Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 681: Standing in front of Loken

After solving Vulkan, the five people in the league did not dare to stay long.

The rumble of forging hammers concealed the sound of the battle very well. For the time being, no one should notice the anomaly here - but after a long time, accidents will inevitably occur, so in order to avoid the night of long dreams, the five people went straight along the passage to go deeper.

The elements become more and more active.

Moreover, as the distance from the forge became more and more distant, the elements of fire and earth were no longer active. The five people found that the wind here became stronger and stronger, and the element of wind began to appear.

Soon, the five came to a corner.

"Wind element..." Standing in front of the turn, poking his head out and looking at the wind element in the front room, Brian frowned, "It's not easy to deal with, I always think these wind elements are on guard."

"Watching?" None of the other four people understood Brian. "Who is watching?"

"For Loken." Bryan stretched out his head again, staring at the tallest wind element, his tone was full of frustration, "The environment here will never naturally have so many wind elements, so their Existence must have been intentional. Since this is Loken's site, isn't it obvious who did it."

"I basically agree with Brian's view." Khadgar supported Brian's judgment, "Just opened a ventilation door, so that there is no wind element everywhere, this must be Loken deliberately!"

"So it's troublesome! We can't fool you." Brian retracted his head and sighed. "The elemental creatures are really troublesome-Sylvanas, can your trap hold these guys in?"

"...No." After carefully observing these wind elements with Hawkeye, Sylvanas shook her head, "These scrolls are not the final product. It is good to deal with those furnace spirits with weaker energy. But among the wind elements in front, there is an elemental baron, this scroll can't handle him at all!"

"In other words, our infiltration ends here. We will rely on assaults in the future?" Unlike Brian, Muradin suddenly became a little excited, "No more sneaky?"

Seeing Muradin waving his warhammer excitedly, Khadgar shook his head helplessly.

The prince of Ironforge is sometimes shrewd, sometimes as stupid as if his head is missing a string. Could it be that Muradin forgot to drink today-or drank fake wine?

No matter how you look at it, you know that it is definitely not easy to break through!

Of course, these complaints Khadgar did not say.

Everyone started the final preparations.

Sylvanas checked the arrow, Khadgar took out a scroll, Muradin began to drink, Kurdran squeezed the warhammer, the most exaggerated Brian, he took out a dozen weapons in one breath, from Warhammers and axes to daggers and muskets, like a mobile arsenal, and then placed them in front of them.

"What are you looking at? What's so surprising about this? This is a three thousand series weapon specially made by Luo Ya for me to kill you!"


After the five men were fully armed, the assault finally began.

Since it is an assault, there must not be so much nonsense!

Muradin **** descended to the world, facing the wind elemental baron headed by a hammer!

Although Storm Hammer looks like a warhammer hitting a person's head, in fact it is indeed a magical effect, and the principle is similar to the Paladin's Hammer of Sanction. (Or could the Hammer of Sanctions be the holy light version of the Hammer of Storms?)

Although the elemental creatures are immune to most of the control effects, the wind elemental baron headed by this magic hammer is not immune.


After the Baron Wind Elemental fell into a vertigo, other wind elements quickly surrounded him.

In the next moment, Brian's firepower was on.

Loya's invention is far more reliable than it looks. Although these weapons seem cumbersome and complicated, they are actually related to each other, and they are not as unreliable to use as they seem.

Relying on the strong physique brought by the gods descending to the earth, Brian easily operated a large number of muskets, and the automatic daggers would always pop out irregularly. The enchantment on the daggers caused serious damage to the elemental creatures.

At the same time, Khadgar also showed the strength of his three masters of Ice and Fire. The flame storm + blizzard + arcane storm was simply handy. In the two heavens of ice and fire, the wind elements were dizzy and chaotic.

Although there are a lot of wind elements, it is difficult to form an encirclement under Bryan's melee combat and Khadgar's magic, nor can it cause enough damage.

With Brian and Khadgar restraining the trash fish, Sylvanas, Muradin, and Kurdran started a concentrated fire attack.

"Ionar is angry!" After getting rid of the stun of the Stormhammer, the Baron Wind Element became mad, "Ionar, lightning is coming!"

Said it was lightning, but after a glance, Khadgar was sure that this wind element could only use static electricity...

Elemental Baron-or the most trash Baron of Wind Elemental.

Ionar created a small electrostatic field around him, and the crackling static caused a lot of trouble for Muradin who was trying to fight melee.

Unfortunately, this is just trouble.

When the gods descended to the earth, Muradin was extremely resistant to elements, arcane arts, and even fel, shadow, and holy light. This lightning position could not prevent Muradin from attacking.

As for Sylvanas, as a ranger, she doesn't know how to fight melee. If you are willing to engage in static fields, do it~

Even Kurdran expressed his emotional stability. As a Griffin Rider, Kurdran has long been accustomed to the way of fighting after making a magic hammer and throwing it out. Do you still remember the Griffin Rider, the classic unit of the human race? The Griffin Rider of the Wildhammer dwarves is a long-range magic attack!

Therefore, one of the three enemies Ionar needed to deal with was immune to electrostatic fields, and the other two would not be close at all.

How to fight this?

Both Brian and Khadgar hadn't cleaned up Ionar fell.

The storm hammer shattered his elemental core, and the hapless elemental baron Ionar was finished.

After passing this hurdle, the five members of the Alliance did not dare to stay in the slightest, and proceeded directly to the last hall.

A large number of steel giants and Thunderforged dwarves gradually appeared around, but they seemed to have received some instructions and did not launch an attack.

The last section of the five people went smoothly unexpectedly.

Turn the last corner and enter the final hall.

Under the sky full of stars, the five members of the alliance finally came to Loken, the king of wisdom.

Loken, whose eyes were closed, finally opened his eyes after five people appeared.


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