14 Feb 7445

It's our reborn birthday. Seventeen. You're seventeen. You smell like blue fruit and you feel happy and embarrassed, don't you?

Giberti baked me a steak with the matt turtle meat I bought the other day. We all stuffed the steak, saying it was delicious, and for tightening it, we ate a cold dessert with boiled figs in sweet syrup. Apparently Guineh taught him how to make this fig compote. It is difficult to spend quite a bit of gold on ingredients because I use a lot of sugar, but it was no match for my heart wanting a long time full dessert. Let's make it again.

By the way, the celebration of my birthday brought up all of Jun Min except Guine. Instead, Guine had an extended endurance. Sounds like the Mountains (Dwarves). Bastral has gained experience well and now its level is also close to nine eight. In just two months or so, I've gained 70,000 experiences, and if it's just the level, it's a form of catching up with Heroscol.

Well, I'm killing extra minutes with one blow for a nudge every time three or more orgasms come out, and I've earned more than I can compare with some of Heavenly Talent's boosts and EXP itself, and occasionally Mizuchi and the two slaves have earned quite a lot of EXP because they're in the labyrinth with Zulu and Engela.

If we work hard all year at this rate...... will the bastral level rise more and be as good as Bell or Tris or something right now? No, I think I'll get more chances to do damage to the monster, and maybe I can go a little bit more because it'll be easier to gain experience along the way...... Wait a minute!

I was looking at Bastral's experience and noticed. At this number, you can make a choice. What if... I knew I was. Experience figures for skills can also be selected. The sub window opens. When opened with anticipation, the relationship between EXP and level appears to be viewable in tabular form. This is convenient. I wondered why I hadn't noticed it before, and I was a little stunned by myself. Well, then, I never looked at the XP figures so much...

Oh, yeah.... I knew it. Is this the additional ability of Level MAX for appraisal…. Shizuku... Isn't that right? Until now I didn't think much further because I just saw the value to the next level, but this is going to be informing the future in a way...

15 Feb 7445


Bastral sticks out the spear in a temper. Orga, who received it around his neck, drooped his arms swinging like he was disappointed and out of strength, bowing his head. We all weakened him, and Mizuchi ice pickled his lower body, causing Bastral to stab him to a stop. In the meantime, I'm not in the middle of nowhere. I was alert to my surroundings as I watched where the battle went in case I was properly prepared for the emergence of a new monster.

Immediately Mizuchi erases the ice and causes the slaves to retrieve the demon stone.

Hmm, even though I skipped instructions from time to time while watching battle trends, if they were two opponents, they wouldn't even need my direct cover anymore. I still didn't rely on paralytic drugs, showed them the way I expected them to move and defeated them without risk. Maybe it's time for me not to talk and let you do it freely.

No, should we at least keep going like this until we can beat half or four of them (that is, this one against just two against one orga, except for the miso bastral yet)?

We should have defeated thirteen orgasms with this today and earned quite a few demon stones. He was twisting his head as he dropped the demonic stone Zulu and Engela brought into the leather bag.

Hmm. Should we let the two of them deal with each other completely without me in anticipation of further growth? I want the judgment of the individual and the eyes that look at the whole thing to be acquired and set aside quickly. No, wait. You're completely broken up with me up to the sixth floor, so this one should be pretty well trained.

Again, we should keep going here as originally planned. If I were by your side, if the flag color gets really bad, you might as soon rely on me. All of these seven layers could be compelled to break up the party.

I don't care what you think. For the time being, you should concentrate on providing for your local power. It doesn't make sense if he's dead.

26 Feb 7445

At night, all of us had "Murowa" skewers cooked and brought in fish for dinner, and the Falergers brought their slaves along for dinner for the four of us. I bowed my head lightly and was talked to as I had a beer with the boiled fish on.

"I hear you're all up to seven floors now, but how long does it take to get to seven?

"Three days, right? It takes a day, four, five layers, six layers to get out of one layer."

When I answered that, they were all out of slavery. What, are you surprised it's a little early? I don't know what it feels like, but even I finally made it to the second level in my third month in the labyrinth. Even with the same six people, in my case, there was one more reincarnated person, and there was Zenom.

Zulu personally thinks he's good, but Engela was dangerous at the time of accession, and no matter how eye-catching, their lion (lios) slaves would be more useful than the old Engela. I'm not here, but Kumir and Lutz seem to have a lot of power, and with the exception of my magic, they wouldn't be so much like us at the time in terms of strength.

But the number of times I've been in the labyrinth is out of step. At the time, we used to go in twice every three days. I explored until someone got hurt, and I was back before noon or after lunch early when I didn't have to. This is a big part of my healing magic. Anyway, I could have cured it by the end of the day.

By contrast, the Falergers don't go that way. Since last December. So about two months. In the meantime, the good part would only be in the labyrinth about six to seven times. Well, this is the normal adventurer, so we're just unusual there.

"There's nothing you can do that you can't do in too much hurry. The first thing you need to do is get used to more geography."

I said that on my face, but this is meant to be advice. Perhaps these two, knights with proper training, could fight quite a bit if they went to two or three layers. But while I'm not used to the labyrinth, I can never afford to go that far back. When it does, it missees the judgment of the opponent who can fight it and when he should leave. Induce miscalculation.

Besides, it's the pinnacle of stupidity to think beyond two layers with just about six to seven experiences. What can I say, but I didn't initially buy a map either. I wandered around appropriately. I only made maps that didn't compare to those made by your handmade, Guineh, and then I bought them, because it's been over a month since I started diving into the Labyrinth of Balduk. Meanwhile, he's been in the labyrinth more than twenty times.

"Buying a map is one hand. Splits and exact maps are also available. If you're interested, I can introduce you to a map shop."

How many more maps did I buy... Oh, yeah. Seven million Z. However, the amount of information and accuracy described was not comparable to the 800,000 Z (eighty silver coins) maps bought before that. When I was wandering around the three layers, I really took care of Tris and Guine until they rendezvoused. Naturally, I haven't thrown it away, but I'm not going to give it away just or cheaply. The main thing would be to refer customers to a cartographer more than I took care of them.

"It's a map... Dender, I'm sorry, but I need you to go to the inn for a minute and get me a map.... Mr. Greed, we're starting to write maps, too. We also have yarn to keep you from getting lost. I was wondering if you could give me your opinion by looking at the way you wrote it."

That's what Heroscol said and bowed his head.

"... well, that's about it... but then you're more competent than me.... she's partitioning the map information for our party. Let her have her opinion."

That's what I said while pointing to Gwyne, tilting the jock again. Tris and Bell sitting in front of him, and Mizuchi and the four of them sitting next to him, went back to the untouched story again.

After a while, Dendor Smyth, the slaves of the Falergers, returned. I'm lowering the bag. Is there a map in there?

"Guine, come here for a second...... oh, I'm sorry. Look at this map. What do you think?"

I asked Guine as I was about to blow out. 'Cause it's the map you showed me, but I'm too naive. The first map we started working on was still better.

"... this, what is it? Huh? Is that a map? I don't have any paper..."

Guine was absolutely absolute. The Falergers look embarrassed. But the Falergers courageously questioned Guineh.

"No, I admit I did not do well...... How can I write better?

Questioned, Guine glances at the root of her eyebrows and looks at the map, opens her mouth.

"You should consider adding it later. Then you might want to ignore some irregularities and wall curves and write them in a straight line...... And you don't know the distance. But I don't know what to say about this, but I think it would be best to buy a map for sale and reference it. Now they're selling maps that are pretty close together."

That's what I said and smiled at Nicole. By the way, the source of the further map, which boasts about 99% completion, is Ghine. I tried selling it to the cartographer last time. Until then, the cartographer handled the expensive layers of the map I once purchased that were quite complete and more than 80% trustworthy. We've been using it for a long time.

However, the accuracy and user-friendliness cannot be compared with the information on the blank parts left behind, the traps almost entirely close to the ones described, the number when transferred from the ground (the further transfer number is written on the wall in Lagdarios (Common Language) even after the Ghine merges), or the map of Ghine with that information if the number is difficult to find.

Last December, when I thought of it and talked to Guineh, I decided to try and sell the layer first. When we both went to the cartographer and it took the whole two days to show him the map that Guine copied from the original version, the cartographer's grandfather was about to lose his hips over the accuracy. Then it took over a month for Grandpa to get an adventurer he knew to check the accuracy of the map. A week after the Judgment Day last month, when I got back from the labyrinth, my mapper grandfather had contacted me. He asked me to sell the money in half.

Not everyone had a hard time making maps, but it was Guineh who made the copies, maps that would never have been made without Guineh's inherent skills in the first place. Sometimes I wanted to know what Guine thought, and I left the judgment to Guine. Naturally, all the money you get belongs to Guineh. Simply put, it is in the form of granting Guineh a side business (part-time job) of “selling business information".

Naturally, Guine was pleased. The reward, however, he said, hit his hand at 40% on condition that the copy be made at the cartographer and that the information on the customers he bought be circulated. When I tried to compliment you on how well you turned around, it seems that Mizuchi, who was consulted by Guineh, was wise to go in.

As far as I'm concerned, I would have liked you to have gotten that far by yourself, but as a Gyne, I guess I wasn't sure I would have thought about it alone. But I was impressed that I talked to someone thoroughly and didn't cheaply make that person around Ralpha.

It seems to be a situation where it is branded as the full version and sold for 10 million Z, but two copies have already been sold, and two copies have been booked in time. What I ordered were "Purgatory Flames (Gehenna Flair)" and "Elite (Elf) Roswella," and the other two were medium-sized parties, mainly around three to four layers.

"Really... I guess I should buy a map. Hey, what do we do?

Heroscol spoke to the Falergers.

"... I have no choice. I'll have to buy it. But it's a waste of paper... tough, damn it."

Falergers replied with a disgruntled look.

"Mr. Gried, I'm sorry to bother you, but could you introduce me to the cartographer? And if you know, what's the price?"

Falergers has said that and bowed his head.

"I don't have as many problems as referrals. And then I think the price was certainly Z 10 million on a further map. They're popular, and they wait a month after booking."

When I said that, I heard that. Apparently, the two were surprised by the price.

"Nah! Ten million!?

"Ten gold coins... not impossible..."

Pong and I were expecting to buy a fancy combat slave that cost us 9 million z. at the same time, but I thought it was impossible. When I was there, I bought two battle slaves, Zulu and Engela, and it took a lot of courage close to recklessness to buy a map that cost me as much as 7 million Z. with the money left. Anyway, at the time, my fortune was only slightly over 10 million Z. Honestly, I bought it ready to jump off the fresh water stage. I envy you.

The next day, in the end, it seemed they had decided to buy the map, which served as a source of income for Guineh.

This was confirmed after noon when the information of the buyer was confirmed by the cartographer to Guineh.

"Well, I don't think that's a bad buy. I don't know what to say myself, but I think it's pretty well done. With that one, the time it would take to get out of the layer would be quite short. I'm proud to say that the trap is perfect and well written thanks to everyone. I want to go tailor some new clothes for my next vacation, so lend me your horse."

Guine winked as she put out her tongue.

I smiled bitterly and admitted, "But in the future, even if it sells, it's about whether or not I'm going to double it." It is said that Balduk has a constant presence of two hundred parties, large and small, about a thousand three hundred to a thousand five hundred adventurers. Some of them don't party, they're in the labyrinth by themselves, and some of them change who they organize that day at a small party.

Us Killers (Slaters) as the culmination, only a few dozen parties can afford to make that much money, and that number would be about fifty, even if many were quoted. The other elephants don't make a lot of money. Most of them make about 100,000 to 250,000 Z. per month. Anyway, even the guys in the top fifty, no matter how accurate, don't think that many of them can afford to put 10 million more on the map now.

Having money means we're going further down the line, and that proves we have the strength to do so at the moment. Because the map of Guine only reduces the time to get through, I think that even if it is quite obvious, 20% of it will find value in reducing the time to make further breakthroughs. Either that or you'll find value for the exact map for the omission of time wasted so close to the top team.

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