Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 680: Loken's Creation Center

In fact, in the real Azeroth, copying is not a simple matter.

In a truly open space, how to find the target that is not necessarily there is not a simple matter-after all, the BOSS is not motionless.

For example, this time, Brian’s task is to act as a map.

And it is obvious that Brian fulfilled his mission.

He immediately discovered the way to Loken's hiding place.

Brian's idea is very simple: Now that he knows that this is Loken's creation center, Loken is definitely guarding the most important things in this creation center.

So, what is most important in the Hall of Lightning?

Creation Furnace and Genesis Matrix!

Of course, Brian didn't know where the Creation Furnace and Creation Matrix were, but after discovering the energy pipeline, it was only a matter of time to find the Creation Furnace and Creation Matrix.

After all, whether it is the creation furnace or the creation matrix, it is bound to be connected to the energy pipeline.

The five people in the alliance were lucky. Due to the cooperation with the Lich King, General Biagri was queued to Arthas, so they successfully skipped the first boss in the Lightning Hall and slipped into the middle along the energy pipeline. There is a room with a huge forge.

The active element made Khadgar frowned directly.

Mages hate the elements being too active. After all, the principle of the wizards is to use arcane energy to command the elements, but where the elements are too active, doing so can easily cause elemental riots and then form elemental storms.

What's more painful is that where the elements are active, there are often elemental creatures.

Sure enough, in the center of the furnace room, a group of furnace elves were dancing around a large iron felt.

"Mage, do you have any way to quiet these things, and then we sneak over?" Brian looked at Khadgar, "The elemental creatures don't recognize my disguise-I guess your invisibility can't fool them."

"You can let me kill these furnace elves." Khadgar shook his head reluctantly. "But to quiet them down, you need to find a shaman..."

"So we need to fight hard?" Muradin frowned upon hearing Khadgar's words. "Will it alarm the guards here?"

"Don't be so troublesome." At this time, Sylvanas said, "I will freeze them, right?"

Frozen? !

The other four people looked at Sylvanas dumbfounded-are you kidding me? Those forge elves are obviously elemental creatures that combine fire and earth elements. You said to freeze them?

Freeze the flame?

Perceiving the disbelief of the four of them, Sylvanas raised her mouth slightly, and took out a few special scrolls with the Sunstrider logo from her backpack.

Mounting the scrolls on the trap launcher, Sylvanas shot the scrolls like arrows.

The scroll naturally opened in the air and fell into the middle of the group of furnace spirits.

The frost unfolded, and the furnace spirit dancing around the iron felt was quickly frozen and settled in place.

"Let me go!" Bryan's eyes widened, "There is this kind of operation? What kind of trap scroll is this? Why have I never seen it?"

"It should be related to the Royal Family of the Sunstriders-Prince Kael'thas' new product?" Khadgar guessed a bit. "I heard that the prince has been a little depressed after exploring the return of Draenor. Study enchanting, is this his new work?"

"That's right." Sylvanas smiled proudly, "This is the frozen stand scroll of His Royal Highness. I took a lot of effort to get it from Aqiang."

"Aqiang?" Khadgar thought about it, but he didn't remember the name. "Who? This name is strange..."

"Oh, Lor'themar—I used to call him Aqiang."

"Who is Lor'themar?" Khadgar was still confused. "It sounds familiar, but I can't remember."

"A guy who has never existed."


After solving the forge elves, the five people walked along the side stairs and came to the host of the forge.

It is not Loken who presides over this forge of creation, but a giant dressed as a blacksmith.

"Mortal? How did you come here?" Seeing the five people in the Alliance, the giant was obviously surprised, "Do all those servants want to be remade?!"

But surprised to surprise, the giant didn't hesitate to move his hands. He drew a hot red hammer from the forge next to him, and slammed it in the direction of these people in the alliance.

The red hammer radiated fatal heat, and no one dared to meet it head-on in this case.

Khadgar flashed, Sylvanas jumped back, and Brian, Muradin and Kurdran all avoided directly.

The heavy hammer did not hit the target, and then slammed on the ground due to inertia. Large cracks appeared on the wonderful masonry ground.

"Oh! No! Volkan destroyed the master's hall, and the master will punish Volkan!"

The giant's words of the self-proclaimed Vulkan were vague, and Brian could only hear a general idea, but this did not affect his understanding of this guy's anger.

As if it had become a broken jar, Volkan pulled out a hammer again, holding both hands, waving wildly like a madman.

The five people in the alliance faced this big guy's powerful and heavy attack, and no one dared to spurn him lightly.

While the others were still dodging, Khadgar had flashed three times in a row, came to a safe position, and began to chant a spell.

Flame Spear Technique!

A sturdy red flame spear directly pierced Volkan's shoulder.

The flame spear was like an armor-piercing bullet, after penetrating the armor, it suddenly expanded and exploded.

Volkan staggered a few steps, holding on to the hammer, barely regaining his balance.

At the same time, Khadgar's second magic arrived.

Ice spear!

The ice spear pierced to the same The crystal clear ice is so deadly, under the control of Khadgar, it penetrated Volkan's shoulder directly!

At the same time, the arcane stance broke out!

The violent force involved Volkan and began to tear the giant.

Starting with the shattered armor at his shoulders, Vulkan's body armor quickly couldn't hold on, completely collapsed, and he himself finally lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Before Khadgar could release his fourth spell, a string of blue arrows had arrived.

Sylvanas’s multiple arcane shots directly hit most of Vulkan’s vitals, killing the giant who forged the body and weapons for Loken directly!

Seeing this, Muradin grinned awkwardly.

The teammate's output is too high, I haven't shot yet...


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