Plane Master Copy

Chapter 972: : Unhappy

After being reminded by Wu Yan, the emperor reacted at this time. It was like a layer of window paper. Once it was broken, many problems came to light.

"No wonder ..." After thinking about the situation of the Demon Clan, the emperor looked stunned and nodded secretly.

The means of sealing the demons was naturally known to the emperor. When the Tang Dynasty gained the world, the demons had made great efforts. Although this matter was covered up, as a royal family, he naturally knew.

It is really possible to say that the means of sealing the demons can create magic to deceive the Manchu fighters.

Moreover, with the existence of the Demon Clan, he is also fully motivated to do these things.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh ..."

In fact, from a neutral point of view, it is true that Datang is sorry for Feng Mo Clan and used the Feng Mo Clan to capture the world. However, it is also difficult to control the power of the Feng Mo Clan. From the perspective of ordinary people, Datang is indeed ruthless.

However, although he sighed in his heart, the emperor did not think that Datang had done anything wrong. As the royal family, he was intimate with all peoples.

If you put it on your own, you will make the same decision.

As the saying goes, mercy doesn't command soldiers, generals still do, let alone a king of a country.

"Mr. Wu Yan, since you also understand that the master behind all this is the demon clan, then, how can you get them out?" After pondering for a moment, the emperor stared at Wu Yan seriously and opened his mouth. Asked.

"There are ways, of course, but after they have been rescued? Will all the grass be exterminated?"

Wu Yan nodded slightly, and immediately fell on the emperor's body, asking calmly.

"This ...", after hearing Wu Yan's words, the emperor was slightly delayed, and I didn't know how to answer.

To put it in order, for the sake of the stability of the rivers and mountains, if the demon clan really did it alone, it would be helpless to destroy them.

However, although Wu Yan's tone of speech was calm, the emperor instinctively felt that he seemed to be disgusted with all this.

"That's natural!", Wu Zetian next stepped in at this time, taking for granted.

Maybe she didn't have the feeling of the emperor, or she didn't care about the feeling. The majestic imperial power made her jealous and said: "Dare to turmoil the foundation of Tang, and even kill people in the presence of civil and military officials in the hall. Such existence is a threat. Naturally, it is necessary to cut and kill everything. "

"Mei Niang ...", as Wu Zetian's words fell, Wu Yan's face sank unknowingly, and the emperor pulled her hand and exhorted him.

However, the emperor has seen Wu Yan's methods with his own eyes. Even if he is an emperor, he has some respect for Wu Yan. Therefore, he is called "Mr."

However, Wu Zetian has not seen Wu Yan's methods with his own eyes, and he is only half-confident about what Wu Yan said. Therefore, compared to the emperor, Wu Zetian naturally lacked a sense of awe for Wu Yan and was a little more casual.

She called Wu Yan her first name.

"Why? Wu Yan, don't you think I'm right? The relationship between me and my wife is not personal, but the whole Jiangshan society. It is natural to be more careful with words and deeds. Any threat to the Jiangshan society, even if it is just a little Must also be eliminated. "

"There was a little problem above the chapel, and there would be a big problem that day. If there was a big problem in the court, the whole world would be over." Wu Zetian's eyes fell on Wu Yan and said seriously, Also stated his position.

"Well, each has its own position ..." Wu Yan bowed his head slightly and did not dispute Wu Zetian's words.

From their standpoint, there seems to be nothing wrong with their thinking and thinking, but Wu Yan's mind is not so agreeable, neither side is right, and there is no need to argue about it.

"Wuyan, for the sake of the Jiangshan community, you still need your help with this matter." Seeing Wuyan's appearance, it doesn't look very happy. Wu Zetian sighed and said.

"Actually, this thing doesn't require me to take action. There can be many people on the court. There are a few small things, only the demon tribe is not a cause for concern." However, for Wu Zetian, Wu Yan shook his head and said.

From a personal standpoint, willingness to come to help is an interest, and unwillingness to deal with Feng Mozu is also an interest.

Moreover, it can be seen from the original work that even without himself, Di Renjie can take a shot to block the existence of the Feng Mo Clan, why do he need to take a shot?

Di Ren's outstanding hand. From the original point of view, Feng Mozu may still be a good choice if he puts down his hatred.

However, if they did it themselves, Wu Zetian would surely hope that they would kill the killer and completely eliminate the potential threat of the Demon Clan.

"Wu Yan, are you going to reject me?" Wu Yan's words came out, making Wu Zetian's voice lowered a bit, and his tone was obviously implicit in anger.

What about masters of alchemy? Do n’t they also bow to their knees and worship?

Even if the means of Wuyan is really a lot higher than the real people, they are Datang, after all, in this Datang territory, do their own words not work?

"Mei Niang!", The last time I met with Wu Yan alone, the two were happy to talk to each other, but this time, watching the conflict between Wu Yan and Wu Zetian, the emperor spoke and shook his head slightly. Persuaded her to dissipate her anger.

For such strange people, only soft ones can be used, not hard ones.

More importantly, Wu Yan's magical powers are indeed beyond the scope that mortals can understand.

"Yes, I want to do something, so I do it, and I don't want to do it, so I won't do it ..." Listening to Wu Zetian's words, Wu Yan still looked at her calmly.

Comparatively speaking, Wu Zetian seems to be more aggressive than the emperor, but just speaking herself was still politely rejected, leaving them a face. Now that she is going to break the topic, Wu Yan is not necessary to be so euphemistic.

"Wow!" This is still the first person who has dared to reject himself so directly in so many years. This makes Wu Zetian startled and furious, and stands up arrogantly: "Wu Yan, you must rely on yourself to know a little trick I have a high opinion of myself. You have to know that here is Datang. Here, I and the emperor have the final say. "

"The mighty imperial power is indeed awesome, but you still look down on me. Since the words are not speculative, there is no need to say more."

With a wave of his hand, Wu Yan stood up and turned around and walked out. This move completely gave no meaning to the emperor and the emperor.

The sound of footsteps, ringing into pieces, watching the appearance of Tianhou and Wuyan falling out, of course, these Jin Wuwei outside will not stand stupid, all surrounded by arms.

"Come here, take me down both of them. I'd like to see if your so-called alchemy is really so powerful that it can defeat thousands of troops!" I felt humiliated. Where can Wu Zetian bear it? He yelled and ordered these Jin Wuweis to shoot together.

Obtaining the order of Tianhou, of course these Jin Wuwei would not hesitate, and rushed directly towards Wuyan.

However, in the face of these rushing Jin Wuwei, Wu Yan turned a blind eye.

There is no need to do it yourself, the little cute next to it is just a little stare in the eyes. In a short time, the snow and the sky appear, and the Jin Wuwei in front of them instantly turns into a snow sculpture, motionless.

"This, what is this means !?", looking at dozens of Jin Wuwei, all were frozen in one breath, unable to move, both the emperor and Wu Zetian were startled.

This was the first time that Wu Yan had seen them do it, but they did not expect that these means were so powerful during the battle.

Is this alchemy? Is this a spell?

"Well, don't hurt your life. After all, these people are acting obediently. Let's go." Patting Xiao Meng's shoulder, Wu Yan said.

Looking back at the Emperor and the Empress, raising his hands, the space channel appeared, and the two disappeared in the palace in an instant.

The emperor and the empress were totally dumbfounded, and those Jin Wuwei were all turned into snow sculptures. A breeze blew, bringing some coolness, so that the hearts of the emperor and the empress seemed to be completely cool.

"Your Majesty, is this, is this Wuyan's magical power?"

Watching dozens of Jinwuwei turned into snow sculptures with their own eyes, and then watching the appearance of the space channel, the two disappeared in the palace instantly. After a long time, Wu Zetian's mind calmed down and asked the emperor beside him.

"I have seen the magical powers they left before, and they can travel for thousands of miles, but the power of controlling the snow has only just been seen. In this way, who can be his opponent", looked at the number The ten snow sculptures transformed by Jin Wuwei, the emperor looked startled, and whispered.

The emperor and Tianhou looked at each other ~ ~, their faces were not good-looking, especially Wu Zetian, he felt extremely regretful, very regretful for his impulsive behavior.

If I had known this, I would have known that Wu Yan's method is really magical to this point. I should not have just ...

"Yes, Your Majesty, do you think that what Wu Yan said just now is true?" At this time, Tian Hou's face became more ugly, and he asked the emperor beside him.

"What did you just say?" The emperor looked at Wu Zetian in amazement, wondering what she was referring to. After all, Wu Yan had just said a lot.

"That is, he said that he has the ability to count too much. He controls the Thunder, picks the stars and the moon, moves the mountains and reclaims the sea, and reverses the yin and yang ...".

As Wu Zetian's words fell, the emperor next to him became more dignified.

If these means are true, then Wuyan's magical powers are really no different from the immortals.

Is it possible for mortals to resist the magical power of moving mountains and reclaiming seas to destroy any country?

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