19 Sep 7444

Luke and Diane's marriage ceremony ended well and their fathers left for Barkud. Dropping it off on the way to Balduk, we crossed Mount Outer Ring and headed to the Inn. Now, those guys would have learned some new sorcery, and two more members who could use "Life Sense (Detect Life)" would be harder to eat by accident, so let's just say increased combat power. Six layers are still only about 70% explorable, but when we get in this week, let's try to aim for seven layers. The day off is till tomorrow, so you go to the labyrinth today instead of training. You're still training for sorcery tomorrow.

I went back to the inn with this in mind.

When I went back to the inn and caught Larfa in the lobby, who was the manager, and asked him about his witchcraft mastery, he learned all the witchcraft he could master. However, both Ralpha and Bell seemed to take a little while to master "Life Sensing". Is it because the magic of the divination lineage is not often used? Normally, they only use "magic sensing" or "magic detection" of small magic (Cantrip's), and "hypnotic gas (Sleep Cloud)" is something other than earthly magic. There are not many people who can use it themselves because they can't use it at that level without an unwitting level of five or more.

Should I teach you the magic of divination itself? Both Bell and Ralpha have reached magic level four, so they should be able to use it. I didn't tell you because there was nothing very good about the spell, but it might be good for me to learn the magic of the Divination system in the future.

"Ralpha, come here for a second"

If you say so, and you take Ralpha to my room, I'll appraise you and figure it out.

"How's the magic now? I'll teach you new magic if you want to go. Maybe I should have told you before I taught you" Life Sense. "

I said and sat back in the chair.

"Huh? Yeah. After using Life Sense once in the morning, I think it's okay because I'm not using any magic.

"Right. Then you look fine. What I'm about to teach you is magic called divination. This witchcraft is a witchcraft that knows the spells of witchcraft you want to know. After using Divination, learn about the magic spells you use during the effect time within the remaining magic powers. It would be better around" lights "at first."

After a long explanation of the tricks of working out magic when using divination lineage magic, which I also only somehow understand, although it took some time (nearly thirty minutes) to concentrate, Ralpha successfully learned the "divination" magic and learned the "light" magic spell. It was an unexplained and strange spell, like my spell. But here I noticed a big overlook.

Ralpha was scratching his shoulder while casting a spell! Porrible and.

He pointed his startled gaze at Ralpha by checking the end of the wooden cup that Ralpha had shined on the table.

"Hmm? What did you do? You look like that?


I was speechless.

"What? What? Stuttered to remember fast? Me, genius?

No, it's not.

"Oh... you... now..."

I say, pointing to Ralpha's shoulder.

"You were scratching your shoulder right now with a spell, weren't you? Why?"

"Huh? Really?

"Try another spell. So, do something."

"Oh, I can..."

Ralpha was surprised to hear me, too.

"Fine, try. I'll do it, too."


"Lila March Aug Bamberd Mills"

"Toz Bols Nobun Kaylach Sirac"

I'll try to move my body while the two of us cast a "light" spell. I got up and waved my arms like I was running on the spot, stepping on my feet. Ralpha was sitting back in bed, shaking her body kind of like an octopus, shaking her arms and legs.

And I was stunned to see a cup with a total of three glowing spots.


Seeing this result, me and Ralpha were surprised and had no voice. I could have used magic while doing something, so honestly, I wouldn't have been surprised if I had been the only one. I couldn't have noticed more than that. But while I was dancing octopus to Ralpha, I was able to use magic. If you can cast a spell properly, you can use magic while you're on the move, right? It's easy to say that even if it's my special attack that I've struggled to meet... Speaking of which, I remembered that this was the reason I tried to learn spells too. It was for the treatment of wounds that I couldn't concentrate on. I only used it to learn how to use magic magic magic from Carl. It was a pleasure.

I didn't think it made much sense to use magic, but it was actually very effective. Tris and Guine are also magical. It's time to get to four levels. Mizuchi and Bell can also use magic while running for a total of six. You will have to match length and discouragement accurately even while suppressing breathing disturbances or exercising, but you won't need to practice enough to use normal sorcery while running.

One or two cure systems and attack magic, just let them practice their spells properly, which is a lot different. Not if you're going to the labyrinth. We should knock it in a little faster.

"Ralpha, you go back to sleep and restore your magic. I'll find everyone."


I jumped out of the room and I asked if I knew the other three when I caught Mizuchi, who was picking up goods at the grocery store. He said only Guine was with him until just now. Let Mizuchi find Guineh, and I looked for a place where Tris and Bell might go. The two were found not doing enough. Because he was flirting on the banks of a lake (also called a pond) that was gushing out on the east side of Balduk.

When I returned to the inn, Mizuchi and Guineh sat down in the lobby chair and said something. Take them to my room. And we talked about "divination" magic. To all who were equally astonished, he explained how effective his hand would be, and let Ralpha as well master the magic of "divination". That's it. Practice for a while and you will surely soon learn the spell and be able to use it.

October 2, 7444.

I haven't been in a labyrinth since then after all. Oh, no, I'm in there every day. But it's more spell practice. Tris, Bell, Ralpha, Ghine and Mizuchi have less magic power, so they're inefficient because they get a quick break or go back to sleep, but they can't help it. Belle and Mizuchi are the only ones going home to sleep. I'm not going to sleep after that. But I'm letting you do it with a break because natural recovery is the faster degree of magic. Xenom, who bought an escort and left, narrows his eyes and sees the sight.

Immediately, Tris said, "If you can use magic by casting a spell, you can equip it with a shield. I'll buy it," so I also decided to buy a shield for Zulu and Engela once. Zulu used the same kite shield as Tris' stuff and Engela turned it into a small buckler shield. Zulu would use a two-handed sword (bastard sword) with one hand, but said that there was no problem. Well, the power of Zulu would be fine.

I'm a little far away from earning everyone's admission tax with someone recovering their magic. But after two weeks of repetition, all the "Cure Light" and two "Arrow" sorceries became available. I chose magic, which would be a spell not that long, so if it's about three kinds, you can memorize the whole thing. In addition to that, Bell also learned the "Cure Serious" spell, and Mizchi even learned "Cure Critical" and "Cure All". It won't be easy enough.

"God of healing, seek the healing of small wounds, do not offer magic as a consideration!

That's Tris' "Cure Light" spell. Coincidentally, I envy Japanese.

"Bek nos nimr fawn size ka dren!"

It's Ralpha's "Flame Arrow" spell. He says while shaping himself to attack with a hand axe (tomahawk).

Yeah, this will be enough.

"All right, shall we go for real tomorrow? We're going for seven layers."

October 5, 7444.

From yesterday to yesterday, from layer one to layer five, only me and one slave acted separately, but these six layers, for the time being, I also act with everyone. At least this will be fine until we get a little more level. The third metastasis took me out to an area where I had not yet arrived. It took until after noon to reach the room of six layers of transferring crystal bars, with plenty of "Trap Discovery (Find Trap)" and "Rope Trap and Drop (Direct Snare) and Hole Sensing (Z-and-Pitts)".

Everyone is bringing quite a bit of luggage today to use the crystal room of this transfer as a base in the future. I won't be able to bring the materials until I suddenly build a shower room in a boulder, but I'm just full of convenient dishes to a new blanket, bucket, or pot kettle. Today I set up a bedding with soil around the calming corner of the room, cooking grounds and just making foot water with rubber sheets crumbled in the afternoon.

I did so until about 16: 00, but I don't have much material to do right away. Ralpha started wasting her tea because she only had enough to waste.

"Hey, let's take a peek at the seven layers. I've never seen an orga, and you don't know how strong it is. Wouldn't it be more efficient to go back and think about how to fight after tomorrow?

Hmm, that does make sense. I was pretty excited to break through the six layers today and used my magic for nothing, but I still have 3,000 places left in the MP. Yes, yes. I won't take the pull. Mostly, except for me, MP is close to full. If you leave him alone, he'll recover in less than an hour.

"Has Mr. Xenom ever fought an orga?

"Oh, long before I picked up Ralpha... I fought once as a teenager. Though it's a rip-off org. It was pretty strong. It was when I was escorting the caravan. You can say you got hit by accident. Just one org hit four of us in no time... Did Tris ever fight to say that?

"No, you don't have me. I've heard that it's more common in Cambit."

Has Zenom ever fought an orga? But I didn't expect to defeat four caravan escorts in just one...... You should hang it with more caution than usual.

"Hey, Xenom, how strong were you? You think we can win this?

"Al, that's a stupid question. If you use magic, there will be no problem. Besides, I still don't feel like losing one-on-one. But Guinness may still be dangerous one-on-one."

That's what Xenom told me, Guine, licking a moustache that began to grow under her nose, clenched both fists and posed as a little gut.

"I'll do my best, huh?"

And he was whispering in the mood. That makes it comforting to have a Xenom who says he has fought Auga before.

"Does an orga feel like a ghost? Is it even growing in the corners? The bow doesn't seem to be a problem..."

I said, looking like Bell was in trouble while making sure the bow string was in good shape.

"I don't even know what an orga is like. But as far as I'm concerned, he's not your husband's enemy, is he? Please do it magically while we hold it down in front of you."

"Master Zulu is right. Thank you, we'll keep it down in front of you."

My two battle slaves were devouring. Well, looks like you could go.

"... May I have a word? I don't want to water the place where the prestige is getting better, but everyone is losing it, and I have something to forget. I hope it's a detached auga that Mr. Zenom tried and fought, but the auga is mostly led by a leader august mage. I don't know what it's like to have an ogre coming out here, inside Balduk's labyrinth, but in some cases it could have a mix of magical opponents. We should be careful."

Mizuchi drew attention in a calm voice. You didn't use the word "loss" the wrong way. But what do you mean, "Augamage"? Using magic?

"Now you can use" Life Sensing "magic, so you don't have to worry about unintentional strikes like that. Indeed, as Mr Xenom says, he is nearly three metres tall and has a large body. Proportionally, it is also a very powerful, powerful demon, but on the contrary, it is weak to cling to it. Sometimes a smart oak can be nostalgic. If you find this one first because you are vulnerable to desire and have no self-control, it will easily catch on to the" etc. "But you don't have to be unintentionally hit to insult a bunch of orgasms.

Perhaps just be lined up in the aisle in about two or three and you'll shoot all you want at attack magic from behind. Think of Augamage as magically attacking you until you run out of magic. That, and their instincts are of course appetite and sleeping appetite, but they seem to have a strong desire to have something smaller than themselves than that. Augamage doesn't originally have a lot of self-control, but if it's out of magic, think Taga will come at you completely off. "

Wow, you know more about that. No, it was vivid. When I was told that we were going to use magic, I remembered that we had never fought a magical opponent before. "Vampires" turned to dust in an instant, and one case of "Bright Blade" wouldn't say he fought a magical opponent. There was no such thing as a wizard.

"Mizuchi ever fought an orga?

Ralpha asked in a surprised voice.

"There have been several times. Enough to count. I didn't have a major problem with it, mostly because this one was trying to find it first and hang it by accident, but I was struck by surprise this year when I was escorting a caravan like Mr. Xenom. It was a group of four ogres and one ogre mage. There were a total of eight caravan escorts, including me, but one of them died and several were seriously injured."

"You say it's an aug mage to four augs...?

Xenom was opening his eyes.

"One sacrifice, five orgasms in total, is that pretty weak?

I didn't know Guine very well, so I asked him. Mm-hmm.

"The warriors who were escorting with me have less magic than I have because of the number of elemental magic available, but they all had a magical amount close to me. Still, one person has lost his life. Strong enemy."

Everyone who heard Mizuchi's reply was swallowing gokuri and spit.

According to Mizuchi's commentary, Auga is not that much of a threat if it's one or something. Xenom also said that if he was one-on-one, he could take down the leg first. However, when there are multiple leaders and leaders like them, they turn into dangerous beings at once. If the leader is any other august intelligence, it doesn't seem like a big deal, but naturally there are individual differences in the aug as well. The epitome is the Auga Mage. Apparently, the guy in the org who can use magic can follow the orgs around him. Speaking of stupid orgasms, the guy in command behind you inevitably lives longer because he's hard to die for. That would also make me smart. Sounds like a reason. The group, led by a clever orga, hides the giant in the bush, and they're coming for an accidental strike that weighs the timing.

Also, I hate to talk about it, but some of the Augamages use witchcraft precisely to cover their allies. They also try not to run out of magic while they're watching how they get out. If they see it as unfavourable, they'll even get away with it.

This guy doesn't seem to go with a glimmer. Do not hesitate to consult Mizuchi's opinion to confirm the collaboration against the Auga. If you're coming with magic, I'll take the lead. Disable the magic of Auga Magic in the "Anti-Magic Field" while stopping the Augs in other members. If it is possible in the meantime, the bypassed Mizuchi and Tris will end up in the back augmentation with attack magic. Bell is covered with a bow over my "anti-magic field".

This time Zulu, Engela and Tris have their shields ready. If you don't think about doing damage, you'll be able to stand it. Looks like I should appraise it while using "Anti-Magic Field" too and switch to offense when I run out of Augamage MPs. These, of course, assume the worst. Ideally, you should strike here and finish with magic or a bow. Anyway, according to Zenom and Mizuchi, they boast too much power, and even a skilled warrior will be pechanted if he eats a decent blow of a stick.

If there were fourteen floors of previously dropped places, there would be thirteen floors of this labyrinth. The seven layers fall just in the middle of it.

So far, is it about a small hand check? Maybe it's the real deal from here.

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