"Maybe we can hide in the rainforest for a while."

Jack sighed,

"It seems that after this time is over, I will need to find a new place to retire."

"Hush, someone has come in."

Ella motioned for the others to continue hiding in the darkness of the ruins, and she once again used the magic to hide her figure and walked towards the gate of the ruins.

Ella observed the other person's figure in the dark, and initially judged that it should be a slender lady. She didn't look like a civilian participating in patrol.

"Miss Magician, are you here?"

The woman suddenly spoke, which surprised Ella. She had already used the Silencing Charm in advance, so she should not be discovered.The lady's voice made her feel a little familiar. After using the method of flipping a coin for simple divination and drawing a safe conclusion, Ella lifted the Embrace of the Night and appeared in front of the blonde curly hair wearing an over-fashionable dress. in front of the dressed lady.

"Miss Rosa Willett, why did you come to this kind of place, I remember I suggested you to leave this island before?"

"Thank goodness!"

Rosa sighed, showing a somewhat gratified smile,

"I knew you would be hiding in the back streets of Mansour Road. Everyone in the town is crazy. I saw a warrant for you there. I think you probably need help."

"Why help us? You should know it's dangerous."

"Because I think only you guys can end this...well, just pretend I'm crazy too!"

Ella instinctively wanted to refuse. Although the divination results showed that Rosa's good intentions were not false and what was waiting for them was not a trap, she really didn't want to involve ordinary people in such an incident.Ke Ling's situation is indeed not optimistic, and she needs a stable environment to recover.

"Thank you...this will end."


Under the leadership of Rosa, they entered the two-story building at the front of Mansour Road.Jack's face became a little strange. He didn't seem to have any doubts about Miss Rosa, but he always avoided her intentionally or unintentionally, and his expression looked a little embarrassed.

But Ella still had a question in her mind. Even Rosa knew they would be hiding in the back street of Mansour Road. Why didn't those patrols search here?

Rosa's answer is this:

"Those police officers and clergy masters will not be willing to search such a smelly place. As for other townspeople who are willing to participate in patrolling, they have no brains at all, let alone think about such problems. They just need to follow behind the former Cheers are enough."

After fighting in the morning and fleeing for a day, Ella felt very tired. After simply eating some bread and water, she sat on the floor of the study with Ling and fell asleep.

Miss Rosa doesn't have enough guest rooms here, and it's not the time to lie on the bed comfortably. The location of the study is convenient for moving or observing the outside world.

Hyde seemed to be discussing something with Jack outside the room. They would take turns to be in charge of the vigil tonight. She vaguely heard that Hyde seemed to be planning to use the ring's ability to control the top police officers, and Rosa seemed to be planning to provide some help in this regard.

"Really? Ma'am, this is a dangerous job..."

Hyde's vague voice came from outside the house,

"No, I don't mean to underestimate you. If that's the case, come with me. My name is Hyde Belusay, and I come from a great pure-blood family--no, no! I'm not interested in such things... You misunderstood, who would like a man?!"

Ella couldn't help laughing, the awkward noble young master seemed to be very embarrassed when facing Ms. Rosa.

Unlike the nobles of ordinary people, the young masters of the magician family seem to be not very good at dealing with courtesans, or Hyde Belusay is an example of them.

Perhaps this is a bit nasty, but Ella somewhat gloated, and her tense nerves relaxed a lot.

Just listening to the content, Hyde's plan should be feasible. Maybe they can control the mayor or other high-level officials in Tangerang Town. This will not only make their situation safer, but also obtain various conveniences, even to some extent Contain the crazy situation on the island.


Ella seemed to think of something, some inspiration was fleeting, but all kinds of chaotic thoughts filled her brain, the temple ruins deep in the rainforest, the ghouls underground in Tangerang Town, the Paramon sect , the suddenly deteriorating situation, and the wizard hidden in the town... The inspiration is submerged in the dark ocean, the sky dyed red by fire, the stone statue, the battle in the rainforest, these images are like soap bubbles in Ella's My mind surged up, and then burst.

Even if the immediate predicament is solved, the picture presented in the "Book of the Future" is like a thorn in her body, making Ella unable to settle down.

The girl fell into meditation. For the magician, it can restore the spirit just like sleep. The connected spheres of light change shapes, like a disturbed palette. Turned into a stick figure.

Simple drawing?

Ella was startled and quit the meditation state. She found that her whole body was drenched in cold sweat. She felt like she had had a nightmare, and now the distant sky was already showing a white belly.

How long has it been?Ella moved her stiff limbs and looked out of the window, but her expression gradually froze. Memories and reality were intertwined in her eyes.

The crazy night in Tangerang Town, and the strangely shaped peaks in the distance that looked like they were truncated in the middle, finally overlapped with the picture she saw in "Book of the Future".

Chapter 29 Active Volcanoes

Ella recalled the details she had seen in the "Book of the Future", thick smoke rising from the break of the mountain, and the dead gray sky like a corpse that had been drained of blood.

An unknown wizard picked up a shriveled umbilical cord in the middle of the corpse, and he would be reborn from the dead to start a new childhood.

It took a long time for Ella to get rid of the images that made her hair stand on end. The images in "Future Book" have no clear time. Maybe the disaster will happen today, or in a more distant future.

But in any case, the incident has exceeded expectations, and it is no longer to the extent of purifying ghouls.Ella decided to draft two letters, and let the courier send them to Kleist and Yousef who might still be on a mission.

The content of the letter is very brief:

"Tangerang Island may be the place I saw in the "Book of the Future", and the wizard who caused the London incident is suspected to be hiding in this sea area.

— Ella Williams"

Without much hesitation, Ayla prepared the ceremony of summoning the messenger. Perhaps this would mean the failure of this mission, but compared to the prophesied disaster, that kind of trivial matter was insignificant.

According to the description of Ella's spell, the bat-shaped messenger belonging to Yousef, and the messenger wearing a top hat shaped like a deformed baby corpse appeared one after another. In the twisted space ripples, the bat messenger with eight eyes was the first to stick out his head, Then the other messenger held down his hat with a dry arm and squeezed out from its side.

The space ripples seem to have become too crowded, they struggled to make hasty and short-lived strange noises, the two huddled together and could not leave the ripples at the same time, and descended into the real world.

The former opened his mouth and bit the letter, and the latter originally intended to catch the envelope with a barely squeezed hand, but when its hand left the top of its head, the top hat almost fell off, and the baby messenger screamed, and did the same The crooked mouth hangs on the letter.

Ella put aside the prophecy for the time being, the most important thing at the moment is to find the wizard hidden in the town and find the ghoul in the sewer.

Ling was awakened by the movement caused by the messenger. With the medicine, her condition was obviously much better after a night's rest.

Mademoiselle Rosa prepared them a breakfast of oatmeal and bread and butter.Ella was sitting where she could see the window, sipping bread, and asked casually,

"What's the name of that mountain? The shape looks a bit strange."

"That's Mount Tambora, haven't you heard of it?"

Miss Rosa replied.

Jack put down the water glass in his hand, turned around, and glanced out the window.

"Most people should have heard of its name... Also, Miss Ira should not have been born at that time."

"Did anything happen there?"

Jack looked into the distance, that is the unique expression of people who are trapped in memories,

"I haven't actually seen it with my own eyes, but I probably understand that it happened more than 30 years ago. I was just a teenager at the time... Let's start with the island. Although it can be seen, Tambora is actually Far away from this island, it's in another place that the locals call Sumbawa, and as you can see, it's an active volcano."

"active volcano?"

Ella had seen the term in Kraft's books.

"Yes, that's right."

Jack nodded and continued,

"More than 30 years ago, it woke up and sent immeasurable flames and lava into the sky. It is said that that force almost cut the mountain itself in half, forming the current fracture-like shape. The thick clouds are like Huge butterfly wings, covering the sky and the sun...Even people living on the other side of the world were affected, and that year was called the Year Without Summer."

"A year without a summer, what does that mean?"

After eating breakfast, Ling had fully recovered.

"Literally, noxious clouds blanketed the sky, cold swept the world, and it was difficult to see the sun all year. It was found that snowflakes continued to fall until May and even June, and crops and livestock flocked. Frozen to death, the flapping of that butterfly's wings eventually brought on a hurricane, hundreds of thousands of people died in Ireland from disease and starvation, my mother, two brothers and a sister died."

Jack's hands were trembling slightly. He seemed to be looking for a bottle of whiskey, but he stretched out his hand in mid-air but missed it. He smiled awkwardly and put it back on the table.

"I'm very sorry……"

Ella was shocked by this number. She didn't know how to comfort Jack, but another layer of doubts also emerged in her heart.

That disastrous description was too similar to the pictures she had seen, and Ella couldn't help wondering, could it be that what appeared in the "Book of the Future" was something from the past?That wizard has already achieved a certain purpose?

This makes things more complicated, at least Ella has no clue now.

Jack waved his hand,

"It's all old stuff, there's nothing to talk about. Instead of caring about it, we might as well think about how to find those damned ghouls and hidden wizards, and end everything as soon as possible."

Rosa puts away the empty dishes, and Ella gets up to help.

While washing the dishes, Rosa seemed to remember something,

"Mr. Belusay mentioned yesterday that he intends to use magic to control the mayor or other high-level officials, so it will be much easier for you to find someone in the town, right?"

"Of course!"

Hyde seemed very confident in the plan.

Ella took a look at him, she had thought hard this morning,

"This plan is worth trying, but there is a problem with it. I have been suspicious since yesterday. We were not wanted in the first few days when we came to this island. We also had a relationship with Serge of the Paramon sect. Officiant Wei met, and she even helped us out at the time."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Hyde was dissatisfied with Ella's questioning, and he didn't understand what it had to do with his plan.

"The arrest and everything after that happened after I was attacked, so I think that the wizard hiding in the town is most likely the high-level person in the town. Wanted, so that everything can be explained."

Hyde froze for a moment, this possibility was indeed ignored by him.In fact, most wizards living among ordinary people, especially those who study dangerous magic, try to hide as low-key as possible.

But Ella had seen local wizards in San Francisco, such as the local wizards who had established government agencies such as the cultural relics protection department, and couldn't help but make associations.

"If we are unlucky, we will have a head-on conflict with him. At that time, we may face a dangerous wizard, plus the militia and police officers on the entire island. With ordinary people as cover, he can easily escape. The safest way is to determine his identity and location, and use ritual magic to isolate him in advance...but it's very difficult, at least there are no clues at the moment."

"No, there are clues."

Ling interrupted Ella, took out the amber glass bottle,

"This is the drug made by that monster. We can find people who sell this drug on the island. We only need Hyde to control a police officer. It's not difficult."

The plan has been initially completed, but it is not suitable for daytime operations. They only need to sneak to a certain policeman's house when night comes, and then complete the spiritual suggestion silently.

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