Plane Master Copy

Chapter 873: : Chu Xuan's attention

After Wu Yan's explanation and Chu Xuan's relevant analysis, Zhang Jie and Zheng Zheng were considered to have some understanding of the situation of the two newcomers.

Although they are all newcomers, they have the ability from the Lord God's space, and cannot be treated as newcomers simply.

关于 And they also know something about their capabilities.

The ability that Wu Wumeng possesses is mainly the one in One Piece, because she has the power of overbearing color.

Wu Yan's ability seems to come mainly from the writing wheel eye in Naruto.

Moreover, it seems that Wuyan's writing wheel eye has also developed the mature lifting form of the three hooks by itself. In the real world, this ability is just like Superman.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Zhan Lan and others to wake up one after another. They awakened and looked at the strange body on the ground, all looking at Xiaomeng in surprise.

I just watched the situation where Xiao Meng was about to eat, these people next to them all saw it with their own eyes.

Now she's all right, but this alien monster is dead?

"Zheng Ye, what just happened?" After waking up, Zhan Lan asked curiously next to Zheng Ye.

I suddenly passed out for no reason, which made Zhan Lan very concerned, and she didn't understand what just happened.

The others looked at each other with a stunned look on their faces.

"Ms. Wu Meng just used the ability of Domineering Color Domineering and stunned this alien. Some of you ca n’t bear the impact of Domineering Color Domineering, so you are unconscious," Zheng Zheng said, taking what happened A brief explanation.

"Sorry, Xiao Meng's control of her overlord color is a bit unstable, so I stunned you too", Wu Yan next spoke and apologized to them all.

"Don't be sorry for your strength, the stronger your teammates are, the more worthy of celebration for us", Wu Yan's apology made Zhan Lan beside him shake his head.

During the conversation, Zhan Lan glanced at Chu Xuan again in surprise.

This new horror film is really not easy for newcomers. This Chu Xuan can actually withstand the impact of overlord color and domineering. This qualification is beyond doubt.

"Now, can we easily complete the task?", Li Xiaoyi, a veteran who hadn't had any sense of presence next to him, suddenly said at this time, with a surprised expression.

"The overbearing color is domineering. It can directly faint the existence of weak strength and insufficient qualifications, and the main thing is that this overlord color is a group attack ability that ignores defense. As long as Miss Wu Meng releases this ability, is it Stunned all the aliens? ".

Li Xiaoyi's words made Li Shuaixi next to them all have their eyes brightened. In theory, the overbearing color and domineering can be used to deal with these aliens.

Although these aliens are fierce, are they better than those monsters in Shanghai One World?

Even a huge sea king beast may not be able to withstand the impact of overlord color and domineering.

"No, you think too much ...".

As for Li Xiaoyi's words, Zhang Jie, the veteran who has experienced the most horror movies in the world, has the best understanding of the main god, saying: "The main **** will never allow points to be scored, let alone this horror There are logical bugs in the original. If we can really get through this horror movie easily, I believe the Lord God will definitely increase the difficulty greatly. "

"Well, it makes more sense to say this ...".

As Zhang Jie's words came to an end, Chu Xuan next stepped in and said, "No matter how difficult the game is, once you are familiar with it, you can easily clear the level and even score points. This horror movie also has the same time. It is not difficult to score points in this kind of rules, so only the Lord God can adjust the difficulty according to the situation in a timely manner, can it be justified. "

"However, our main task is to kill all the aliens on the spaceship? No matter what, we have to do it." Li Xiaoyi next to him felt a bit distressed and said helplessly.

"Indeed, if you want to do it, you must be early. The current aliens have not yet reached the mature stage, that is, their strength is still relatively weak. At this time, you have the best time to start." Chu Xuan next nodded, Also expressed his meaning.

"The growth of the alien is necessarily the supplement of the flesh and blood of the organic life, that is, the food is needed. The original people on this spaceship, as well as those of us who escaped and scattered, are perfect food for the alien. The longer it takes, the harder it is to deal with aliens. "

So far, the faces of several seniors are a little ugly.

If it is possible to complete the task easily, it seems likely that the main **** will temporarily increase the difficulty of the task, and the main line task will completely kill those aliens.

So, how to do it seems to think about it.

"No matter what, let's go find the alien first, look at the current alien, what the strength is, and then make a decision", after a moment of silence, Zheng Zheng said next.

As he spoke, his eyes were on Wu Yan's body, and he said, "When it is absolutely necessary, do not use overbearing color."

"Yes, I will look at her well." Wu Yan nodded and gave a reassuring answer to Zheng Yan's gaze.

In fact, Wu Yan also agreed with Zheng Ye ’s consideration. If it is really easy to get through the world of horror movies, even if the horror movies are easily passed this month, but under the calculation of the main **** The scores of these Zhongzhou teams will inevitably increase significantly.

At the time of the introduction, the difficulty of the next horror movie must be very huge, and even a terrible team battle mission will be arranged.

Therefore, you can't spend the world of horror movies too easily. These seniors are not wrong in their consideration.

In fact, Wu Yan's mind is also very curious. He will spend more than half a year in other planes when he crosses the heavens and the world. In this alien plane, he met these people from the Zhongzhou team. From the original point of view, They did not experience it for a few days.

So what do they do after they return? Have you been trapped in this horror movie of Alien?

Not to mention Wu Yan's mind, thinking wildly about some magical things, a group of people, several senior people walked in front, searching for the whereabouts of the alien, and the new people followed.

"Hey, Wu Yan, hello ...", but at this time, Chu Xuan walked to Wu Yan's side without a trace, walking side by side, greeting him casually.

Xu looked at Chu Xuan who was next to her, Wu Yan's heart tightened slightly, and she felt like a poisonous snake lying on her side.

Yes, in terms of strength, Chu Xuan is now just an ordinary person. As long as Wu Yan is willing, pressing him is no different from pressing an ant.

However, anyone who knows infinite horror must know that although Chu Xuan's personal strength is not strong, his wisdom is like an evil spirit.

So, if it is possible, Wu Yan would never want to attract Chu Xuan's attention, let alone talk to him.

Because Wu Yan didn't know, what Chu said would be realized by Chu Xuan.

"Chu Xuan, hello ..." Although I was very reluctant to deal with Chu Xuan, but people deliberately came over to chat and refused to answer, it seemed more skeptical, right? Therefore, Wu Yan replied calmly after a moment of silence.

"Wu Yan, you seem a little nervous", pushed the glasses on his nose bridge, Chu Xuan's gaze fell on Wu Yan's body, a word fell, Wu Yan's nerves were strained a lot.

He is not just wisdom. It seems that Chu Xuan's eyesight is also terrible.

"Well, a little bit, after all, although my strength is good, but this is the first time I have come to the main **** space, and it is still in the spaceship. If something really happens, I do n’t have the ability to survive in the universe." In the words of Chu Xuan, Wu Yan secretly considered it and answered.

有人 If someone said before, if he faced an ordinary person, he would appear very nervous and fearful. Wu Yan would never believe it. After all, he was very confident in his strength.

But now, Wu Yan has to admit that in the face of Chu Xuan, even if he is just an ordinary person, Wu Yan feels very scary and has a kind of intimidation against him ~ ~ Well, you are right, just now the seniors can say that the Lord God may increase the difficulty at any time. If it is really that time, then this possibility is not completely absent. ”Chu Xuan agreed with Wu Yan ’s answer. Looked like, nodded slightly.

"By the way, how is your strength? Has the kaleidoscope of writing chakras been opened? In addition, apart from the power of writing chakras, do you have other abilities?"

Looking casually, Chu Xuan's appearance of chatting with Wu Yan seemed to be pure curiosity, and it seemed to be just a partner who wanted to understand Wu Yan's strength simply.

"Well, I really have developed the kaleidoscope to write the chakras. As for other abilities, I still have some.", Nodding slightly, Wu Yan admitted that he had the kaleidoscope to write chakras, but regarding the so-called For other abilities, Wu Yan did not want to believe it.

"Well, like this, even if you are a newcomer, but your strength is terrible, so great ..." After roughly understanding the strength of Wu Yan, Chu Xuan nodded slightly and praised sincerely. Take a look at Wu Yan's strength.

It ’s just that Wu Yan has n’t waited for a few words of humility. Suddenly, Chu Xuan followed up, as if talking first, saying, “Yes, before, you said you were a trader before you came to the main **** space. What did you do? Business? What are you buying and selling? ".

Lu Chuxuan's eyes stared at Wu Yan seriously.

I have the power of writing kaleidoscopes in a kaleidoscope, and doing business in the real world ca n’t be a small business.

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