Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 358 The Disaster Night of 'God'

Night fell.

The Holy Land of Marie Gioia is lit up.

It's dinner time, and most Tianlong people are enjoying the rare delicacies collected from all over the world. Of course, some living habits are different from others, and they are doing some other things.

For example, Tianlongren Valerian Ansheng, this time is usually his entertainment time.

Valerian Saint is 28 years old this year. Like most Tianlong people, he is dressed like an astronaut and wears a bubble hood. He doesn't bother to breathe the same air as ordinary people. There is the 'dirty' air exhaled by the slaves.

Unlike ordinary Tianlong males, his figure is relatively thin, and he doesn't look bloated even if he wears a spacesuit-like costume.

It's about his favorite game.

'Pop the bubbles'.

He has the most proud slave named Haji, a 17-year-old blond boy he bought three years ago, who has the ability to produce bubble fruit.

The Bubble Fruit allows him to create transparent bubbles all over his body, which are useful for keeping food fresh and suffocating enemies. Playing around.

The specific game process is like whack-a-mole. The 17-year-old Haji kneels on the ground, randomly producing bubbles in various parts of his body, while St. Valerian is like an uncivilized monkey, circling around Haji bounced around and smashed the bubbles with a firm and precise shot of a stiff whip.

Amidst the crackling sound, he had a great time.

"I hit it, hehehe..."

"Hitted again, this time smashing two!"

"Here and here..."

"Why haven't there been bubbles on my head for a long time... Hahaha, here they come!"

The blond boy seemed to be having a good time too, with a vacant smile on his face, as if those whips hadn't hit him.

But when Saint Valerian was cheering for his 100-hit combo, he suddenly made a mistake. He didn't jump over his leg during the jump, but landed directly on his right ankle.

Amid the clear crunching sound, his ankle twisted into an awkward arc. The severe pain far surpassed the whipping made his pupils finally shrink, but he still didn't make a sound, and even his expression returned to normal in the next instant. .

Three years of slave life has made him instinctively how to reduce the damage. Sure enough, St. Valerian, who slipped and fell, angrily gave the slave who lifted him up a few whips, splashing blood, turning his head to see 'stumbling' 'His haji, but satisfied.

He can't bark or cry, this is a good obedient slave, he touched Haji's head with his hand like a reward - it is a gift from God to be able to touch his hand through the anti-germ gloves !

"Tired." After comforting Haji twice, Valerian said to himself, Haji knew that this meant the end of the bubble game tonight.

The next session is always different, and today seems extra special. Saint Valerian clapped his hands, and a strong slave pulled in a few faces he hadn't seen before.

There are ferocious middle-aged faces, and there are shivering and beautiful girls, there are ordinary humans, there is also a snake head with an exceptionally long neck, and a blue-skinned murloc boy. The slave collar on his neck makes them kneel obediently However, the beatings they had received before made them only dare to wait quietly for the arrangement of St. Valerian.

Of course, in the eyes of St. Valerian, it was just that the goods he bought this time were not bad, and he should be able to play for a while. He thought about it, clapped his hands again, and the slave next to him immediately sent a box.

Inside the box is a purple-skinned devil fruit, which is also the result of his previous trip.

"Who should I give the new fruit to?" He looked at the new slaves and picked out new toys.

The precious devil fruit in the outside world has turned into a poisonous fruit here, and Haji knows that Valerian Saint is preparing to develop a new game.

Over the past three years, Haji has seen similar scenes several times, but other game projects were either disobedient and his head was blown off by the collar, or he was beaten to death by Valerian St. due to his unsatisfactory performance during the game. Only his bubble game lasts the longest and is always there.

"Murlocs who don't know how to water won't choke on water after eating the fruit. It's boring... Human women... don't cry! You are the slaves of the great god!"

Snapped! Snapped! Two whips, in exchange for two screams, Valerian Sheng snorted dissatisfiedly, my Haji is the best and the most obedient...

Huh, Haji?

"I heard that people who eat two devil fruits will blow them up? I've never seen it... Haji, come and eat this fruit!"

"..." Haji raised his head blankly, looking at the devil fruit that was handed over.

"Eat, hurry up!"

Eat it and I'll die, and you won't be able to play your favorite popping bubbles anymore. Haji stared straight at St. Valerian, but all he saw was urging and growing impatience.


"Aren't you obedient? Haji!"

With a bloodstain on his face, he held the fruit dumbly, and the girl's low sobs sounded behind him, was he afraid? Still sympathize with me?

Die... that's fine too.

He bit the fruit, and Saint Valerian showed satisfaction, but at this moment, there was a loud bang not far away, the ground shook, and the fruit in his hand slipped and fell to the ground with a slap.

And the dangling Valerian gave him another whip in dissatisfaction, and walked out angrily: "What's going on? Who's doing what!"

Going out with two bodyguard slaves, he froze for a moment, raised his head, and looked at the two huge mechanical eyes, a red light gradually rose on his face.

"Wonderful? Whose new toy is this? Lend it to me! I can trade it to you for my favorite slave, Haji!" he cheered.

What responded to him was a huge cannon barrel.

"Master God!" The two bodyguards and slaves guarded in shock, but only heard a bang and an explosion, and a shell made them disappear in place!

In the shock wave, a large ditch with a width of more than ten meters was plowed on the ground in an instant, spreading to a hundred meters away, crushing a building into ruins!

And Saint Valerian, who was still cheering just now, was half-buried in the ruins. The 'spacesuit' and bubble hood on his body were all torn apart, and his body was twisted like a dying fish!

Shouts of terror arose.

"what is that?!"

"Out of nowhere! Guards!"

"Damn it, are you going to offend God?!"

The two steel giants who had just climbed up couldn't understand the question of the 'God', and they only did two things - identify and then fire.

The fire lit up the night of Marie Gioia!


On the other side, the five old star Castro Saint has not rested yet, and is listening to his subordinates reporting feedback on the Crocodile incident.

'Most of the common people praised the decisiveness of the world government's handling, and only a few complained about the Qibuhai policy'. The result made him quite satisfied.

Hearing a faint roaring sound, he took a look out of the window, and the fire light from far away in the sky made him frowned slightly: "Where is... the southwest corner of God's House, the area of ​​Gustav's house? What happened? , what are they doing?"

The next moment, a subordinate suddenly rushed in front of him with a razor, and said solemnly: "Master Wu Laoxing, something has happened! There are two..."

"Metal giant? Attack?!" Castro's voice raised an octave: "You said two metal giants with a height of more than 20 meters? Equipped with various weapons! No one controls it?!"

"According to the information over there, no one was found to be manipulating their actions."

"Could it's really a huge robot soldier of the Giant Weapon is this possible...there are two missing?" Castro Saint looked up and said: "Arrange reinforcements immediately, evacuate the Tianlongren... …Tell Steel Bones to go there in person!”


Swiping his subordinates back, Castro San also hurried out the door. The giant weapon army is a special army of the kingdom that was destroyed by them. It is composed of steel giants ahead of the current technology. It is a real war machine. If the ancestors hadn't cut off their energy source, it would have been difficult to defeat.

After winning, most of these steel soldiers who were set to target them were destroyed, and the remaining half had basically no energy and could not move, and no one could activate them.

In the eight hundred years, there was only one accident more than two hundred years ago. A steel giant climbed onto the red earth continent, but before it attacked the Tianlong people, it ran out of energy, only brought a false alarm, and was severely corroded. The steel giant in the past is now kept in Vegapunk's research institute, and even Vegapunk can't crack it!

That one came from the bottom of the sea and was brought back by the ancestors of the mermaids. It was precisely because of that incident that the world government communicated with the mermaids, but the other party was not very obedient, which opened up the discrimination against the mermaids that lasted for more than two hundred years. prelude.

This time the two are well preserved and have sufficient energy? Damn, who kept them? !

Soon, the five old stars gathered together.

Everyone's face was gloomy.


At the same time, two war behemoths have flattened a corner of the Tianlong people's residence, and are continuing to advance deep into the holy land. The raging fire was burning, it was like a purgatory on earth!

What? Are the Tianlong people in purgatory?

That's fine.

Ji Xing, dressed in black, seemed to blend into the night, walking among the broken walls, and when he saw the groaning Tianlong people who were not dead, he quietly helped them to save their pain, very kind.

There was a pounding sound from the ruins ahead.

Ji Xing saw a blond boy with bruises all over his body holding a hard whip, stabbing the head of a corpse of a Celestial Dragon!

It's hard to describe the specific picture, anyway, I can't see the face of the dragon man that day, and Ji Xing's favorite things are all over the place.

He walked over and bent down to help the young man whose ankle was twisted to reset. The pain was no less than that of the broken ankle, which made the young man froze. When he looked back, his face was numb and lifeless.

Ji Xing used Liu Ying to help him remove the explosive collar around his neck, and gave him a thumbs up.

"Slaughtering 'God', amazing, live on."

There was a little brilliance in the boy's eyes.

Ji Xing turned his head straight, and waved to a few slaves who were hiding in the ruins and peeking at him. They came tentatively, hesitantly, and expectantly.

When the collars of the slaves were all removed, they all showed ecstasy: "Thank you! You..."

"Call me Dunan Isbadley." Ji Xing smiled and said, "Help each other, let's run, the chaos will be even bigger tonight, whether you can escape from Marie Gioia, it all depends on you luck."

After saying that, he didn't wait for a few people to ask more questions or follow their plans, and disappeared in place in a blink of an eye.

Alas, I can't say, so I'm brought here. I'm here, how can I hold back and not make it bigger?

Just think of it as a test of the starlight income from killing the Tianlong people, don't go up, kill a hundred...kill about two hundred and leave, it shouldn't be very fatal.

In the accompaniment of the steel giant's cannon fire.

The disaster night of 'God' has just begun!

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