Hyde nodded, first put away the ring of the arrogant, and then poured a lot of magic power into the necklace.

The illusory light gate appeared in mid-air, and a familiar feeling that made Ella sick to my stomach appeared in the depth of the light gate.

After spending a lot of Hyde's magic power, a dangerous creature came here.

It was a nightmarish black and bright body that exuded a foul smell. Its shapeless body seemed to be made of asphalt mixed with flesh and blood. Large and small swollen bubbles shimmered faintly, and its pus-like eyes gleamed. The surface of its body is constantly forming and disintegrating.Tentacles encircled the alien body like entangled snakes.

Ella found the source of this familiarity, a dangerous creature she had seen before, the same monster that had ravaged Henry's factory five years before, devouring all the factory workers, crushing, devouring, melting them into Viscous flesh and blood.

The name of this monster is Shoggoth.

It was only a dozen feet tall, far smaller than the one that caused the disaster in the factory, but it was just as terrifying.This dangerous creature is hardly afraid of any physical damage, and only fire and a few magic can harm its disgusting body.

Although the existence of Shoggoth made Ella feel very uncomfortable, but I have to say that Hyde's luck is good, and it is really suitable to use it as a pathfinder.

As the crowd approached, the soil in front of the temple began to loosen, and a large number of zombies made of beasts emerged from the ground.Reminiscent of the giant snake hidden in the river that day, it should all be the work of that wizard.

Under the power of the Mystic Gate, the Shoggoths temporarily obeyed Hyde, rushing forward under his command.

The zombie's claws and teeth couldn't do any harm to its body at all. Without exception, they were crushed to pieces by the Shoggoths, or drawn into the monster's slimy body by tentacles as thick as arms, and began to melt as they struggled.

The size of the shoggoth began to grow, and after devouring more than ten zombies, its size almost increased by half.

So far, all the obstacles around the ruins have been removed, and they came to the gate of the stone minaret.

Chapter 32 The Frontier of Dreams

The three-headed Byakhees and one Shoggoth entered the steeple first, and the magic connection did not fluctuate, nor was it disconnected, which proved that the environment was temporarily safe.

After making eye contact with each other, the three walked through the gate.

But the moment Ella stepped on the ground with her front foot, an accident happened.

Everything around her changed, and she found that the partners standing around her had suddenly disappeared!

Horror and horror surged up together.

The two disappeared silently without Aila noticing, which was different from what was expected, and the danger predicted by divination was not so great.

There's no way the wizard could have been so powerful, it could only be the power of the spire or the items in it.

But this brought the result to another contradiction. How could a wizard whose magic power was not as good as hers be able to freely enter and leave such a place and leave arrangements in front of the spire?

... what was I thinking just now?

Ella was stunned suddenly. She found that she had lost the thoughts she had a second ago. There seemed to be an unnatural gap in her memory, and this gap was gradually getting bigger until it covered everything.

The familiar wall clock rang, and she found herself standing in front of the long table with messy cups and plates, and the firewood burning in the fireplace was crackling.

"Ella, don't stand still! Go and wash the dishes, and then clean the kitchen. Move faster, so as not to affect our rest."

Aunt Tris's harsh voice came from inside the house, and Ella responded subconsciously, and began to tidy up the tableware on the table.

The cold water is a bit biting in this season, and only the nine-year-old girl slowly stopped what she was doing, feeling a little disobedient.

She turned her head to look at the wall clock, which was full of upside-down numbers and weird symbols, and the long hands were spinning in reverse.

Foam in the kitchen sink condenses into a mocking smiley face,

"You're finally sober. I thought it would take longer."

Ella put down the plate expressionlessly, and her young body quickly became taller.

"Shadow, have we returned to the past or are we in some kind of hallucination?"

The previous answer has basically been denied by Ella herself, which is impossible. Although this place is very similar to Henry's small building, there are still flaws in some details.

"Neither is right."

The sewage in the tank gathered into a human figure exactly like Ella, standing beside her.

"You are dreaming, this is your dreamland."

Shadow noticed that Ella tried a few spells and managed to dry and clean the dirty dishes, which made her frown.

"Why are you still washing these stupid dishes?"

Ella dried her hands, blushing a little.

"I just feel a little uncomfortable looking at it... You just said that this is my dream?"

"Yes, everything is unreal, so I can also have a body so easily."

Shadow twirled around on the floor on tiptoe, she seemed to enjoy the feeling, the body in the dream was far better than the hastily made by magic.

"I had some guesses before, but now I can be sure that this forest is the border of dreams, and there should be an entrance to the dreamland in the temple, which affects a small area around it."

"Dreamland? What is that?"

Ella had never seen this term in the Kraft school books,

"That was a world that was discovered by only a handful of magicians. Perhaps no one knows about it in this era."

The wisdom of the Shadow comes from Sibylla, the seer who took the Eye of Hermes into the world she called the Dreamland.

"Ella Williams, what do you think about dreams?"

Ella didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Ordinary people think that dreams are some kind of revelation from gods or devils, and some people think that people's souls go out of their bodies during sleep. Dreams are the scenery seen by the soul. Others, who they call scholars, think that dreams are the source to one's own memory and thinking.

In fact, there is no exact answer to this question even in the wizarding world.Maybe magicians can get some kind of enlightenment from their own spirituality from dreams, but most of them regard this as the instinct of magicians.

The master alchemist who once put forward the theory of "stolen time" was very interested in the theory of ordinary people's souls leaving their bodies. He did a lot of experiments and used some kind of black magic to observe the souls of those who were sleeping. soul.

After several nights of staying up straight, the tired and angry guru came to the conclusion that out-of-body is total bullshit!Because of all the subjects, regardless of whether they woke up and said they were dreaming or not, their souls lay well in their bodies during sleep.

After that, he put forward the so-called "star body" theory. The master believed that there are "star bodies" that have not been proven to exist outside the body and soul, and that is the source of dreams.But relatively, because the "star body" has not yet been proven to exist, the master alchemist did not provide any evidence for his theory.

When Professor Benson talked about this passage in the history of magic, he said that he should have cut his skull with a string saw to see if this person had a brain.If it doesn't, it means a great biological discovery, and old Benson is quite confident about it.

"...I don't know, maybe it's a chaotic memory or a spiritual reminder."

Shadow shook his head,

"You didn't answer the question, the reminder from spirituality is just a phenomenon, not your understanding of dreams - well, dreams come from the subconscious mind of creatures, it includes forgotten memories, fantasies or repressed emotions, but it is not limited to this …Dreams are the worlds created by creatures unconsciously.”

"You mean the world?"

"Yes, it is like a beehive. Each dream world is a hexagonal hole, and the dream world is composed of countless dream worlds. Every individual dream will become the soil of the dream world. make up this gigantic hive."

"The sum of dreams... Does it have an entrance in the real world?"

"You've seen it with your own eyes."

Ella was speechless, the illusory mist and the transparent forest full of flowers were indeed the best proof.

Aunt Tris was awakened by the sound of the two men, shouting and cursing coming from her room.

"Well, since this is my dream, how do I wake up? It's almost identical to 304 Smith Street."

"Since you're awake, you can wake up at any time. You're awake because of my presence, but your friends are out of luck."

Shadow smiled teasingly,

"You can choose to wake them up or wake up alone. Of course, if I were you, I would probably choose the latter."

Ayla looked into Shadow's eyes,

"Yeah, so you'll never be me."

"That would be great, it sounds really good."

Shadow's smile grew brighter.

Chapter 33 Exploring the Dreamland

When the two were talking, Aunt Triss scolded even more harshly. She even opened the door, put on a pajamas, and planned to come down from upstairs to teach this increasingly courageous girl a lesson.

"Then this Aunt Tris is also fake? Isn't it a soul or something else?"

Ella couldn't believe it, it was all too real.

"Of course, this is just an illusion formed by your memory."

Tris was already standing in front of Ella, and she seemed unaware of the existence of the shadow. After seeing the neatly packed dishes, the middle-aged woman's expression became a little better.

But she turned her head, her face turned livid again, and she opened her mouth to utter some harsh sarcasm, and at this time, the figures of Henry and Goyle also appeared in front of the stairs.

Feeling relieved for no apparent reason, Ella interrupted Triss, who was furious that she couldn't remember a time when the girl in front of her was so bold.

Ella took a few steps back, then bowed,

"I remember I didn't have time to say goodbye last time, so this is the last time... Goodbye, Aunt Triss, and Uncle Henry and Cousin Goyle, and... I'm sorry."

Although many things happened, whether it was for child support or other reasons, they still took themselves in when they were young.Then Ella can't remember her appearance at all, and her parents who send a large sum of money every year treat her better than Henry's family?

Ayla didn't know, and it didn't matter that much now that they were dead.In any case, Ella thought she owed them a formal farewell.

Saying that, she opened the door and left the room with Shadow.

"Is this necessary? You are saying goodbye to the illusion, it is hypocritical."

Shadow scoffed at Ella's behavior.

Ella smiled and did not argue with this.

Outside the house is not Smith Street in London, but the workshops connected to the factory, the ashes of the cloth, the looms covered in blood film, and the monster entrenched in the center.They are also like Henry's old house, with some subtle differences from reality, such as the orientation of the looms, or the upside-down letters on the machine tool.The monster remained in the state it was before it was burned to death by the enforcer, and the human body slowly melted in its tarry body.

The gigantic shoggoths let out a disgusting grin and attacked the humans who appeared out of nowhere in the factory.

The girl leaned down helplessly to avoid the tentacles waving from mid-air, and chanted a spell, so that the smoky black iron chains temporarily restrained the monster's actions,

"I thought it was Hyde or Ling's dream outside the house!"

"Of course not, you need to go to the boundary of your dream."

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