Plane Master Copy

Chapter 872: : Wu Yan is a descendant of the reincarnation?

Although Wu Yan has read this novel of infinite horror for many years, he has long forgotten the details inside. However, just after immersing himself in the F disk, after a good look at the relevant memories, Wu Yan Rock's original plot of infinite horror is still fresh in memory.

From the original work, the three young and confused young men were attacked by aliens. No one can escape, but now, one person has come here?

Was it because of the butterfly effect that he escaped? Or does it mean that the seniors would not have come here, so at this position, this young guy should be hunted by aliens?

Because of his own intervention, this young and confused guy found these seniors, so there is a hint of vitality?

However, this kind of thought just turned around in Wu Yan's mind, and didn't think so much. Soon, his heart was filled with anger.

The ridiculous area is indeed not a threat to Xiao Meng, but the behavior of this confusing young man is unforgivable.

"Oops ...", Zheng Zheng next to him looked at Xiaomeng and pushed him towards the alien like a shield. His complexion could not help but change, and he wanted to rush to help as soon as his body moved.

He just, Zheng Ye hasn't done anything yet, Zhang Jie beside him put his hand on Zheng Ye's shoulder, and shook his head slightly towards him.

Awakened earlier than these veterans themselves. Taking this opportunity, Zhang Jie felt that it was appropriate to observe these two unusual newcomers.

Everything happened, just between the electric light and flint, this young and confused boy pushed Xiao Meng in front of himself, and then Zhang Jie pressed the next Zheng Zheng, everything was only about a second.

The abnormal speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it was already in front of Xiaomeng, opened his mouth wide, and bit it down towards Xiaomeng.

Just, looking at the aliens fluttering on the face, Xiao Meng's eyes were slightly frozen, and then, an invisible wave emanated from Xiao Meng's body.

In front of Xiaomeng, this fierce alien was stiffened, and immediately, his eyes were stunned.

Overlord color domineering!

Although Xiao Meng's identity as a zombie, Wu Yan can't copy anything to her, so she doesn't copy Luffy's overlord bloodline, but Xiao Meng's own qualifications are extraordinary, and she follows the position of One Piece as much as possible. Developed a so-called overlord color and domineering, but it also originally had such a qualification.

The invisible overlord color is domineering, exuding from Xiao Meng's body.

In a short time, not only this alien, but Li Shuaixi behind him, the young and confused young man who just started, and even Zero and the Overlord, were passed by the overlord domineering, all of them turned white and passed out in a coma.

The reincarnation who can stand is only the semi-leader Zhang Jie, the protagonist Zheng Zheng, and Chu Xuan.

Others, even Zhan Lan, who has the ability of the spiritual department, were stunned by the overwhelming impact of overbearing arrogance.

这 "What, what happened?"

Although I am also looking forward to the newcomer with Wu Meng, what kind of methods will be used to deal with the aliens, but seeing that she has no movements, but the aliens, even seniors such as Zhan Lan, are unconscious, Zheng Zheng and Zhang Jie , All stared at Xiao Meng in surprise.

神秘 This mysterious and powerful force makes people feel incredible.

"Would it be Zheng Zheng and Chu Xuan from the infinite horror plane?" Wu Yan glanced at Zheng Zheng and Chu Xuan, feeling secretly in his heart.

If you want to resist the overbearing arrogance of the overlord, unless you are powerful, you can only rely on your own qualifications.

Obviously, the qualifications of Chu Xuan and Zheng Ye are enough. As for Zhang Jie next to him? I think it's because of the semi-leader's identity and the power of the Lord God.

"Miss Wu Meng, who the **** are you? Do you have super powers originally?" Zheng Zheng carefully checked Zhan Lan and they all just passed out, rest assured, and immediately turned around. , Asked Xiaomeng in surprise.

Xiao Meng only glanced at Zheng Ye's words gently, but didn't say much, came to Wu Yan's side silently.

Beside Xu, Zheng Zheng and Zhang Jie both set their eyes on Wu Yan's body, and their eyes were full of searching eyes.

Although I haven't had much contact, everyone knows that Xiao Meng is a very indifferent person, but Wu Yan, the elder brother, is more likely to talk.

Wu Chuxuan pushed the glasses on his bridge of his nose slightly and did not speak, but his eyes fell on Wu Yan's body, waiting for his answer.

With the wisdom of Chu Xuan, after understanding the relevant information of the main **** space, of course, he also understood that Wu Yan and Xiao Meng, two newcomers, had supernatural powers, what does this mean.

Only, Wu Yan didn't rush to answer the glances they were looking for, but put his gaze on the body of the young and confused who was unconscious on the ground, with anger in his eyes, then gently raised his feet and stepped on.

There was a click, and the confused young man called out in pain.

A few fingers have been broken by Wu Yan.

"Wu Yan, wait, there is a rule in the space of the Lord God, teammates cannot kill each other." Seeing Wu Yan's ruthless look, although he can also feel Wu Yan's mood, Zheng Zheng next to him could not help but remind him Said.

"Look at me!", After waking this young and confused boy, Wu Yan ignored the shout of Zheng Ye and just whispered to the young and confused boy.

With Wu Yan's words, this young and confused boy raised his head reflectively, looking at Wu Yan, into his eyes, a pair of scarlet eyes.

After the three Gouyus slowly turned around, the confusing face became blank, the screams in his mouth stopped, he got up, and walked to the deepest part of the spaceship. As if walking dead, slowly disappeared in front of everyone.

"He, what's wrong with him?" Looking at the apparently different situation of the young and confused boy, Zheng Qiyi asked Wu Yan.

"Write a round of eyes, it seems that Wu Yan controlled him to send him to death with illusion? If you can't do it directly, shouldn't the indirect action be okay?" Wu Yan hadn't answered yet, but Chu Xuan next stepped in.

"Who the **** are you?".

Zhang Jie's face became dignified and he stared seriously at Wu Yan, saying: "Although there is a redeem exchange in the main **** space, but after all, after living through the world of horror movies, you can go to the main **** space to redeem it. Something, as a newcomer, how can you write a round of eyes !? ".

Yeah, not only Wu Meng has mysterious and powerful power, but even Wu Yan actually has the power to write chakras. It doesn't look like a newcomer at all, but like a senior.

"唉, do you remember that there is an exchange in the main **** space, is it possible to leave the main **** space and return to the real world?".

Since Wu Yan has already decided to use the power of writing round eyes, naturally he has thought of relevant excuses.

"To return to the original point, you need 50,000 exchange points, and the life, summons, props and abilities you originally made can all bring back to reality ...".

As Wu Yan's words fell, Zheng Zheng next to him said, his face was shocked, and it was easy to accumulate 50,000 points in the main **** space.

"Oh? Is there such an exchange? So, your ability also comes from the space of the Lord God, but isn't it from the exchange?" Chu Xuan's response was quick, and after Zheng Ye's words came down, it seemed to think What's going on, said the analysis.

"That is to say, the easiest way to obtain the power of the Lord's space is to exchange. But, in addition to the exchange, can it be obtained through learning? Yes, after all, in addition to the exchange of blood, skills, and props, there are Knowledge, and knowledge can be learned and inherited. "

"Writing round eyes, in the world of Naruto, is the bloodline ability belonging to the Uchiha family. If someone has exchanged the writing round eyes, then they must have the bloodlines of the Uchiha family, so if they return to reality, marry In theory, a wife and a child can open the eye for writing ... ".

"Also, can other abilities, such as the ability of this young lady, also be acquired through study?"

Tong Chuxuan's mouth quickly analyzed, in a few words, the origin and origin of Wu Yan and Xiao Meng had been analyzed, giving a very reasonable explanation.

"So it is ...", with Chu Xuan's analysis, Zhang Jie and Zheng Yan next to each other were also surprised and amazed.

I am naturally envious of the samsara who left the space of the main **** ~ ~ whether it is Zhang Jie or Zheng Zheng.

Originally, in the space of the Lord God, Zheng Ye and others discussed it. Since ancient times, the myths and legends about the immortal, blood and werewolves should be the reincarnations from the Lord God space. They have shown magical power in the real world. Such a legend is left.

"It turned out that, some of your family's ancestors have returned from the space of the Lord God, so the bloodline of the relevant exchange has been passed down, and has the ability to be exchanged passed along?" Chu Xuan's analysis is justified.

It seems that only this explanation makes sense.

"Well, yes, that's the situation." After listening to Chu Xuan's analysis, she looked at Zheng Ye and Zhang Jie, convinced that Wu Yan would no longer raise other objections, and nodded in recognition.

"That's why, no wonder, although you are newcomers, but your strength is extraordinary, you can look at it as a senior, and your ability should be above us ...".

Suddenly, Zhang Jie nodded, and finally understood why Wu Yan and Xiao Meng, as newcomers, were able to wake up earlier than themselves.

"Well, how many of them are they? What should I do?" Zhang Jie pointed and pointed to Zhan Lan who was in a coma beside him and asked.

"Xiao Meng just used the overbearing color of the One Piece World. They just passed out in a coma. After a while, they would naturally wake up, all right," Wu Yan explained.

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