3 Jul 7446

Bell's ear stood pinned next to mine.



"It's a demon!

Apparently the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) is in battle.

Is it about 100m away from the way this voice sounds?

Six floors have high ceilings, so you can't hear them unless you yell pretty loud when you're a hundred meters away.

I feel like I'm about to rip my voice off right now.

"Guine, there's quite a few mon rooms ahead, isn't there?

"Yeah... maybe... five hundred meters away..."

Guine answered me right away. Yeah, well, a while back, Guiney said he'd cut another one.

And then that fight isn't in the mon room, is it the aisle?

It is likely that a large number of boars were transferred and ambushed.

"... there are two boars... three?

Bell says as he clears his ears.

"There was no trap, was there?

Ask Guine as she looks forward.



"... Hmm. Formation change. Ralpha, Zulu. You guys are rear alert (Taylor Watchdog). I don't look good when I get dug from behind. Just slow down and follow me carefully. Before that, Mizuchi and Bell. Ask for an ad hoc at the center of the flying tool. In the middle are Ghine and Ghiberti. Don't let Guineh leave Giberti. The rest are with me."

He started walking sarcastically when he put the sword down from his shoulder and set it up. Behind my left is Engela, Tris with a shield right next to mine, and behind his right is Xenom.

"Damn, whoa!

"Rember! Now!"


Looks like you're busy.

Guine was the only one who had a rushed look when he glanced around the back. Everyone else is walking along with a badly calm look on their face in opposition. Still, the speed is up.

The loudness of that voice would probably get us to the scene in a few dozen seconds.

Turn right at that end. Is that about 20 meters?

"Benno, right!


"Shit, I'm going with Yong Yong Sang San! Let the avant-garde hold it for five seconds!

"It's a magic attack!

Oh, that's not to be missed!

Running in a hurry, I'll roll out the anti-magic field just in case.

I don't like it if that corner bend hits me with a magic warhead.

I guess it's because I ran out of the blue. In a panic, everyone felt signs of running out after them.

Turning the corner, it was just the right time.



"Bath, bear with me a little longer!


On the way down the aisle about ten meters wide, from me, the Greens (Verdegli Brotherhood) were desperately fighting against the three Cave Boers with their left wall behind them. And I could just see the moment the leader, Vilheimer, unleashed his attack magic on a boar pointing his ass at me.

It was like the magic of Flame Arborest used by Vilheimer, who kept his left hand palm facing the boar in front around the middle of the party.

Because it was close enough to be said to be close, Arborest hit brilliantly, causing serious bovine injuries.

The boar snorted and fell, but he is still alive and moving his hands and feet.

A woman from the avant-garde wall role (Shield Holder) was hitting her with a shield.

Subsequently, the Mountain Wizard (Impact Guard) also used Flame Arborest magic to target the cave bore in the middle, but unfortunately it was removed.

The magic warhead hit the right wall of the aisle and dispersed.

Plus, a werewolf sorceress (Impact Guard) unleashed a stone arborest, which hit a pig, but this one was shallow and didn't seem to do much damage.

The boar still seems healthy and doesn't fall.

A man from the avant-garde wall (Shield Holder) uses his shield and long sword well to wield a fang attack.

The boar in the middle also finally collapsed after a man from the Hu tribe (Bunny Man) of the Hu (Spear Interceptor) knocked Flame Javelin in.

Even Bunny Man thrust his spear into the boar's head as he leaped out of the shadow of the man in the wall role (Shield Holder) and flowed.

Now there's one more boar left.

As far as the bodies that were rolling on the road would not be enemies of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) anymore.

That one is subleader, Elf's Bath and Dwarf's Lembal are handling it in combination.

There will be no more magic warheads flying over here.

We stopped maintaining the anti-magic field that was wasted and decided to watch the game, but the boar was killed unilaterally without anything particularly interesting.

"Shit, it's you"

Greetings. Did you think Black Yellow Balls came running around?

"Thank you..."

I observed the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) as I replied yes.

Falling at the feet of Vilheimer is probably the first Bowman Elite (Elf) man to be ambushed, who did say his name was Rockwell Malostalon or something.

He's a surviving sorcerer when a first-and-a-half party, the Blazers, was devastated two or three years ago. I am seriously injured.

What do you want me to do? Mr. Wilheimer.

The Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) has five magicians, including Vilheimer's. In time, there are two guys, including Vilheimer, who can use all attributes of witchcraft, but they shouldn't have all reached level five.

You can't cure-all, can you?

Well, even if it's just a cure, it won't kill you if you use it at least twice, but that's not all for a boulder.

Are you going to use a medicine made of magic stone?

I know it's expensive because if you're a top team, you have the financial resources, and it's the kind of stuff you need to use at times like this. I don't have a choice at all.

"Hey, Mr. Gried. It's on the edge of something that we met here. If I had extra healing pills (healing potions), would you sell them? My hand is getting thinner..."

I grabbed Vilheimer's shoulder, which looked disgusting as if it had been seen even in his weakness, and let him pull back in, and Bath, an elf warrior to say even with his deputy leader, called out as he walked toward me.

"Hey, this is Mr. Bath.... If Missy's pricing is good, I can give you a few. But, uh, do you have that kind of cash?

Missies is a chamber of commerce specializing in pharmaceuticals, and alongside its counterparts, Barri and Reubeno, it serves the adventurers of Balduk.

Of course, a lot of people take care of me besides adventurers.

The nobles and the rich in the king's capital... the army.

So, the healing drug (healing potion) works about halfway between the cure and the cure light, and about 250,000 Z in a single serving is quite affordable with the market.

Of course, I'm the one who buys the most, except for the military.

Ordinary adventurers buy tens to tens of thousands of Z's of paralysis pills, another poisoning by monster, as much as paralysis pills.

Besides, the bulk of the contents are sold normally.

It is said that if it is properly sealed, it will not become ineffective on an annual basis.

The medicine bottle (potion bottle) is a test tube-like bottle covered with a small cork about an adult pinky finger and can be plugged with cork exactly. This shock-resistant bottle alone costs about 5,000 Z.

If it is not taken orally, whether it is trauma or fracture, it will not work. Anyway, it's a magic medicine.

The method is said to go out of the door, and they make it by mixing it with a secret formula that it is demonic stone powder or whatever leaves it is.

By the way, the taste is clearly unsavory because it looks like Somaluk, a hangover medicine sold at a Japanese pharmacy.

Two years ago, from reflection when I fell to the fourteenth floor, I always let them hold four of these in a pouch that fits behind my hips, as I would call it a survival kit for each of the slayer (Slaters).

Naturally, it includes telling you not to hesitate to use magic when you are injured because of deviation from a member who can use it.

We also constantly stockpile a certain number of bases such as those at the forefront.

We have enough to stockpile while we're buying chickens in conjunction with purchasing paralytic medicines to combat the egg.

No one took care of him but the initial training that introduced the drug, including me. No body.

"Silly, don't lose sight of me. Do you have four?

When I said that, I laughed and Bath handed me the gold. Heh, four is fancy.

Open your mouth as you take four healing pills (healing potions) out of the survival kit behind your hips and hand them over.

"If you want to use it right away. Please return the bottle."

"Eh, you're as solid as ever, you are"

Bath laughed bitterly and still looked happy when he received a healing pill (healing potion) from me back to his fallen companion. Looks like they'll give him a drink soon. There is a voice pulling out the cork stopper and saying "status open" to check the contents.

"I'm taking the money, I'm not thanking you."

Vilheimer says with a bumpy look, but the tone feels soft somewhere.

"I'm getting paid. I'm not thankful."

That said, I'm actually just making a little money.

Bringing in mouthpieces like Scavenge Crowler tentacles, purchasing paralysis pills, purchasing expensive restorative drugs (healing potions), so I'm a good Missy's customer. They're selling it a little cheaper.

When Rock gave me the bottle back from Bath, who drugged me, Bath said, "Thank God. Thank you. I want to save as much magic as I can for a time like this."

"Hey, Greed. Look at that. If we discover a new route this time, we'll have seven layers next. Now we've got seven layers of treasure too, and we'll catch up to you soon. If you care enough to knock down an orga or a troll, I'll get you out of here in no time."

Something like that, I just walked out in the wake of Vilheimer's losing voice. I waved, too. "Good luck, ma'am. I just didn't have any tension like this either..."

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you. There's still plenty to go from here to the metastatic crystal."

Well, how do you answer that?

"Well, I guess so. We make maps, too. I've been there about many times. We'll be there by tonight."


Ralpha blew out whether she couldn't bear the words of Wilheimer, who answers proudly.

Actually, I almost blew it out, too.

We'll be there in an hour and a half.

"Huh!? What time did you come to the sixth floor?

Speak up as if you were dared to be surprised to follow Ralpha's callout.

"Well, it's after ten."

I guess it was about 3: 00 pm when we stepped into this layer today. Five hours. Considering the speed of sunlight (Sun Ray), I'd say it's a pretty, no, tremendously fast pace. I'm only bragging. I was a little stunned by the boulder, too. My eyebrows may have moved.

"That... only saves you the magic of healing..."

Even though it's considerably slower than us, there would have been some fighting, and I'm honestly surprised.

"What's up? Did you stutter?

That's a annoying side.

... Ah. Is that so?

"Well... I'm stunned."

Well, fine. When I saw the faces of Bath and the other members, I realized it was a lie.

"Huh, what time is it for the killer (Slaters)? I know it's after us, but I cleaned it pretty good on the road. That was easy, wasn't it?

Ugh. I did go through four rooms with the Lord, but they were all corpses. But the only corpses I saw on the road were a total of three boars in two places. Besides, if you look at the faces of the members of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood), I guess this came out early this morning. They all looked so tired.

"Yeah. Thanks to you. Thank you for that. Bye."

I walked out with an answer, and now I waved him over my back.

There's a triangle ahead, but I dare you to pick a course a little further.

Look, even if we go far, it's only half an hour. It's not a big deal.

Anyway, I guess it's time the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) established more than one route through the six layers. Pretty impressive about this. The boulder is just a big veteran. I guess we're still chicks on that point.

This time you bought a healing potion from us would be a sign of caution.

For them, the six layers should be totally unafraid, not knowing when the monster will move right next to them. Even during the break, you won't be distracted, and you want to keep your magic as warm as possible.

If you don't have enough magic to use attack magic at times of need, struggle will be a must, and if you do poorly, it can lead to more injured people being sent out.

Hang on, you're lucky to see it.

This roughly explains the interval between the magicians of the Green Regiment (Verdegli Brotherhood) attacking magic.

In case... I don't know.

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