Plane Master Copy

Chapter 874: : Terrible Wisdom

The wisdom of ordinary people is just to be able to understand known messages from the discourse, and then to judge certain things based on these known messages, and nothing more than carefulness.

However, Chu Xuan ’s wisdom has already surpassed this point. From the known news, many unknown things can be inferred, and then combined with these unknown things, boldly guess, and then come back, unconsciously. To verify your guesses.

Therefore, Wu Yan is very vigilant in contact with Chu Xuan.

After all, if it is another person, Wu Yan feels that as long as there are no flaws in his words, he should not be seen through.

But in the face of Chu Xuan, it is not necessary. If he wants to see through himself, he doesn't need to show any flaws.

If it is possible, Wu Yan is not willing to chat with Chu Xuan. After every word, every word means that he is more likely to expose himself.

But unfortunately, compared to Xiao Meng's taciturn, she is very good at speaking out.

He treats Chu Xuan coldly for no reason, which may make him see more things.

Wu Chuxuan, indifferent, asked Wu Yan about the so-called merchant's purchase and sale, and what the goods were. But in the face of Chu Xuan's words, Wu Yan did not know how to answer.

Wu Mofei, tell him himself, can he copy all kinds of blood, knowledge, skills and memories at will?

Did he tell him that he was not a reincarnation at all, but came from other worlds?

The world they live in is just a world in a novel?

Wu Wuyan, for a while I didn't know how to answer, Chu Xuan didn't look anxious, and walked beside Wu Yan without any urgency, without urging.

I was just silent for a moment, but seeing Wu Yan still didn't answer, Chu Xuan's eyes fell on Wu Yan's body, and he said again, "If I guess correctly, you seem to know me, right?".

"Oh? Why do you say that?", Chu Xuan's words made Wu Yan's heart tight, and he and he didn't talk for a few words, right? He already saw that he already knew him?

"Although you have behaved as naturally as possible, but I can still feel that you are afraid of me ...", walking casually beside Wu Yan, Chu Xuan's calm analysis, like The two were in a simple chat.

"You have the kaleidoscope ability to write chakras, and the strength of the battle is definitely not something I can fight against. Then, why should you jealous of me? Obviously, if you do not jealous of strength, then you are jealous of my wisdom."

"You have been so jealous of my wisdom just before you met. I can't think of other possibilities except you have known me long ago."

Tong Chuxuan's eyes glanced at Wu Yan. Although these are just his analysis, Chu Xuan obviously believes in his own analysis.

"Where do you see that I am afraid of you?" Wu Yan wrinkled and did not look at Chu Xuan, asked strangely, Wu Yan thought that he had not shown anything at all?

"I asked your question, although you answered more naturally, but before you know it, your speech rate is a little bit slower than when you speak normally. This should be a subconscious slowdown in talking to me. The tone is one of wanting to be as natural as possible, and the other is that you want to spend as much time thinking about your words as possible to avoid leaving gaps. "

Having said that, Chu Xuan paused and said, "When I ask what your business is, you don't speak at all, which is even more suspicious. If you don't understand me, you don't want to It is said that it should be a lie to deceive me, but you haven't. "

"What does this mean? Explain that you know that the lying lies are very likely to be seen by me. If you don't understand my wisdom, how can you do that?"

Lu Chuxuan's analysis was justified and justified.

For these analyses, Wu Yan opened his mouth and wanted to refute it hard, but he couldn't think of anything to refute.

"Is it worthy of Chu Xuan? A few simple chats, like a small heart, can actually analyze so many things from my attitude and speed of speech?" For this analysis of Chu Xuan, Wu Yan Secret emotion in my heart.

I was surprised by Chu Xuan's terrible attentiveness and logical reasoning ability, but also inexplicably felt that all of this seemed to Chu Xuan as pediatrics?

"Well, can you talk now? Who the **** are you?", Claiming that he had already raised Wu Yan's camouflage, Chu Xuan asked Wu Yan like a card and wanted to be formal. Ask Wu Yan's identity.

"My identity? Didn't I say that? I am a descendant of the reincarnation who has left the space of the Lord God. Isn't your identity analyzed by you?"

Although his own situation has been analyzed by Chu Xuan, how can he tell the other person everything about him frankly? Wu Yan is naturally unwilling.

"Yes, your identity is indeed analyzed by me, and it sounds reasonable, but these words, I deliberately analyzed to the seniors, to help you cover your eyes, I know that your true identity will never It is the descendant of the reincarnation who returned to the real world. "To Wu Yan, Chu Xuan said, shaking his head again.

"Did this guy have long suspected me? Just now, not just to stabilize Zhang Jie them, but also to paralyze yourself?" Chu Xuan's words made Wu Yan's eyebrows jump wildly.

Jirang wanted to ask, why did Chu Xuan doubt himself at the beginning? Haven't said a word to him before, where is the flaw?

Wu did not wait for Wu Yan to ask. Chu Xuan seemed to know his thoughts, so he volunteered.

"Your writing round eyes and Miss Wu Meng's domineering arrogance can never be obtained through cultivation in the real world. You also know that my identity is a university and a person with some status in the National Hidden Dragon Organization. For the country, Even people with special talents all over the world are paying attention and understanding. Although some people's ability in some aspects does break through the limits of the human body, it is not too exaggerated. "

Having said that, Chu Xuan paused and looked at Wu Yan again, saying: "If in reality, there is a kaleidoscope for writing chakras, or even the ability of overlord color, and it is still a family heritage, As an important member of the Hidden Dragon Organization, I cannot fail to know. The reason why I analyzed that you are a descendant of the reincarnation, and also has another purpose, is to see your response. If you nodded and admitted, it means that you do have Something is hiding from us. "

原来 "It turned out that you guys have doubted me from the beginning, and even gave me a set ...", Chu Xuan's words made Wu Yan's face a little black.

At the beginning, Chu Xuan Naobu was a descendant of the reincarnation. Wu Yan still felt complacent. He felt that the smarter the person, the more he liked Naobu. Chu Xuan was wrong because he was clever.

Wu Ke now, Wu Yan finally understands, from the beginning to the end, everything is in Chu Xuan's calculations.

I realized all this. Wu Yan's heart was very helpless. Should I say that it really is Chu Xuan? Although he had looked at his wisdom as high as possible, but never thought that, from beginning to end, his words and deeds were almost within his calculations.

妖 This evil-like wisdom, even the legendary Zhuge Liang and Liu Bowen, seem to be completely inferior to him.

It seemed to him that there was no secret for anyone.

"You have not been willing to tell me your identity until now. It seems that your identity is more mysterious than I imagined."

"Also, what do you sell in the business, you would not say, it seems that this is also a secret, or that what you call goods, it is easy to reveal your true identity."

还有 "And, you say you are a traveler? So, where have you traveled? Or, have you been traveling until now?".

Uh ...

Seeing that Wu Yan did not admit it frankly, Chu Xuan was not in a hurry to force him, but murmured secretly in his mouth, as if he was muttering to himself, but these words were heard in Wu Yan's ears, It's scary.

I do n’t know if it ’s an illusion, it seems that everything about himself is exposed in his muttering ~ ~.

I was terrible. The wisdom and thoughts of Chu Xuan were really terrible, which made Wu Yan's heart threaten him and raise him to several levels in an instant.

The wisdom of mortal people, in the original book of infinite horror, is the mantra of Chu Xuan's mouth. It is too low-level to always ridicule the wisdom of others. Even if you say it yourself, sometimes many people do n’t understand it.

Wu Ke now, Wu Yan feels that these so-called ridicules of Chu Xuan are all facts. For him, the wisdom of ordinary people and him are really in two dimensions.

"Everyone be careful ...".

It ’s just that the world of horror movies is in the world now, but there is n’t so much time for Chu Xuan and Wu Yan to gossip. After searching for a while, suddenly, Zhang Jie and Zheng Ye ’s faces have become more dignified. At the same time, Zheng Zheng turned his head and gave everyone a snoring gesture.

Seeing Zheng Zheng's appearance, it is obvious that he has found the traces of aliens. Everyone has been fighting for 12 minutes, and even Chu Xuan has shut up and said nothing.

Xi Wuyan came forward without any interest, came to Zheng Ye and Zhang Jie and looked forward.

It turned out that in a hall not far away, a special shape was lying on its back, and under its body, a dead body had been bitten, and this special shape was enjoying itself.

Judging from the dress of this corpse, Wu Yan can see that the person who was eaten is the female white-collar among the newcomers.

Apparently, she has been killed.

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