September 9, 7444.

Back from the labyrinth yesterday evening, it's three holidays from today. I noticed Hatha trying to make it to the labyrinth after running as usual. When I thought about it, I was going to get familiar with the magic of "Trap Discovery (Find Trap)" and "Rope Trap and Drop (Diect Snare) and Hole Sensing (Z and Pitts)". I'm just going to use magic to reference Mizuchi in front of an even more appropriate trap. But I didn't bother paying to go to the labyrinth for magic to look into the trap.

He borrowed a candlestick from a civilian old man working in the outer perimeter of the city and made Zulu dig a pit. I practiced two sorceries of trap relationship for Mizuchi to see, but Zulu's pitfalls were only visible in "rope traps and falls (detect snares) and hole sensing (z and Pitts)". I also tried to create a trap that would hook my grass-tied leg, but I also didn't respond to this with "Trap Discovery (Find Trap)". It's the opposite of a six-layer pit. I feel like this one's right, but why not?

But then I can't use Trap Discovery (Find Trap). No, there's nothing I can't use because I actually see where Mizuchi is using it in front of me, but it takes time. I wonder what happened when I trained with Carl? When I asked him about it, he said he practiced with something threaded to a little crossbow (crossbow) trigger for the fairy. When I heard that, I said, "Huh? Those guys were naked, so you have yarn or something" or "you use tools" or something very rude in mind.

There are trees growing in Fairy Town, and if some guys can use all that sorcery, they can take out the metal for no reason. If you think about it, you won't have a problem making a crossbow (crossbow) but an arrow (bolt).

The first few times, Mizuchi was asked to see how it was going, and there seemed to be no problem, so Zulu and Mizuchi let go and decided to let them like it today. The rest is fine with one person. By nearly lunch, I had used magic more than a hundred times and got used to it to the extent that it could be activated in a matter of seconds. I can still afford more than 5000 MPs. I buy crossbows (crossbows) just to practice magic on boulders...... Not that many on one layer, but there are also alarm (alarm) traps. Shall I try that one?

Returning to the Boyle Pavilion just about lunch would also be a hassle to wear a protector, so I just punched my sword in my hips and went out right away with a map. We eat skewers in the entrance square for lunch before entering the labyrinth. I had the feather to repeat the metastasis several times, but I was able to transfer it to an area with a well-tailed alarm trap. It took me about evening, but I was able to practice Trap Discovery (Find Trap) magic over 100 times. Of course, the practice itself is possible without a trap. But the results are easier to understand.

The alarm trap resembles a pit at first glance. When you step on a large plate camouflaged with dirt, the alarm goes off somewhere. The moment I used the magic of "Trap Discovery (Find Trap)," its camouflaged board looks red. The way it looks itself is with "rope traps and falls (detect snares) and hole sensing (z and pits)."

At night, after eating dinner, I learned from Mizuchi about "Attraction Sensing (Detect Charm)," "Lie Breaking (Detect Rye)," "Life Sensing (Detect Life)," "Phantom Breaking (Illusion)," and "Magic Breaking (Dispel Magic)". I can use it now, but I have to do it a few times. You'll have to look at the fold and practice.

17 Sep 7444

Around five in the evening, when I returned from the labyrinth, there was a message at the inn. Around noon today, I hear my brothers were stopping by the inn when I was still in the labyrinth. When I read the message, I didn't eat dinner with everyone, I didn't change, I just packed my clothes in a saddlebag and flew my own horse to the Chamber of Commerce in Wangdu. It's my job to deliver condoms to the royal family somehow. You're busy this month.

Everyone asked me why I was in such a hurry to fly out of the inn, but I had to go to Royal Castle tomorrow morning to deliver it because my brothers had arrived.

While I was in King's Capital, Mizuchi was used as a teacher to teach Tris, Bell, Ralpha, and Guine "Life Sensing" and "Phantom Breaking (Illusion)". Everyone was convinced after a brief explanation of the effects, including the fact that it was particularly important for "life sensing". For once, Mizuchi explained the amount of MP for everyone and the use of magic MP to use, so he would be careful about running out of magic.

Note that "Magic Break (Dispel Magic)" cannot be used by Ralpha and Bell due to their level of magic skill, so I will keep this. "Life Sense" cannot be used in relation to elemental magic, which Tris and Guine are also mastering. All they can master is "Phantom (Dispel) Break (Illusion)", which only uses magic.

We arrived at the Chamber of Commerce around 6: 00 p.m. I ran in out of breath, but apparently I made it. Only a military horse was used by Brother Boulder, not even a gradient of Mount Outer Ring, although it arrived in just about 40 minutes.

They were just about to all go to dinner. He was in a tight house in front of the Chamber of Commerce.

"Sorry, it's late!

"Ooh, how are you?

My nostalgic face greeted me.

"I'm fine. I'm pimping. Father, Mother, Long time no see."

"You're so tall."

Not only was my brother there, but my father and mother were here. They wanted to push my brother to deliver all the time here. Besides, it is not good for a lord brother to vacate his territory all the time when he gives the title to his brother, so in the future, his brother, his parents and, in some cases, his sister-in-law may lead the caravan.

"Al, we're going to dinner. I've worked hard on all my squire, and so have the rhogs who have worked hard in the King's Capital (here) away from the village. Besides, I hear the Yoturen and the others have been working very hard for a long time. Today, with my luxury, we're all going to eat something delicious."

Oh, that's good! With that said, you can also see Luke's face. Diane feels a little lit up. This looks like fun tonight.

"Um, Al's here? Then I can go, right?

My brother showed his face when he opened the door of the Chamber of Commerce based store. I sweated but didn't know what it meant.

"Oh, right. Shall we?"


"Well, that's why I'm so grateful, Al. I carry all my baggage into the store. Don't let it get stolen. Nice to meet you. And our carriages and horses are in the workplace."

"Oh, oh..."

My brother joined everyone with a good smile. I should have brought you in Zulu, too.

"Al, you don't look like that. Be patient tonight. Miloo stays overnight at work. I'll pick you up later."


We should have brought Engela as well as Zulu.

Seeing the parents from everyone telling me about the street shape and the wife, Yoturen Mother and Child handled it quite nervously. I don't know if they felt sorry for me to be left alone or simply shy away from going to a restaurant (maybe) with three little kids, but they told me they would stay. But I turned it down. If my parents are going to work for us, it's only natural for me and my brother and sister to eat for us. Nothing. Tomorrow's not too late.

Three hours later, Diane and the others came back. This is their home, too, so naturally I have to come back, because it's weird. That's good, but I didn't see Luke. I was worried you even had a fight, but it seems to be my parents' idea to let him spend as much time without water as possible before marriage. When I asked Rozral about the inn where everyone was staying, I crossed the horse and headed to the work place.

When I tried to connect my military horse to the wastage that was connected to the back of the workshop,


and a sharp who what voice was called. Oh, you didn't sleep.

"It's me."



"What's going on? Weren't you in the labyrinth?

Asked a little strangely.

"I came out this evening and got a message. So, I rushed here. Looks like we're done eating, and we're taking turns. I'll keep an eye out. Everyone's staying at Palitz. You know that.

"Oh, yeah? Then I'll go. Nice to meet you."

Forget about it for once... Fine.

"Sister, what's wrong with the Knights today?

"Oh, because Whitney came after four o'clock. I had him wait until the end of his assignment today, and he's off tomorrow. Captain Kendus gave me permission if my parents were here. He came out swinging his big hand."

Well, there's going to be something about the armor, and I'm going to have to sweeten it? I don't know.

"Oh well. Then come on. I just saw your face in the evening, too, but your sister hasn't seen you in quite some time. I'm sure you'll be happy."

"Yeah, bye"

"Oh, I'll rendezvous tomorrow"

Your sister walked her horse across my military horse, huh?

Change of clothes......

18 Sep 7444

When the night dawned, the squire came to pick up the horse and carriage. I'll get on an empty carrier and move to the store. Everyone was already in the store. Loading the armor box onto the carriage carriage carriage leaves for delivery. Naturally I haven't forgotten the box full of condoms either. In the meantime, I got dressed and dressed up tight.

Deliver and measure the armor to the Knights as usual. In the meantime I went to deliver the condom, but it was Moleen who came up to deal with it. Will the king come after all? I don't suppose you're free, and it's obvious if you take it for granted. What was surprising was that Queen Maureen didn't hear anything from the king. We talked to the public a little bit, but nothing changed at all. If you're listening and you don't change your response at all, that's fine, and the queen would be able to do that. I don't think you need to do that to someone like me, do you?

We just finished delivering. We decided to have lunch. Only five people in a private room separate from their squire eat without family water.

"Listen to me for a minute until the meal is carried."

My father changed and said. What is it?

"Zed and Becky celebrated their fifth birthday on a day this month. Miloo started his magic training a little while back when he was five. It would be just fine at times. I'll start training Zed and Becky in magic this time back."

Oh, well. You're going to be that much already. I left home when they were about two and a half years old. You won't remember me on the boulder. Not to mention your sister.

"So I really wanted to talk to Miloo and Al. When you started your magic training, you said you should be aware of what you felt and, if so, you should be aware of it."

Is that so?


The whole family had lunch while we were talking for about an hour, and I was satisfied that I had been able to talk while looking at my parents' faces for a long time.

"By the way, how long will the fathers be in Wangdu (here)?

I wanted to introduce you to all the killers (Slaters). There are three cases of slaves, but there are also cases of Mizuchi.

"Oh, I'm staying another day today, but I'll be home tomorrow morning after I see Luke's marriage. But I can't even stop by Balduk. Actually, I stopped by Keel on my way here, but they have another troop out early next year. They said they wanted to talk to Farn on the way home... and give Farn the title at that time. There is also a ceremonial day. I'll keep it till the next time I come back to see your people's faces."

"Earlier next year? Then maybe I'll join you. It seems Sir Kendus will be in command..."

"Yeah, we're going under Miloo... I guess. Please be gentle."

"I'm not in command, brother. But, well, the Knights of Webdos are coming..."

"Maybe I won't go. I'll have Shani come out instead."

... I guess Claw and Marie will also be conquering... But if that's the case, I can't help it. Shall I take another opportunity to introduce you? Will it come again at the end of the year or the beginning of the year anyway......? Can't you come early next year, or even if you do, it'll be the delivery of armor, and maybe you'll just leave your stuff with me in Balduk and head straight to the battlefield.

I'm thrilled to talk about traveling, but if not only my brother, but my sister, were to go, there wouldn't be a war dead in Barkud's squire so easily. If my sister-in-law Shani is going too, my sister and I can use "Cure Serious," and if you're my sister-in-law Shani, even "Cure Critical"...... isn't that on the boulder?

"That's right, Al, you, you seem to be working pretty hard. Furn and everyone told me."

I used to be scared. My beard smiles gently.

"He's the best adventurer in Balduk? Boulder, you're our son. My nose is high."

My mother stroked me. I was more than happy to say it was illuminating for some reason.

"Oh, what is it? They call me by a bad name."

What? Are you licking me?

"He's a killer (Slaters). That's what they call it because they're killing all the demons they meet in the labyrinth. I hear the other adventurers are fleeing without fighting demons. It's a perfect name for Al and his people."

That's the way I heard you say that boulders are my brother......

"Heh, Al has two names on him. Two names for an adventurer are a first-rate testament. It's a big deal."

"Right. We didn't have that. I have a high nose too."

"You're happy enough to kill Goblin anyway, aren't you?

You fucking asshole......

"It's nothing. He's killing a lot more big men!

"Heh, like an oak? Or is it about Knoll?

"Oh, I'd love to hear Al's results, too. What's the strongest thing I've ever dealt with?

Death-Tyrant Kin...... I don't have any proof. I wonder if it's a yellow handroper. Oh, no, fresh golems are pretty good too... vampires were a flash... When I said it to a degree of desperation, I also felt that the horned bear I used to kill was the best...... Whatever.

"The" yellow handroper "was quite strong...... I think" vampires "would have sucked if they'd hit it decent too"

"" Nah!

My parents got hammered. I hear you know. Is it about as good as I've ever heard your name?

"Va, vampire, because?

My brother is out of line, too.

"You can't say" vampire "about" vampire bat. "

Dumb woman is trying to slap her mouth down but her eyes are swimming. Heh.

"Al...... you, I knew it. Are you serious about using magic?


I have the idea that if the ceiling is not as high as the six layers below the seven layers, I would be prepared for the worst. That's when I might do my best to use magic. Though I'd be terrified and reluctant to think about it if I used it the wrong way.

"How many sorceries can you use?

My sister asked me with a serious face.

"It's my lifeline. I don't know, I just wanted to say, like, 30 different things. Twenty different types of attack magic, and 10 others, including healing systems."

If all you can use within a second is standard, all attack magic up to the Cannon system. Up to five warheads to the Trevachet system. Up to eight bottles up to the heavy catapult system. It can all be used with and without missiles. Atherhead's attack magic can be used all known if it's standard. "Lightning Bolts" and "Chain Lightning", "Fireball", "Ice Cone", "Disintegrating" and the cloud system in general can be released within a second, even if it is quite powerful. I've only practiced "Grouse Spike" in 25 bottles, but I wonder if I can do this in a second or so... "Anti-Magic Field" was practiced like an asshole at various magnifications, so it can be used instantaneously as well as in the healing system in general. Of course, the healing system is for me. I also bought the removable medicine and practiced quite a bit, so I can use it in about a second or two. And advanced sorcery that you can't speak of very well. I mean, apart from the power variations, it's gonna be about 150 different kinds, right?

"... you might be able to handle the Royal Army on your own."

"I can't do that. Nice place. 100 people."

Though about 1000 people would be enough to get there. More if you'll gather in a narrow place...

"Hiya... hey... well fine. It gets kind of ridiculous. Even the Marquis Darthline is as skilled as I am..."

"As my mother told me, you're spending as much time training in witchcraft as you can on days when you're not letting yourself in the labyrinth. Besides... I still don't think this is enough. I don't have any money, so it's hard to hire a lot of troops, and if they attack the territory, they have to protect themselves."

"Territory, what are you talking about?

Yeah, all I knew was my parents and my brother and his wife. I didn't tell your sister.

"Miloo, Al wants to make his own country. I gave you permission."

"What!? Dad, is that what you're really saying? That can happen..."

"You make money for that. There it is, but not enough at all. And I'm telling you, I've already told His Majesty the King about this. Your Majesty made a fool out of me, too, but you told me that if I paid you, you would give me the Viscount and the proper territory. He also told me that if we didn't hostile him, we wouldn't be attacking him from the Lomberto side."

"" That's it... "

Everyone was staring at me in surprise. I look back at Miloo quietly.

"I will do more than I have told His Majesty. No matter how many years it takes, I will build my country by clinging to stone. Well, then. Sure. Now it's just a one-off adventurer. But the first Lomberto I, the Logmock King, the Pit Viper, and the Colact King (Wizard King) were all former adventurers. I don't think there's any reason why I can't."

Miloo was taking my eyes from the front, too.

"Are you serious?


If you fail, you may die in the wild.

"That would happen if I didn't have the money or the power."

"After we made the country? What are you gonna do?

"I've decided that. You'll make sure it lasts as long as you can."

"What do you want to do by building a country? What kind of country are we going for?

"I'll rule as I please. It could be like a few small countries out there. But what happened to it? I make it because I want to make my own country. Born in this world, Alain Gried will make my country for as many people as possible to know."

"Don't you have any ideals or philosophies?

"Ideal or philosophy? I guess that's what your sister's educated for because she's a Knights direct from His Majesty. I'm not dissatisfied with the world today. I don't even think about wanting to make something right or save it. Or shouldn't we make a country without those high-profile ideals? Was His Majesty the first Romberto I, who founded the Kingdom of Romberto, thinking of that? The Logmock King, Logmock the Pit Viper, took over the Cambit Kingdom when it was a small country and made it all the way there. I hear the hostiles were pretty brutal kings enough to eradicate even the baby. Still, it's been going on for over a hundred years. Even now.

Of course I don't think I want to be cruel. It's not like I want to be infamous for being cruel. Besides, we're talking about this because we're family. Of course, I don't think you might actually need some kind of philosophy or doctrinal assertion. Well, about the title. "


"What? Dad."

"I admitted to Al. You want to interrupt my brother's desperate attempt to open up his own life? Are you just complaining to Al? I'm not even gonna ask you to cooperate or support him, but admit it."

"I know that... but..."

"But what?

"I wonder if you'll get caught at my feet one day..."

"Maybe so. Maybe not. Ideas and philosophies are important. Time and in some cases people would even give their lives to such things. But I wish I could do something important before then."

"What? Important."

"You unravel... Farn, tell him"

"Yes, it's about protecting the lives of the people. In Al's case, it must be a people because it's a country. It is about not starving people, but reassuring them to have the next generation of children and creating an environment where they can be raised. The majority can be convinced of the development of laws and other things that might lead to ideals and ideals. Next. Simply put, it must be a strong country. We have to lose the war. We can't even be that hungry. I can take the compensation."

To be honest, I was surprised at Miloo. It was precisely to the Kingdom of Romberto, who had made Miloo educate his immediate knights, starting with Miloo, whether it was an ideal or a philosophy of a “good” country. Though I think the Kingdom of Lomberto is the only one who has this kind of advanced education. Miki, take it easy. Because of this, what my father and brother are saying is natural. Probably universal in any world at any given time.

Because you have to eat the creature to die.

And it's impossible to talk about high mileage ideals without living. Even the Kingdom of Romberto, which is said to be the richest country in neighboring countries, is experiencing famine somewhere every decade or so. There will also be many starving deaths. Foreign countries can also consider more serious situations. That's why Dabus wants the Dart Plains, and Lombert wants the Dart Plains. Given the devastation of the Great War, I just can't compete for real because even if I win, I'm likely to have problems when I'm attacked by another country.

You don't have to be too aware that you live in Wang Du or Balduk, but even at this moment there will be children and babies starving to death somewhere. Even the Marquis Webdos territory, which is said to be relatively rich in the kingdom, was a poorer village than the old Barkud. It is possible that another territory has become an abandoned village. If the epidemic spreads, more than a few people die, and there are big black pillars in the family. Even appendicitis easily dies.

I might be able to save some with magic. Maybe we can discover or develop magic to cure the disease. When Me and Mizuchi's kids (though I don't even plan on doing so far) or Tris and Bell's kids, Ralpha, Ghine, Zulu, Engela, and Giberti's kids grow up with their sisterly magic, maybe that's when the true value of my country comes into play.

If you think about it, you might be able to create a nation that can protect the lives of its people with no more in Aus.

Huh? Xenom doesn't make kids anymore......

Me and Miloo, who took the inn to "Palitz" that night, turned to the ceiling and talked as we rolled into the bed that was bare and next door, as we used to.



"My father told me, and well, there's nothing I'm not convinced of, so I'll admit it. I think I've been scolded. But..."

Miloo took over the words as she woke up her upper body and stared at me with a serious face.

"But even if you succeed in creating your country, you will be foreign to the Kingdom of Romberto."

"That's right."

"Your Majesty may have promised, but it could be a war with your country. What am I supposed to do then?

That king (old man) said that he would not drink spit once he threw up the king, so I don't think that would happen if I didn't do something unscrupulous, but it's not unthinkable.

"... right. I guess the hardest thing for me is to betray Lombert and follow me. But you wouldn't do that to a boulder. The next thing you know, you're going to have to save yourself from joining the war. But your sister is the First Knights. I guess I can't..."


You can come get my neck.

"Well, don't worry. I'll make a mistake myself."

That's still a shame about your breasts.

"Oh scary. Then I'll have to make sure you don't do that while you're on the job."

I meditated my eyes.

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