Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 359 Release and Kill!


Energy shells exploded one by one, and the beautifully decorated buildings turned into ruins.

The red soil turned straight up, like a pillar, and the wanton expansion of the shock wave annihilated the garden trees, and even the knives and irons were bent!

The two steel giants operating according to the established procedures wantonly exerted their energy, destroying Mary Joya, which is called the Holy Land, and slaughtering the dragons who claim to be gods!

"What the hell is this?!"

"Guards! Where's CP0?!"

"Damn it! Inferior creature! Go to hell!"

"Don't break them! Hey, the rarest slave is mine!"

Faced with this situation, the Tianlong people reacted differently. Some whipped their slaves and fled away in panic, some attacked the steel giant with muskets, and some even commanded the slaves to come forward and want to capture the giant alive to be themselves. slave.

But the large bullets that could easily penetrate the human body crackled and hit the steel body, but were easily bounced away, only attracting the iron giant's lock, lifting his foot, and pressing down!



Before being trampled into meatloaf, 'God' uttered one last horrified scream.

"Holy Kogiola?!"

"Don't! Don't come here!"

With bloody examples appearing in front of them one after another, the "Gods who created this world" finally knew that they were the ones being hunted tonight!

They regard everyone in the world other than themselves as inferior beings. Usually, if anyone is injured a little, the admiral will personally dispatch them. But tonight, they were beaten into the abode of God by two steel monsters.

Some Tianlong people who experienced the incident of Fisher Tiger's emancipation of slaves ten years ago recalled the night of the fire, but even that blasphemer only set fire to save the slaves, and did not dare to hurt them at all. Several Celestial Dragons.

But tonight, it seems different!

Iron Giant, stare at them and kill them!

After taking off the disguise of gods, they behaved worse than ordinary people. Snot and tears made their already ugly faces even uglier, crying for their father and mother.


"No, don't come here! Ah—"

Between the artillery fire and the wailing, a clear voice suddenly echoed in the night sky: "Masters of Tianlongren! Please evacuate in this direction!"

A group of guards wearing white uniforms rushed quickly from afar. The leader was a middle-aged man with a small beard. His figure was agile. He used razors to move quickly between the steps, and dangerously took a Tianlong man out of the way. Saved from the shock wave.

In the world government, there is a military officer directly under the Tianlong people, the CP intelligence department.

Headed by the highest intelligence agency CP0, subordinates CP1 to CP9 each have their own duties.

Among them, CP4 to CP6 are usually stationed in the Holy Land, waiting for orders from the Tianlong people. The first one to arrive is CP6.

The middle-aged man with a mustache is the leader of CP6. After saving a Celestial Dragon with a flexible posture, he stared at the two giants and tilted his head: "Please..."


Spit tongues of fire and splashed blood interrupted his words! His eyes became stunned and confused, and he was headed off by a shot that was close at hand!

"Lord Mora?!"

The members of CP6 were shocked and confused, and that day the Dragonman pointed his gun at them again and fired continuously!

"You bastards came too slowly, my beloved slaves are all dead! And his dirty hands, did they touch me?!"

bang bang bang—

From a distance, the members of CP6 were able to dodge his bullets but didn't know how to do so. A young man close to Mora blushed and raised his gun tremblingly.

"Hey! Dosu! Don't be impulsive!"



At this time, amidst the subtle piercing sound, the CP6 youth who pointed the gun at the Tianlongren's temple also spattered a flower of blood, and fell down in response.


What killed him was not a bullet, but an air bomb, one of the advanced uses of the six-style middle finger gun, the flying finger gun! In the next moment, a man wearing a windmill-shaped mask appeared in front of everyone in CP6, and said in a low voice, "What are you going to do? Are you going to attack the great god?"

"Ge, Lord Grigory..."

The person who showed up was the highest officer of all CP intelligence departments, a member of CP0. He looked at the CP6 people in warning, turned around and said: "Master Luolinati, wait for these two giants to be subdued, and then let these guys report to you." You apologize, can you?"

"Hmph! These bastards want to fight back? I want them to be my slaves!"

"As you wish, please leave first."

One moment ago, he was CP6 of the intelligence department of the world government, and now he will become a slave. Even though he is already familiar with the temperament of Tianlong people, the members of CP6 are a little dazed and collapsed, at a loss.

Rolinati finally went away satisfied, and Grigory of CP0 took a few glances at the two giants destroyed in the distance, then looked at them and said, "You don't have any unreasonable thoughts, do you? Come on!"

Everyone in CP6 looked at each other hesitantly.

Grigory snorted softly, and was about to teach them a lesson, and even kill two more, when he suddenly turned around and said angrily, "Who?! Stop!"

Everyone in CP6 followed him, and saw a burly figure in black suddenly appearing beside the away Luo Linatisheng, and he slapped his backhand!

That fat pig-like guy who killed their chief and made their companions die for it was like a spinning top, soaring up in an instant, spinning 18 times in the air, and fell into the 18th floor of hell!

At the same time, an angry Grigory appeared behind the man, and pointed a gun straight at the man's spine, but his eyes suddenly blurred.


Amidst the muffled sound of punching the body, the chest of the powerful CP0 warrior instantly concavated an obvious arc, a broken bone pierced through the heart, blood splashed on the mask, flew across 100 meters, convulsed, and died!


"Master Grigory was..."

"One, one hit..."

Everyone in CP6 was shocked and terrified, looking at the two corpses, but they also felt a little bit dark.

And Ji Xing didn't turn his head back, and appeared several hundred meters away following two flashes, and pushed a Tianlong man into hell, and continued on his way.

The ugliness of the Tianlong people does not need to be thought about or looked at. If 99 out of 100 are found out, they may slip through the net!

It wasn't until Ji Xing knocked down two guard slaves before reaching a huge square building that Ji Xing finally stopped.

Here it is among the slaves.

Every Tianlong person has dozens or even hundreds of slaves, and of course it is impossible for this number of slaves to live in the house of the 'God'.

So there was such a building where most of the idle slaves were held. Fisher Tiger was able to rescue thousands of people ten years ago, and he took advantage of the chaos to break into this building.

The heavy iron door with lock was knocked down by Ji Xing's fist. He walked in along the corridor, and soon saw iron cages one after another, imprisoning people wearing slave collars and padlocks one after another!

There are people of all races, men, women, and children. Some of them look numb when they see Ji Xing, and some have not been tortured enough to give up their spirits. When they see Ji Xing who is not wearing a slave collar and is not a Tianlong costume, and hear the voice outside, their eyes twitch. The light of hope.

Ji Xing looked towards the cage on the left, where there was a fourteen or fifteen-year-old purple-haired human girl, her hands bound by chains were propped on the ground, licking the soup in a disc in a prostrate position.

Sensing Ji Xing's sight, her body trembled, she raised her head, put on a smiling face and said, "Yulia ate well, and ate all of it, please don't hit me... Yulia ate well..."

Repeatedly, again and again.

"Alas..." Ji Xing sighed.



"What? In addition to the two steel giant soldiers, there are intruders?!"

At the same time, Wu Laoxing finally received the report and knew of Ji Xing's existence.

"Black clothes, less than 30 years old, very strong human male, unfamiliar face, master of physical skills, killed Grigory and the uncountable number of Celestial Dragons, the direction of progress seems to be among slaves..."

After summarizing the known information, the five old stars looked at each other, their faces not as ugly as before.

For them, this may not be considered bad news. It is already like this, and it will not be worse if more than a dozen or dozens of Tianlong people die, but if they can capture this person alive, maybe they can know the two Where did the Iron Giant soldiers come from, and even more.

"Hmph, go among the slaves? Do you want to learn from that murloc from ten years ago?"

It's not that they don't have a long memory. Ten years ago, they were attacked by Fisher Tiger who climbed onto the Red Clay Continent with bare hands, and they didn't take precautions.

On the one hand, the Red Earth Continent is vast, and it is difficult for them to guard every corner. Moreover, the Red Earth Continent, which is more than 8,000 meters high, cannot be easily climbed to the top, even if it is the powerful monsters of Pirate World !

Fisher Tiger was able to climb because of the blessing of his race. The overall strength is the same, but the murloc's wrist strength is ten times stronger than that of a human.

On the other hand, the "gods" would never allow CP members other than slaves to live near their homes for protection, so after being attacked, there must always be some time to react.

But in other places, especially among the slaves who have suffered once, the protection has of course been strengthened!

It is not the guards that have been strengthened, but the difficulty of obtaining the keys. The explosive collar keys and controllers worn around the necks of the thousands of slaves who are currently held among the slaves are not on the guards among the slaves, even if it will cause trouble. All kept with their respective masters!

save people? how do you save A slave wearing an explosive collar simply cannot leave Marie Gioia!

They notified some of the staff to go to the slaves to catch the intruders, but after ten minutes, the news they got was unexpected.

"It's not good! Master Wu Laoxing! All the slaves among the slaves have been released!"

"What?!" The five looked at each other in shock.

How can this be?

"Could it be the top armed color, internal destruction?! But this speed..."

There's not much they know and can do!

Which guy with that level is not standing at the top of the sea, how could a strange face appear and break into the holy place? !

The bald Wu Laoxing, who was wearing wooden clogs, put his hand on the handle of the knife. Goriba Qiaosheng shook his head slightly at him, and picked up the phone bug angrily.

"Steel bone, haven't you arrived yet?!"

"Hurry up, Lord Goribacho, you can already see the giant from a distance, this giant..."

"Don't worry about their origins, destroy them as quickly as possible!" Goribacho said: "There is another intruder that needs you to deal with!"


Among the burning ruins, fleeing slaves intensified the chaos in Marie Gioia.

"This way! This way! Quick!"

"Grab the Tianlong people's boat and go to sea!"

"We are saved!"

Wearing a cloak of justice, with a mohawk hairstyle and M-shaped mustache, the strong old man who was over three meters tall handed the phone bug to the subordinates who followed him, and took off the cloak to him.

The wide range of knowledge and knowledge captured the fleeing slaves and chaos in the distance. He moved his wrist and looked at the two broken steel giants in front of him.

"I haven't moved my body for a long time."

His name is Kong, and his nickname is Steel Bone. He is the former Marshal of the Warring States Marshal of the Navy. He is currently the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the World Government.

It was more than ten years ago that the hundred-year-old him made a shot last time, but his strength hardly weakened at all due to his strong physique.

An aura of a ferocious beast was released, and his figure of more than three meters tall expanded rapidly, gradually turning into a huge golden orangutan with a height of more than eight meters, and his fists were bigger than ordinary humans!

He is an animal-ape fruit phantom beast with the ability to form King Kong. He has the defense power known as the strongest shield and amazing wrist strength. If he has not faded out of the sight of the powerful people in the sea, Kaido of all beasts would have to be called A small steel bone!


King Kong's feet stomped on the ground, ejected into the distance, brought up a strong wind, leaped high, and appeared on top of one of the steel giants in an instant!

The giant was being besieged and restrained by a group of CP members. Its tough and indestructible body forced everyone to defend it, and so far no effective damage has been done to it. Its mechanical eyes caught the giant King Kong beast above its head, and the spear in its hand immediately went up!

King Kong's fists were also blackened, swinging!


Amidst the loud noise of the earth cracking and the sky collapsing, the big spear swung was directly crushed, but the King Kong's fist remained undiminished, piercing straight into the iron giant's chest!

In the sound of the explosion, a huge pothole with transparent front and back exploded on the giant's body, and the shattered parts danced and jumped in the air, and fell down with a bang.

Crackling arc flashes.

This steel giant who only destroyed half of the Holy Land and left the CP powerhouses helpless, only took a punch from Steel Bone Kong and stopped moving!

From the perspective of another giant in the distance, the gun barrel stretched out, and countless shells bombarded King Kong, and King Kong went up to meet him, even if a shell that could smash rocks hit it, it didn't even damage a hair.

Another punch, and the world is quiet!

"Master Chief!"

The CP members gathered around Steel Gu Kong who quickly returned to human form, and Steel Gu Kong nodded to them and said, "Go catch the slaves and protect the Tianlong people."

Immediately, he took the phone call from his subordinate and asked, "The two steel giants have been dealt with. Where is the intruder? Are you covering the escape of the slave?"

"Well done, Cyborg."

On the opposite side of the phone bug, the five old star Goriba Qiaosheng praised Ji Xing, and described Ji Xing's appearance characteristics to Gang Gukong, saying: "It is known that the other party has a top-level armed color and a strong physique, so he should have no fruit ability. After becoming a slave, he probably got mixed up among the slaves, and his whereabouts are temporarily unknown.

Find him and capture him alive! "

"I see."

As soon as Steel Gu Kong answered, the phone bug in Castro Saint's hand on the other side suddenly rang loudly, and after the connection was made, a panicked voice came from the opposite side: "Master Wu Laoxing! Great Saint! Don needs reinforcements! Someone... ah!"

Screaming is the end.

Wu Laoxing's expression also changed instantly!

The Great Holy Hall is the place where they occasionally convene a gathering of Tianlong people to promote the greatness of the 20 kings. It is of great significance, but more importantly... most of the Tianlong people who were evacuated tonight went there!

Of course, many CP members and a few CP0 elites followed, protecting them, but hearing this scream...could it be...

Steel Boner Kong's phone bug had already hung up. Knowing the seriousness of the situation, he was probably rushing to the Great Church, but this distance... may not be in time!

Damn, was that trespasser freeing the slaves just a cover to cover up his real purpose? How dare he go retrograde and go deep into the Holy Land? !

Castro San noticed that the phone bug in his hand hadn't hung up, and shouted anxiously: "Intruder! Who are you! Do you know what you are doing?!"


In front of the Cathedral of Mary Gioia.

Ji Xing bent down and picked up the phone bug: "Then tell me, what am I doing?"

There was silence across the phone bug.

"Am I here to tease you?" Ji Xing threw away the phone bug and stepped into the great hall.

Take in more than a hundred Tianlong people at a glance, those who beg, those who look terrified, those who point guns at him in anger, those who cannot tell the form of abuse, those who want Ji Xing to be a slave and abuse him severely, those who quickly run to the back door to escape, clamoring for slaves to get on...

Various, ugly, and so on.

"Tsk, there are so many gatherings, it's so caring, I don't need to look around, it's convenient for me to kill." Ji Xing's voice instantly suppressed all the noise.

He lowered his head, looked at the two drops of blood on his right shoe, raised his head and said, "The shoe is dirty, is there any 'god' who is willing to kneel down and wipe it for me, I can let him go...forget it. "

Playing with them makes Ji Xing feel dirty.

Let’s get straight to the point.

The bubble hood of Tianlong Ren who had just rushed to the back door to run out burst, and Ji Xing grabbed his hair, and fell backwards on the ground, smashing the back of his head!

The bloody breath spread out, and the sound of screams echoed in the dome building!

Crackling gunshots sounded, and Ji Xing's body flickered ghostly. Every time he stopped, a Tianlongren's head exploded!


"No! Let me go—"

"You are offending God!"

Ji Xing stopped, patted the head of Tianlong Ren who said he had offended God, and said with a smile: "It really is empty, you are not familiar."

The smell of excrement gradually mixed with blood!

A minute later, Ji Xing walked out of the Great Church.

Dark red blood flowed out from behind his steps, shining black against the moonlight. Ji Xing looked up and took a deep breath: "It's a bit high, it seems like I'm going to run for my life."

Not far ahead, a steel-bone empty figure approached, the fallen CP members around, and the smell of blood in the Great Church all proved a massacre that took place here! He said with a heavy face, "Young man, do you know what you have done?"

"Why do you ask me that?" Ji Xing smiled, and replied, "I've had a blast."

I have a sore throat and some headaches, but I don’t have a fever. I don’t know if it’s a trick or I didn’t sleep well after watching the World Cup all night. These days, the pseudonym Siyang seems to be unlucky.

In addition, I would like to thank my boss Tang Wutong for the reward. I read the book review for Chen Duo. Thank you for the recognition of the plot. The fifth season is finally here. I really dare not watch it. Chen Duo is too sharp.

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