop well in the future and they can also be promoted to the entire military. You have opportunities in all military regions!"

Hearing this, everyone's expression eased slightly.

The minister gave such a great benefit, so they couldn't help but agree.

Everyone swept their heads and looked at Lu Yu, their sorrowful eyes seemed to say: "Your kid is really out of luck, and you are going to harvest a wave of leeks!"

Lu Yu smiled bitterly.

What does it matter to me?

I just learned the news, OK?

I am not asking you for someone...

This is a typical example of getting cheaper and selling well.

Zhang Jinzhong announced the order with a strong attitude, even if everyone here is the highest commander of the major military regions, they are not qualified to refuse.

In order for the army to have a better tomorrow, they can only still cut love, sacrifice the ego, and become the greater ego!

In the end, everyone voted to support the expansion of the special forces.

At the same time, within one month, they will gather two thousand people to send to the special forces.

When the meeting was over, the leaders of the major military regions signed an agreement on the document and left.

Lu Yu is still dizzy and feels like dreaming.

So quickly, from the division commander to the army commander?

Why is it so unreal?

To say that I am happy, of course I am happy to be promoted, but not as happy as I imagined.

On the contrary, there is more melancholy!

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, I'm afraid there will be more things to be busy in the future.

I don’t know if the year of the monkey can only rest.

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