Panda’s Self-cultivation

: Extra: Nomi's Children's Day

In Azeroth, in June before the beginning of summer, there is a festival for children, Children's Day.

However, Children's Day in Azeroth is different from our style.

Here, the theme of Children's Day has never been a happy childhood, but care for children in war.

Azeroth is not peaceful-although there is no Defias Brotherhood in the Westfall, there are still a lot of thieves, and murders still occur from time to time; Durotar's snowstorm brought terrible things to orc children The mortality rate, especially for the little guys born in winter, even if the whole orcs care about these little guys, many little orcs die every year in the wind and snow.

Once there is a conflict between the tribe and the alliance, it means that many children will lose their fathers-or lose their parents.

In this war-prone world, children’s lives are not as happy as imagined. Therefore, on Children’s Day, the Alliance and the tribe will always have a tacit truce to comfort those who have lost their families in the war. child.

Those innocent children.

In order to prevent the growth of these children from being accompanied by hatred, the Alliance’s orphanage was attached to the Bright Cathedral, while the tribe’s orphans were handed over to the shamans to raise them. Both the Alliance and the tribe chose to cut off this layer of hatred. Don’t let the child’s childhood be immersed in hatred.

Therefore, the annual Children’s Day is the happiest time for orphans, with new clothes, new shoes, new toys and new friends. During this period, the Darkmoon Circus will come to the orphanage and bring the children a grand event for free. Performance.

However, Nomi is very unhappy every year on Children's Day.

At this time of the year, Drunk Wind will go to Durotar or Stormwind to look after the poor children who have lost their parents, and Onyxia will also go to the Temple of Wyrmrest to accompany the whelps who have lost their parents.

Even Nefarian will take a certain black dragon girl to carry out some activities that are not suitable for children in the name of "creating children"-the entire Black Rock Mountain is often only Nomi alone.

For other children, Children’s Day is happy, but for Nomi, Children’s Day is only lonely.

Only books and letters can accompany Nomi-if Lili's paper crane is not late.

When Nomi was ten years old, Lili's paper crane was late.

Perhaps the storm in the Endless Sea was too great, and Nomi did not receive Lili's letter. The poor little Nomi was sitting alone in the Blackrock Tower, beside the warm lava, watching Brian's wetland travels.

Seventh time.

Nomi's favorite travel notes are so boring now, Nomi even feels that after seeing a word, he can already guess what the next few words are.

It's not easy to be alone.

Putting down the books, Nomi decided to find something to do for herself.

For example, sneak into Nefarian's laboratory and do things!

Nomi is already familiar with things like sneaking into the laboratory...

Due to his unhappiness, Nomi did not go through the experiment log this time, but started a frenzied destruction.

Take a deep breath!

Of course, Nomi is not a saboteur, he just wants to vent, so the target for his deep breath is Nefarian's ore.

The dark ore didn't know what it was, and nothing could be seen without being smelted. Nomi burst into flames directly.

Then, the ore sublimated...

That's right, under Nomi's deep breath, those ore directly turned into a cloud of dark steam, and then floated in the laboratory.

Nomi's eyes widened in disbelief, he couldn't understand why this happened.

Hastily found the experiment log, Nomi finally saw the name of this ore.


Saronite! The ore transformed from the blood of the ancient **** Yogg-Saron in the legend!

Nomi quickly wanted to slip out of the laboratory, but it was too late.

Inadvertently, Nomi inhaled too much Saronite vapor.

As consciousness began to blur, Nomi took another deep breath.

When Nefarian bid farewell to a certain passionate black dragon and returned to the laboratory unsuccessfully, he saw a mess.

A white whelp was breathing deeply in his laboratory, and when he walked in to take a look, Nefarian found that his eyes were red and unconscious.

In this case, Nefarian decisively suppressed Nomi, and then quickly notified Onyxia and Drunk Wind.

When Drunk Wind returned, he saw a comatose Nomi.

With the help of Lorewalker's blank scroll Drunk Wind easily dispelled Nomi's curse of madness-after all, it was just a few pieces of Saronite iron ore, and Nomi would not appear to grow tentacles.

Under the persecution of his father and mother, Nomi confessed his mental journey, suffered mixed doubles, and unlocked the achievement "I love the fragrance of Saronite".

Of course, Nomi is not without gain. On Children's Day at the age of eleven, when Drunk Wind went to Stormwind, he took Nomi.

Then Nomi met his two friends-Franks Lothar and Anduin Wrynn.

The three most dirty official second generations finally got together...

Well, thank you Yogg Saron.


Happy Children's Day everyone! Hey, add a special extra, ask for a monthly pass!


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