3 Jul 7446

Arriving during the six-layer metastatic crystal, we spent some time resting in order to heal the fatigue of the day by taking a quick meal schedule and showering in turn or untiring our tired bodies. And the meal schedule is soon over, and we all have a slightly late dinner. After the meal we showered around slaves who hadn't showered yet, and we had tea and were indulgent during that time.

Tomorrow we will break through the seven layers by noon, and no matter how late in the evening we will destroy the eight layers of minotaur to arrive between the transfer crystals and push for base before returning to the ground once. Provide the necessary instructions, etc. and return to the Eight Layers as soon as possible to conduct an investigation such as the revival cycle of Minotaur again. I'm going to spend at least a week there at that time.

Anyway, around the twenty-fifth of this month, the Donneol family will come from Barkud as a replacement for the Ryogs, and before that, I want to keep the sausage factory up and running. We are also going on about arranging slaves to make us work there, but it seems to be difficult to gather people who fit the conditions, and Madame Ronslyle seems to be struggling as well. Well, it's not something we need to rush about slavery, either, so fine.

But I also need to get Bastral and Kathy to stick around for about half a month while I run the factory. I don't know if I'm a little dissapointed about the fact that the schedule is hard to fill because I want to make plans early.

"Well, it's early tomorrow and it's time to rest"

When someone said that, they decided to rest naturally. Especially since tomorrow it's only two floors, seven and eight, we're scheduled to leave at about 6: 30 looking at a little more room than usual. The time now is about twenty-three, and it's still time to get some sleep.

Just in case, the first watch took the form of Tris and Ghiberti, Zulu and Ghine, then Ralpha and Engella, and finally Belle and another Ghiberti. We mix guys who are bound to use magic because it doesn't necessarily mean when the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) will not arrive. It's in the labyrinth, and I don't totally trust you. It was my conscience that separated Ralpha from Guine.

Good night, then.

4 Jul 7446

"… please. Master, please wake up."

It woke me up. Giberti.


"It's the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood). Master Karostaran is responding now."

... Respond?

Oh, my God, already.

You stink.

When I gently get out of the blanket, I wear it under my armor and look around the middle of the room where Tris stands barefoot.

Two old men, Vilheimer and Bath, are talking to Tris about something. Put your hand on the clock demon prop and check the time, just before midmorning. The first watch was only a few moments away. I said to Ghiberti, "Just wake up Zulu and Ghine for once," and stood up and sat down when I even went to a bench made of dirt.

Naturally, Tris realized what had happened to me. If you need me, I'll call you. I sat on the bench, grinning my nose off, biting off my elbow and looking at Tris' back.

but soon the story with the Vilheimers seemed to be over and Tris came back.

"They're going to put up a camp (camp) over there. Then he asked me if I could borrow the shower, so I gave him permission, provided we had priority."

Oh, yeah. I'm glad it's not a hassle.

"Well. Okay, can I go to bed?

I was asleep while Zulu and Guine were awake and starting to support me.

And when I woke up a little late the next morning, I was heard that the Green Regiment had left for the Seven Layers a little while ago in a mood, making me a little uncomfortable that I had been moved ahead. but get back on your mind and we're off to the seventh floor, too. And he encountered the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood), surrounded by the largest number of five orgasms to meet in the aisle, where it was still the dead who were not out, but half-destructed, and saved the crisis. The old man, who healed the severely injured Vilheimer and tried to get me to their metastasis source without asking for any great thanks, woke up in tears to the day before...... again by Giberti. It's convenient to meet again and again.

"Were you dreaming about it? He looked like he was having fun."

I feel uncomfortable while Giberti apologizes for looking sorry.

"Really? I don't remember what I was looking at."

It was best to answer that with a bitter laugh.

Looking at the camp of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) on the way to the shower room to refresh, it looks like everyone is quietly asleep watching over one of the werewolf (Wolfwer) aunts. I can't help but worry about the water noise, so I usually take alternating showers of hot and cold water to tighten my skin, awaken my consciousness completely and get equipped.

If I make one extra hot dog with a pinch of breakfast baldukki, I make a thin split of wine in a wooden cup and hold that to about the center of the room. I invited a lookout werewolf (Wolfwer) to pay attention to this one.

"Good luck. Mr. Kamsch, I don't know if it suits your mouth, but if you'd like."

I smiled and offered every basin to the werewolves (Wolfwers) who would surprise this one.

"Huh? You okay? I'm sorry. I'm not blind to this guy either."

Kamsh smiled back at me with a delightful face when I said it as a surprise but narrowed my eyes and received the hot dog.

"Really, that was good. Oh, you can put the basin and cup back in place later."

"Thanks. Glad to hear it. Then Julie is fine with me."

Julie smiled with a chuckle when she said so, making a quick, deliciously playable noise and sipping a bite of balducky on her cheek.

"Okay, Mr. Julie. We're about to go, so excuse me."

"Oh, master."

The Killer (Slaters) camp is still in the middle of breakfast. I also just packed breakfast in my belly and everyone checked each other's gear and carried an inflated rucksack.

"Good, you haven't forgotten anything. Let's go, Mutreoki!

Finally, we reached the last room on the eighth floor, a large hall with an anti-skill area at the center of a two-kilometer diameter.

It was time to move on, and when we got to the point where Mizuchi's [troop formation (partisation)] was lifted, we made a small pause in the car seat so that we could keep an eye on each other's front.

"Giberti, you wait here. I'll pack all my stuff too. As I was saying, lightning keeps falling all around that area as we move forward and for a while. At the same time, the room becomes as bright as seven floors. Don't be surprised. Stay calm and wait. I'll pick you up when the thunder's gone."

"Yes, I understand, sir"

He lowered the rucksack they all carried, wrapped it in the rock shade where Giberti waited, and moistened his throat. Re-inspect the equipment, make sure there are no problems, and set up the operation easily while resting for even more time.

"The movement shall be made by the bee arrow number (Arrowhead One) and the basic interval to the enemy shall be five meters. The minute Minotaur is in sight, the battle begins. That's good."

He snorted at me when I said that and looked around at everyone, so I keep going.

"I fought before, and if it takes all of us, first of all, I'm sure we can defeat it with a series of intensive attacks. I see no element of struggle. The problem is…"

Guine swallowed the sauce.

"When they're not alone. In this case, I'll take care of one. When there were two opponents, if we could all hang on the other one, we could take this down without a big deal. My backup will be there in time, and if the opponent's power is no different than it was before, I think I can take him down alone."

Everyone is listening to me.

"Three or four is probably fine. Zulu and Tris stick together, which is a wall role (shield holder). I don't mind knocking it down if I can knock it down, or stick to it."

The armor is new, and Engela says she doesn't have to use a shield. She used to tend to forget the existence of the shield. The armor is now designed to deal with animals and demons, supervised by the Doksh family in Barkud, so it is not considered for shield equipment. Instead, he's embedded a few metal bars in the back of his arm, like my stuff, and his left hand fist is covered in rubber, so that he can punch him thoroughly. The surface is of course Ebonite.

"If it seems like more, build a front around me with Tris and Zulu, Ralpha and Engela at the avant-garde. In that case, Xenom needs to use the axe well. The avant-garde is more attentive to defense than to attack and is only attentive to maintaining the front. The point is, it's pretty much the same as usual, except for the Zenome going back."

"What if they weren't minotaurs?

Mizuchi has pinched his mouth for questioning. Ralpha and Guine, Zulu and Engela saw her as impressed when they heard it. I was going to tell you now, too.

"In that case, it depends on the other party. If you're going to be able to defeat me, I'll keep doing it, and if you are, I'll redirect the formation."

Sure, if it's an unknown monster, it's a pain in the ass, but if they're a few, maybe they'll be fine. Worst case scenario, we just need Zenom to lead the guard while our avant-garde is sticky and take him down. Either way, we can't retreat any more than that lightning bolt cage comes out.

Come on, line up and go.

The formation of the Bee Arrow Number (Arrowhead One), which led me, began to advance.

Everyone understood that Mizuchi's [troop formation (partisation)] soon broke into the anti-skill area with its release.

"It's about time."

Guine signals.

We arrive at the pillar in about 100m.

Once I looked back and nodded to everyone to say, "It's okay, you can always win," I moved on without looking back anymore.

And I managed to minotaur (we were together, we were alone. good) made a sound that ripped the example air the moment it got into view to create a lightning bolt cage, and the ceiling rapidly increased the light, like high-speed shooting.

"Let's go!

Let the battle begin. Simultaneously with the hanging voice, the gunsword rests on his back and advances with a full speed dash.

Naturally Minotaur also noticed this side and set up a trident.


Uh-huh. Is it time for the females to leave?

A trident spear (Trident) protruding by Minotaur bounced up with a gun sword, and as he dived into the swinging pattern, he slammed the gunbed into his right foot knee.

That stabs the unleashed arrows of Bell and Mizuchi where they have disfigured.

It would be better if you stood in the face.

The other one is stabbed in the chest.

Zulu and Tris, who remained shielded by an even more disfigured Minotaur, penetrated by the body.


Zenom's axe stabbed the groin of a minotaur who rolled onto the ground in such a way as to put an ass cake on it.


You packed it.

Minotaur lets go of the trident spear (Trident) and holds down his groin and rolls it around.

The axe is already back in Xenom's hands.

Ralpha and Engela are swinging up their respective scores, rarely hitting them.

Soon Minotaur died and Lightning Bolt's cage disappeared.

The value of the Demon Stone was still thirty thousand.

Trident spears are hard to describe as luxury items, they are ordinary.

... don't get any harder and harder.

Let me just go get Giberti and we'll be in between the metastatic crystals. If you look inside, it's the same as before. I also have the ice I made last time, and I still have the soup pan on top of it. The ice was less than half the size and the soup pan was stuck in the ice to the edge of the lid, though.

Doesn't this place change?

Bring in the baggage that came in handy and build a cooking alley or something, but I had a problem here. I use water for cooking, laundry, and showers, but until now, I've either gone a little further away to throw them away, or I've even made a shower to the incline to direct drainage outside the room.

"Why don't you just leave about a meter around the room and bottom up the floor to surround the crystal rod?

said, adopted by deforming Mizuchi's proposal. It's a hassle to do that all the time, so I'll build a 50cm high floor in the back corner for living. Each of the cooking areas and showers also designated another corner as a candidate, creating a high floor. The ground is dirty, but you just have to make a beautiful place. Only cooking and laundry drainage are premised on going outside to throw them away. You can usually save about this and go throw it outside just after you dispose of Minotaur or something. Buckets, don't need more.

As for the toilet...... I guess this is outside too. Do I have to go outside with my escort just in case I say goodbye in the labyrinth aisle? Ma, if you can grasp that cycle about Minotaur's resurrection, it won't be much of a problem. In some cases, a toilet or shower may be installed in the shade of a rock 100 m or 200 m from the column that houses between these transition crystals.

When we all came up with a draft and decided on the whole thing, we decided to go back to the ground once.

There are reports against genocides (Butchers) and exterminators (Exterminators), as well as about factories. We just have to get around there and get back to this point with the supplies.

What we do is pile up.

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