Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Lesson 175: Massive Purchase of Slaves

4 Jul 7446

Back on the ground in the evening, we rendezvous with members of the other killers (Slaters) and let the guests who were in Murowa grab Silver Joo and kick him out (twelve of them were gone. Thirty thousand Z. Shit) and rent out the store and talk about eight and nine floors.

"So this is the demon stone he picked from the first Minotaur."

Roll a white demon stone on the crap table. It's a few steps whiter than the Auga one.

The only delicacies I've ever seen that are even better than this are those of Big Mizu and the Eyeball Bastard.

"And this is the battle axe (Battle Axe) the first Minotaur had. So, here's the next guy's Battle Axe (Valdish) and today's Trident."

Weapons such as the advanced Battle Axe (Battle Axe), which was then obtained, were also placed on the table.

"Ooh, white"

"This Battle Axe (Battle Axe) is also awesome."

"I've seen that color before, but it's incredibly white to be single."

"Amazing whiteness."

"Status open...... wow, single ah"

"Lend me a little... hey, sure this guy..."

"" "" "Congratulations, sir!

"If it's so good, don't you have to sell it?

"Sure... I'm not in trouble for the money."

"I've never heard of minotaurs, but are they strong?

"That's just the demon stone. You're unscrupulous. Think in common sense."

"But nine layers... I can't believe it in Russia, but when you look at this guy..."

"[Double-edged Battle Axe (Battle Axe)] or... that's a business"

After staring at everyone who makes a scene for a while, continue with the words.

"The Demon Stone and Battle Axe (Battle Axe) will be shown to His Majesty when reporting an eight-layer breakthrough. If you ask me to excuse you, I intend to give it to you.... Sorry, Kevin. So if you want to see it, look at it now. I'll show you, though, since Barkud sent the caravan."

Everyone shuts up because I started talking again.

"Until then, for the time being, the Killers (Slaters) are material carriers to base between the eight layers of metastatic crystals. I'm sorry, but I need you to enjoy it a little more. And, Bastral, you're going to see me and the slaves working in the factory tomorrow with Kathy."

"Huh? But we haven't got all the numbers yet..."

"Yeah. But I can't wait till we're all set. Let's get it up and running within the month, even if it's slightly less. It doesn't make sense to let them play. So, get ready to run the factory with the slaves I bought the day after tomorrow."


"Cathy can help me, too."

"Yeah, of course. But what about John and Terry?

Kathy takes good care of John and Terry, and I guess she cares.

"Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, when you prepare your factory in the King's capital, you'll have to keep an eye on their room with the rest of the slaves."


Cassie smiling in reply was kind of like their mother's face.

Given his age, he's my sister.

July 5, 7446.

The next morning, after finishing his run and having breakfast, he and Mr. and Mrs. Bastral go to the "Slave Shop Ron Slyle". I also asked how many people were gathered there to greet them.

"I'm sorry, Master Gried. There are still five men and six women. There are five men and four women who can be candidates, but this is not enough."

Eleven. There is still a long way to go for the ten men and women I initially thought of, but I can't help it. That said, this is enough for now.

"... well, we haven't decided we can all buy it yet. Bastral, Kathy, go in the back and show me first. Isn't that nice?

"Of course... Eleanor, let me through."

Madame Ronslyle ordered the superintendent, who guided Bastral and Kathy to disappear into the back room. Oh, I have to say this or something.

"You can decide that if you guys think it's easy to use. If you don't want to talk about it, don't push it."

When I said that, Madame looked a little subtle, but she immediately nodded as though she remembered her confidence in education and eye-catching at her chamber of commerce, naturally. I don't care if they fit the criteria and say they're good.

"How much education? And you've also checked the terms we first told you, haven't you?

That's what I'm going to say, but as far as I'm concerned, I see no problem with education.

"All the slaves we have now meet what Master Gried says. But... that... I'm sorry to bother you, but are you thinking of selling your child? If that's the case, you don't have to be so thorough."

I see, the sale of children. Did you take it? I wouldn't even think about raising my slave-born child to some extent and selling it away from my parents. I'm not going to fall that far. It doesn't translate to buying John and Terry as future managerial candidates for the plant. But if that's what they're gonna take, that's convenient. It would be a good cover. There's a reason I might take you to my territory, which will be a foreign country in the future, but I don't feel comfortable saying that right now and being slandered by people around me for "reckoning with raccoons who don't catch them". Better still be considered inhuman.

"Well, that's it...... but even if it's somewhat pricey, this condition will never be conceded"

"Well, that's good because we know about the cost of investigating slave kinship... I seem to have mentioned that I went too far..."

"No, never mind. In some cases, you'll have had a hard time finding a slave that fits your criteria, and you don't mind the price you pay for it."

"I struggled a little, but it wasn't that hard. Either that or the race was singularly limited, so much so that I had a harder time with that. I became an easy Puppet (Hume) to collect."

Smile a little and Madame answered.

"Ha. Still, the purchasing power of the Ron Slyle Chamber of Commerce, which has more than ten people in this short period of time, has lost its head."

To be honest, I was surprised that there were quite a few people gathered. I thought it was two or three at most. You have all the men and women I've asked for when you add up the number of people who haven't finished their education yet.

My terms are:

1. Parent-child brother and estrangement (if living apart as a child is the lowest condition and then not negotiated, then fine)

2. Being unmarried and having no experience giving birth to a woman

3. Some obstacles are acceptable to the extent that light labour can be tolerated

4. Ten years old at the bottom and fourteen years old at the top before adulthood

5. Being good for any race, but all the same

6. Being properly educated as a slave

are six. But they seem to be easily aligned on a network of slave traders. Madame Ronslyle won't at least intentionally try to sell anyone off the terms because he can put his credit on previous deals.

To be honest, the slave trade has a faint feeling of being trafficked. As far as I'm concerned, it just feels like I'm trying to recruit a conditioned employee. That said, I'm prepared to carry everyone's life properly. Slavery is my personal property, and it would be my husband's job to prepare me for that happiness if I were to have an edge and become mine.

Basically at least half of them (probably more) are going to let me accompany them to the territory where I will be sealed in the future, because having relatives is pathetic.... Can you say this in embarrassment? I'd say there are other reasons, but not now. Besides, I don't think it's a bad thing to provide slaves like orphans with decent work and life.

"Well, shall I show you too? I'd like to see your face even if I let you live in Wang Du."

Bastral and Kathy ask a lot of serious questions in the back room where they were put through. I don't care about the content because it's just a pretty shabby question. I guess I have a lot to check with them because I'm telling them I'm putting them on earlier terms because they could go to my territory in the future. Cassie in particular looked very serious because she was going to be the one to deal with the most. I guess Bastral is worried about his own wife, too. That's not why, but that's part of what it means to narrow down age to children.

"What do you say?

"Oh, I think it's okay"

Bastral says. Cassie won't be able to do this one either, because he doesn't seem to be around.

Men and women weave together for a total of eleven. They are all of the Pu people between the ages of 10 and 14, as requested. But I guess his nutritional status wasn't good. They will have improved their diet, but they all feel thin at some point.

Some guys had a slightly frightened look at me working out and Bastral's physique.

"Mr. Ronslyle. We will buy them all. What's your price?"

They all seem to have some errors, but they ranged from 1.2 million to 1.5 million per person. Twelve hundred and forty-two million Z. Looks like he's making a good profit this time. When I paid with fourteen pieces of gold and gold joo, I received a change in silver coins, and I told them that I would be picking them up tomorrow morning when I could prove my sale, and I quit the store.

When I got back to the Boyle Pavilion, no one was there.

Probably going out for lunch from time to time, but it's a hassle finding everyone anyway.

I guess I took John and Terry with me because they weren't waiting in front of the inn.

The three of us had no choice but to go to a new store for lunch. This afternoon will be the whole training as it is, so Bastral and I will take armor and weapons for practice.

I walked into a store with the weird name Chicken Tree. The store structure is a good category there and the food is not bad. Is it difficult to be a little far-sighted from the Boyle Pavilion?

It was a proper lunch meal, but I was quite satisfied, and it's pretty good service to have up to a complimentary cup of tea after the meal. If you get tired of being near the field, it's not a bad idea to get to this point, the three of us were talking about that.

"Hey, that, the Killer's (Slaters)..."

"Oh, right. I've seen it, too, Grid."

"You've also seen that cat tribe (Cat People)"

"I'm a member."

"That woman, somewhere..."

"Silly, not quite, they went all the way to the ninth floor the other day. That's what I heard him talking about earlier."

"Nine floors? You're lying, aren't you? You pulled out the Founding King?

"If the nine layers are true, I guess so. Wow."

Whoa. Is it rumored already? Be more praised, lie down, and respect. Uh-huh.

However, all three of them sat down for lunch while talking about the factory flat without even giving it a bite, and when they drank it thoroughly up to tea, they paid the price and left the store.

"Rumors are already spreading."

A slightly nasty bastral said leaving the store.

Kathy seems somewhat happy, too.

I also worked so hard to fix my expression, but I said, "Right. This was also the case when I went to the sixth and seventh floors. I didn't say anything when I went to the eighth floor, but my father at the magic prop store tipped me off about Troll's magic stone. You told me you must have gone to the eighth tier in less than two weeks," he said with a flat look.

Nine layers. What a more sensational story than those, I guess the rumors quickly spread around the adventurer. That said, the guys at the store seem to be hearing pretty fast, too.

Look, one of these days I'm going to get an expensive magic item (magic item) that everyone will envy and become a senior nobleman (with autonomy). And you'll be independent as soon as you can, looking at the time. When that happens, once again rumors will swim around with their tails on.

My reputation grows, making it easier for people and things to get together.

The battle starts with that.

July 6, 7446.

After dropping off the slaughterers (Butchers) and uprooters (Exterminators) entering the Labyrinth, I accompany the Bastrals to the "Slave Shop Ron Slyle" again.

We receive the slaves we bought yesterday along with the proof of sale and go to Wangdu after they perform the naming ritual at the shrine.

The bastrals sat on your podium, shoving into the carriage they borrowed on schedule for tomorrow just in case the grinder they had made.

The slaves are led on foot by Zulu and Engela and Ghiberti, but this has no choice.

The truth is that this will take a while to get around, so I almost wanted to put him in the carriage with me, but I can't do the grinder because there are five of them, including the first one that was in the bastral room, and the preservatives are like mountains.

I will certainly be ready to operate the factory when I get to Wang Capital, but I will also have to show my face and greet the Chamber of Commerce, which will accompany Kathy and receive distribution, and I will have to show my face to the Dark Elf treatment center, which is unloading preservatives for me. We also need to secure the Slaves' Inn.

"I'd love to go back tonight if I could, but there's a chance I can't. Don't worry too much. Just do it and wait."

Tell Zenom and Tris that and cross Mizuchi and their respective military horses.

It is up to Bastral to watch the carriage. Kathy is next to Bastral.

John and Terry said, "You guys are going to be the seniors. Tell him firmly," I said, and I included telling him to listen firmly to his predecessors when introducing them to the new slaves.

Along the way, Balducky, who we will all make lunch for, is also letting Kathy, John and Terry make enough yesterday afternoon in conjunction with what we will distribute as samples today.

"All right, let's go"

Let's go.

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