In today's world, if a country wants to develop and become strong, it must be supported by advanced weapons.

Nearly ten years ago, the reason why this country contained humiliation was precisely because of the backwardness of its troops and weapons.

Even if there is a blood, how can the flesh and blood resist the indestructible aircraft cannon?

After all, it will disappear.

Great power!

Without heavy weapons, what is a big country?

Of course, all that in the past is gone, and the present huge empire has long stood on top of the world and cannot be shaken.

However, due to the short development time, there are still unavoidable defects.

In terms of high-end advanced weapons, it still lags far behind.

On the one hand, there is a lack of technology and a complete blockade from abroad, so you can only work **** your own.

On the other hand, it is also the passing of talents. It is too high that high-end talents go overseas and are willing to contribute to others.

The older generation can't do it anymore, and the talents below can't be replenished, and if they don't pick up, this kind of embarrassing situation will naturally occur.

If you want the country to stand higher, see farther, and have sufficient voice, you must master more key technologies.

Making more and better weapons and enhancing the strength of the entire army is the most important priority.

Lu Yu hurried back to the military factory without stopping, and was warmly welcomed by everyone first.

After greeting everyone and explaining the work, Lu Yu called An Ran, Tang Xinyi and Ye Ziqing to the office.

"How did you study the helicopter drawings?" Lu Yu asked directly.

"about there!"

An Ran nodded: "Now we understand every detail, and the helicopter model is also being manufactured, let everyone practice their hands first! Only some key parts, including your theory, we haven't understood too much..."

Lu Yu smiled: "This is enough, as long as you can figure out a general idea, there is no problem with construction! Time is urgent, I received the order from Shangfeng, and I must build the first helicopter in the shortest time."

"Since everyone can get started, let's start with the links they are familiar with, and leave the main body manufacturing part to you. I will figure out some difficulties and key information myself. You will order my orders and start working right away!"


The two women immediately ordered to leave.

In the evening, the first gunship project officially started.

In a separate laboratory machine tool, Enron has initially built a model of the helicopter.

This is a model of a shell, which was restored one by one according to Lu Yu's design drawings, exactly the same as Lu Yu imagined.

An Ran transferred more than 20 scientific research experts, and allocated about half of them to Lu Yu.

First, it was to record Lu Yu's work process, portray the detailed steps, and conduct study and research.

Secondly, I also helped Lu Yu to reduce the burden on the latter!

In the future, it is impossible for Lu Yu to do everything by himself. They still need to take the lead on their own.

Learning more knowledge now will benefit them in the future.



In the laboratory, there was the collision sound of various machine tools, splashing sparks everywhere.

The main work of An Ran and Tang Xinyi is to research helicopter protection materials.

This special material was also used on electromagnetic rifles, but Lu Yu took them with them and improved them.

Ten times stronger than before!

The weight is also much lighter.

After special processing, the helicopter shell is almost twice as light as the original.

Compared with the navy helicopter that was modified last time, it is also about half lighter overall.

However, the change in weight does not prevent the shell from being hard and willful, and even has to be improved a lot.

The assault rifle shoots at close range, and it will not leave many marks on the surface, let alone penetrate it.

Even if it is a large-caliber sniper rifle like Barrett, shooting within 100 meters, there will only be a pothole in the shell, and it is impossible to be penetrated.

Unless it is bombed with small missiles, the distance must be close enough!

Loading this high-strength alloy material makes the helicopter an invincible weapon.

Guns and bullets rain on the battlefield freely, without worrying about the threat of enemy heavy machine gun sweeps and rocket attacks.

Defending against this alone is incomparable to any helicopter in the world.

In addition to these two women, Ye Ziqing is responsible for helicopter weapon systems.

This is a set of the latest fire control system, using a new theory as the fulcrum.

It can carry out long-range precise aiming like an electromagnetic rifle. Once the target is locked, there is no way to escape within kilometers.

This theory is based on Iron Man's Mark Battle Armor automatic standard system, which was passed to Ye Ziqing after being improved by Lu Yu.

From aiming at one target with an electromagnetic rifle, it evolved into aiming at a hundred targets at the same time.

Just press down and fire, and the heavy machine gun installed under the helicopter will blow the heads of a hundred people in an instant.

More importantly, the rate of fire of the new weapon system has also been greatly increased!

In the same time, the blowout firepower was more than double the previous one.

Covering firepower can instantly collapse the enemy.

As for Lu Yu himself, he led a group of scientific research experts, focusing on helicopter engine power systems and control systems.

No matter how great the defense and weapons are ~ loses its strong power, no matter how strong a helicopter is, it is a waste.

The engine is the soul and life of a helicopter!

Fly fast enough and have enough kinetic energy output, the helicopter can fly freely in the air and make various actions.

This determines the life and death of a helicopter in low-altitude operations.

The powerful firepower destroys the enemy, and the indestructible protection holds the enemy's artillery fire.

Then power and speed are the ultimate life-saving weapons of helicopters.

In the busy day and night, every day is fleeting.

A group of people seem to be in the laboratory tirelessly, except for work.

When you are tired, you can find a place to lie down, eating and drinking Lazarus will all settle in the laboratory.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, more than half a month later, the first armed helicopter finally took shape.

Lu Yu ordered someone to paint the helicopter with black paint.

This is also made of a special auxiliary material, with a certain invisibility, very visual impact.

From a distance, the entire armed helicopter is full of might and domineering, like a flying eagle soaring in the sky, the eagle hits the sky.

"Finally, you're done! After so long, it's not wasted!"

An Ran stretched her waist and looked at the finished product she had made, with a sense of satisfaction on her face.

Tang Xinyi's eyes flashed in excitement: "Haha, I can't wait to see how powerful it is! By the way, when shall we try it?"

These words reminded Lu Yu that he immediately ran to call Zhang Jinzhong.

The helicopter was built, but without the approval above, it is impossible to send it out even if it passes the test.

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