Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 565: 0 Eye Demon C'Thun

Under Brian's effort, the door finally opened.

What appeared in front of Drunk Wind was...a pond?

Well, it is not appropriate to say that the pond is actually a huge container buried in the ground.

And C'Thun was soaked in this large container, with only a few eyes exposed.

I have to say that the appearance of this ancient **** is really not flattering...

It was like a huge horn, inlaid with countless eyes and a small soft with countless handles-C'Thun also has tentacles, but C'Thun's tentacles are used to support his eyes.

It is a pity that there is no dragon nearby. If Kalecgos is here, he will definitely find that the liquid in this container is very similar to the source of life that the people of Azoni Rubus originally said.

"You guys, finally here..."

There was an inexplicable meaning in C'Thun's voice.

"Yes, here we are!" Bryan stepped forward, facing C'Thun, "Your rule over Ahn'Qiraj is over!"

"This is not the end..." C'Thun's exposed eyes all fixed on Brian, "You don't understand at all, the great existence outside this universe, as the running dogs of the Titans, you have been blinded by the so-called order. ..."

"Titan's lackey? No, we are not!" Drunk Wind came to the forefront, "We are only for ourselves, only for Azeroth!"

"..." When facing Drunk Wind, C'Thun suddenly stopped talking, and then, those big eyes began to blink.

"Interesting existence-you are completely different from what I imagined."

"Of course it's different!" Drunk Feng puffed up his chest, "I am not a dirty parasite like you!"

"Parasites? Hahaha, it seems that you know a lot-but let me tell you, we are not parasites, we are just in our way, hatching the star souls, preventing them from going to the Titans The wrong path!"

"You are corruption!" Drunk Feng's eyes widened, "I have seen Raiden, don't you think I don't know what you are doing to Azeroth!"

"Hahahaha! It's corruption, so what?!" A huge eye with a diameter of more than ten meters emerged from the container in the eyes of everyone's surprise. "You think you are smarter, actually better than those Titans. Be stupid, you shouldn't do it, and the last thing you should do is to let me out!"

"Do you think you can beat me without the seal of Titan?"

"The day I wake up is when your lives are lost!"

"You can think too much about this!" Drunk Feng also gave a smile to the arrogant C'Thun, "I just let you out to beat you better, idiot!"

"I can't help myself!"

"No, we only released you after thinking about it. If we don't know our own strength, we will challenge Yogg-Saron - in other words, among the ancient gods, we think you are the weakest one! "

"Arrogant blasphemy leads to inevitable destruction!"

"My arrogance is your destruction!"



Drunk Wind is comparable to C'Thun in the bickering. He has mastered too many secrets, and he is also very resistant to C'Thun's suggestion. In this case, C'Thun's consciousness cannot be attacked from language. To drunk wind.

So, let's see the real chapter under your hands!


The battle is weird.

C'Thun did not actively attack with his eyes full of tentacles, nor did he release spiritual shadow spells such as the dwarf mind blast, but like the beholder, he used his big eyes to launch a ray and sweep towards Zuifeng et al.

"Be careful, avoid it, it's weird!"

Needless to say, everyone has already avoided-due to the rays, the space has become distorted, and no one wants to try this thing.

Grommash slashed into C'Thun's eyes with a **** roar on the edge of the huge container after avoiding the rays.

C'Thun couldn't move by himself, so Grommash's axe smashed firmly on an open eye.

With a flutter, Gorehowl's sharp axe cut into C'Thun's body.

His eyes seemed to be injured, and he closed tightly after being hit, but the next moment Grommash waved a gore at Brocks beside him like a madness. If Brocks hadn't been careful, it would be true. Was hit by Grommash with an axe!

At the same time, Kael'thas and Khadgar, who hit C'Thun's eyes with a fireball, became mad after closing those two eyes, especially Kael'thas, summoning directly in the room. The flame storm.

Kael'thas' Phoenix Ao disappeared out of thin air after hitting C'Thun!

These eyes are very peculiar. The summoned creatures will be dispelled after being hit, and the intelligent creatures will go crazy after hitting. Drunk Wind also guessed that even if the Titan creation hits C'Thun's eyes, it is very likely to be directly contaminated!

Under this circumstance, everyone could only retreat temporarily With the help of Zuifeng and Old Fording, the three finally came to their senses.

"Hahaha, isn't it interesting? What do you think I am? I am C'Thun, the **** of a thousand eyes! Although I have been sealed by the despicable Titan, as long as someone dares to hurt my body, he will pay for it. cost!"

"God, there is no profanity!"

"Oh? Really?" Hearing what C'Thun said, Drunk Wind pulled out his pair of wind swords, walked into the room again, and then pierced one of C'Thun's eyes without hesitation. "Let me see how powerful a living ancient **** is!"

"Alakir? Hahaha, Alakir who was sealed in the weapon! Haha..."

In the laughter of C'Thun, the drunk wind was in a trance.

Sudden changes caused Zuifeng to close his eyes subconsciously, and when he opened them again, he saw a mantid flying all over the sky.

"Ya! You take the child and go first!"

"No, I'm here with you! The child is already with my brother, and now no one can separate us!"

In a daze, Drunk Wind seemed to have returned to the night he had just arrived in Azeroth, the night when the small village was destroyed and his parents both died.

The night the mantid raged.


The fourth watch, the fifth watch is in the latter half of the night-after all, I am the one who cultivates to ascend!

There are a lot of foreshadowings in the battle with C'Thun, here will explain part of the drunken past, and some other things about the ancient gods.

Also, remember the Crypt Lord Atud and Alexandros Mograine trained in Northrend? These are foreshadowing~

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