"Then what are you going to do during the day, just wait like this?"

Ella shook her head. Her divination back then went in another direction. Now that Ling had fully recovered, they could go to explore the temple related to ghouls in the rainforest.

Chapter 30 North

Glamisburg, Kraft School,

Albert Kleist sat at the stone table on the exclusive balcony of the principal's office, which was at the top of Glamis Castle. From this position, he could clearly see the sea of ​​rose flowers on both sides of Baishi Avenue.

"Would you like some more mead?"

"Black tea is fine, I'm not used to alcohol in the morning."

Yousef took the black tea, he looked a little tired, which made his already gloomy face look even uglier.

"You are still the same. Every time there are victims in the mission, you will go to their family members to report the news of the death... As you can imagine, this is a difficult thing to face, right?"

"This is my duty, I did not protect my subordinates."

Yusuf dodged that question.

"What about you? I remember that you were the executive officer of the school when you were young, and those who died were all your students, right?"

Kleist took a sip of the mead, looked at the white rose garden on the ground, and showed no superfluous expression.

"...I've been used to it for a long time. This is probably the benefit of old age. There is nothing that cannot be lost."

After speaking, the space around him rippled, and the deformed courier wearing a top hat jumped out. He saluted the old man, and then respectfully handed out a letter.After the old man took it, he stepped back a few steps and became transparent.

Kleist took a few glances after opening it, and there didn't seem to be much content in the letter.


Yusef asked curiously. This was somewhat rude, but as an executive for a long time, he had developed a certain habit of directly skipping what special events the executive's letter contacting Kleist might mean.

"Nothing, it's from your excellent student, Miss Williams."

Kleist shook the letter paper in his hand,

"Did you write it to you instead of sending it to me?"

The old man ignored the other party's complaints as if joking, and handed it to Yousef while talking about the contents of the letter.

"Little Ella said in the letter that the first mission went well. Considering that her teacher was performing a mission, she did not choose to disturb you. Instead, she entrusted an old man to take care of you after you returned to Glamis. say hello."

Yousef took the letter, read it, and showed a rare smile.

He handed the letter back to Kleist and stood up.

"Aren't you going to sit down for a while longer? I think you can probably take a week or two off this time."

Yusef had put his coat back on and picked up his bowler hat.

"Because of this, I'm planning to go back and have a good day's rest. The weather is slowly warming up. Maybe I'll go out and find a suitable place to relax later, such as a holiday in the Sutherlands town. Adolf has a log cabin on the lake outside the town. , he once bragged to me about the scenery there."

"Sounds great, have a wonderful holiday."

Kleist did not get up, still looking at the rose garden.

"Thank you."

Yusef turned to leave, the wind high on the balcony forced him to hold down his hat.


Before leaving, Ella handed over a dozen old seals to Jack, including the "dark deep sea" that can be used directly to offset damage, and the mutant old seal "withered lake" that can only be activated by consuming magic power.

Considering Jack's magic power, Ayla left all the seals of the deep sea that can be used without magic power to him, and there is only one seal of the lake.

During their absence, if the madness in the town spreads to the streets of Mansour, Jack can use the power of the Old Seal to escape with Miss Rosa in times of danger.

Using their own stealth magic, they quickly reached the edge of the rainforest.

Following the same path, the three of them soon arrived at the lake, which was the first place they explored and where Ella was attacked.

After gaining experience, Ayla's second use of the magic of summoning Bayaki was no longer so strenuous.

Taking out the prepared meteorite iron and copper whistle, Ella chanted an obscure incantation. She took out the Eye of Hermes in advance, and with the increase of the latter's magic power, she once again summoned three worshipers as big as horses. subunit.

The state of the shadow has also been fully restored, but if it is not absolutely necessary, Ayla does not intend to use the last magic to make her appear in front of Ling and Hyde.

With psychological preparation, Ella withstood the mental shock from the three-headed monster, and was not affected in any way except for her face turning slightly pale.

The Byakhees quickly showed a gesture of submission.

But even so, the stitched corpse-like appearance still made the three people present feel strong discomfort.

Ella noticed that one of the monsters made her feel a little familiar. It seemed to be one of the monsters she had summoned last time. made this judgment.

Ella took out three golden glass tubes and gave two of them to the other two.

"Drink it to be able to ride this creature. Byakhee has poisonous gas on his body. Gold mead can protect us from pollution, and at the same time, it can also resist the cold at high altitude."

Ling drank up the medicine without hesitation and then rode on one of the Bayakis.

"It tastes good, sweet."

This is what Ling thinks about it.

Ella used the floating spell, and it was difficult for her to complete that action with her own strength.

Hyde showed a disgusted expression. He drank up the liquid medicine, looked at the rotting monster, and supported its body with his hands. There was a layer of black and short sparse hair growing there. Hyde quickly retracted his palm, and there was stained with it. Some creamy and disgusting brown slime.

"It's disgusting, are you serious, do you have to ride it?"

"of course."

Ella didn't care much about that,

"If it's on foot, maybe we won't find the remains of that temple before dark."

Hyde gritted his teeth, and rode on Byakhe's rotten and smelly body in a very awkward posture. He was trying to avoid too much contact between his body and the former.

Ayla took out the broken statue and brought it to the monster,

"Remember this statue, take us to the northern ruins where it is located."

The monster's two pairs of white-covered eyeballs rolled a few times, and they made strange and annoying sounds, as if they were communicating.

Afterwards, the three Byakhees flapped their wide wings at the same time, and started to run at the same time.

Their movements were so fast and violent that Hyde, who was unstable due to his weird posture, was caught off guard and lay on Byakir's rotting body, and the brown mucus covered his whole body almost instantly.

"Damn it, Williams, this is my favorite hunting suit ever!"

His roar could almost be described as a scream. Amidst the screams, the monster lifted three people into the sky and disappeared over the rainforest.

Chapter 31 The Twisted Zone

Looking down from the sky, the ground is full of green trees. Tangerang Island is bigger than imagined, and the area occupied by the town seems to be only an insignificant part.

The Bayakis were not flying slowly, but the sea of ​​trees was still spreading, and there was no sign of the remains of the temple.

This made everyone have a sense of spatial confusion, and the island seemed to be getting bigger. Taking the Tangerang Island they saw on the boat at first, such a long time was enough for Baiaki to fly back and forth up.

The golden mead had helped, and the wind in the air was whistling past Ayla's ears, but she hadn't felt a thing.

Dense fog began to appear around them, and they had a strange dampness, which was very different from the climate in the town. The sun was gradually hidden in the thick fog, and the sight became dim.

The Byakhees landed in a sparse woodland, and Ayla jumped from it. She noticed that the surrounding environment was very different from the rainforest.

The shapes of plants became eerie and distorted, and the trunks became transparent and textured like glass.The place where green branches and leaves should have grown is full of flowers of various colors, and the organs that originally belonged to different plants are densely intertwined.

Violet, datura, hyacinth, rose or some unknown plants bloom from the transparent branches in such an incongruous way, their roots are intertwined inside, like clear blood vessels.

I can't tell whether it's ore or plant luminous bodies scattered on the ground, they are oval crystals but they have the characteristics of fungi.

Everything in front of my eyes is like an illusory dream, or an absurd world depicted by a third-rate novelist.

Not far ahead, there is a minaret-like stone building, which is very different from the style of the island's indigenous people.

The building is full of large and small reliefs, most of which are monsters with distorted images. Even demonologists in some evil religions in the mortal world would not conceive such images.

That's not because the statues are too scary or disgusting, but because they fundamentally violate the sense of symmetry or rationality that normal humans pursue. put together.

If everything in the world was created by gods, then the gods who created the prototype monsters of these statues must have fallen into madness long ago.

The dense fog dyed a light rose red near the temple. Ella noticed that the surrounding environment was centered on the ruins. The closer the place was, the more absurd and distorted it was, while some shadows of the rainforest remained in the farther places. .

"There is such a ghostly place on the island? This is already a very serious incident, and the blind can see that the ruins are abnormal. Maybe we need to ask for help."

Hyde wiped his hands on the ground randomly and dried the stained liquid. His face became extremely ugly. The situation on Tangerang Island had exceeded everyone's imagination. Compared with the family's face, Hyde still felt that Your own life is more important.

"In fact, I have notified Professor Kleist and my teacher by messenger this morning."

Regarding Ella's answer, Hyde was a little surprised at first, but then had no other opinions.In his opinion, this is undoubtedly the correct choice, the only thing that makes him a little dissatisfied is that the former did not discuss it with himself.

Ella did not avoid Ling when performing the ritual of summoning the messenger. The latter was already awake at the time. After hearing about the prophecy, she had the same idea as Ella.

Ling asked Hyde to take off the necklace as a pendulum, and performed a simple divination on the degree of danger in the ruins. The result of the divination was that there was danger but not hopelessness.

The shadow's voice sounded in Ella's mind,

"This place feels very familiar to me... It's a bit like a secret room opened by Sibyl in the spiritual world."

"You mean this is the spiritual world?"

"Not exactly, I don't know very well, it's like some kind of special area mixed with the spiritual and material worlds."

The shadow stopped making a sound, and Ayla took out another bottle of blood to smear the mirror, eliminating the side effects of using the Eye of Hermes for summoning Bayaki.

"Hyde, take off your ring, and use the mysterious door to summon something. This can reduce the risk. If the wizard's magic comes from this temple, he should arrange it here."

After noticing Ella's movements, Ling also pulled out the Cossack dagger from her waist. She suggested that Hyde use the ability of the mysterious door. It can be seen that Ling is very wary of the wizard behind the ghoul.


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