Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 563: Medivh's explosion

In addition to the wizard and shaman, what else does the caster of Azeroth have?

Priest and warlock! (Forget coo, that's cute...)

Khadgar knew nothing about the Way of Light and the Way of Shadows, but his understanding of fel energy was not comparable to that of ordinary warlocks.

Although when Sargeras was possessed, Medivh did not have any consciousness of his own, but the knowledge left by Sargeras was real. The reborn Medivh no longer had the soul of Sargeras, but there was no amnesia!

As long as Medivh thinks, he can turn into a warlock in minutes.

It's just that because of the destructive and corrosive nature of the Fel Energy, Medivh has always been vigilant-and as a mage, Medivh is already strong enough, why be a warlock?

But now, the situation is different.

Arcane is blocked, and the elements are terrified. I am afraid that everyone will not be able to get out of this room without a cameo!

Maybe Drunk Wind has something to do, but it seems that this method is very costly.

In this case, Medivh picked up Atyesh again, just like when he opened the Dark Portal.

The green flame was not a blaze at all, but the fire of the soul.

At the same time, Illidan woke up like a dream, he also threw his Azzinoth war blade, and directly attacked Veklor.

Compared with Medivh’s soul fire, Illidan’s Azzinoth warblade looked like a slow snail, but Veklor, who was overconfident in the protection of the ancient resonance crystal, couldn’t avoid it.

The bug man has never seen fel energy.

For this terrible power, the Twin Emperors were unprepared.

Originally, Veklor thought it was just a special flame, but after being touched, the pain from the depths of his soul made the worm emperor almost crazy.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

During the orc war, the wizards of the alliance suffered heavy losses in the initial fight. On the one hand, it was because the warlock had never seen it before and could not deal with it, and on the other hand, the pain caused by the magic of the warlock was simply unbearable.

It is obviously a flame, but it can act on the soul.

In this case, Veklor was dumbfounded.

Since you don't know the details of your opponent, it means you can't defend at all.

Veklor once imagined many possible ways to attack herself, whether to destroy the ancient resonance crystal, or to attack Vic Nilas instead, but she never thought that there would be something she had never touched before. Energy, and then brought huge trouble to myself.

Under the distortion of time, Vekrol couldn't keep up with Medivh's rhythm at all, and his "absolute defense" was destroyed in this way, and the battle began to tilt towards the quicksand coalition forces.

You know, before Medivh turned into a warlock, the magic he applied was more than a time warp.

Although the spells of the prophecy school have little combat effectiveness, they are great as a combat aid!

"A view of the fire!"

"Stop the enemy plane first!"

In fact, before Medivh started to keep his soul on fire, he had prepared a combat aid for himself.

Being possessed by Sargeras brought more than just painful memories to Medivh.

Before, a Medivh who focused on prophecy was not very effective when he actually started hands, but for so many years, he has long been different from what he used to be.

Had it not been for the destructive nature of the fel, Medivh would have been the first sorcerer in Azeroth to work as a sorcerer.

Now that it is about to erupt, it will simply erupt completely!

The most brutal destructive power of the warlock and the most ingenious control of the wizard are perfectly combined in Medivh's body, forming a delicate balance. In this balance, the twin emperors have nothing to hide!

"Do not!"

"you can not!"

With Medivh’s eruption, the Twin Emperors finally couldn't hold it anymore, the ancient resonance crystal on Veklor finally shattered, and at the same time, Vek Nilas's defense against demons disappeared.

The current twin emperors are like bugs that have lost their carapace.

Although Grommash was very reluctant, everyone rushed forward decisively, and began a brutal and inhuman beating against the two former mighty Ahn'Qiraj leaders.

After being deprived of his special abilities, although the Gemini Emperors still had a good mind, they could no longer resist them.

After struggling for a while, Veklor was first cut off by Drunken Wind's right hand, and then Vek Nilas was also nailed to his wrist by Maiev with a poison dart.

In this case, injury means death.

"Brother, goodbye..."

"No, my brother!"

With full of unwillingness, the twin emperors fell into the room he thought he would win, and fell under the evil energy.

But before everyone celebrated, Medivh quickly fell to the ground.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

Just when Khadgar wanted to release his sobriety, Medivh raised his hand to stop him.

"It's nothing, it's just the sequelae of using fel energy-when this chaotic energy is used with arcane magic, the impact is really strong!" Medivh smiled hard ~ ~ I'm afraid now, I The magic circuit has been completely destroyed..."

"Completely correct." Illidan said in a rare voice, "I have had this experience once. Domineering evil energy will not allow other energy in the user's body-if you want, I think you can become a Demon hunter, you have passed the hardest level."

"No." Medivh waved his hand, "I am different from you, my interest itself is not here-I don't pursue power, and I... don't have a lover."

Medivh seemed a little humbly when he said this.

"I just want to study this endless star realm quietly in a quiet place-now that I don't have all the power, I don't have to bear those responsibilities."

After speaking, Medivh handed the legendary staff of Atiesh Guardian into Khadgar's hands.

"Now, the times are yours. I think Karazhan's library should still lack an administrator, right? I feel very suitable."

Hearing what Medivh said, Khadgar froze once, then smiled.

"Of course, Mr. Medivh, the polymath, no matter where the library is, it will always open the door to you."

"If you want, I don't mind sharing some knowledge from Quel'Thalas with you." Kael'thas also showed an inexplicable smile, "Maybe you will become a pure mage without arcane magic. ."

"Then, thank you!"


Second, I feel that the fifth is more likely to be late in the night.

Immortal cultivation is a foregone conclusion, I feel powerless to resist...

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