Plane Master Copy

Chapter 973: : Copy of Wei Chijin's Bloodline

Wu Yan left, and both the Emperor and Tianhou were secretly surprised and regretted.

Especially after the day, she finally saw Wu Yan's shot, but this shot was made against herself, which made her very regretful.

I had known that Wu Yan had such terrible abilities that he would not conflict with him in words.

"Your Majesty, if you say that Wuyan really has the magical powers of moving mountains and reclaiming sea, if it is not good for me ...", after remorse, Wu Zetian's eyes fell on the emperor, with a look between Worry.

"No, Mei Niang, don't worry, Mr. Wu Yan is not such a small-bellied chicken intestine. Otherwise, he won't leave just now, just ..." For Empress Wu Zetian, the emperor shook his head and said.

But having said that, he looked a little hesitant.

"Just what?" After all, this was his first meeting with Wu Yan. He didn't know much about his mentality. After hearing the words of the emperor, Wu Zetian felt a little nervous.

Just now Wu Yan's ability showed that she was scared. Dozens of Jin Wuwei were frozen into snow sculptures in a blink of an eye. He wanted to take a shot. Who can approach him?

"It's just that although Mr. Wu Yan will not be stingy because of this anger, which is not good for Datang, but it will be difficult to get Mr. Wu Yan to help him in the future." He sighed slightly, the emperor shook his head Said.

This remark made Wu Zetian silent, and his expression even more regretted.

If it is really possible to get Wu Yan's help, even if it is just a matter of hand, wanting to come can bring great benefits to Datang. I did not expect, but because of myself, such strange people and Datang missed.

Because Wu Zetian caused Wu Yan to be upset, the emperor originally wanted to talk about her well, but just looking at Wu Zetian himself had a look of remorse, and he didn't have to say anything if he wanted to speak.

The emperor shook his head and shifted the topic: "Well, let's leave Mr. Wu Yan's affairs for a while, and let the royal doctor treat these Jin Wuwei. Also, Mr. Wu Yan has left, we have to find a way to do it ourselves Deal with the Demon Clan. "

"Well, Your Majesty, do you have any suitable candidates?" Nodded his head and saw that he had made a big disaster. The emperor did not blame himself. Wu Zetian was also moved and asked softly.

"This matter, let Di Renjie do it. I believe that if there is a Dali temple to do it, it will definitely be done safely." After thinking about it, the emperor expressed his thoughts.

Relatively speaking, in the case of the King of the Dragon City, the rescue design was in distress. The emperor had a great trust in Di Renjie, otherwise he would not be given to Kang Longyu.

Hearing Di Renjie's name, Tian Hou's brow was wrinkled reflectively, and Wu Zetian's heart was always very dissatisfied with Di Renjie with Kang Longyu in his hand.

For the matter of Kang Longyu, she and the emperor did not know how many times they had argued. Otherwise, Yu Chi Zhenjin would not have summoned alchemy masters to steal Kang Longyu. Therefore, when he heard this, he had to leave it to him. Instinctively wanted to oppose.

However, after opening his mouth, Wu Zetian could not speak again.

Although the emperor did not blame himself at this time, after all, he must not be happy. After this time, it was really bad to touch him again. Therefore, Wu Zetian did not raise any objection.


Not to mention what kind of mind the emperor and the empress are in the palace at the moment, on the other side, Wu Yan and Xiao Meng directly crossed the space passage and returned to their home in the suburbs.

"Brother, did the emperor and the queen make you unhappy? If this is the case, shall I kill them all for you?" Following Wu Yan, Xiao Meng could see that Wu Yan's mood seemed to be Not so good, asked in a low voice.

"No, it's just a little thing, it's not enough to make me angry. I should regret it at this time." He gave Xiaomeng a stroke of his head, Wu Yan said with a smile.

Indeed, to the extent that Wu Yan is now, he can't afford to be angry for this trivial matter. It is only that Wu Zetian values ​​his imperial power and underestimates his ability.

After a small test of Niu Dao's display of strength, Wu Yan believed that Wu Zetian at this time must have regretted it and even felt panicked.

In the following days, no one dared to come to her own house to find herself, let alone Wu Zetian's revenge.

Wu Yan and Xiao Meng's days seemed to have become a retreat, and they were forgotten by the emperor.

However, in this way, after three consecutive days, an uninvited guest appeared again, and found Wu Yan, not others, but Wei Chizhenjin.

Maybe it was because the emperor had just let him temporarily carry a pot for Tianhou, and didn't think about how to punish him seriously, or maybe because Wu Yan also went to see the emperor Chi Zhenjin before entering the palace, so he wanted to fix some The relationship with Wu Yan, in short, Yu Chizhenjin has been released by the emperor.

"Congratulations, you're free again ..." Wu Yan said, watching Wei Chi Zhenjin come over, and she'd also sorted out her appearance.

"Thank you, Mr., you are still at ease." Watching Wu Yan retreat in the outskirts of the city, cultivate the land for self-reliance, and feel at ease, Wei Chizhenjin said.

"If you're envious of me, you might as well find a place to live in seclusion? But you couldn't escape the power before, but now you can't escape fame and fortune," Wu Yan said with a smile to Yu Chizhenjin.

Fingers ticked gently between words, the ground under his feet swelled, and soon solidified into a stool made of gravel.

"Mr. Sir, you laughed. You do n’t have the power and fame. You can easily get it, but after all, I'm a mortal. Isn't there anything wrong with wanting to stay in the history?", And it doesn't mean to fame. Sitting on the stool made of grit, he nodded and admitted his present purpose.

"It's true, it's human nature." Wu Yan nodded to Wei Chijin's words. His frank acknowledgement made him appreciate even more.

You said, after I chatted a few words, Wu Yan no longer meant to chat blindly.

Thinking of what I said in prison that day, let Wei Chi Zhenjin remember to find himself before he set out, so he said, "Are you ready to leave now? Want to travel around the world, walk around the planet and say ? ".

"Yes, I'm willing to measure the ground with my feet! I will get the door after a few days of preparation." Regarding Wu Yan's inquiry, Yu Chizhenjin nodded and answered seriously.

During his speech, Wei Chizheng stared at Wu Yan with curiosity and anticipation. He said he would help himself. I wonder what kind of help he would give himself?

Mr. Wu Yan let himself know the truth about the operation of the whole world. He not only possesses powerful magical powers, but also has magical props. Then, what kind of help will he give himself?

"I remember that when the Tibetan Master Mizang traveled westward to Tianzhu, he became famous all over the world. If you do this, his reputation will surely surpass that of the Tibetan Master Mizang, and his reputation will remain for thousands of years." Wu Yan's eyes fell on Yu Chizheng's He said.

With these words, Wei Chi Zhenjin smiled.

Indeed, on that day, the Master of the Three Tibetans traveled westward, and he has already moved the world. If he walks around the world by himself, it proves that the earth he is in is a sphere, and proves that all the places in the circle of heaven that have been said in the past are wrong. He will definitely become a celebrity of the entire Tang Dynasty and even the world, with a reputation of thousands of years.

This is exactly what Yu Chizhenkin asked for, and it is the greatest motivation to support him in making this decision.

"But ..." Seeing Wei Chijin's look, Wu Yan was naturally able to understand what he was thinking, smiled slightly, and then turned sharply, saying, "But don't forget, the world is big, there is nothing strange, whether it is Scourge is still a monster. If you do this, you will die for a lifetime. "

Yes, if the real world wants to walk around the earth, it is not easy, let alone on this plane. After all, this is a low-force fantasy plane.

In addition to the magical magical methods of the Demon Clan, there are also magical maggots such as the Red Flame Turtle and giant monsters such as the Dragon King.

Wu Yan's remarks made Wei Chijin's eager look calm down, and his look became calmer.

As the old saying goes, high risk has high return. Similarly, high return also means high risk.

From this point of view, although you have good martial arts, if you really want to walk around the whole earth, it will definitely be a death.

"Nevertheless, I am still willing to give it a try", after a moment of silence, Wei Chizhenjin's face remained firm and said to Wu Yan.

"Well, you can have such a mind, it is really good," Wei Chi Zhenjin's decision made Wu Yan nodded slightly.

Speaking ~ ~ Raised your palm, and pointed towards Wei Chijin's eyebrow, saying, "If so, then I can give you some help."

With Wu Yan's finger pointing at Yu Chizhen's eyebrow, the computer page's prompt came as expected.

Ding, found removable storage!

Having prepared the most suitable thing for Yu Chizhengjin, Wu Yan directly opened Yuchi Zhenjin's C drive, and then copied the magnetic capabilities of Wanci King towards Yu Chizheng's C drive.

The magnetic king's ability can control countless metals, and in this cold weapon era, no matter what kind of enemy he encounters around the world, he wants to have a certain self-protection ability.

And the most important thing is that if the magnetic king's ability is developed to a certain degree, it can fly. This ability is more suitable for him.

After all, this planet is a blue Mercury. If Rao planet is in a circle, it is essential to sail on the sea. The flying ability can protect itself even in the face of a tsunami.

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