12 Apr 7445

It was when I was running in a member except for Ralpha, who had her period started last night, and had breakfast outside of her ill health. Bell heard a bunch of other adventurous people talking about eating dinner at the same store.

"... Al, Black Yellow Balls (Black Topaz) announced this morning when they returned, but they discovered a piece of magic (magic item) on one level. They say" Short Sword of Brandt, "a sword equipped with the moving skeleton of the Lord in the room."

"One more layer..."

... but how did you decide? Blunt swords or swords that curse their cut opponents? But I'm pretty sure it's a magical weapon (Magical Weapon)... But it's a skeleton. I used to think for myself why I don't see these world classics, skeletons, is that a mistake? I knew you were here. When I was a kid, I had a strong impression with the Sindbad movies I saw on TV. A skeleton swordsman. Well, what strikes me intensely is the seven skeletal swordsmen in the Argo Ship Expedition movie moving at the same time.

"Once again... you're in luck"

Engela, who heard the story, is also flattered. Hard to say I struggled, but the other day, she and I just killed five layers of Frost Lizard to get the [Sturdy Sword of Stardy] of the Magic Weapon (Magical Weapon). But even more... To be honest, I also have some hard feelings to convince. Engela's tail also drooped powerless and seemed to have no energy. He said he's getting rich in corner emotional expressions as well... doesn't matter. No, is it a hangover because emotional expression is getting richer? Let's think so. I think that's my mental health.

"What about the skeleton... what happened to the demon stone?

Guine said strangely. Oh, it's Guiney, you too. You seemed to have the same idea as me. Let's do a piece of mind duvet.

"There's going to be an undead monster even more..."

Mizuchi shrugged. Skeletons are undead monsters. There was some sort of magical image of a villain just creating and manipulating from dragon fangs. The impact of the movie is huge. But, Boulder Mizuchi, you know everything. "I'm familiar with games," he said when I was impressed. I've played some games before, but I still don't remember.

"What do you think? Somehow, but I used to see guys like golems and strange dead people...... vampires? Like, just like a roper or something, don't sound like a special monster came out all the way up. I don't know if he was strong."

Xenom hangs pepper on it as he puts an eyeball grill on the bread. Oh, that's the way I see it, boulder zenome, it's older than the turtle's back.

"I see, maybe so...... oh, pepper okay?

Zulu receives the pepper from Xenom and hangs it on his eyeball grill. You always think it's too peppery......

That's when.

"I don't like it! I'll never let you go! I got this sword! Mine!

"Vix! Come on, man!

"Shit! No! Get the fuck off me!

"Oh, my God... but what the hell is this all about?

A loud and contentious voice approached me from the outside. Everyone in the store sends their sights outside, including us. A man walked in with it pulled together as he wrapped two or three men and women around his body. There are several others around.

They all know it. Those guys are black yellow balls (Black Topaz). There's also Andersen's sister's hasty face.

"What the hell?... you're all black yellow balls (Black Topaz)"

Giberti whines, but no one snorts at it. Everyone was pompous and watching what happened.

"What are you rubbing? Are you also dissatisfied with the share?

Bastral expressed his doubts, but I still don't know what was clear in about it.

"Vix! That's mine. Don't be mean!

I can hear Andersen.

"Dear Red, I say so, but no matter how many times you say it, my reply has been decided. I can't give up on all this. I was born to meet him."

Vix, a dog tribe (dogwart) named Vickens Balchemy replied with a sword over his chest. You seem to like that sword a lot. But you, you used the Battlestick.

"What the hell are you talking about, you Tang Chang Wood? That's a magical weapon!? That's not a good substitute for a decision!

A popular (fume) man named Kirk Dunkel, a deputy leader, embarrasses him. He's the avant-garde of Black Yellow Balls. There is a strong image of Frost Column being the first Frost Column in the Frost Lizard battle I have seen before, but it is a man of exclusive rumors that he is a powerful man in Balduk.

"So I'll pay for it. I don't even need a share from now on! Enough money to eat!

Dogwart barks.

"Idiot! I don't know if it's enough! I don't know how many billions you can sell. I don't know why you let go of a substitute like that!

A Lion (Lios) man named Bartheinez Zom, who goes by the nickname Barr, yelled at Vicks as he held him down.

"Dear Red, Dear Red! Clearly understandable! This guy wants me to use it! Please! Give it to me. I'll do anything."

Vix shouted to Andersen to make sure he fell to the ground and begged. Obviously things are not right. When Vix was [appraised], he became [Status: Enchanted (Cursed Items (Cursed Items)]. What's that?

Is it a cursed object (a cursed item) because it seems to have a strange obsession with the sword? I [appraised] the sword Vix was scratching on his chest.

[Blunt Sword "Short Sword of Brandt"]


[Condition: Good]

[Date generated: 12/4/7445]

[Value: 1]

[Durable value: 1920]

[Performance: 71-100]

[Effect: Gear Attraction]

Is that the magical weapon (Magical Weapon) that you found in the labyrinth? If you read the subwindow, they will lower it to a sword belt and put a curse of fascination on this sword on the gear holding the pattern, and you can't help but like this sword. But they can be lifted by magic called "Uncurse (Remove Curse)" or more powerful than usual "Disruption of Magic (Dispel Magic)". Even so, I've never known "Uncurse (Remove Curse)" magic before, and "Disrupting Magic (Dispel Magic)" is going to need enough magic to break the magic of "Full Enchantment (Charm Enny Creature)" used by hundred levels of magicians.

Yeah, I can't.

It seems that even if you succeed in the "sorcery breaking (dispel magic)" sorcery, that sword will become dust, and either way, it's out of my hands.

"It looks like a curse..."

Mizuchi shrugged. I looked at her and nodded at her small and she looked like she was convinced.

In the meantime, Vix was forced to stand up and taken to the original.

"What the hell?

Tris is tilting his neck.

"Are you rubbing the magic weapon (Magical Weapon) share of the example?

Bell replied as she scratched up her hair.

After noon of this day, I was contacted by the cartographer to continue standing at Gühne's. They sold three more maps. The buyer was a party I had never heard of. It was said that even one layer of magic could come out, but they actually came out, and the rumors called for rumors, and all the guys blinded by the money they heard about it came to buy it. It would be less than nosy to invest 10 million Z (ten gold coins) if a magic item worth hundreds of millions or billions came out.

Guine was thrilled.

She doesn't have a chamber of commerce, but since she has a lot of money on the boulder, she won't be exposed to tax, so normally she has to pay income tax. But maps are not a luxury, not to mention a map of the labyrinth. Besides, I'm not a normal civilian, I'm a free citizen, so there's no commercial tax. I'm done paying my head taxes a million z. a year. If you can make money, if you don't even care about the outside world, the free folk will be fine.

Normally, a free citizen who succeeds in commerce quickly becomes a civilian in an attempt to get 10% tax deducted in commerce. You can leave the territory, and the free people are often insulted because of their low status. Civilians will be able to serve some lord, so they can offer some future to their children.

19 Apr 7445

Back from the labyrinth last night, it dawned overnight. Today's noon. I was having lunch with Mizuchi and Ralpha and Guine came looking for me.

"Hey Al! Mizuchi, listen, listen! Oh, my God!

"Not if you're having a relaxing meal. Both of you, please return to the Boyle Pavilion immediately."

Returning to the Boyle Pavilion, drawn by the two panicked men. What is it now? I thought I was going to face the King's Capital Chamber of Commerce... Perhaps the product won't arrive until the autumn entrance, so I need to adjust it to see how things are going.

Back at the Boyle Pavilion, everyone but the slaves were gathered in Zenom's room.

Xenom started talking when we walked into the room.

"Al, there was a movement that I didn't seem to be able to ignore for a moment. The Falergers, for example."

What? Did you do something?

"He said he went into sunlight"

Huh? What?

Here's the comprehensive information I got from listening to them. The Falergers, who got a further map of Güneh from the cartographer, admitted it was valid. I have been quite used to the labyrinth in the month and a half since I got the map, and lately I hear that thanks to the map I have also used roundabouts and so on to avoid monsters efficiently.

They also drastically reduced the number of injuries sustained as a result of combat. As much as he said the other day it was time to go for two layers. Beginner but also quite combative, even combined with the information of a map of Guineh. They put their eyes on there by Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell of Sunshine (Saint Ray).

I approached verbal mastery and got along perfectly well. Ralpha and Guine also told us today that Daylight (Sun Ray) is working with us killers (Slaters) to challenge the labyrinth. Well, that part's not a lie. We can't even say that we're working together, although it's a small part of it.

Don't know to doubt people. They were totally fooled and assumed that Daylight (Sun Ray) was the top team working hand in hand with us to make rough money deep in the labyrinth. If you do a little research, you'll know that it's definitely the corner of the top team, with all the faithful members, wrapped a matching mountain blown cloth around their arms, and wore shields and armor with the Birdhouse crest on them, and they don't look like the bad guys.

If it looks like it, there are only dwarves, purgatory flames (Gehenna Flair), many of which wear flashy and sticky decorative armor or or use axes, so it just seems like a villain, even if it is somewhat glaring. Anyway, they've just been called the top team for a long time more than we have, and no one in Balduk knows the name of Sunshine (Sun Ray).

There is no such thing as a bad story of sunlight (Sun Ray) as easy as gathering information. Somehow Balduk's top adventurers, starting with the rest of the top teams, can't talk properly with the Falergers. As for the guys on the top team from where I could hear the story, they won't stop the Falergers from joining the sunshine (Sun Ray), who have only stepped one step further. You wouldn't think it would lead to a sudden increase in the power of sunlight (Sun Ray).

Either that or he'll be enough to want that degree of guy to join in and pull Daylight (Sun Ray) 's leg, so he says, "That's a good story. There's a lot you can learn on the top team, good luck," he said and encouraged.

Also, if you just did a normal research based on sources other than the top team, you would only be able to look into things like I said that you might really be top of the list in terms of overall strength because you are one of the most confident top teams and have a lot of people.

The benefits of being on the top team are enormous. Firstly, the know-how of labyrinth exploration is gained. Other than that, dangerous monsters and fighting isn't a big opponent. Knowledge of monsters. It's big to be able to learn these. Of course, extreme would be best reached deep by acting with high-powered people, increasing the likelihood of having more expensive treasures in their hands.

There are many people in Balduk who have been able to work out in the top team this way and then become quite independent thoughtfully. Roberto Vilheimer, the leader of the Green Corps (Verdegli Brotherhood), also trained when he was younger, raising the independently organized Green Corps (Verdegli Brotherhood) to temporarily be said to be the strongest in the top team. By the way, I've heard that the leader of the shining blade (Bright Blade), Giancourt Demitridas, was a senior adventurer to Vilheimer at the time.

You already understand that even the Falergers and Heroscol have a lot to learn from the top team. Maybe I even talked to Kumir and Lutz. Normally, there's no way a voice would be heard from a top team. That's not the case. I may have been glad to think you recognized your strength. Well, they seem to have a sense of rivalry towards me. I guess I wanted to be eligible soon.

Besides, if I tried sunlight (Sun Ray), I might have found it fascinating to have even more maps of them.

The black rumors of sunlight (Sun Ray) are telling everyone about three months ago. That's why we're all intrigued by this. Well, if it was the reincarnated, it would be even worse.

Ralpha and Guine happened to meet on the road this morning and heard a lot about tea drinking. After talking to everyone, he said he didn't think he should talk mildly about black rumors until he heard my judgment, refrained from providing information from this one, and focused on listening.

Being righteous knights, they are proud to be knights, so they told me all kinds of things in a good mood because they praised them there. He even told them, "Come talk to me whenever you want to quit Killers (Slaters), and I'll talk to Sunshine (Sun Ray)". It's just a joke because he's not really thinking about pulling it out.

Sunshine (Sun Ray) is right to meet and talk in person, and not to call it a bunch of desolates. You'd think it would be a good party if you didn't know the black rumors.

Neither of us had any negative impressions until last year. Two and a half years after coming to Balduk, I've been listening to the top team talk so rotten, but of Sunshine (Sun Ray), no, you wouldn't deserve to complain to us for not realizing who Mr. and Mrs. Lindbell are.

But, yeah. Did you go into sunlight (Sun Ray)?

"I was thinking of putting my face on the King's Capital Chamber of Commerce today, but it's canceled. I'll just think about it."

That's what I said and I laughed so hard. Look at me. Belle says.

"I don't think they're bad people either, but given what's ahead, you just want to sell your thanks..."

"Actually, I've been consulting with Mr. Xenom and Bell for a while now. We'll think about it, too."

Tris also said with people's evil grin. The lady sings with her.

"What? What? Mischief?"

"What are you talking about, Lar, how do you get us to distance ourselves from sunlight (Sun Ray)?

"Huh? You don't like people either, you can't just cross over like that, you know, a rough sea named Life!

"What are you talking about?

"It's silly, Guine. From now on, it's better to have more power, and if you're a reborn and strong, it's better!

"I know that, but even with those people, it sounds loud..."

"That's why Bell says he'll sell you a favor. Sharpen your voice. I haven't forgotten I've been fooled!

"Oh that's the thing...... Al has a lot to worry about."

"What's that? What's that supposed to mean?

"That Mr. Al has been in motion for a long time."

"Um... like not too bad... because he's also my benefactor..."

"Silly, Surge, think about it for a second. Whether you want to be in that sunlight or with us, it turns out to be more obvious than seeing the fire."

"That's right, Mr. Surge. Which way are you happier? I definitely think it's this way."

"Ah... and so is that..."

"Besides, we make a country. That's all the reincarnators can do."

"Then they'll be happy, and so will we. It turns out no one loses anything."

"Ah... yeah... yes... is that it?

Why do you look at me like you're worried there? All I get is a bitter laugh.

"You're both right. But I won't impose it, and those two will be left with the choice. Right?"

Mizuchi tightened it to ask me.

Well, ideally close to that.

But I just reconsidered. I might as well leave this place to the Tris. In case anything goes wrong, you should let me out.

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