At this time, something sprang out of the darkness, broke his oil lamp, and the cave became dark again.

In the darkness, Adolf could only hear his own breathing and heartbeat...

No - it's the breathing and heartbeat of two people. Besides him, there is a second creature here.

Chapter 11 Crisis

Adolf reacted in an instant. He took a step back and leaned against the rock wall to protect his back from the attack.

In the next second, he closed his eyes slightly, snapped his fingers, and a dazzling white irregular sphere suddenly appeared in midair. The intense light was enough to blind creatures who had long adapted to the darkness!

Two lime-gray films fell off from Adolf's eyes. This was his protection of his eyes, allowing him to still retain his vision in strong light.The bright light only lasted for a moment before it was knocked down by a black shadow, but this was enough. The brief movement of the black shadow knocking down the light ball was enough for Adolf to confirm the enemy's position!

Professor Adolf crushed the ground with one foot and hit it like a cannonball!

The surrounding darkness became viscous, like a swamp overflowing with mud, and layers of cobwebs formed in the viscous darkness, blocking the professor's tall figure in front of him.

But the spider web can only restrain flying insects, and even the thickest spider web can only catch flying birds. The seven-foot-tall Adolf is neither a flying insect nor a bird. His charge is like a raging rhinoceros, easily tearing apart all obstacles , bumping into the shadow hiding in the darkness.

The black shadow was hit into the air, and it spun like a top. It seemed that he was not under any force at all. His body was stretched, and he seemed to be completely unharmed. It didn't look like he had received a heavy blow from Adolf just now.

The black shadow fell to the ground, it was just a wide cloak, the owner of the cloak drifted strangely behind Adolf, and landed steadily.

Professor Adolf took a deep breath, and opened his mouth to let out an invisible scream. The sound waves collided and echoed on the stone wall of the cave, converging into the ear-piercing roar of iron.

The creatures covered by the roar fell into an unavoidable short-term dizziness, and the figure of the black shadow also froze. Adolf twisted his body and grabbed the opponent's throat with his big hands.

A cold and hard cane separated Adolf's palm, and the shadow took a step back.

"Stop, it's me."

It was Yusuf's voice. Adolf had gradually adapted to the darkness, and he saw the former's expression was unkind.

"I know, but since I started, I tried a few more times by the way. We haven't fought for a long time."

"Now is not the time."

Adolf intends to relight the oil lamp, but Yusef knocks him down again.

"In this cave, no light can appear, unless you want to be trapped here forever."

Adolf frowned, put down the oil lamp, and signaled Yusef to continue talking.

"When a light source appears in this cave, the environment here will be distorted accordingly. I haven't figured out whether our vision has changed, or the terrain of the cave has really changed, or... both, the only It's safe to say they don't change in the dark."

Yosef used a sharp stone to outline some numbers and symbols on the ground.

"According to my investigation of the environment, temperature and some attempts, we are now tens of kilometers deep."

"How is this possible? It's been less than half an hour since I walked into the cave."

Yusef continued without looking at him,

"And teleportation magic is not needed here. According to my estimation, it will take at least a few days before we can leave here."

"It's only a few tens of kilometers, how could it take so long."

"It's not just as simple as rushing..."

Yusef said, taking a defensive posture, and the sound of rustling sounds came from the four corners of the cave.

"There's something annoying here."

Adolf stretched his body, and his bones made a loud noise,

"It's nothing. It just happened that I didn't have a good fight just now. Speaking of which, have you found the thorn in the human face? Little Ella has been waiting for a long time."

"Of course, they're everywhere."

As Yusef said, human faces, large and small, began to appear in the four corners of the cave.


California, Sutter Township, Golden Sun Hotel, one o'clock in the morning.

Ella opened her eyes suddenly and sat up straight on the bed.Although she was still unable to use magic, after taking the potion made of human-faced thorns, her spirituality was re-opened. Now, her spirituality is warning her that danger is approaching.

She had a vague feeling that this kind of danger should not be too great. Compared with the incident four years ago, the attack in the hospital, or the fight in the woods of Kraft School, this kind of danger is completely incomparable with the former, almost can be ignored.

But Ella is no better than before, she is too weak now.

Ella recalled what she heard during the day and Edward's advice, showing a strange expression,

"It wouldn't be so coincidental would it?"

Thinking about it, Ella pinched two pieces of parchment with old seals drawn on it, stuffed the pillow into the quilt to pretend she was still asleep, and hid in the shadow behind the hanger.

She tried her best to control, maintained a steady and long breath, and forced herself to calm down. If the old illness relapsed at this time, it would definitely be fatal.

The door was violently kicked open, and two tall men rushed in. They listened to the quilt being violently lifted in front of Ella's bed, but only found the pillow hidden inside, and fell into a daze for a moment.

"It's now."

Ella calculated the distance, and threw a piece of parchment between the two with a blank expression. Its two-meter effective range perfectly covered the enemy, and it had no effect on herself. Ella whispered the syllable for activating the old seal .


The parchment burned violently, and the quiet melody echoed in the room. The expressions of the two men suddenly fell into a trance. They felt unbearable drowsiness, and they swayed and fell to the ground, making two consecutive muffled sounds.

The movement spread outside the room, and the people outside the door made a suspicious voice,

"Grant and the others seem to have been knocked down, the idea is a bit tricky?"

"Shit, these two trash!"

"Be careful, the person inside can put down the two of them silently, it's a little dangerous, kill it, it's troublesome to keep it."

As she spoke, Ayla heard the crisp sound of the revolver disarming.

Heartbroken, the girl threw out a piece of parchment, put her head in her hands, and lay down on the ground.

Accompanied by the roar, the bullets penetrated the wooden walls and wooden doors, and shot into the house densely!Vases, wooden tables, coffee tables, and all kinds of furniture were smashed to pieces by bullets.

Ayla curled up behind the hanger, the bullet came out of the long water mark around her, suspended in mid-air, and then weakened powerlessly, the "dark ocean" was constantly burning, and the translucent gray-blue layer in the air was gradually becoming darker. Dim, Ella threw out a second old seal.

The girl couldn't confirm the location of the two people outside the house, and even throwing the "Mark of Melet" out of the room couldn't ensure that they fell into a deep sleep. She was waiting for an opportunity, and the most suitable time was when the enemy came in to check the corpse.

Ella's heartbeat was slowly speeding up, and she felt that her hands and feet were becoming numb. She simply closed her eyes and leaned against the wall to control her breathing with all her strength. She must not get sick now, absolutely!

The gunfire stopped, the sound of enemy footsteps approaching, this was her only chance to fight back.

Chapter 12 The Bone Knight

Ella's palms began to sweat, the footsteps had stopped, and the enemy had entered the room.

She shrank her body behind the cabinet, pinched the seal of "Melet" and the silver revolver tightly. She hadn't used this gun for a long time, and Ella regarded it more as her amulet.

The situation was a bit unfavorable. Ella's hands and feet were gradually losing consciousness. If the two people entered her attack range a little slower, Ella would lose her ability to resist.

Several plans flashed in Ella's mind. She could directly use a piece of "Dark Ocean" to rush out against the bullet and put the opponent into a deep sleep. Stop bullets at a distance.

Maybe I should call for help directly and let Ling pay attention to her situation. With Ling's strength, it should not be difficult to deal with the two enemies.But the gun battle broke out for so long, Ling should have noticed it a long time ago, maybe something happened to Ling to hold her back.

There was no time to hesitate. Judging from the current situation, she still had a few seconds at most to act.

Ella said softly:

"deep sea."

Gray-blue ripples began to appear around her. Ella decided to rush out and use a pistol and the seal of "Melete" to solve the problem. Even if the bullet broke through the defense of the old seal, it would not be able to cause fatal damage to her. .

Just as she was about to use her strength to rush out, there were two muffled sounds from inside the room, and a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks fell to the ground in front of her.

Aila was startled at first, and then she became relieved when she heard Ling's voice, and her symptoms gradually subsided.

Ling stood in the middle of the room, and the two gunmen fell at her feet.

"Ella, are you alright?!"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just that I was blocked in the room by a few revolvers and shot for five or six minutes."

Ella made a joke to relieve her tension. Her feet were still numb and she stood up with some difficulty.

Ella looked at the four people who fell on the ground, her expression became serious again, and she asked:

"What happened."

"I don't know, but three people just rushed into my room."

Ling pointed to the direction of his own room behind him with his thumb, and continued:

"After dealing with them, I heard the gunshots and rushed over directly, but there were still several gunmen in the corridor, which delayed me a lot of time... Fortunately, you are okay."

"It's a good thing we're well prepared."

Ella patted the satchel hanging on her waist, which was stuffed with a pack full of parchment with old seals drawn on it.

They first went to the room of Alice and his wife, where the wooden door had been destroyed, and both of them had disappeared.

Aila and Ling hurried downstairs. Outside the Golden Sunshine Hotel, the entire town of Sutter was engulfed in flames.

The gunmen occupied both sides of the street and fired at each other from behind the bunkers. The bullets passed each other in the middle of the street, accompanied by abuse and screaming.

Ella and Ling were looking for Alice and his wife while dodging bullets, and soon they found a familiar face in the stable. It was the gold digger Edward who came to Golden Sunshine to treat everyone to a drink yesterday.

He was using a fallen millstone for cover, loading a revolver behind him.

"Mr. Edward?!"

Edward shook, looked around, and then held down the cowboy hat, dodging the bullets in embarrassment, and rushed over to pull Ling and Ella back behind the millstone bunker.The bullet hit the millstone, stirring up small flakes of stone dust.

"Are you two ladies from the daytime hotel? Well, hide here first, and I will keep you safe!"

"Did you see the Alice couple, they are our companions."

"Sorry, I haven't seen them, but I think they should be there."

Edward pointed to the other side of the street, where several gunmen were driving the bound Ping Ming into a carriage.

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