October 5, 7444.

Nearly evening, the nine of us moved to seven levels. The seven layers, like the six layers, had changed from the state of the labyrinth until then to the gallery. The aisle is likely to be more than thirty meters wide, and evergreen trees appear to grow everywhere. The ceiling was at a far height, radiating bright, daylighting lights like fairy towns. The walls that shape the passage also seem to stretch to the ceiling, giving the impression that they are even at the bottom of the dead valley during the day.

Is the height of the tree about four to five meters by sight? I also have the impression that it varies from place to place. Looks like he's taller on the wall. Naturally, but with good prospects for woodless areas.

"I don't know what to say, that... that's an unexpected sight"

Tris said as impressed. Oh, well, if you've never seen fairy land, that's too surprising.

"Bright sounds easy."

Ralpha also says as he looks around the front and back of a wide range of aisles. The perimeter of the crystal rod of the transfer is open and the outlook is good. It does seem easy considering that we could only secure a vision of about 30-40m until then. I have the impression that even if there were a trap, there would be no fool to hook it up with if it was a pit or something.

"It would be easier if all the labyrinths were like this too..."

Engela glares around and says. Really.


Bell issued a warning. He seems to be meditating on his eyes and concentrating his nerves on his ears. Did you capture the footsteps? He is trying to pin his ears, move pimply, change the angle and capture the sound. Bell opened his eyes immediately,

"It's too far away to tell, but it feels like a footstep."

and pointed forward. I've heard it from her before, but she said it was difficult to push her ear directly onto the ground due to a positional problem with her ears growing.

"Shall we go to that tree?"

Guine brought back the spear and made a suggestion. Probably because it's easy to hear footsteps when you push your ears against the proper tree trunk. If it's a tree trunk, Bell can push his ear on it too.


Bell nodded, so we all moved to the appropriate tree, which was about 50 m away, which Guine pointed to. Trees are bush as forests from around here.

"Al, what do you say?

Xenom called out to me using the magic of detection. Traps don't hook up to witchcraft.

I can't find a trap.

When he heard that, Bell shoved his right ear against the tree trunk. He breaks his hips and tries to hold in the trunk of a tree.

In the meantime, I used "Life Sense" magic to look around.

When I made the OK mark with my fingers and told everyone there was no problem, I took the sword off my shoulder.

"Mmm... lots of footsteps mixed in. Is it about 500m away because it is closest? One... maybe two... oh, maybe one."

When I said that, I took my ears off the trunk of the tree and looked at me.

"I see things differently from the beginning, shall we go? Don't get out in front of me because I think it might be an orgasm."

That's what I said and walked out. I proceeded to detect the trap every 100m or so. Around every 100m to 200m, areas of woodland and woodland that do not have trees appear to be divided. It would be premature to decide.

And, before he went through the woods, he found one orga in a place like the meadow up ahead. Looks like you're doing something, but what the hell are you doing? A glimpse of what was going on while hiding in the tree quickly turned out. I'm poking around a single goblin. Goblin desperately tries to escape, but Auga is delighted to interrupt her so she can't escape with a stubble stick like a tree trunk. This is the first time I've seen an auga, and I should [appraise] it before it gets noticed.

[M/1/10/7414 · Big Ghost Nation]

[Condition: Good]

[Age: 30]

[Level: 4]

[HP: 449 (449) MP: 1 (1)]

[Muscle Strength: 40]

[Jun Min: 10]

[Dexterity: 3]

[Endurance: 40]

What? What is this lame HP? If you read the pedigree subwindow, you'll grow 1 HP in a month... plus this talent level... Is your height less than 3 m if you stretch your spine (soot) and stand properly? It looks a little lower because it's cat-backed. Short, thick legs, thicker than an adult male torso, long, muscle-covered arms. There is luxury, but a face that makes the hobgoblin, a torso that reminds me of a hidden steely muscle beneath it, even more vicious.

Sure, if it's that physique, maybe it doesn't have to be this unscrupulous HP or gibberish... Low level. If this is a high level, I'm an experienced opponent. No, no, no, this guy should get a lot of experience if he knocks him out on his own.

and things progressed while I was looking at the appraisal window. The goblin that was being poked around was like, 'Gyooey!' He screamed in a high voice. He was hanging upside down, grabbing one of Goblin's legs with his left hand, where Auga didn't have a stick. I also looked at the goblins hanging upside down [appraisal] just in case, but this one was a normal goblin with no weird philosophy whatsoever.

Having caught his weak prey, Auga threw out a stick just "I don't need it anymore," but it looks like he hit himself in the leg with a fallen stick. Did it hurt, I turned my back on this one? You're an idiot. Goblin screams.


That said, Mizuchi flew "Flame Javelin".

It's certainly a great opportunity.

Looks like Bell, Tris, Ralpha and Guine each used attack magic.

All attack magic hit the back of an orga. But still, the Auga still has 200 HP left. It's a Bakemon.

Auga turned this way.

The scream rises.

from the Killers (Slaters).

He grabbed both legs by an orga in front of an orga wrapped hipster, and a little goblin with his legs spread rested on his back and turned his head here. I guess Auga was committing goblins. Was that a woman (female)? Goblin seemed desperate to stay pierced by an orga and lowered his head loosely while lying on his back, blowing bubbles, and his hands drooling.

Auga said, "Which one of you interrupts my pleasure! He gave us a look like," I gave in to pick up the stick I threw away when I took my hands off both legs of the goblin. Strangely enough, the goblin was stuck to Auga's waist as it was. You can't pull it out...

I unleashed an "Ice Javelin Missile" and hit the chest of an orgasm climbing up. There Tris' "Stonebolt" stood, followed by Mizuchi's "Flame Javelin" also hit him. Auga, whose HP went negative, collapsed with a stunned look that even said, "I can't believe I'm dying". Let's get out of the boulder.

They all look disgusted. Of course. I didn't want to see it either.

"Zulu, stab the stop and fetch the demon stone"

Disgusting things can only be pushed against loyal slaves. Rather than that, I don't like it in the process of taking the demon stone, but it will catch my eye, and I don't want to see a goblin that was offended and died.

"I can't believe that eating all that attack magic won't bring me down..."

I said it like Tris was impressed. Blatant change of subject, but I guess we should stay on here.

"Oh, it's stuttering. I feel convinced when I look at that figure..."

I said and looked away at Zulu's work.

"But I didn't know eight shots of attack magic was necessary to punish..."

Engela shrugged as she broke her finger and counted.

Certainly. Even if the power falls apart, then the ahead is compassionate. I started this time with an accidental hit, so all attack magic hit clean. It must have taken a lot more work if I had been prevented by my hands, feet, sticks, or if that's what I was told. If there's a lot of them, while eating attack magic. But I guess I'll be the only one who can use magic anymore if they come rushing in and wield a stick. It is impossible for a boulder to cast a spell while attacking a battle. At best, it would be enough to cast a short spell in the middle of a run. That's hard. If you think it's a lie, try it.

The value of the Orga Demon Stone that Zulu has picked is enough to cut a little 120,000. It would be about 800,000 Z (eighty silver coins) if sold. It's going to make a lot of money......

"I looked at the status, but I didn't seem to have any special magic skills, so that doesn't sound like an augmentation to me."

Zulu said as he handed me the demon stone.

Once the purpose was achieved. What shall I do?

"I just magically stopped you from a long distance... if that's possible, why don't we just cross it directly?

Xenom said. Um, one would seem to manage if we all surrounded ourselves. This is going to be a big deal if you mix multiple and even the augmentation of using magic. But Zenom was ravishing that he could win one-on-one, and Mizuchi or something. He cut through to five opponents at one sacrifice with a smaller number of people than now. Especially in the case of Mizuchi, I can't tell because they are all dark elves with a lot of magic.

"I don't want to see that."

Guine revealed her honest feelings. Sure, what I just saw was shocking. It would be impossible to freak out when you see the aug you craved for a goblin female smaller than Guinness. When you put it in yourself, it must be uninterrupted fear.

"Orcs do worse. Don't be frightened."

Ralpha is trying to arouse Guineh in a weird way. But I saw it, didn't I? You looked down on your face. I know how you feel, and it's a normal reaction, but clearly, you and Guine are the only ones freaking out. That doesn't make the Belle, Mizuchi and Engela women look good, but they're not freaking out.

"Guine, don't worry, it's okay. I won't let you do that. Plus Zenom and everyone else. By and large, you think I'm gonna lose to that kind of monster?

I deliberately told him to be confident. You can bury it if you have to. You can ice pick it up as usual.

"Come on, shall we deal with another one or so? If your opponent is like an orga again, it's a melee. Shall I only do magic when I get hurt? If they're going to use more than one or more magic, I'm going to take care of them."

I laughed at Guineh as he dropped the demon stone into his bag of hips.

Still, there was no other side of Guine, but there was no choice. You can't do it right away.

I went further. It also proceeded for about 500m and used sensory magic before entering some forests to make sure it was safe for once. Then there was an organism caught in "Life Sensing".

"Uh, don't be here. Two. I don't even know if it's an ogre. That's about 200 meters away."

That's what I said and put the sword back together. Listen to what I have to say and we'll all pay our sheaths. Well, I said if you only had one opponent, you'd be motivated by two, right? Yeah, I guess they expect me to pin one down. Fine.

"Let's go discreetly."

That's what I just stepped into the woods. It feels comfortable stepping on a falling leaf, but it also sounds, doesn't it? He seemed obsessed with wearing goblins earlier, but he didn't notice.

Proceed by communicating the trunk of the tree in hiding.

We crossed the woods, crossed the vacant land, and found two more orgasms just around the corner as we entered the next forest. Auga immediately noticed this way and stood up with a stick.

"I'll do the guy on the left"

As soon as I say that, I create a telegraph pole and add missiles to make it fly. The speed of the flying telegraph pole is fast, but since there is still a distance, if there are no missiles attached, it will not be as difficult to do so. Did Auga take a look at it too, distorting the ugly face with its fangs protruding and changing course?

But there was no way he could escape the induction to that extent, and he suddenly took the telegraph pole in the middle of his belly and died. "Heavy Catapult" class would be a blow.

Before the diagonal of the bell, Guine stood with a spear, before which everyone stood with prey and blocked. An arrow is released from Bell's bow. But the remaining orga doesn't slow down at all while guarding in front of his face with his left arm. I guess you don't even think of it as damage, such as an arrow stuck in your arm.


I raised an unpleasant roar and waved down a stupid big stick at the shortest zenom.

Xenom proceeded to enter the orga nostalgia, and when he did, he struck an axe (tomahawk) in his tibia and circled behind the orga to rush through.

It's an orga that was taken, but I think I switched my mind right away, and now I've set a goal for Guinness in the back. He's rushing in again. Bell's unleashed arrow stabs Auga's left shoulder.

Zulu wields a two-handed sword (bastard sword) with a shield in the front so as to stand in the way of the auga that advanced towards Gühne. A two-handed sword (bastard sword) close to a metre in length on a boulder would have seen it as a threat to the eyes of an orga as well. I tried to pay with a stick to prevent it.

Tris, who was next to Zulu, poked the gap, and pulled the swinging stick back and avoided it, sticking a long sword (long sword) tip into his right leg thigh. From the other side, this one is also restrained by the shielded Engella with a flat (broadsword) in his right hand.

Mizuchi, who circled around Tris, cut it into more damaged thighs with a magic stain. I gave it a deep scratch like a spa. Cut it to the right arm with a knife to return. This blow also went beautifully into the forearm area, what a bone-by-bone forearm cut flying from mid-range.

Didn't you notice that, Auga realized she couldn't try to wield the stick, and shouted a cloudy scream mixed with anger and surprise. Did the pain also turn quickly, poking his right leg knee to the ground and trying to pick up a stick with his left hand.


Ralpha, who circled Engela there, leaps at a height of less than a metre, shakes his hand axe (Tomahawk) with both hands and swings it down towards his head. It was a great blow when I read the timing, but it seemed a slightly quicker aug defended with an aggressive stick. But Ralpha's blow made the stick cut or broken from half that length. Engella plugged in the shield to shelter the landed Ralpha.


A retrospective Xenom slashed it from behind onto the left leg of the orga. Even more clearly, Bell's arrow burst into Auga's face and crushed his right eye. The distance between Bell and Auga is about fifteen meters. Good enough point blank distance (range). Bell won't come off target.

"Yeah, yeah!

Guine stormed in, poking a spear in. Speared on his belly, Auga stared at Guineh with a hateful look, but Guineh twisted the spear and pulled it out with full force, unaware of it. My intestines protruded from my cut belly. Ralpha, who regained her position, slammed an axe (tomahawk) in her face against an auga who painfully let go of her stick and did her left hand to her belly like she panicked. Unexpectedly, a bitter laugh leaks out of my mouth.

"That's a 'baseball' swing."

Tris, Zulu and Engela died completely after making the visible and poorly moving Auga the deciding factor in Ralpha's attack on the face. HP also went through the downside to identify the corpse but became just [the corpse (the Great Ghost Nation)].

The demon stone was collected and returned to the six layers.

Sure, if Zenom's right, one-on-one, most members are going to figure it out. Even Bell would be able to cook slowly around the blind spot if he could crush one eye. But I'm still not a good person to lick. If they put a decent blow in that stick that Xenom hit the first time, there wouldn't be anybody who could stand it. Good, fractured, would be instant death if it even hit my head. Again, it's not a good idea if you have a large number. I have no doubt that a mix of guys who can use magic to say Augamage or something will be a fight to use considerable nerves.

But what I overlooked was Mizuchi's offensive power in melee. What is that, a magic weapon? I didn't think it would be this far. If you find it, don't sell it immediately. It might be more effective to use it.

Tris, Zulu and Engella also seem to have gotten used to the shield, although the part still lingers, leaving the avant-garde to Xenom, Ralpha and Mizchi in pairs with them, and Guineh as an assault, and if Bell as a sniper covers them, it won't be hard to win without injuries if the three Augs.

You'll need to see how it goes a few times, but for this minute, exploring the seven layers seems pretty quick. The road is wide, and the destination is diminishing with it. Even if it's not diminishing, I feel it's actually diminishing.

The dinner Giberti prepared was delicious.

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