Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 564: Last leg

After defeating the Twin Emperors, the worms slipped out of the ground with fake "Dragon Souls", and everyone could finally take a break.

Medivh lost all his strength, and at this time he was no longer fit to walk.

Similarly, since C'Thun has a fake dragon soul, the four dragon kings can't help much. After some discussions, Sylvanas, Loya, Magatha, and Ao Nyxia stayed and was responsible for protecting the dragon and Medivh who had lost their combat effectiveness.

It now appears that the attrition is serious.

There are only sixteen people left to move on-Drunken Wind, Gromash, Saurfang Brothers, Hussim, Kael'thas, Khadgar, Rexxar, Old Fording, Muradin, Brian, Liam, Samuro, Illidan, Maiev, Vaschi.

Although Gu Zuifeng knew that the remaining characters in the temple were all small characters, but out of caution, everyone was still extremely careful when moving forward.


In the depths of the temple, even Grommash, who doesn't like to use his brains, found something wrong.

It seems that no one has been here before-without the murals in front, without the decoration in the style of Ahn'Qiraj, it is just a simple to desolate passage.

Under the shining of Kael'thas arcane flames, everyone felt more and more terrible, and the desolation brought a kind of inexplicable fear, so that everyone could not help their heartbeat speed up.

"Death, loneliness, contempt, loss, what are you afraid of?"

I don't know when it will start, but a deep and hoarse voice began to echo in the empty passage.

"Give up, you will soon find out that your friend also betrayed you..."

Although everyone had already prepared and ignored C'Thun who was whispering, C'Thun had no intention of stopping.

"You are gradually dying."

"Death without honor."

"You will lose everything about yourself."

"Abandoned by your friend in a place no one knows."


These seemingly meaningless whispers are extremely lethal.

Grommash’s eyes turned red when he heard "you will carry the humiliation of the past until you die"; when he heard "your lover will never be with you", Kael'thas hand The arcane flames trembled; Hussim and Rexxar could hardly restrain their emotions when they heard "You have lost your friend forever".

No one has any flaws in his heart-because no one's life is perfect.

Grommash was worried about the humiliation of being the first to drink the blood of the devil. Hussim couldn't forget the death of Ossirian. Kael'thas finally gave up Jaina. Rexxar's wolf will always I can't come back...

Under C'Thun's whisper, these flaws in the heart are like the gaps in the dam, and they may emit torrents at any time!

Zuifeng also found the problem.

The brainwashing of the ancient gods is really terrible. If this continues, it won't take long for these people to lose their fighting spirit!

The contest has begun!

Then, just as the whole team became more and more frustrated, the drunk wind simply started pouring chicken soup-aren't you good at pouring chicken soup with poison? I am also very good at pouring chicken soup!

From the next moment on, Drunk Wind began to answer like a student who was uneasy to listen to the class.

"Your friend abandoned you."

"No, I have been here!"

"Your future is at a loss..."

"But as long as you clean up this garbage, you will be bright!"



The atmosphere suddenly became interesting.

Drunk Wind's actions obviously exceeded C'Thun's expectations-no one has never been able to not only be immune to C'Thun's whispers, but also have time to interrupt non-stop while C'Thun's whispers.

Under the experience of the shaman, the resistance of the Pandaren to the ancient gods far exceeds that of other races-perhaps only the tauren, who is half a beat, and the honobane, can compare with the Pandaren. Got it.

And Zuifeng is a disciple of Shaohao, a person recognized by the Four Heavens, this kind of whisper from the seal is not in Zuifeng's eyes at all!

It seemed that he had discovered Drunk Wind's restraint on himself, C'Thun finally stopped these meaningless words, and the whole passage once again returned to silence, and the sixteen people were cautiously advancing under the lighting of arcane flames.

I don't know how long I walked, and a new room appeared in front of him-a huge sense of pressure foreshadowed that there was an amazing guy in this room.

Although the door was closed tightly, Drunk Wind could also sense it in the dark. This was the will of C'Thun.

Unlike C'Thun, who had one eye in the game, Zuifeng had a foreboding that in this room, it should be the body of the ancient god.

However, before cleaning up C'Thun, Drunken Wind now has a very important task.

"Who, Brian, come here—yes, you—you think of a way to get rid of the seal C'Thun hasn't completely gotten rid of the seal of the Titans—well, actually C'Thun En's seal is almost complete. This ancient **** is not keen on jailbreaking, he just likes to create a group of men to do things for himself.

"Are you sure?" Brian looked at the drunk wind. At this time, the dwarf who had been hippie smiling all day also became rare and serious. "The opening of the seal means that once we can't win, we will personally release a evil !"

"I'm sure." Zuifeng nodded firmly, "Seal is never the solution to a problem-nothing is absolutely rational and orderly, and the failure of Titan has proved this."

"okay then."

Brian nodded, no longer said more, but put on the single goggles and began to explore on the door.

After pressing the button that I don't know where, a small console appeared.

"Well, it looks like a device that activates the guard-unfortunately the guard is no longer there-Drunk Wind, you said that the guardian in charge here is Lyden, right?"

"Yes." Zuifeng nodded, "Leyden told me personally that C'Thun's seal is almost about to expire, if it wasn't for him that doesn't seem to come out, otherwise he should be outside now."

"That's good, the guard activation module is physically destroyed!"

After confirming, Brian directly raised the hammer and hit the top of the console with a hammer.

After an arcane spark, the console returned to silence.

The next moment, Brian stretched out his hand and pulled a lever.

The door is open!

"God knows, what big secret we will discover!"

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