"Ling, how old are you this year? Have you turned 14?"

"Just finished last month."

"Very well, according to the school rules, you are obliged to join the Kraft executive team in the fifth grade. I will advance it. From now on, you will be the executor. Your first task is to protect Ai, who cannot use magic. Can it be done for a week?"

"Of course!"

"Don't be nervous, take it easy."

Adolf smiled and stood up from the sofa, leaving a sunken round pit on the originally smooth and horizontal leather surface.

"Outside of Kleist, there are few wizards stronger than Yusef and I, so there won't be any big problem."

Ling interjected with a smirk:

"Mr. Professor, it's better not to say such things. I used to read popular novels in the library of Kraft School, and the characters who said such things always died heroically."

Adolf's smile froze on his face, and his expression looked a little embarrassed.

"It seems that I need to talk to Kleist. The quality of new books in the library has been getting worse and worse recently. In addition, I suggest that you continue to travel with Alice and his wife. It doesn't matter if you leave here. You should be able to travel with adults. Avoid some unnecessary troubles. As long as Yousef and I get out of that environment, it will be easy to find your location."

Adolf left some money and magic materials, said goodbye, and pushed out the door.

Chapter 9 Descendants of the Evil God?

"Okay, so what should we do next, let's just wait?"

Ling found it hard to accept it for a moment. She sat on the edge of the bed and swung her legs in boredom.

"Well, that's the only way to go. If the Sibilla Field Mine is really dangerous, then we will only become a burden. Don't bring extra trouble to Professor Adolf and the others, it will be the greatest help."

Ella looked a little pale. Of course she had the same mood as Ling. In order to calm herself down, she simply found a thick ancient book from her suitcase, sat on the sofa and started reading.

Before that, Ella glanced at the wall clock. It was now 10:30 am.

After the incident four years ago, she began to search for information related to "Yafum" in the book records of Kraft School.When she completed the bloodline ceremony, she uttered that syllable, but it was more like an instinct. Magicians with divine blood could naturally utter the names of their ancestors when they completed the ceremony.But in the end, Ayla still didn't know what existence the name "Yafum" pointed to.

She has read nearly a hundred books on theology or religion in four years, but she can hardly find any clues.

It had become a habit for Ella to prepare five ancient manuscripts before her journey.The book Ella is looking at now is the one she highlighted. Although the records do not directly appear "Yafum", "Grey White Ice Flame" or other words related to chanting, this book focuses on the The sacrifices that different kinds of gods desire.

In a common begging ceremony, a magician begs for power from his bloodline ancestors, and generally needs to contribute his own magic power as a sacrifice, in addition to needing auxiliary magic power materials.For example, gods related to the sun can use sunflower seeds or gold flakes, and gods related to birds can use peacock tail feathers.

But Ella clearly remembered that at the end of the ceremony, she offered flesh and blood and vitality.But she did not find the same record in any of the gods' materials.Even Cain, the god of the Unholy Blood, only needs to donate the blood of other creatures instead of taking it from the caster.

Ella became even more irritable and couldn't calm down.Her hand turning the pages of the book became faster and faster, but suddenly, she stopped abruptly.On the spread manuscript, there is only one sentence recorded on this page:

"Only evil gods desire the flesh and soul of their offspring"

These words were like a boulder hitting Ella's heart heavily.In the magician's description, evil gods do not refer to gods with evil temperaments. Even gods that symbolize death, or alien species like blood races, are also gods who are willing to accept believers and spread their beliefs.

But the evil god is fundamentally different from the former. What he points to is more like an existence that is outside this world, indescribable, and even more incomprehensible.As long as you hear its ravings or catch a glimpse of its existence, people will fall into madness or mutate into monsters.People who have anything to do with this kind of existence will never end well.

Ella stared blankly at the line of text. She felt as if she had fallen into a moist and cold body of water. The depression was like substance pouring into her ears, causing strong dizziness and tinnitus. She found it difficult to breathe.


Someone is calling her name,


The girl seemed to break through the water, took a deep breath, and sat up from the sofa.

"what happened to you."

Ling approached with concern,

"I called you several times and there was no response. Alice asked us to have lunch together."

"Nothing...I just fell asleep."

Ella closed the copy of the ancient book, put it on the coffee table, and pretended that nothing had happened. At a certain moment, she really lost consciousness like falling into a dream.

At this time, she noticed that she had almost no sensation in her legs. Because of the emotional fluctuations just now, Ella's body had this symptom again, but this symptom seemed to have eased a lot over time, and she raised her head with some doubts. He glanced at the clock on the wall.

The current time is [-]:[-] noon, and at least an hour has passed since she saw that line, but Ella has no sense of reality, and she seems to have really fallen asleep.

She tried to get up, but her legs didn't budge.

Ling noticed her abnormality, helped Ella adjust a comfortable posture, took out a pillow from the bed and put it on her back.

"Have the symptoms appeared again? I'll go downstairs and bring you lunch. Relax, Ella. You will be cured when Professor Adolf and the others come back."

Ella smiled at the back of Ling pushing the door away, she turned her head to look at the ceiling, sorting out her chaotic thoughts.

"I'm not necessarily the heir of the evil god. The records in books are limited. Maybe that existence happens to be out of the records. Think about the son of Abhos, how can I have such a weak blood of the evil god."

Ella thought to herself, trying to be more optimistic.

Not long after, Ling came in with lunch, and Alice followed behind her.

"The craftsmanship of the boss is not bad."

As she spoke, she put the plate on the coffee table, which contained steak and a small bowl of oat milk.

Although Aila felt that she had no appetite, she forced herself to eat some in order not to worry Ling.

Alice is a sentimental woman, she looked at the pale Ella sitting on the sofa, tears almost flashed in her eyes.

"It's hard."

Ella was stunned for a moment, a little unable to adapt to Alice's sympathetic gaze. She felt awkward, and while looking at the oatmeal in the bowl, she replied:

"No...it's the same as the body being numb when sleeping."

"What a strong kid, who endured so much pain and still joked with us.

Alice just talked to herself.

But such a fuss made Ella's depression dissipate a lot. After that, she stuffed the book back into her suitcase and decided to continue looking for new clues.

Chapter 10 Sibylla Cave

The temperature in the afternoon has already made people feel very hot. Outside the town of Sutter, the air on the brown desert twisted and swayed, making people feel in a trance.

Ella was sitting in the bar when she heard something coming from afar.

In the yellow sand and dust, black figures and the sound of horseshoes approach from far and near.They are the returning cowboys and gold diggers, their faces are tired but beaming with joy and excitement.

More than a dozen gold diggers crowded into the Golden Sunshine Bar. The leader threw a few gold dust on the counter and said loudly:

"Give everyone here a glass of Mexican beer, as well as lamb pie and goulash!" As he spoke, he saw Ella and his party sitting in the corner again, and smiled frivolously,

"Give a glass of rum or juice to the beautiful ladies over there."

The chunky boss took his reading glasses, looked carefully at the gold dust, picked another one, put it on the back molars, and bit it.

"It seems that you have made a fortune and found a gold mine?"

The leader of the gold digger was named Edward. He unbuttoned his chest, revealing his full chest muscles and black chest hair, while fanning the wind with a wide felt hat.

"No, but it's not too bad. We found a lot of gold sand on the riverbed near Mount Sibilla. There is a cave in the upper reaches of the river. The closer you are to the entrance of the cave, the more gold sand there will be!"

Edward's words were a bit strange. The general gold diggers would keep the places where they found gold as top secret, even with their closest friends, they would rarely reveal it, but Edward actually said it openly in the bar.

Ella noticed the term Sibylla Mountain, and Yusef’s letter mentioned that he went to the cave in the Sibylla logging camp.She immediately paid more attention to the gold digger's words. Ella took the apple juice brought by the waiter and asked:

"In that case, why don't you guys keep that cave for yourself? - thank you for your generosity, the cider is good, but I don't think anyone would take a fortune that might be worth £3000m and share it with strangers."

"Miss, what you said is absolutely correct. If possible, I would like to take 3000 million pounds for myself, then go to the beach to buy a large manor, hire hundreds of servants, and live a wealthy life. But -"

Edward's voice was very low, with a hint of fear.

"That cave seems to be very dangerous. In front of us, a group of gold diggers entered the cave a few days ahead of us, but none of them came back alive. We picked up their iron picks and ropes that were washed down by the current downstream. You know , If we gold diggers were not dead, we would definitely not throw away the tools. People say that there may be a big snake in that cave, and it will swallow everyone who enters the cave, and then expel the iron tools that cannot be digested. "

Ling became interested and interjected,

"So, you're going to abandon that cave, even though it might be a gold mine?"

"Of course not! There are no cowards among cowboys."

Edward answered decisively,

"We came back to rest for a few days, and then issued a notice to call the men in the nearby towns, bring shotguns and daggers, even if there is a big snake, it will be canned by us!"

As he spoke, Edward suddenly showed a hesitant expression. He put the hat back on his head and glanced at Ella.

"Miss, it's a pleasure chatting with you. For your safety, I decided to tell you something. Besides us, there is a group of adventurers, and their leader is the lame Gore. This group of scum is different from us. They used to They have been doing human trafficking in the west, and they don’t intend to share their wealth with other gold diggers...I heard that Gore has recently tied up many children and women and forced them into caves to find their way. California is not peaceful recently. Be careful."

Ella nodded. All she needs to defend herself now is the silver revolver she bought from Old Jack four years ago, and a few old seals she drew before.

Although Ella didn't think that ordinary people who don't know magic would pose any threat to herself and Ling, she still politely said thank you to Edward.

But out of caution, she still decided to make most of the materials left by Adolf into "Dark Ocean" and "Seal of Melet". In addition to ensuring the safety of them and Alice and his wife, this can also be regarded as drawing the old seal. practise.


In the Sibylla Mountains, in the caves upstream of the river.

Adolf held an oil lamp and moved forward slowly, passing through the somewhat narrow hole. The space inside was surprisingly open, and even Adolf, who was seven feet tall, had no restrictions on his movements.

As he went deeper, under the light of the oil lamp, golden sands could occasionally be seen in the cave.

Adolf didn't care about this. On the one hand, he was looking for traces left by Yousef. There were many marks on the walls with Yousef's strong personal style. On the other hand, Adolf was also looking for traces of thorns on the human face.

The name of Mount Sibilla made Adolf a little concerned. This name belonged to a great prophet of the Roman Empire. She was once called the incarnation of God. According to rumors, she predicted the coming of Jesus and the rise of Constantine the Great.

But for magicians, this name has a far-reaching meaning. According to the records of Kraft School, Sibyl is a great alchemist and a real prophet. Unlike in fairy tales, Not all magicians can make predictions. This is not an ability that can be acquired through practice. It is more like an innate talent. Since Sibylla, there has been no great prophet in this world for nearly a thousand years up.It is said that the "Book of Time" left by Sibilla during his lifetime predicted almost all major events in the next millennium, a large part of which has been confirmed, and it has never made mistakes, at least before it disappeared——

If this cave is really related to Sibylla, it must be a great discovery that shocked the world.Adolf was looking forward to this. Sibylla was a master alchemist in front of her. If this cave is her relic, then the appearance of the gold mine is likely to be influenced by the Philosopher's Stone, although this possibility is very likely. Small, but definitely worth exploring.

When Adolf took another step forward, he was suddenly stunned. He found the mark he had left on the stone wall in front of him. How could this be possible? He remembered that he was walking almost in a straight line.

Adolf turned his head and looked behind him. The light at the entrance of the cave had long since disappeared. He scratched his head in distress, probably knowing why Yousef hadn't come back.

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