Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 682: Battle with the guardian

"Mortals, welcome to the Lightning Hall."

For the arrival of these people, Loken didn't seem surprised.

Due to the Mograine incident, Loken's arrogance has been reduced (after all, a mortal who he despised directly cut off a hand, this is not a long memory, and he is not worthy of being a guardian).

When the five members of the Alliance fought Ionar, Loken discovered them, but he did not choose to summon his subordinates to besiege them, but put them in front of him.

Loken wanted to know what kind of existence a mortal was.

Northrend is too remote.

There are only guardians and guardian creations. It is difficult for Loken to touch those naturally evolved mortals. Maybe he will occasionally leave Northrend to see things about Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, but that's just a walkthrough View flowers.

Loken had never noticed how much power a mortal had now.

These five people are obviously the best among mortals, and Loken believes that he can learn about the present of mortals from them.

After solving Thorim, the mortal was the last stumbling block of Yogg-Saron's plan.

Facing Loken, the five members of the league were nervous.

This is the guardian!

Loken, known as the King of Wisdom!

Although Mograine said he was not good at fighting, but looking at the densely packed Thundercast dwarves and steel giants around, no one dared to say that this battle was inevitable.

Looking at the silent five people, Loken slowly but firmly said a piece of his classic line again (Huh, why do you say it again?).

"I have witnessed the rise and fall of empires, the birth and death of species, under countless thousands of years, only the stupidity of mortals is eternal. You never know what is the real rule and what is the real power. ."

"You think you are brave, but you chose to be reckless because you didn't know it-just like you came to the Lightning Hall this time."

"I'm sorry, your failure is inevitable, and the master's strength and plan are beyond your conjecture."

"Shut up!" Looking at Loken's intention to continue to talk, Muradin threw a storm hammer directly, "You know a hammer, there is no self-persistence, inexplicable garbage is not worthy of evaluating mortals!"

Facing Muradin’s storm hammer, Loken, who was sitting on his throne, didn’t even move. He just watched quietly as this imposing warhammer hits a transparent barrier before disappearing. invisible.

"Look, this is your recklessness, not knowing the enemy or even understanding yourself."

Loken really enjoyed the feeling that Zhizhu was in his hands. He commented on Muradin from the top, and then suddenly heard a gunshot.

Brian secretly pulled the trigger, and the barrier in front of Loken was instantly covered with iron sand.

"Oh, let me see-an interesting invention. The inventor should be Mimiron's creation? His style of gadgets is so obvious."

Loken's tone was as arrogant as ever, and Brian's teeth were itchy.

But it was obvious that at least Brian, Muradin and Kurdran had nothing to do with him.

Sylvanas couldn't help it, she opened her bow and arrows, holding her breath, and a azure blue arrow went straight to Loken's head.

"Arcane Arrows-it is a good way to deal with enchantments, but unfortunately it is still a little bit meaningless for my enchantments..."

It's a pity that before Loken's words were over, Sylvanas' arrow slapped him severely in the face.

Indeed, the blue arrow did not completely penetrate the barrier, but got stuck in the barrier after entering halfway.

But just as Loken commented triumphantly, the arrow's head exploded.

This is not an arcane shot, this is an explosive shot.

Sylvanas played a trick and successfully fooled Loken!

After the explosion, the King of Wisdom became disgraced-Sylvanas also knew that even if her arrow deceived Loken, it was destined to not cause much damage, and she simply came out with a visual explosion attack.

Half of Loken's face was blackened-the reason it was half was because Loken was very pretending to support his head with his hands when he just commented, and then the part blocked by his hands when it exploded was still the original color.

The sudden failure to pretend to force made Loken look extremely embarrassed, he finally stopped sitting upright, but stood up directly.

"Little clever!" Loken still disdains Sylvanas' tactics, but at this time he doesn't dare to push it anymore. "It looks like I need to take my own shot to catch you!"

The barrier is removed and the battle officially begins!

The three dwarves are destined to only serve as a containment force. The dwarves are Titan creations, and they have fallen asleep in Uldaman for too long, and they have not evolved enough. Loken really knows them too much, and all attacks are not easy to achieve good results.

So the brothers Bryan and Muradin simply drove the gods down to the earth and wielded the warhammer. Kurdran made a magical warhammer to bombard and disturb Loken.

Sylvanas is a high elf, this race Loken is completely unfamiliar, so her ranger's little skills are very effective, and the flexible use of various arrows makes Loken not dare to make troubles and can only fight steadily.

However, the killer of the Alliance Five is Khadgar.

Up to now, Khadgar has been acting as a supporting role, playing a time warp, and being agile and quick, as if I can't attack, I can only add BUFF.

But in fact, Khadgar has been looking for Loken's flaws.

The current situation is already obvious. The reason why Loken did it himself is to figure out the depth of the mortal. If Khadgar rashly takes action at this time, it will pose a threat to Loken, but Loken can't be lost in seconds, then Luo Ken is likely to greet the younger brothers around him directly.

These five people will never escape by then!

Therefore, Khadgar needs a chance, a chance to kill with one hit!

Only when Loken loses his combat power in an instant, can the Alliance Five have a chance to create chaos and then leave smoothly!

Seeing that Sylvanas' little tricks were running Loken seemed to become impatient.

Wait, wait...

Khadgar used a sword to kill Medivh who was possessed by Sargeras himself. He was patient enough to wait for such a lore.

"Enough, mortals, you are nothing but that!"

Finally, Loken seemed to have reached the conclusion he wanted. He raised his right hand, holding a flash of lightning in his hand, and slammed it towards the Alliance Five.

It's now!

Flashing Qi Ding Blows Backtracking Qi Ding Blows!

Six spells were completed in one go, and two huge fireballs with a diameter of more than five meters flew directly to Loken!


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