Mar 2, 7445

Tomorrow is Peach Festival, the chick festival. I just earned thirty-seven Orga Demon Stones in the last two days, so I joked and Ralpha said I wanted to line them up, so I lined them up on the dirt that I magically put out in a hiatus. Beginning with the seventh step of the stowager, I lined up thirty-seven demonic stones in front of all the sixth step dowry props, the fifth step stitching, the fourth step entourage (left minister and right minister), the third stage five-man son, the second stage three official women, the first stage inner chick and props.

It's not even funny because the stones just line up on the steps.

I also wondered if women were fun, but they showed no interest other than Ralpha. Only one person, Ralpha, is sitting in front of a chick altar made of dirt in the corner of the room staring at the demon stone with a lukewarm look.

In the first place, there were times when I wondered if there would be events around here because there was also a shrine with birdhouses in Aus. But basically, Bell said that events like this were based on Japanese Miyanaka events and so on. So I guess there's nothing to do with Japanese events or anything like that at the shrine in Aus.

"Hey, Al. What the hell is that? What does Ralpha do?

I was asked in a whisper by a worried Xenom, but as far as I'm concerned, "That's a shrine event from a previous life. Pray for the healthy growth of the girl. It takes place on March 3 of each year. The truth is, you decorate dolls and exquisitely crafted props that pictured noble people, not demonic stones," I had to say.

Ralpha's hindsight staring at it in a hush in front of a tiny chick altar in the corner of the room looked like she was crying. I guess that guy has something to think about with him, and maybe even something special in mind for the chick festival.

He hung his hand and waved his head on Guineh's shoulder as he tried to make his way to Ralpha. Don't worry about it then. If you're feeling better tomorrow, that's fine. There will be times when I want you to leave me alone, even though I'm a long-time friend.

Mar 3, 7445

I defeated twenty orgasms today alone and got a total of fifty seven + alpha demon stones to pull them out of the labyrinth. This time the income is forty-seven million and one hundred and fifty thousand Z (ninety-five silver coins) as a bonus. Bastrals will receive a bonus of 475,000 Z for half of that amount. With the exception of the fraction, Bastral hasn't had any cash in his life because he's deducted it in 100,000 Z units, but the repayment to me exceeded 3 million Z on this labyrinth row.

I'll tell you that, naturally he seemed to understand, too, and he couldn't seem to contain his excitement as he moved his cat ears a little.

"At this rate, wouldn't you be able to pay off your debt and save a little before Golden Week?

When I told him that to Bastral, who was holding his fist and biting his joy, he nodded happily but at the same time looked strange.

"Do you have a Golden Week or something?

"Mm-hmm. That's what I'm making a big holiday for once. Just New Year's Eve and Golden Week, though. I don't have a basin."

"I'll earn a little less that month, but you can visit Wangdu for a stay and eat something delicious, buy clothes, and it's pretty good for your breath"

That's what Bell said and he was smiling.

Left the labyrinth to redeem the Demon Stone, and we all ate as usual.

Mar 4, 7445

After I finished my run and had breakfast, I took myself to the "Slave Shop, Ron Slyle". Madame Ronslile, a fine (elf) man as colorful as an idle madam, looked sorry when she saw my face. It looks like we haven't got a slave who can use his shield well yet. But I didn't come here today for that.

Sit back on the reception set and say hello to the time as you sip the bean tea brewed by the slaves you use in the store. Okay, let's get down to business.

"Mr. Ronslyle, I have an order separate from the combat slaves. I'm a nominee. Can you handle that?

"Nomination? Is it? Well, if the other person is a slave, it depends on negotiating with the owner, but it's not impossible at all. So, who is it?

Dropping Xcel's ashes into the ashtray at the table, Madame asked in a colourful voice as she exhaled purple smoke.

"Duke of Lomberto territory, well heaven. of, is a farmer's woman from Rockford Village. Her name is Catherine Enfall. The race is Cat People (Cat People). I should be sixteen or seventeen years old. By the end of November of last year, we have information that he was definitely in the village."

He spoke with his elbows on his knees and his hands together between his spread crotches.

"... and it's possible that there isn't one right now?

Madam asked me like I was a little depressed. It's a little cheap when it's a cat peep that's not physically sturdy. Profits will be thin. Well, even women are serfs.

"No, it's extremely unlikely they're being sold somewhere. Probably still there."

"Are you a Cat People woman and a serf...... How much?

Yeah, even a woman could jump the price if she had good instrumentation. I also hear that some stores, for example, also choose slaves to buy by volume, and that in some stores, the appearance of slaves can also be a major point.

"Come on, that's it..."

Madame flashed for a moment when I said that, but soon she regained her usual smile.

"You don't know, but they buy it? If you don't mind, could you tell me why?

"No, that's not such a big reason. Our new recruit is from that village. He was exchanging marriage promises with that daughter. It is. It seems like it's time to make a payment, so I thought I'd make sure I got it before it gets sold somewhere..."

Madam laughed thinly when she heard that, then smiled.

"Master Gried... well, that would be good. I was just planning to go to the slave city of Wang Du next week for my next purchase. Tell our warden to get us out of here."

"Hey, thank you. Thank you. I promise I will continue to use this unless I have more reason to."

"Well, you're good"

"Well, that's where things are discussed, that slave, you want it as cheap as you can. Of course, I'm not saying don't take a profit. But I want you to do as much service as you can. I would also like you to invest in negotiating the purchase value. If they seem reluctant to sell, give them the buyer's name and negotiate. The buyer is Sarjes Bastral."

Have a sip of tea. I was seen with a frightened eye, but I had no choice.

"I don't know what to say instead, but the next combat slave can be somewhat expensive. And rather than say, I'm not going to thread gold if I'm a capable combat slave. Young, tough guy, please. If it's really a combination of strength, I wouldn't say one, I'm also looking at buying more than two. Ex-knights have nothing to say."

Madame broke up when she heard that. It's cash, but I guess it's natural. That's a nice cat peep kid from a serf. Two million Z. It's a woman. If you jump through so much and look so good, you'd be more expensive if you were a sex slave after you planted it, but that's unlikely.

By contrast, even a combat slave is a cheap guy. It's no wonder he's worth 6 million Z, and 10 million Z when it's high. If it was a knight or something, it could be ten million yen. When it comes to ordinary knights, I only know my sister-in-law Shani close by, but even without magic, in addition to that level of sword and spear fighting power, it's not a waste of 20 million or 30 million z if she's also repairing proper riding combat skills. Madame Ronslyle's sheath is out of step.

Speaking of polar theories, that much money, if you work hard on seven layers for a few days, you can make money.

"Well, well, well! Master Gried would be delighted to hear from you!

"Yes, thank you very much."

After I asked for the purchase for sure, I left the store after checking with Bastral to hold it as stock without selling anything else, and the general arrival guidelines (I only knew about the general direction of where Rockford Village was located). It seems that the arrival will take at least a month and a half since the slave market has been completed and we have to go to purchase it. Well, look at the room. About before Golden Week.

By then, will I be done paying my debts? Depending on the price, assuming two million Z., it will be after mid-June. I also included Madame around there. I mean, if you want to let go fast, make it cheaper, so to speak.

Yeah, I'm not going to tell Bastral about that when it arrives. It's hard to rush to earn money and get screwed. I'm going to bring him here in anticipation of when I've accumulated enough money to make sure I can buy it, including the cost of my marriage ritual.

I guess Bastral will be the first to use his condolence leave.

April 5, 7445.

"Engela, are you done?

Between the five layers of the altar, when I took the demon stone out of Frost Lizard's body, I asked my partner, knowing that it had not yet been done.

"Excuse me, two more"

Engela cleverly cuts open the chest of Gargoyle's body while answering that. We both have a slight burn on our faces.

I'll help you with one.

After I said that and erased the dirt, I got my neck snapped and my head and torso were crying apart. I approached the whole thing and started tearing my chest like Engela. Find the Demon Stone on the side of the cardiac organ in no time. When the meat around him was peeled off with a knife, he washed away creepy pieces of meat and blood and put them in a leather bag. Immediately Engela brought the three gargoyle demon stones that she had just recovered, so she washed them too and put them in a leather bag.

Look up at the altar, face to face and smile at each other. That's right. My husband, my income, goes hand in hand with the income of slaves, my joy is the joy of slaves, my sorrow is the sorrow of slaves. Of course, the opposite is true. I trust my party reincarnators quite a bit, except for my rookie Bastral, but I have a separate frame of trust in slaves who have been with me for as long as I can, and who submit to what I say.

Trust because anyone can see the status. Somehow you're going to say "Gried family owned slave". You don't have to think about betrayal first. You can call it my split.

"Hey, Engela, I don't know what that is"

[Appraisal] He asked Engela as he slowly and slowly lowered.

"Come on, what is it? But that looks like a weapon to me."

Engela also gave it back in a slight fashion.

"A weapon. Yeah, you look like that to me, too. Okay, Engela, get it."

I ordered Engela as she replied to Eagle Deep.

"I'm in awe"

Engela goes up to the altar and reaches for the open temple of the door.

[Appraisal] What a slave should do slowly in his own hands after he brings an item in front of me.

My slaves have humbly offered their prey.

I can see a pattern wrapped in an elaborately decorated leather sheath and in some strange shape as if it were ergonomic. After receiving it and looking at it a little, I'll hang the status open.

[Sturdy Sword "Short Sword of Stardy"]

This is followed by the "Magical Direction" of Little Magic (Cantrip's).

I have a reaction.

And besides, I did an [appraisal].

[Sturdy Sword "Short Sword of Stardy"]


[Condition: Good]

[Date Generated: 5/4/7445]

[Value: 1]

[Durable value: 28610]

[Performance: 91-125]

[Effect: Bark Defense (Barkskin) (but up to three times in a day)]

Hmm, if you read the subwindow, it seems that the gear holding the pattern can achieve the same effect as the "bark defense (barkskin)" magic used only three times a day by casting a spell (command word) engraved on the surface of the blade. Besides, it is equivalent to what a hundred-level mage used as a user of witchcraft.

The "Bark Defense (Barkskin)" magic is defensive magic that I know of. But the effect time is short. You only have the same number of seconds as the level, and you cannot infuse magic to extend the effect time. And it's over with having effect on one attack taken during the effect time. Is that supposed to reduce the damage to your feelings? Is that an error? effect to such an extent that Clearly, it's better than naked, even if it's crude, it's better to wear leather armor.

So as much as I practiced a little when I asked my mother, I still think I need to concentrate for a minute or so when I use it. We need two levels of elemental magic of the earth and water for that, and four and five levels to reach unmagic. A total of thirteen points were also categorized as unusable sorcery in my head because I thought it was ineffective for eating MP.

But if you're an operator worth a hundred levels, you'll keep it for a hundred seconds, so if you don't eat MP, you can say it's useful. Simply considered an infantry sword (short sword), it performs quite well.

"Sounds like a magic weapon..."

"Congratulations, Master!

Engela expresses her joy as she does about me. My tail was shaking like a pat.

I tried to pull the sword out of my sheath in front of her.

A glittering blunt blade, thinly dug blood grooves, and "Gabbado" and a spell (command word) are engraved on the person at hand.


The gripping part of the pattern has a crease in the shape of the finger, so that it can be gripped firmly.

"Hmm? Master, you have something written. I can only read numbers, so I don't know what that means, but is it a name?

I wonder if I could try.

"Yeah, this is Gabbado uhihi"

The moment I mouthed the spell (command word) with the pattern, my body was thin and pale, wrapped in blue magic light. It was [condition: good (in bark defense: goods (item))] when I appraised myself in a pompous manner.

"Oh, your husband!?

Engela rushed up to control her voice "calm down," and said "Sounds like bark defense (barkskin) magic" to restore calm. It would be enough if it could unfold instantly without just four characters or a second, and not even eat magic.

It's an infantry sword (short sword), and you can let Bell have it until you sell it.

"Is that okay!?

Bell shines his eyes when I hand him the [sturdy sword "Short Sword of Stardy"]. Looks like Bell saw the status quickly and even used "Magic Detection" magic, as he was further told.

"I tried it once, but the blade has a spell engraved on it. When you cast a spell with the pattern in your grip, you seem to be able to use magic equipped with a sword. Sounds like defensive magic. You should find time later and give it a try."

I was showering in a room with five layers of transferring crystal bars, and the Bells came, so I gave them the sword I had acquired so quickly. Bye, everyone who saw me took out an infantry sword (short sword) in an unfamiliar leather sheath while saying it seemed to soon realize it had been obtained in the labyrinth, but didn't even think it was a magic weapon on a boulder.

Bell pulls out his sword and looks at himself. Around it, everyone says appropriate things such as "the blade shines differently after all" and "the cuts look good".

As the name suggests, the endurance is high, and I think it's a good sword. Take care of it.

11 Apr 7445

In the middle of the third holiday, as usual, a whole day spent with Mizuchi training in magic, at night, eating dinner with everyone.


Larfa, sitting to my left across Mizuchi, raised her voice. Oh, my God, did you even drop the meat? I thought Mizuchi stood up and lured Larfa to the back of the store.

Hey, what are you doing dropping meat on me, did you get dirty? I'm busy. Give me a break.

What is it? I tried to get up either way when I looked at Tris sitting in front of me. Zenome sitting facing Giberti and Bastral at a table for four on my right doesn't seem to realize if the booze is already spinning.

Don't do that.

Bell is grabbing Tris' sleeve and trying to pull him back into his seat.


One BBQ was falling at the foot of Mizuchi's seat sitting on my left. There are no small items that Mizuchi always carries with him. Seriously. Mizuchi wasn't very popular either, so I took a seat. Bell is trying to make Tris sit down.

"I'd rather not go"

In front of Ralpha, Engela, sitting next to Bell, looks at me and says: We're a table for six.

"No... that's not why you're going, is it?

"It's not like that. Leave me alone and put it up."

On our left, this one was sitting at a table for four, facing Zulu, talking to the Zulu woman. Guine interrupted the conversation and looked up at me and said: On my head? I sat in my seat when I floated and shaved Mark, but I'm really curious.

Belle and Engela are carrying thinly sliced grilled meat into their mouths with a clear face after discussing something in a whisper.

Oh, oh. Has it started......

Tris seemed to notice, too, and smiled troubled, like he was lit up when he looked at me. I would look a lot the same.

I didn't know what to say, had a beer and carried the rice to my mouth.

I asked Mizuchi that night and she still suddenly started her period. Mizuchi noticed as soon as possible that there were no menstrual products because the scheduled date was off. She took the new menstrual underwear that she was carrying with her.

Well, there's still something about your period being uneven because of your physical condition.

"Hmm... you should let me take care of the woman. You don't have to worry about that one day."

That helps. I've never been that careful to assume and prepare as many things as I could, and even if I did, you wouldn't like to use it, so if Mizuchi were to leave it to me, that would be a helpful story.

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