Plane Master Copy

Chapter 974: : Yu Chizheng Jinhui Alchemy?

The magnetic blood of Wanciwang has a slightly different meaning to Wuyan, perhaps because this is the first thing Wuyan copied after he awakened the ability to reproduce.

Moreover, from any perspective, the magnetic blood capacity of Wanciwang is not weak.

After the gene blood veins were copied, Wu Yan opened the F disk and copied some of the memory fragments that used the ability of the Magneto King directly to the past. Then he retracted his fingers.

After copying the gene and bloodline ability of Wanciwang, he didn't feel anything and still felt like an ordinary person. However, some memory fragments of Wuyan using Wanciwang's ability made Wei Chijin feel shocked.

It seems that any substance such as steel can be manipulated at will?

Not only controlling movement, but also controlling the change of form, and even achieving the purpose of flying.

"No wonder that day ..." After seeing the use of the memory ability of these magnetic kings of Wuyan, Yu Chi Zhenjin's heart suddenly realized.

I remembered that when I first met, my sword became a flower, other Jin Wuwei's weapons, those weapons turned into a wire, it turned out that Wu Yan's ability played a role what.

"Mr. Wu Yan? What are you?" Although Wei Chijin was surprised by the use of the memory of Wanwanwang's abilities, Wei Chijin looked more surprised at Wu Yan's face and did not understand that he let himself see these What is the meaning of the picture.

"My ability can control all metal materials in the world, whether it is steel, gold, silver, etc., and with the continuous development of the ability, this power will become stronger and stronger ...", Wu Yan ’s His eyes fell on Yu Chizhenjin, and he explained.

"I know, I've just seen this scene," Wei Chijin nodded, expressing understanding.

"This is the gift I gave you. I have given you this ability, but you need to develop it yourself," Wu Yan said, telling him the truth.

"Really?" Hearing Wu Yan's words, he heard that such a magical and powerful force can be possessed by himself, Wei Chizhen Jin was overjoyed.

If this is the case, with this ability, if you have to walk around the world, the safety factor can be greatly increased.

"Well, that's all I can do for you, and it's up to you to see it later," Nodded slightly, Wu Yan said to Yu Chijin.

"Thank you Mr. Wu Yan, thank you very much!" Wu Yan didn't have to deceive himself on this issue at all, so Wei Chi Jinjin had no doubts about Wu Yan's words, looked happy, and nodded his thanks.

"By the way, I have one more thing for you." After Wan magnetic king's ability was copied, Wu Yan followed the palm of his hand and a ring appeared in Wu Yan's hand.

"Mr. Wu Yan? This is?", Reaching out to take over the ring in Wu Yan's hand, Yu Chizhenjin looked at him inquiringly, not understanding how he gave himself a ring.

"Among all my proficient abilities, I also have space abilities. I have made a gadget in the past few days. The ring has its own space and can hold a few large boxes. If you are alone, you can store two It ’s more than three months of food and supplies, ”Wu Yan explained.

Indeed, it can be regarded as a magician's profession. He is proficient in space and has space gems in his hands. In the past few days, it is not too difficult to make a space ring with a small capacity.

After all, in the first punch of Superman, Wu Yan could open up a private storage space enough to store Poros's giant spaceship.

"Is the means of accepting the mustard to be mustard? Didn't you think Mr. Wu Yan still has such a magical power? Are you really immortal !?".

After putting on this space ring, Wei Chizhenjin tried to store his sword, gold and silver in his body, and said with a look of amazement on his face.

Wu Yan smiled slightly at Wei Chijin's words, but didn't say much.

"Well, there is a way to send you thousands of miles, and there is a difference. Mr. Wu Yan's kindness to me, I don't forget it, I have some preparations to do, just let it go, I hope we will see you again in the future.

At this time, Wei Chijin's purpose of reaching Wuyan was achieved. Wuyan also knew that Wei Chijin was busy preparing to circle the earth, so he did not retain him.

After a brief conversation, and mentioning some of his experiences in the development of the Magneto King's ability, Yu Chizheng didn't intend to stop, and after leaving a few words, he turned and left.

After returning to his mansion, Yu Chizhenjin inquired about the preparations and was still in full swing. Yu Chizhenjin was not in a hurry to start, but was curious at home to develop the ability of Magneto King.

Although there is no doubt about Wu Yan's words, this magical ability, if it can be grasped as soon as possible, is naturally the best thing.

Not to mention its magic, as long as it is developed to a certain degree, it can have the ability to fly, which is a great motivation.

After all, human dreams and aspirations for flying have existed since ancient times.

Perhaps it was because Yu Chizhengjin had the guidance of Wu Yan, or that Wei Chizheng itself had 58 crystal points. In short, his ability to develop the king of magnets was much faster than Wuyan.

In just two days or so, he has been able to control several copper plates.

"This ability is really amazing. Mr. Wu Yan is really a fairy ..." Seeing that he could control several copper plates, Wei Chijin's heart murmured secretly, both for his own rejoicing and having this ability. Marvel at Wu Yan.

Almost all the other spells are blind-eye tricks, which are false. But now that he has the ability of the Magneto King, Yu Chizhenjin can understand it. These are not magic spells at all, but real spells.

"In the past few days, the ring that Mr. Wu Yan gave me has been filled with gold and silver and things to eat and wear, and it is also time for me to ask your Majesty and the Queen of Heaven."

Two copper plates were spinning around Yu Chizhenjin's wrist to train his ability to control the details. At the same time, Yu Chizhenjin's heart groaned secretly.

If you say that the earth is a sphere, you have to go around. This absurd utterance will not be believed by your Majesty and the Empress Dowager, but if you say you want to travel around the world and see the outside world, you can finally draw From the map of the Tang Dynasty, thousands of miles, and even tens of thousands of miles away, I believe that Her Majesty and Houhou will agree to themselves.

After all, when the Master Sanzang walked away from Tianzhu, the world had already shaken the world, and if he wanted to go further, he would even draw a map. I believe that His Majesty and the Empress Dowager would be tempted?

After all, for the emperor, they could control the intelligence of the surroundings and even more distant geography and national forces, and they could not refuse.

Of course, the most important thing is that only when the action is supported by the emperor can it cause a sensation before departure. When the time comes, you will come back and spread the news all over the world. This is the greatest possibility for everyone to know.

"Wow, I've been so busy these days, you're clean!" However, Yu Chizhenjin was thinking about how to speak with the emperor and the queen of the heavens. Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded, and At the same time, a man broke into Yu Chizhen's mansion directly.

Looking at his appearance, it is obvious that he has a very close relationship with Yu Chizheng. Otherwise, it would not be so natural, and it would be almost like his own home.

"Di Renjie !?" Looking at the intruding figure, Wei Chijin was wearing a smile on his face, and at the same time his heart moved, his palms were lifted, and the two rotating darts flew directly towards Di Renjie.

"Wow, Wei Chi, what's the matter? Use this to greet me as soon as you meet?" Looking at the two darts coming on, Di Renjie's martial arts are not weak, the reaction is naturally fast, his shape is twisted, and he avoids After these two darts, he said angrily in his mouth.

However, looking at Di Renjie's dodging posture, Wei Chizhen's mouth turned up a conspiracy-like smile and immediately raised his hand.

Two darts hidden by Di Renjie were suddenly pulled by inexplicable forces in the air, and after passing an arc, they shot towards Di Renjie's back again.

The sound of the breaking wind made Di Renjie startled. Although he didn't understand what was going on, he turned around and dodged.

However, under the control of the king of magnetism, this dart is very spiritual, not a direct shot.

Di Renjie, who twisted and dodged, only felt that the neck was cold ~ ~ Two darts were already attached to his neck. Obviously, it was Wei Chijin who kept his hands, otherwise, the two darts would have him Shooted.

"It's awesome. What kind of hidden weapon technique is this?", Feeling two darts sticking to his neck, Di Renjie said in surprise and sigh.

Unexpectedly, after a while, Wei Chijin's martial arts seem to be more powerful? Did he develop new martial arts tricks in the prison?

"Lao Di, you are wrong. This is not a hidden weapon technique ..." Looking at Di Renjie's surprised look, Yu Chizhenjin felt particularly happy and said with a smile.

During the talk, Yu Chi Zhenjin's hand made a move, and two darts pressed against Di Renjie's neck flew back naturally to Yu Chi Zhenjin's side.

However, these two darts did not fall into the hands of Yu Chizheng, but were under the control of Wanci King's ability. They were very spiritual. They revolved slowly around Yu Chizheng's body.

"This is !? Fang Shu !?", looking at this scene, Di Renjie said in surprise.

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