Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 360 Fight and Flee!

The Tianlong people have claimed to be descendants of gods for eight hundred years, and it is not that no one has resisted them.

Steel Gu Kong, who was the former Admiral of the Navy, knew that in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods 33 years ago, the Rocks Pirates killed and wounded many Celestial Dragons, but that is nothing compared to today.

Even the severity of the incident can be compared tonight. The Mariejoa Cathedral, which worshiped twenty kings, turned into a slaughterhouse?

I am afraid that this kind of news cannot be suppressed, and if it spreads, it will even shake the world's fear of the Tianlong people a little bit, and then have a greater impact. In any case, the culprit who created such a horrific incident must be killed tonight. Stay in Mary Joa!

King Kong reappeared, with a Big Mom-like body looking down on Ji Xing. When Ji Xing stepped out, King Kong also moved, and was faster than Ji Xing, coming from behind!

"After doing something like this, do you still want to escape?!"

Heavy bone cannon!

The arms pulled to the full string are like crossbow arrows about to be fired, and the dark to shiny armed colors are entangled in a large number. From Wulaoxing, I know that the opponent has the top armed colors, and even easily eliminated several major generals who can serve as major generals in the navy. CP0, when King Kong's body is close to the moving Ji Xing, the steel bone has been fully charged with maximum power!

While swinging the fist, a majestic wind pressure enveloped Ji Xing, restricting his movement.

While running, Ji Xing immediately shook his left leg, stomped on the ground and at the same time fixed his body's center of gravity, armed with the same boxing color, raised his fist from below, and collided head-on with King Kong's fist!


The two fists collided, and in the sound of friction and explosion in the air, a ring-shaped air wave spread out centered on the fists of the two people. The earth couldn't bear it, and it was set off in all directions like ocean waves, and it was discharged into the distance!

After a short wrestling confrontation, Ji Xing's legs loosened, and he slipped backwards with his strength, and fled away at a high speed.

In the confrontation of strength, Ji Xing lost by a few percent, but Steel Gu Kong was very surprised. This iron-like punch reminded him of Garp when he was young. The world government has no information on such a guy?

It's a pity that such a thing was done.

And... the old man is about to win by force!

The use of domineering consumes physical energy. It may not consume too much for him to knock down CP0 and Tianlongren, but liberating thousands of slaves with the armed color of internal destruction, the consumption is definitely not small!

King Kong's body flashed quickly, and when he tied with Ji Xing in a half-pressed state for the second time, King Kong's back muscles had already arched high, and the strength of his whole body was poured into his punches, which was twice as powerful as before!

But in the next moment, Gang Gukong's knowledgeable look caught something he couldn't understand.

I saw Ji Xing's body stopped for a moment, his arms stretched out, and a half arc was drawn under his feet, and the armed colors on his body flowed in rotation in a way that he had never seen before.

It was no longer a fist that was facing him, but the twisting and flicking back of his hand, and what shocked Gang Gukong even more was that when the back of his hand brushed against Vajra's heavy punch, his fist was deflected!

"Liuying-grab the sparrow's tail!"


Amid the roar of heavy hammer and wrought iron, Vajra Iron Fist was crushed heavily on the ground! The hot and dazzling light burst out instantly, and a series of spider web-like cracks spread along his fist to the surrounding area, expanding rapidly, and the next moment, the ground with a radius of hundreds of meters shattered and danced neatly, and a large piece of red soil floated into the air, and was thrown into the air again. The shock wave annihilated into slag!

Steel Bones Kong's fist showed the power to change the terrain, but after all, it missed.

Not only did it miss, the upward shock wave also helped the opponent to rise extremely fast, crashing into his arms like a missile!

'Iron block-steel bone! '

In the blink of an eye, Steel Gu Kong used his best skills. The King Kong body plus the top-level protective armor color made his chest seem to be condensed into a thick armor.

At the same time, King Kong's hands were also grasped towards the center, ready to perform the technique of hugging and locking the enemy after defending against the opponent's attack.

But he thought too much.

There is no such opportunity for him to hug and kill.

Ji Xing's body, which was rushing towards his chest, was like a fully stretched bow. The surface of the muscles that had been used to the extreme even had streams of water vapor evaporating. When his right arm hit, it was like a sun-breaking gun!

'Arms lengthened? Life returns, no, not like, what is this? ! ’ The hundred-year-old King Kong shrank his pupils and was hit in the chest by this punch.

'All arms and one bone-Overlord Spear! '


The black overlord-colored thunder and lightning jumped, and the power to tear everything quickly obliterated the defense of Steel Bone Kong. After half a second, the huge King Kong's body exploded, and the light that annihilated everything rushed out from behind!

The defense has been penetrated!

Wow, blood spewed out from King Kong's big mouth. The centenarian old man felt his internal organs were stirred up. His legs wanted to hold on, but his body told him, you can't think like this, you are no longer a young man!

The eight-meter-high giant soared majesticly, bowing upside down like a cannonball and smashing into the distance, crushing all obstacles on the way, until it crashed into the Mary Gioia Cathedral and the Tianlongman Slaughterhouse!


Walls collapsed and buildings shook.

This important building of Marie Gioia had been damaged before, and now it was hit hard again, swaying, and finally collapsed!

The rumbling sound echoed, filling the corpses of the Tianlong people and the old marshal, and the smoke and dust filled the night. It was not until more than ten seconds later that the huge King Kong body finally came out of it, staring at the night where Ji Xing was no longer there.

"Ahem...are you really old?"

If it was placed twenty years ago, he could still bear this blow, so that he would not be thrown off.

But now, if you carry it hard, you will be hit hard in an instant.

'No, it's not just age, this guy is too weird, even in his heyday, I might not be able to take him down...' Steel Bone Kong glanced back at the ruins of the Great Cathedral, and smashed the ground with a bang.

Using the moon step, his two King Kong thighs seemed to be elastic, and he quickly chased after him!


"Insanely hard."

In the distance, Ji Xing's figure that merged into the night turned into an afterimage and flashed between the blazing Marie Joya, shaking his fist lightly.

The punch just now, if he had been hit head-on by himself, he would have been severely injured, not to mention losing his mobility, and he would have had to wait ten minutes, but the steel bone only recovered for more than ten seconds, and he was basically like a good King Kong After chasing him, the centenarian's defensive power is not inferior to Kaido.

When Bakai cannot be used and Bawangxu cannot be fully used, it is impossible to win quickly. As for not having a knife, it does not matter.

Although he is already the number one swordsman in the world, until now, Ji Xing's fighting ability with a sword is just now, or even relying on some extra things to barely catch up with his bare-handed fighting ability.

This is also one of the most important reasons why he dared to hide the knife and break into Mary Joya.

Lifting a knife can make a great swordsman.

You can be a warrior without a sword.

Whether it's a knife or not, it doesn't matter that much!


The huge chopping wave that suddenly tore through the ground was torn apart by Ji Xing's wrapped arms, and the scattered sword wind smashed the surrounding buildings to pieces and collapsed, even the raging flames were extinguished!

Ji Xing glanced at the figure standing in front of him, he didn't turn around, he didn't stop his movements, he didn't even slow down, and continued to pounce!


There was another shuddering sound of metal and iron clashing, and the sharp black knife collided with Ji Xing's iron fist that was circulating in arms! The white brick ground beneath his feet shattered in an instant, exposing the crimson soil below. During the tumbling, Ji Xing's other arm shook like a whip!


The wooden clogs plowed two deep marks on the ground, and the bald Wulaoxing slipped more than ten meters back with his knife, with a dignified expression: "Sinner! Do you know..."

"I know I know."

Ji Xing answered casually, and pulled his body to his side again - I knew I didn't have time to talk nonsense, I knew I wouldn't give you a punch, I'm afraid it's not easy for me to escape today!

You say punches in your heart, but you actually shoot!

The right leg sweeps across, like a knife slashing.

The bald Wulaoxing's black knife immediately slashed to meet him, and after another crisp sound, Ji Xing's legs suddenly snapped back, and stepped on the bald Wulaoxing's chest again, kicking straight.

Clang—the foot collided with the knife, the blazing impact radiated and expanded, Ji Xing's supporting leg rolled hard in the mud, his muscles protruded violently, bursting his pants, and the right leg that collided with the knife in the air violated the human body With a common sense lift, he pecked down like a bird, and sent out the third consecutive kick!

And the power is far above the first two blows!

"Karate - bird kick triple dodge!"

This is Jingji's really good kicking skills. At this moment, Ji Xing's inhuman physique erupted with even brighter brilliance. The three consecutive kicks that violated the common sense of the human body made the knife blocked by the bald five old stars no longer able to exert their full strength. But Ji Xing has more power!


The golden brilliance illuminated the night sky, the explosion on the ground roared like a small sun, and black lightning cages burst and danced in all directions!

In the center of the little sun, the figure of the bald Wulaoxing also turned into a cannonball, crashing into the ruins in embarrassment, and in the next second there was an angry flying slash that tore through the ruins and hit Ji Xing, but was caught by the fleeing Ji Xing easily dodges.

The steel bone was ejected from the air, and he called out in a deep voice, "Tek Temple, are you alright?"

Tyco Tempus originally wanted to question Steel Gu Kong why he didn't stop Ji Xing, but the short fight just now made him understand, and he shouted with a gloomy face: "Chasing! He must not be allowed to escape!"

‘Among the five old stars, there is indeed a general-level combat power, is there only one? That is not bad. A swordsman who was close to Hawkeye, no, it seemed that he had more power to use, and I was caught off guard. ’ The fluttering Ji Xing murmured: ‘It will be very troublesome to be surrounded, but they can’t surround me anymore...’


On the other side, the port on the east side of Marie Gioia.

The chaos and shouts of killing were endless, and the freed slaves and CP organization personnel fought with Mary Joya's guards into a mess.

"Master Solnand! There are too many slaves, and they have already snatched two ships to go to sea!"

"If this continues, we won't be able to stop many people at all. Why don't we destroy the boat first!"

The leader of CP4, Solnand, frowned in embarrassment when he heard the reports from his distressed subordinates, hesitating.

Because of the Tianlong people's requirements for the quality of slaves, there are not only a large number of murloc fighters, former captains of a certain pirate group, and even giants among the fugitive slaves. People's safety is the most important thing, they can't win at all.

But... destroy the ship?

The ship is easy to destroy, but it is not easy to explain.

Most of the ships docked here are luxurious ships of the Tianlong people, and destroying them in order to catch escaped slaves may not be rewarded.

If the Tianlong people pursue him, he will die!

They didn't even dare to kill, for fear that they would be held accountable for killing a slave who was valued by the Tianlong people.

But without destroying the ship, watching these slaves all escape, they will also be finished. In short, it is too difficult to do things for Tianlong people!

After struggling for more than ten seconds, he saw that the slaves grabbed the third ship and sailed, so he made up his mind and waved: "Destroy the power of all ships! Try to control the damage to the hull!"

Finally got the order, with the blame, a group of CP members started their best stealth assassination, and this time the assassination was the ship.

Soon, a slave finally snatched the ship, but found that the ship could no longer move, and was shocked: "These bastards are destroying the ship, stop them!"

It was another round of chaotic warfare, and thousands of slaves were struggling to get their hearts together. Some of them were 'domesticated' by the Tianlong people. They thought that there was hope for escape, so they rejuvenated. At this time, they found that the ship was destroyed. The root string suddenly collapsed.

And just when Solnand was happy that the operation worked, he suddenly heard shouts: "Get on these two ships! These two ships are intact!"

Um? Is there something missing?

Solnand looked in shock, but saw that the figures standing on the two big ships in the distance were wearing familiar clothes, no, they were the same clothes at all!

"Those guys seem to be from CP6..."

"Bastard! What are they doing?!"

The slaves also hesitated, and everyone in CP6 shouted again: "Trust us! Because of tonight's incident, our brothers and officers were killed by the Tianlong people, and we will also be beaten as slaves of the Tianlong people, so we have defected up!

aboard! Commander of CP4, why not join us too! Too many Celestial Dragons died tonight, there is a powerful invader who killed countless people, we will all be finished! "

"You traitors!" Solnand swung his knife in reply: "Stop them for me!"

But this time it was completely unstoppable.

In the end, a few corpses were left, half lost and half relieved, left on the land of Marie Gioia, and most of the slaves successfully boarded the ship.

"Chasing! Chasing!"

Solnand also took people on board to pursue. The artillery fire began to roar on the sea, and several ships quickly moved away from Marie Gioia.

I can't catch up. Solnand knew this in his heart, but he didn't panic. Those guys from CP6 defected. Someone took the biggest responsibility for dereliction of duty, and I was the only one who led the fight to the end and fulfilled my duty. Even if the final result was unsatisfactory, I might be promoted!

Just as he was imagining the praises of the five old stars, a subordinate suddenly shouted: "That's on the shore..."

Solnand looked back and saw a sun. I saw a full sun rising at the port, which made people feel cold all over the body, engulfing the port and all the ships, forming monstrous waves!

In the shadows, there seemed to be three figures flying in three directions, and one of them fell into the water heavily, but Solnand and others had no time to pay attention to who it was, because...

"Be careful! The tsunami is coming! Helmsman!!"

The huge wave caused by the impact was nearly 100 meters high, and Haohan rushed towards it. Everyone in CP4 hurriedly controlled the boat with all their strength. Fortunately, the boat they took was a Tianlongren boat with excellent quality. The waves overturned.

As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, looking back, Solnand opened his eyes in horror, and saw a black shadow coming on the remaining waves and crashing into their boat!


When a man collides with a ship, the ship breaks.

The huge hull was knocked open a large oblique hole in an instant, the stern sank, bubbling and sinking into the sea!

"No! The ship is sinking!"

"What kind of monster is that?!"

Of course it was Ji Xing.

At this time, he already had two more sword wounds on his back, and he looked very embarrassed overall. This was the necessary price to pay for not being surrounded by those two people.

Running and bouncing on the waves, he easily destroyed the CP4 ship, and continued to run forward at high speed. After a few seconds, he boarded the last slave ship.

The slaves on the ship had already noticed the movement and were in a state of alarm. After seeing his appearance, they were relieved and overjoyed: "Benefactor!"

"It's great that you're safe and sound!"

"Thank you for your life-saving grace!"

"You're hurt, hurry up..."

Surrounding the boat were all those who could fight, and those who were sick and numb were put into the cabin. Some of them were grateful, and some were wary of Ji Xing even after being rescued.

Ji Xing didn't care.

Save them, it has nothing to do with them.

With a slight nod, he ignored the chatter of the liberated slaves and looked back at the chaotic port of the Red Earth Continent. His voice spread across the sea: "You two, do you still want to see me off?!"

On the shore, Tyco Temple, who wanted to use the CP4 boat to pursue him, stood side by side with Gang Gukong, his face was very heavy. Hearing Ji Xing's provocative shout, Tyco Temple let out a muffled snort, and turned his head with obscure eyes, Communicate with Cyborg Kong.

On the boat, no one else knew them, so how could the CP6 people not know those two people: "That's... Master Wu Laoxing and Commander Kong?!"

Ji Xing smiled, turned around and said, "I let you go earlier, you did a good job."

"Five Old Stars... Commander-in-Chief Kong is..."

"Is the legendary steel bone empty?!"

"So just now it was..."

The liberated slaves made a lot of noise, and the eyes of shock and admiration gathered. What kind of people were we rescued tonight?

In the next instant, many people's faces suddenly changed, and they opened their mouths to say something, while Ji Xing just opened his mouth as if he was about to ask two questions: "You..."


Amidst the dull piercing sound, blood spattered!

A sword emitting golden light pierced Ji Xing's chest from behind abruptly!

"Oh~ Even if you sneak attack when you are the most relaxed, you will be evaded. It's so scary~"

This weird accent does not make other candidates.

Everyone was horrified, and each raised their weapons: "It's the navy..."

But was interrupted again.

Puff - pop -

Ji Xing, who was pierced by the sword, did not run away but went up. The sword penetrated deeper in an instant, causing more damage while clinging to Huang Yuan's body behind him. At the same time, he buckled his backhand, locking Huang Yuan's hand!


The lightsaber suddenly collapsed and disappeared.

During the sneak attack, Huang Yuan really relaxed for a short time. At this moment, his expression changed, and he looked at the locked arm and Ji Xing's cuff.

"Is it Hailou Stone?"

"I'm waiting for you." Ji Xing turned around.

The biggest difficulty in escaping tonight is not Gang Gukong and Wulaoxing, but this shining man, Ji Xing knew it early on! If you can't get hit, you can't get rid of it. As long as you are entangled by the rushing yellow ape, it is very difficult for both the slave and him to escape successfully. This is why Wu Laoxing and Steel Gu Kong didn't continue to chase. They know that the yellow ape has already arrive!

Ji Xing had hidden the small Hailou stone locks in his sleeves a long time ago, and he didn't even use them to deal with Steel Bone Kong, just preparing for this moment.

Just contacting Hailoushi through his sleeve is far from causing the general Huang Yuan to lose his strength, but it can temporarily limit his ability, the most difficult and tricky speed of light movement!

Huang Yuan thought that Ji Xing's knowledgeable color had succeeded in sneak attacking, but in fact it was Ji Xing who used the sneak attack to confuse Huang Yuan's knowledgeable color, making him think that he was lax and showed enough space for him to attack himself with a sword , Let him see the hope of capturing himself alive, so as to counter the sneak attack!

How could someone be so desperate? Have you been planning to plot against me for a long time? Who did the old man offend?

Huang Yuan really didn't think about it, but when he realized something was wrong, he pulled his arm hard, but Ji Xing's palm wrapped around the arm and squeezed hard into Huang Yuan's arm, and at the same time let Hailoushi touch him More!

"Your physical skills are a bit poor."


The right fist is drawn into an arch.

"All arms and one bone - Overlord Spear!"

The surging force hit the other arm of Huang Yuan's block, turning into wind pressure and blowing away the people who wanted to help, but Ji Xing still didn't let go, and was led by his own strength to fly out of the boat with Huang Yuan!

In mid-air, his body twisted and twisted, locking the yellow ape's body like the roots of an old tree. The simplest attack can often have the greatest effect!

"Hanging Technique - Head Hammer!"


Very crispy, all good heads.

The two heads wrapped in armored colors collided violently, and blood spattered!

Huang Yuan, who was finally unable to twitch his mouth, was distorted in severe pain, his brain sank slightly, and then he was elbowed again, and Ji Xing, who finally let go of him, threw him straight into the water like a cannonball, bubbling and bubbling!

Ji Xing didn't feel well either, the knife wound on his chest further ruptured, he coughed up a big mouthful of blood, folded in mid-air, and managed to get back to the boat.

Steel Gu Kong and Taike Temple on the shore thought they were successful, but they were thrown into a roller coaster by this sudden change!

how so? ! Yellow Ape was...

Immediately afterwards, they saw the man whose face and chest were dyed red hooked his hands at them.

Steel Gukong was about to move in anger, but stopped. In this case, he could of course use moon steps to chase after him, but even though the opponent has been severely injured, the death of a tiger will still be awesome. With the strength of that man, if he reaches the sea, I am afraid that a person with this ability will be spelled by the opponent to end up like a yellow ape!

And at such a time, the only way to save the yellow ape who fell into the water is to let the other party go. The admiral can't be absurdly drowned by the sea...

Taike Tempus didn't even master the Moon Step. He glanced at the steel bone, gritted his teeth and roared, "Where's the blue pheasant?! Haven't arrived yet?!"

5k8, a little uncomfortable, a little low-grade fever, it seems that I have been recruited, I try to keep updated, I can't get off the line of fire if I have a mild burn, please forgive me for a high fever.

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