"Cripple Gore brought dozens of gunmen, many of them were captured by them, and those people would be taken to the mines as cannon fodder, damn it!"

At this moment, Ella's spirituality suddenly reacted. She turned her head, and the space in the stable was distorted. A rotating black and blue light gate was forming, and a horse made of white bones hissed and jumped out. !

Edward was startled by the neighing of the horse. He turned his head and saw the bone-dead steed. He couldn't help being terrified. He pointed the revolver at the bone horse and stood in front of Ella and Ling.

"Devil? I'm not dreaming, ladies, please hide behind me!"

Ella stepped out from behind Edward, which made the latter even more nervous, and put her finger on the trigger.Ella

Reaching out her hand to touch the bony head of the horse, it snorted comfortably, she turned on the horse and pulled Ling onto the horse's back.

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Edward, thank you for your information, I'm going to save my companion next."

Ayla held the reins tightly, and the maraca kicked forward and began to neigh. In the empty eye sockets, the faint blue flames were burning.

"Run, Gregory, and catch up with the carriage ahead!"

This is the name of the skeleton horse. Ella learned its name from Kleist. It was the tallest skeleton horse that had saved her in London.The first half of the magic book records say that this kind of creature that can freely travel through space rarely gets close to humans.They are bound by Kleist's magic and are generally only responsible for transporting people from Glamis Town to the castle.

But Gregory has voluntarily left Scotland twice. Although they rarely get close to humans, it is written in the second half of the magic book that once the marsh recognizes a magician, they will become the most loyal mounts .

Gregory jumped out, raised his front hooves and kicked away the two gunmen who appeared on the street, and chased the carriage straight away.

"Damn it, I must have had too much to drink!"

Edward leaned out from the millstone, shot down a gunman who was aiming at the bone horse, and called on the gold diggers to kill on the opposite street cursingly.


Lame Goyle plundered most of the town's residents and drove away in a carriage.Although there was a group of gunmen led by Edward in Sutter Town, which surprised Gower, it was only a harmless incident.

Gore laughed contentedly. He swung the reins and ran away. As long as he took these civilians away and let them enter the Sibilla Cave in front of him to explore the road, he would be able to find the gold mine safely. Location.

With the assets of an entire gold mine, he is sure to make the human trade bigger. By then, he will be the largest slave trader in California!

At this time, the gunshot broke Goyle's dream, which made him very dissatisfied. Maybe Edward caught up with him. He is really a guy who is not afraid of death, but Goyle doesn't intend to waste time with a few adventurers now. After closing the deal, he has a way to deal with a few poor adventurers.

He looked back impatiently, intending to remember which few short-sighted guys hindered his good deeds.

Then, Gore's expression became dull, and he suspected that there was something wrong with his eyes.

What was reflected in the small eyes of the human trafficker was a boned horse with blue flames burning in its eyes!

Chapter 13 This is the West

Gore's scalp exploded, and cold sweat gushed out crazily. He forcibly suppressed his fear, and shouted loudly:

"Enemy attack! You guys, quickly knock down the horse behind me!"

Goyle's words spread around, and the gunners riding around the carriage, as well as people on several other carriages, loaded their shotguns and pointed them behind them.

When the gunshots sounded, Ella pasted an old seal of "Deep Sea" on herself, Ling, and Gregory, and then leaned down to reduce the area affected by the bomb, thereby slowing down the consumption of the old seal.

Ling took Ayla's silver revolver, raised her hand and emptied the entire revolver, she deftly shook out the steaming empty shell casing, re-pressed six bullets into the magazine, and fired again in another direction. Fire six shots!

Ling's gunshot alone overwhelmed the audience in an instant. After two rounds of continuous shooting, the enemy's originally dense barrage became a little thinner in an instant.

Only then did Ella recall that she had shown amazing shooting ability in London Ling four years ago, she is a rare sharpshooter!

Gore fell into a deeper panic. He found that the demonic pursuer was not shot down by bullets, while several of his men died in an instant.

Goyle, who has many years of adventure experience and has far better eyesight than ordinary people, discovered that there seemed to be dark blue transparent water patterns around the bone horse in the night. When the bullet approached its bone body, it would float in mid-air and then fall feebly. .And the knight riding the bone horse, with his long silver hair blowing in the wind, is just like the undead or ghost in the ghost story.


Gore narrowed his eyes and finally saw the weird rider clearly.

"Is it... a child?"


Alice was very scared. She was awakened by the sound of fierce fighting while she was asleep, and a rough hand covered her mouth.Her hands were locked behind the rope, and she was dragged to a carriage. Andre was also knocked unconscious during the resistance, and was dragged to another carriage.

Alice could feel the jolt of the wheels speeding across the heath, the carriage was speeding, and she didn't know where she was being taken.

To make matters worse, a fierce gun battle broke out outside the carriage, and the carriage became more bumpy. It was full of other kidnapped residents, including some young children. Their emotions were on the verge of losing control and wanted to cry, but Intimidated by a gunman in the carriage, he dared not make a sound.

The sound of horseshoes approached the carriage, blocking the outside of the curtain of the carriage, two dark blue flames flickered on and off, the gunman spat, opened the curtain, and with a gunshot, he fell back into the carriage, with more hair on his forehead. A round bullet hole.

The moment the curtain was lifted, Alice saw the boned horse and the silver-haired knight. Rumors and memories appeared and collided in her mind at the same time.

Alice remembered that when she first came ashore, she talked to Ella about London's strange talk at the Coconut Tree Bar. When she heard the bone knight, Miss Ella Williams had a weird and shy smile on her face.

Now she understood that Miss Williams was the knight riding the bone horse!

Thinking of this, Alice suddenly opened the curtain and started calling for help.

"Miss Williams! I'm here, help!"

Outside the carriage, just as Aila and Ling cooperated to deal with the gunman rushing out from under the hood, they saw Alice who lifted the curtain.

No words were needed, Ella lowered her body lower and let out Ling behind her.Ling used his strength to lean out, stretched out his hand towards Alice, pulled her over and pulled her onto the horse's back.At the same time, Ella flipped her fingers and flicked a silver coin into the carriage shed.

"Please help Andrei!"

"Where is Mr. Andre?"

"Unclear, he's in another carriage!"

The wind howled in their ears, and they had to shout to hear each other.

At this time, a dense rain of bullets came from all directions, and Ella hurriedly threw an old print of "Deep Sea" on Alice's body, and the water patterns around the three of them shook for a while.

After seeing the knight's appearance clearly, Gore finally suppressed most of his fear and organized a quick and effective counterattack. The dense rain of bullets seriously slowed down Gregory's speed. After riding three people, Gregory's There was an inevitable drop in agility.

Taking this opportunity, Gore and the gunners dropped several black balls.The black ball exploded instantly and billowed thick smoke, and Ella completely lost her direction for a moment.

When the smoke cleared, Goyle's cavalry had completely disappeared into the night.

Aila was out of breath for a while, her hands and feet were numb, and the symptoms recurred, almost falling off the horse.

She failed again, is it the same as four years ago, Mr. Andre, and the residents of those cars, Ella's blood was slowly freezing, but two warm palms supported her from behind.

Ling and Alice were looking at her with worried faces. The latter was separated from her husband, her eyes were full of anxiety, but she calmly suppressed it.

Ella felt that the blood that was almost frozen began to flow again, and it was not a complete failure. At least she had saved Alice, and her best friend was still by her side.

She couldn't move for a while, so she simply started to analyze the situation, Ella thought, glancing at her satchel with her still moving eyeballs.

"The dark deep sea has consumed more than half of it, and there are still six cards left, which can barely last for 10 minutes under the bullet rain. The bullets of the bullets seem to be able to put people two meters around the impact point into a deep sleep, which is probably why Ling can use two magazines to overturn a dozen riders, but every three bullets fired will burn a Melet Seal, plus the one used in the hotel before, there are thirteen more."

Ling asked:

"what should I do now."

Ella thought for a while and replied:

"Mr. Andre and the others should not be in danger for the time being. According to Mr. Edward, the lame Goyle will take the residents to the Sibilla Cave. Before that, they should be safe. Gregory carried three people I can't catch up with their horse team, and the old seal has been used up a lot. Let's go back to find Mr. Edward and find a way to replenish some mercury and coarse salt. I just threw a silver coin into the carriage. Ling, you can divine its location. Track down Gore, we will send Mrs. Alice back, and we will rescue all the residents after we are ready, this cannot be done by relying on the strength of one person."

Gregory dragged the three of them back to Sutter Town. The two rows of more than a dozen wooden houses had been charred by the fire. The gold diggers led by Edward and some residents who had not been looted were using buckets to put out the remaining flames. .

They lit a bonfire on the high ground, set up tents, their faces were somewhat sad, but they boiled hot water and food in a blink of an eye. They had already been mentally prepared for this kind of thing, and some people even experienced it more than once.

They have long been accustomed to, this is the wilderness, this is the West.

Chapter 14 Sound

Ling carried Ella off the horse. The latter had not yet recovered her ability to move. Alice followed them and dismounted carefully.

Gold digger Edward looked at the bone-white horse parked in front of him with a dull expression.

Although Edward had seen Gregory for the second time, he still found it difficult to accept that the existence of this creature did not fit his existing worldview.

After a few seconds, he looked back,

"You're not hurt, are you? Goyle has fifty or sixty gunmen under him. It's almost impossible to take someone out of his—"

As he said that, he saw Alice. This young girl was obviously a rescued hostage. Edward fell into a daze again, and Ella, who was being supported and sitting on the ground, had no obvious injuries on her body. From Edward's point of view Should just be off.

"It's incredible...Miss Williams, who are you?"

"Well, it's a bit of a long story."

In order to win Edward's trust, Ella briefly explained the origin of herself and Ling.Gregory walked aside by himself and began to rest, the flames in his eye sockets gradually extinguished.Alice was a little curious, does this undead creature also need to rest?

"Okay... I probably understand, so you are magicians from Scotland, England, and you came to the west to find a medicinal material to treat Miss Williams' hidden illness."

Edward banged his head, reluctantly accepting that there are bone horses and witches in this world.

"And that medicinal material is in the cave of Mount Sibylla, right?"

"Yes, so we need your assistance. We will help you deal with the lame Gore, and you have to provide some materials and help us save Mr. Andre and those residents. When exploring the Sibilla cave, I and My teachers will help you too."

Ella's symptoms eased, she stretched out a hand a little stiffly, and Edward held it without hesitation.

"Then we have a good cooperation."

Edward grinned, revealing a few golden false teeth.

Ella and the others got a tent and three sleeping bags, and Edward brought them some cans of stew in tin cans, as well as the black bread that the gold diggers used to feed their stomachs.

Ella hasn't eaten this kind of food for a long time since she left Henry's house. She broke off a piece of softer brown bread and stuffed it into her mouth.Alice, on the other hand, had her teeth hurt by the bread that was as hard as a rock.

Amused by her distressed expression, Ella helped Alice break up the brown bread into small pieces and put them on top of the stew.

"That's not how brown bread is eaten, you should soak them to soften..."

Edward was very interested, and he took a sip of the strong liquor from the little silver tin jug.

"You actually know how to eat black bread. I thought that a lady like you should have lived a more luxurious life before."

Ella looked at the burning bonfire, and was in a daze for a while. The time she hated before has now become blurred, making it impossible to bring up hatred.

To Ella's surprise, Ling seemed to be familiar with this kind of food, and she realized that she didn't know the past of this friend at all, and Ling didn't mean to mention them.Ella has no intention of asking about it, maybe Ling will talk about it herself someday.

The flames in Sartre Town have been completely extinguished, leaving only some curling green smoke. The signboard of the Golden Sunshine Hotel was burnt down, and its owner, the somewhat greedy fat old man, was found dead behind the counter, drunk The old man was resting there, having his neck broken by a burning beam in his sleep.

"How's Sutter Town going?"

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